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权力距离导向与员工建言:组织地位感知的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
员工建言对于组织运营和发展的作用是不言而喻的,然而在中国情境下往往事与愿违,员工常常会选择知而不言。采用问卷调查方式收集81名团队领导与其467名下属的配对样本,运用多层线性模型方法,从文化价值观的视角探讨中国情境下不同层级个体的权力距离导向对员工建言的效应以及领导组织地位感知和员工组织地位感知在其中的调节效应。统计分析结果表明,领导权力距离导向和员工权力距离导向对员工建言行为都具有显著的负向预测作用,领导组织地位感知显著调节领导权力距离导向与员工建言间的关系,员工组织地位感知显著调节员工权力距离导向与员工建言间的关系。研究结果有助于理解中国情境下员工建言的影响因素和边界条件,对于改变这种现状、实现组织的有效管理具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

近年来,员工创新行为的影响因素一直是学术界关注和探讨的热点.本研究基于团队心理安全感和工作单位结构两个视角,提出了一个整合模型.运用分层线性模型,利用75个工作团队共334份团队成员问卷检验了整合模型,研究结果表明:(1)学习型风格、创造型风格对创新行为具有显著的正向预测效果,但计划型风格对创新行为的影响不显著;(2)团队心理安全感不仅对创新行为有直接显著的正向影响,而且在学习型风格、创造型风格与创新行为的关系中有正向的调节效应,但团队心理安全感不显著调节计划型风格同创新行为之间的关系;(3)工作单位结构调节了学习型风格、创造型风格与创新行为之间的关系,而对于计划型风格与创新行为关系的调节效果不显著.  相似文献   

在302份员工问卷和34份团队样本的基础上,采取多层线性回归的方法,探讨了团队层次的集体主义氛围和个体层次的集体主义导向对工作幸福感的影响机制,以及集体主义氛围对集体主义导向和组织认同关系的调节影响。研究发现,个体的集体主义导向和团队集体主义氛围对员工的工作幸福感均有显著正向影响;组织认同在集体主义导向和工作幸福感之间起部分中介作用,在集体主义氛围和工作幸福感之间起完全中介的作用。与此同时,集体主义氛围正向调节了集体主义导向对组织认同的作用。  相似文献   

陈璐  王月梅 《管理科学》2017,30(1):107-118
 研发人员的跨边界行为是影响研发团队创造力的关键因素,已有研究证明跨边界行为对创造力起积极的促进作用,但对于如何提升研发团队成员的跨边界行为仍缺乏深入探讨。        基于社会认知理论和特质激活理论,跨越个体-团队两个层次,构建成员促进型调节定向-跨边界行为的影响整合模型,以成员创新自我效能感和个人主动性作为中介变量,研究二者在此影响过程中的中介作用。此外,以领导促进型调节定向作为调节变量,探讨其在此影响过程中的调节作用。采用MPLUS 7.0和HLM 6.08软件进行主效应、中介效应和调节效应检验,采用来自西南地区3家研究院的研发团队中279组领导-成员配对的纵向调研数据进行实证分析。        研究结果表明,①团队成员的促进型调节定向对跨边界行为产生积极显著的正向影响;②团队成员的创新自我效能感和个人主动性在促进型调节定向与跨边界行为的关系中具有显著的中介作用,且个人主动性对跨边界行为的影响和中介效应显著性均强于创新自我效能感;③领导的促进型调节定向会调节成员的促进型调节定向与跨边界行为之间的关系,当领导的促进型调节定向越强时,成员的促进型调节定向对跨边界行为的正向影响也相对更强。        研究结果厘清了研发团队中调节定向与跨边界行为之间的影响关系,为跨边界行为研究提供了新的视角,同时为企业人力资源管理和研发团队管理提供了新的思路,即应重视员工心理需求、营造良好的创新氛围以及努力实现领导-成员的心理动机匹配等。  相似文献   

于岩平  卢晴  王平 《领导科学》2020,(6):97-100
情感型领导对员工促进性建言和抑制性建言行为有显著的正向影响;心理安全感在情感型领导对促进性建言和抑制性建言的影响过程中都发挥了部分中介作用;代际差异调节情感型领导对员工建言行为的影响,年轻管理者采取情感型领导方式对员工建言的促进作用更显著。管理者学会用"情"是组织管理实践中的必备技能。具体而言,管理者用"情"至深,员工更易"发声";要关注员工心理安全建设,创造安全的组织氛围;要重视管理中的代际差异,会打"感情牌"。  相似文献   

基于自我决定理论,通过对中国样本和非东亚国家样本分别进行问卷调查,探讨了组织自主氛围对员工心理所有权和建言行为的影响以及员工文化价值观的调节作用。研究结果表明:个人主义正向调节了自主氛围与工作心理所有权的正向关系以及工作心理所有权在自主氛围与工作相关建言之间关系中的中介作用;集体主义正向调节了自主氛围与组织心理所有权的正向关系以及组织心理所有权在自主氛围与组织相关建言之间关系中的中介作用。  相似文献   

以128个工作团队为研究样本,对包容型领导对团队创新行为的影响,以及团队心理安全感的中介作用进行实证研究。研究结果表明:包容型领导与团队心理安全感、团队创新行为存在显著的正相关关系,团队心理安全感在包容型领导、团队创新行为之间起到部分中介作用。基于此,团队领导者通过积极塑造包容型领导风格,加强团队成员的心理安全感,营造鼓励创新的团队氛围,从而有利于提高团队创新行为,为组织发展带来新活力,实现组织的可持续发展。  相似文献   

张璇  龙立荣  夏冉 《管理科学》2017,30(3):3-13
 建言是组织内成员对组织存在问题的一种表达。尽管在组织中不乏破坏性建言的现象出现,在理论上也有学者对这一行为进行探讨,但已有研究主要围绕建设性建言行为展开,忽视了对员工破坏性建言行为的研究。区别于以往积极的建设性建言行为,破坏性建言行为会给组织和员工自身带来消极影响。作为一种非理性行为,组织未能履行对员工的承诺或者责任可能是影响员工破坏性建言行为的重要因素。        基于自我控制的资源模型,以自我损耗为中介变量,以内部人身份感知为调节变量,检验心理契约破裂对员工破坏性建言行为的作用机制和边界条件。以湖北、河南、广东和山东的20多家企业80个部门的207名员工及其领导的配对数据为样本,采用SPSS 17.0、AMOS 17.0和HLM 6进行统计检验。        研究结果表明,①心理契约破裂会导致员工的破坏性建言行为。②自我损耗在心理契约破裂与破坏性建言行为之间起中介作用。③内部人身份感知对心理契约破裂与破坏性建言行为之间的关系具有负向调节作用,对于低内部人身份感知的员工,心理契约破裂与员工破坏性建言行为之间的正相关更强;对于高内部人身份感知的员工,两者之间的相关关系不显著。        通过实证研究厘清了心理契约破裂与破坏性建言行为之间的关系,验证了自我损耗在这一过程中的中介作用。不仅证实心理契约破裂会造成员工自我损耗状态并引发员工的失控行为,更丰富了已有单一视角下对心理契约破裂作用效果的研究。而在内部人身份感知的调节下,团队内成员的身份会弱化两者之间的正相关关系。创建和谐的员工组织关系不仅需要构建积极的氛围,还要警惕可能出现的消极影响。通过从源头上防止心理契约破裂的发生、加强组织与员工之间信息的沟通以及营造积极的“家”的氛围、提升员工的内部人身份感知等多种手段,阻止破坏性建言行为的产生。  相似文献   

通过两项研究,考察谦卑型领导对员工建言行为的影响机制。一项是采用谦卑型领导量表、教练行为量表、员工心理安全感量表和员工建言行为量表,对某连锁企业一线员工进行问卷调查,采用Bootstrap方法进行中介效应检验发现:谦卑型领导更有可能对下属使用教练行为,进而促进员工的建言行为;教练行为在谦卑型领导与员工建言行为之间发挥部分中介作用。另一项研究采用相同工具,考察了不同类型企业的186名员工,结果发现,谦卑型领导通过教练行为提升员工的心理安全感,进一步促进员工的建言行为,显示出显著的链式中介作用。谦卑型领导也可直接提升员工的心理安全感,而其教练行为也可直接促进员工的建言行为。  相似文献   

沈伊默  诸彦含  周婉茹  张昱城  刘军 《管理世界》2019,35(12):104-115,136
在中国社会和组织中,"圈子现象"在一定程度上造成了团队差序氛围的普遍存在,它深刻影响着团队内成员的行为、人际互动规则及绩效表现,并成为当前组织行为领域研究的前沿主题。虽然已有研究开始探讨团队差序氛围的影响模式,然而目前关于团队差序氛围如何影响团队成员工作表现的相关研究却十分缺乏。本研究在权威关系模型和社会信息加工理论的基础上,构建了一个有调节的中介作用模型,以探讨团队差序氛围影响团队成员工作表现(工作绩效和组织公民行为)的中介心理机制及边界条件。本文认为,团队差序氛围会通过上下级价值观匹配感知的中介作用,对团队成员的工作绩效和组织公民行为产生间接的消极影响;该间接影响过程会受到团队信任的调节。本文以59名主管和235名员工为对象,通过对两阶段主管—员工配对调查所获取的数据进行分析,结果支持了本研究的预期。本研究的发现,有利于我们了解团队差序氛围影响员工工作绩效和组织公为行为的内在机理,指导管理者采取有针对性的措施,以期有效地管理企业员工的工作绩效表现。  相似文献   

The literature on employee voice has grown enormously over the past decades. However, the relationships between different employee voice mechanisms and organizational performance are far from being fully understood, and the existing research shows mixed evidence. Moreover, the HRM literature tends to concentrate on individual voice mechanisms (e.g. employee involvement) and to underestimate the role that collective voice may have in the HRM performance relationship. This paper aims to analyze how collective employee voice mechanisms (i.e. union voice and team voice) affect organizational productivity and how these relationships vary when voice mechanisms are adopted in combination with other HRM practices (i.e. variable pay, training, performance appraisals and multitasking). The analysis of a sample of 223 Italian manufacturing firms matched with an external database (AIDA) containing balance sheet information found that union voice is positively related to labor productivity, while team voice does not show any significant relationship with labor productivity. Moreover, both union and team voice have important moderation effects in the HRM-performance relationship. Union voice moderates positively the relationship between variable pay and performance and negatively the relationship between training and performance. Team voice positively moderates the relationship between training and performance. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(2):172-189
To enhance the understanding of leadership influences on employee voice behavior, this study focused on traditional Chinese leadership (i.e., authoritarian leadership). We proposed that supervisor authoritarian leadership negatively affects employee voice behavior and manager authoritarian leadership has a cascading effect on such behavior through supervisor authoritarian leadership. Furthermore, these effects were either amplified or attenuated under different conditions (i.e., leader identification and power distance orientation). A cross-level investigation of voice behavior within 52 groups of employees from multiple Chinese companies in Beijing was conducted. The results showed that supervisor authoritarian leadership negatively affected employee voice behavior and mediated the negative relationship between manager authoritarian leadership and employee voice behavior. Leader identification moderated the indirect negative effect of manager authoritarian leadership on employee voice behavior via supervisor authoritarian leadership, while power distance orientation moderated the direct negative effect of supervisor authoritarian leadership on employee voice behavior.  相似文献   

当代企业的发展越来越依赖于创新型员工与创新型团队,影响个人创新行为的主要因素一直是研究者关注的热点.本文根据目标取向理论的相关研究结论,将团队创新气氛因素纳入到目标取向对团队成员创新行为影响的研究中.通过对70个团队(包含352个团队成员)样本的调查,运用分层线性模型分析技术,对个人层次目标取向与团队层次创新气氛时创新行为的主效应与交互效应进行了分析.结果表明:团队成员学习目标取向对其创新行为具有显著正向影响,且这种正向效应不会受到团队创新气氛的调节作用;成员证明目标取向对其创新行为的正向影响不显著,但团队创新气氛可以显著调节(增强)这种正向效应;成员回避目标取向对其创新行为具有显著负向影响,但团队创新气氛可以显著调节(减弱)这种负向效应.最后讨论了本研究的管理启示、研究局限及研究展望.  相似文献   

Although it is known that leaders can have a strong impact on whether employees voice work-related ideas or concerns, no research has investigated the impact of leader language on voice—particularly in professionally diverse contexts. Based on a social identity approach as well as on collectivistic leadership theories, we distinguish between implicit (i.e., First-Person Plural pronouns) and explicit (i.e., invitations and appreciations) inclusive leader language and test its effects on voice in multi-professional teams. We hypothesized that implicit inclusive leader language promotes voice especially among team members sharing the same professional group membership as the leader (in-group team members) while explicit inclusive leader language promotes voice especially among team members belonging to a different professional group (out-group team members). These hypotheses were tested in a field setting in which 126 health care professionals (i.e., nurses, resident and attending physicians), organized in 26 teams, managed medical emergencies. Behavioral coding and leader language analyses supported our hypotheses: Leaders' “WE”-references were more strongly related to residents' (in-group) and explicit invitations related more strongly to nurses' (out-group) voice behavior. We discuss how inclusive leader language promotes employee voice and explain why group membership functions as an important moderator in professionally diverse teams.  相似文献   

"德才兼备"是中国评价领导者的重要内容,学者多关注团队领导者的"才"对创新的影响,鲜有研究探讨领导者的"德"与创新的关系。真实型领导与德才兼备中的"德"有着较好契合,本研究以113个研发团队的领导者及其574名员工为被试,运用多层次研究方法,探究真实型领导对创新的作用及机制。结果表明,个体导向的真实型领导透过上级支持对员工创新结果具有显著促进作用;团队导向的真实型领导透过团队协力对员工个体创新行为和团队整体的创新均有显著促进作用。本文提供了在中国情境下真实型领导对创新的多层次影响机制。  相似文献   

Within organizations, employees continually confront situations that put them face to face with the decision of whether to speak up (i.e., voice) or remain silent when they have potentially useful information or ideas. In recent years, there has been a rapidly growing body of conceptual and empirical research focused on better understanding the motives underlying voice, individual, and situational factors that increase employee voice behavior, and the implications of voice and silence for employees, work groups, and organizations. Yet this literature has notable gaps and unresolved issues, and it is not entirely clear where future scholarship should be directed. This article, therefore, is an attempt to review and integrate the existing literature on employee voice and also to provide some direction for future research.  相似文献   

Employee voice has been studied across a diverse range of disciplines, generating an extensive body of literature on the topic. However, its conceptualization across the disciplines has differed, resulting in a lack of integrative theories and frameworks on employee voice. The main objective of this paper is to conduct a multidisciplinary review of the academic research on employee voice, to show where there is an opportunity to adopt and adapt the findings and research on employee voice within alternate disciplines, and to demonstrate how this may lead to more common ground in the conceptualization of employee voice. This review focuses on an analysis of the Human Resource Management/Employment Relations and Organizational Behaviour disciplines' conceptualization of employee voice, beginning with the identification of where the disciplines diverged in their concept and study of employee voice. Further, it maps their similarities and differences, on the basis of motive, content, mechanism, target and management of voice. Finally, it identifies opportunities to incorporate the alternate disciplinary perspective and proposes a conceptual model, which addresses the blind spots in each discipline. It is proposed that the consideration of formal and informal employee voice in future studies will enable the better integration of voice research.  相似文献   

Voice mechanisms in organizations provide an opportunity for employees to have a say about their work. As new digital mechanisms, such as social media (SM), are being increasingly adopted by organizations for knowledge sharing, employee engagement and general communication, it is important to consider the extent to which SM may facilitate employee voice. The limited attempts to examine SM and employee voice have mostly focused on identifying the contextual factors that could promote constructive voice on SM. The extant literature does not explore how SM features may (or may not) facilitate all types of voice, such as those which promote employee interests. Adopting an affordance lens, this paper answers the call of voice scholars to explore the potential of SM as a voice mechanism by discussing the perceived value of different SM features for different types of employee voice content. The paper brings together SM and voice literature and explores how different SM affordances may potentially facilitate certain voice content more so over others. In doing so, future directions for research of voice on SM are also discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing from social exchange and self-concept-based leadership theories, we investigate how paternalistic leadership — authoritarian, benevolent, and moral — affects employee voice from leader–member exchange (LMX) and status-judgment perspectives in the Chinese context. Data from 402 employees and their supervisors show that LMX and status-judgment mechanisms could work simultaneously in transmitting the influences of paternalistic leadership behaviors to employee voice. Authoritarian paternalistic leaders reduce employee voice by reducing their status judgment. Benevolent paternalistic leaders encourage employee voice by enhancing both LMX and status judgment. Moral paternalistic leaders positively influence employee voice mainly through LMX processes. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of the findings.  相似文献   

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