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This paper analyses several concepts of social capital to show what meanings have been constructed around the phrase, “social capital.” By looking at the roots of “social” and capital,” it demonstrates that the use of the phrase “social capital” is an inappropriate one. The phrase does not fit the phenomenon it tries to explain. Ideological roots of “capital” suggest that it is individualistic, that despite multiplication it tends to accumulate and concentrate often through exploitative means, and that it follows paths of gender and class discrimination. On the other hand, the phenomenon, which the phrase social capital captures, does not tend towards the individualistic, but to the social. It multiplies and spreads to families, communities, and groups. It also does not concentrate or accumulate like capital. By analyzing such contradictions in the phrase, the paper explores appropriate alternatives and suggests implications for policy and practice.  相似文献   

This case study from New Caledonia explores the motivations of local people in initiating co-managed conservation projects on customary lands. Kanak villagers viewed “conservation” largely as a means of reinforcing their cultural identity through preservation of their cultural heritage, grounded in the landscape. However, at the same time, they hoped to promote economic development. Ironically, thus, they found it necessary to welcome outside influences—to seek visits from non-Kanak tourists and to request financial and technical support from the provincial government, which had been created by the colonial power. Meanwhile, although a desire to reinforce customary authority structures formed an important part of this search for a unifying cultural identity, the quest for a stable, traditional, shared “past” created new, micropolitical instabilities within the community, conditioned by expectations of financial gain and by sources of social status. A “micropolitical ecology” approach revealed that a conservation program grounded in customary authority would be the only acceptable solution, although it would be difficult for villagers to agree on who filled customary roles. This study indicates the importance of gaining a clear understanding of intra-community dynamics and of community members’ perceptions of external groups, in order to design appropriate strategies for co-management.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of the AMBER Alert system, which has become a staple on broadcast outlets throughout the United States. Using an experimental design, researchers examined priming effects (labeling the alert as “AMBER” or generically “missing child”) and source credibility (from a branded media outlet or a social networking post) on citizen responses to alerts. Regardless of source, the AMBER label prompted higher participant involvement with a case and higher ratings of message importance. The source cue affected ratings of message quality only.  相似文献   

Using data from the 1990 and 2000 U.S. Census of Population and Housing, we examine five social and economic characteristics of individuals and households living on reservations in Arizona and New Mexico that have a casino to those that do not. This research differs in two ways from previous studies that have attempted to assess the social and economic impacts of Indian gaming. First, the unit of observation and analysis is the reservation, not a tribe. A focus on reservations allows us to assess the role casinos play in “place-based” economic development. Second, since reservations and tribes are not coterminous, we seek to differentiate the effects of casinos on the Indian population living on reservations from the effects for all reservation residents (Indians and others). The results show that casino gambling is associated with improvements in social and economic welfare for both the Indian and non-Indian populations alike. However, Indian gaming did not contribute to positive outcomes in all cases. Indeed, the effects of gaming are filtered through a myriad of structural and cultural contexts that shape who wins and who loses when a casino opens on a reservation. The implications of Indian gaming for economic development are discussed.  相似文献   

Since 1975, Nevada voters have had the option of voting for “none of these candidates” in all statewide elections—a reform that one-third of the American states have since considered copying. It remains unclear, however, what effects this reform has had. By testing several arguments made by proponents and opponents of this reform, I find, first, that voters who actually choose “none of these” are motivated by a mixture of ignorance and protest; second, that most voters who choose “none” would probably have left parts of their ballot blank in the absence of the “none” option; and third, that “none” does not drain votes from third-party candidates, as some have feared.  相似文献   

The hedge plant gorse was introduced to New Zealand as a living fence and became a prominent feature of the landscape, particularly on the Canterbury Plains. Escaping from cultivation, gorse commenced its second life in New Zealand, that of a noxious weed troublesome to pastoral agriculture. In the twentieth century it came to be regarded as an invasive, exotic species that threatened indigenous plants and landscapes. Throughout its history in New Zealand, gorse, a highly significant element in the New Zealand environment, has been the object of ambivalent attitudes—a challenge to simplified conceptions of “native,” “exotic,” and “nature.”  相似文献   

The alleged polarization between the so-called red (Republican) and blue (Democratic) states during the presidential elections has been examined using only voter surveys. Focusing on the recent thirteen national elections from 1964 to 2012, we examine social, political, institutional, and policy indicators of the 50 American states to (1) gauge the extent to which national election results reflect significant policy and political differences between the red and blue states and (2) to assess the explanatory power of the dichotomous red–blue label relative to a continuous variable of “redness” or “blueness” by the percentage of votes received. We find substantial political and some moderate social differences between red and blue states but fewer institutional and policy differences than one would expect if there were actually deep divisions between the states. We find that the red–blue state distinction performs well when compared to the explanatory power of the more precise redness or blueness of a state.  相似文献   

A dominant theme of the philanthropy research literature is conservative funder influence on social movements. In this paper we look at a “reverse” case, focusing on a philanthropic funder using financial clout to move non-profit organizations in a more liberal direction. We interviewed a random sample of 48 executive directors from the 634 non-profit organizations that were funded recently by the Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado (GLFC). GLFC required grantees to change personnel policies toward greater inclusiveness and to publicly acknowledge GLFC funding. Directors responded to interview questions on reactions to sponsorship and changes in diversity and inclusivity. Results show retaliation, a serious form of resistance or pushback, was rare and is more common from external sources, especially donors, than internal sources (e.g. staff; p < .05). Because some organizations are diverse prior to grant application, further increases in organizational personnel diversity and constituent outreach are difficult. Therefore, the efficacy of attaching strings to funding was mixed.  相似文献   

The economic costs of US stock mispricing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The USAGE model for the United States is used to quantify economic costs due to stock mispricing, made operational by shocking Tobin's q. The simulations quantify a potentially large impact even in the most favorable environment, where export demand holds up, and, the dollar is pro-cyclical. A two-year investment boom in two sectors increases consumption by a Net Present Value (NPV) amount of nearly one per cent, due to a positive investment externality onto the US terms of trade. If the investment is wasted, however, the consumption loss is nearly one-half of a per cent. A 5-year ‘capital strike’ across the whole economy subsequent to the boom - mimicking financial distress from a burst bubble - shaves around 10 per cent off consumption. Given these significant costs associated with “boom” and “bust” equity markets, we consider some, policy options that might result in greater stability in these markets.  相似文献   

Neighborhood councils form an important and sometimes problematic layer in the governance system of many cities across the USA. The literature on these institutions has focused mainly on their hypothesized role in facilitating citizen participation in neighborhood and city planning. Less work has explored the experiences of neighborhood councils as placed-based institutions theoretically embedded within, and therefore ostensibly reflective of, the overall social and political geography of the city. In particular, little research documents the actual local development priorities, fund-raising capacities, project achievements and scalar tensions associated with neighborhood councils operating in different neighborhoods of the same city. Using a perspective based on extant literatures in urban politics and public administration, this paper offers an analysis of the neighborhood council experience in Tacoma, Washington, USA. While these councils are still “segmented” from the core of urban politics, the paper argues, certain institutional reforms could unlock their long term potential as more “transformative” spaces of local governance.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the question of whether the socio-economic rules of a market economy can be explained as the result of contractual exchange among rational individuals. It proceeds by re-examining the logical relationship between the concepts of exchange and self-sufficiency. The basic difference between these concepts is found to be the extent to which individuals are relieved from producing the goods they consume. With self-sufficiency being defined by the impossibility of this relief, the emergence and observation of socio-economic rules are more appropriately characterized as collective self-sufficiency rather than exchange, because rules must be observed by each individual rather than by “specialized suppliers of social order.”  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of the “end of double taxation” (on dividends) policy in stabilizing an economy. Both announced and unannounced policies are considered. A reduction in double taxation stimulates investment and improves welfare, but its impact on output is moderate and it has a negative effect on work hours. A temporary cut creates an investment boom but also generates an investment slump when the tax cut expires. Announcements of future tax cuts are found to have important effect on output dynamics. Agents respond to the tax policy even before it is implemented. If the tax cut is announced to be temporary, its impact on output is greatly reduced. Our study suggests that a temporary dividend tax cut is most effective in stabilizing a recession stricken economy when the policy change comes as “news” to the economy.  相似文献   

Two research hypotheses are addressed in this study. (1) Do health trajectories of Hispanics in Utah differ from what has been documented in states with longstanding large Hispanic populations? (2) Do non-Mormon groups in Utah have less favorable health status than Mormons in Utah? This study employs three health outcome measures: activity limitations caused by emotional problems, activity limitations caused by physical problems, and self-rated health status using the 2001 Utah Health Status Survey. Comparisons of Hispanics in their traditional settings within the U.S. generally show more favorable health status for Hispanics than for whites. We find little difference in health status between Hispanics in Utah and their Anglo counterparts. Hispanics were more likely than Anglos to have “a little” activity limitation due to physical problems, but were not more likely to report “a little” or “considerable” activity limitations due to emotional or physical problems. Hispanics and Anglos were statistically equal in probability of self-reported fair to poor health. Important in relation to studies outside of Utah, we find little support for the epidemiologic paradox, the usual finding of more favorable health for Hispanics than for whites. As with ethnicity, we find little difference between non-Mormon and Mormons with respect to health. The most notable exception is that Mormon Hispanics are at a significantly greater risk of emotional problems than Catholic Hispanics in Utah.  相似文献   

America's changing civic universe has been the focus of great attention in recent years. A debate has ensued over what kinds of organizations made the United States a “nation of joiners.” Communitarian and social capital theorists assert that local organizations both anchored civic life in the U.S. in years past and hold the key to its future. Skocpol, on the other hand, insists that translocal organizations have historically proven most beneficial to democracy. This paper uses contemporary data to examine the merits of local, translocal, and national voluntary groups from the perspective of promoting civic and political engagement. Findings suggest that while strictly national organizations have few redeeming qualities, local and translocal groups promote civic engagement equally well. On this basis, the debate between Skocpol and the social capitalists and communitarians seems overblown. When it comes to the promotion of political engagement, however, translocal groups outperform their local counterparts.  相似文献   

Retail business development is a broad goal for both private business interests as well as local policymakers, yet the goal of retail opportunities for local residents themselves is often seen as secondary. This paper considers the argument that retail opportunities and sense of community are in fact linked in important ways, links that reinforce the social fabric of a community and/or neighborhood. The paper first briefly reviews the inherent linkages between retail shopping and local development patterns, and then considers the sense of community in the context of Garfield County in western Colorado. Based on the key questions derived from this background, we formally test the inter-relationship between local retail spending and sense of community from detailed survey data, then more broadly consider the factors that critically shape a locality's “sense of community.” These findings shape several important policy implications.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a definition, a way of classifying and a method of evaluating policy modeling. An analytical tool called “Policy Modeling Consistency (PMC-Index)” has been developed for the purposes of evaluating policy modeling. The PMC-Index enables policy-makers and researchers to identify the level of consistency as well as the strengths and weaknesses within any policy modeling. The implementation of the PMC-Index involves the following four basic steps: (i) the use of multi-input-output table; (ii) classification of variables and identification of parameters; (iii) measurement of the PMC-Index; (iv) construction of the PMC-Surface. Through the PMC-Index, this paper promotes multidisciplinary approach to policy modeling. It suggests that various possible effects of any economic policy can be shown using a multi-dimensional graphical means.  相似文献   

China's urbanization faces two greatest difficulties of creating non-farm jobs to “landless farmers” and providing required amenities and social services to urbanites-to-be. In the earlier phase of development, TVE employment had provided important relief to the job pressure. Later, the “Small-city Strategy” that emphasized forming towns and small cities around where rural population resided successfully deterred rural population's entry into large cities. Today, China is implementing a Coordinated Development between the urban and rural sectors, aiming to reach a balanced development between the two sectors by making not only large cities more welcoming to rural migrants but also the small cities, towns, and areas where rural population now reside harder to leave. At the core of the coordination are three concentrations of rural residents, farmland, and firms, intended to help rural residents to settle in large cities, small cities and towns, as well as new residential areas in the countryside, to de-segment land to realize economies of scale, and to gather firms of a same industry in organized industrial areas to gain agglomeration economies and create non-farm jobs. This article examines the trajectory of China's urbanization, analyzes the working mechanism of the Coordinated Development model, and investigates Chengdu's practice of the Coordinated Development, which will help to provide insights into the new developments in China's urbanization.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that Gypsies have always been traveling communities, it is difficult for them to preserve their own customs and traditions forever. In the light of studies and research about Gypsies so far, conclusions could be formed that the first and foremost maintaining factor is marriage that can be idealized and practiced differently among Gypsies around the world. This work introduces the image and practice of marriage of the Gypsies of Turkey. It has been found out that endogamy is especially very common among the Gypsies of Turkey since it is considered to be the only way of protecting their communal life. Within the general concept of the endogamic marriage, these types have been discussed under such headings as “purchasing,” “exchanging,” and “abducting.” Other issues which have been raised in the study, are polygamy and divorce which are also very common among the Turkish Gypsies. Finally, the significance of marriage for the families and having children as a result have been analyzed.  相似文献   

Indian identity     
Indian identity has undergone profound changes in the Twentieth Century, but will not disappear in the foreseeable future. This article employs the “new sciences” theory of nonlinear systems, and the concept of metaphor to present Indianness and indianness as alternative images of Indian identity. Indianness is anchored in tribally-based metaphor and is an emergent property of a vital or “living” tribal community and indianness is a generic identity formed in the dominant American society. Although indianness may generate a new Indian identity or identities in the future, the sustaining spark of contemporary Indian communities is a tribally-based Indian identity.  相似文献   

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