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正一、什么是企业文化?企业文化简单地说就是企业员工在长期的生产实践中培育起来,并且共同遵守的目标、价值观、行为规范的总称。二、企业文化的功能企业文化是企业的灵魂,是企业活动中的一个统帅,是企业行动的指南。在企业经营活动中,它具有一种无法替代的核心作用。所以,一个成功的企业,它一定有非常优秀的企业文化。相反,没有企业文化的企业,是那些失败的企业,企业文化对企业的发展起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

蔡刚锋 《经营管理者》2013,(15):104-104
近年来企业之间的竞争日益激烈,企业文化作为企业的重要组成部分,也逐渐成为企业竞争的重要内容之一。企业文化作为企业的无形资产有助于提高企业工作人员的工作积极性和企业工作人员的团结合作,提高企业工作人员的自信心和竞争力。企业管理者需要充分重视企业文化对提高企业经营管理水平的作用,不断完善企业文化的建设。本文主要是对企业经营管理与企业文化的关系进行分析,就如何发挥企业文化对提高企业经营管理水平提出合理的建议。  相似文献   

<正>21世纪的经济是一个知识的经济、竞争优势决胜的经济,企业以文化创新打造企业竞争优势是每个企业的当务之急,是影响企业成败的关键因素。企业在打造良好企业文化做根基的同时要探求企业竞争优势的来源,而企业文化创新是其主要来源。企业文化包括被全体员工认同的企业创新的价值观,充分体现了企业的价值与追求,是一笔不可估量的财富,是企业竞争优势的一个主要来源。企业文化是跟着企业的诞生而形成,随着企业的发展而提升。在高度发达的今天,企业竞争的核心将在于企业文化,因此,企业文化创新对于企业提高竞争力具有重要作用。  相似文献   

国内企业的发展势头很好,大多数企业在不断提高内部管理队伍的素质,由此推动企业政工活动和企业管理的同步发展,逐步优化各项企业管理机制,大力培养企业职员的思想并组织专业培训,从各个方面促进企业政工活动和企业管理的同步发展。文章基于企业政工活动和企业管理的关系,指出了企业政工活动的现状,详细介绍了促进企业政工活动和企业管理统一发展的策略。  相似文献   

企业在长期经营发展过程中形成的文化理念、文化氛围和价值观念即为企业文化,对自身未来发展方向做出的周密工作计划为企业战略。企业文化与企业战略之间联系密切、密不可分。优秀的企业文化能够帮助企业提升内涵,是企业成功与否的关键。市场竞争日益激烈,企业要创新发展,利用企业文化提升企业战略管理水平。本文具体分析了企业文化和企业战略两者之间的联系,叙述企业文化对企业战略的具体影响。  相似文献   

现代社会,市场经济快速发展,社会水平不断提高,企业也需要顺应时代潮流,不断发展壮大。企业档案与企业发展有着密切的关系,企业档案对企业发展有着重要的促进作用。企业档案资料是企业的重要组成部分。它承载着企业的重要机密,是企业发展的支柱,是企业发展的奠基之石。企业档案管理水平的提高体现着企业发展的水平。  相似文献   

企业经营管理是确保企业各项生产经营活动顺利开展的基本前提,是企业发展的关键,企业经营管理水平直接影响企业的生死存亡。近年来,在企业经营管理中,加强企业的文化建设、自主创新以及和谐建设等软实力是促进企业可持续发展的关键,这一理念基本达成共识。加强企业的党建工作有助于教育、引导引导职工更新观念,搭建多样化的企业文化建设平台,实行民主管理制度,加强企业凝聚力,提高企业的软实力,企业党组织是党建工作的核心,也是最终执行者,在企业经营管理工作中发挥着极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

企业文化是在某一文化背景下,将企业自身发展阶段、发展目标、经营策略、企业内外环境等多种因素综合考虑而确定的独特的文化管理模式。在知识经济时代,企业文化的作用非常重大。本文首先从企业文化的定义、内涵和表现形式、内容、特点等方面认识企业文化,并阐述了现代企业文化的特征。接着从企业文化功能的几个方面结合案例论述了企业文化在企业发展的重要性和巨大作用。最后通过对企业文化误区的分析,提出企业文化发展的策略,使企业文化成为蕴藏和不断孕育企业创新与企业发展的源泉,从而形成企业文化竞争力。企业文化是一种无形的生产力,一种潜在的生产力,无形的资产和财富。企业文化会极大的促进企业的发展,所以只要做到企业和企业文化的互相协调,互相补充、互相促进,使两者同步运行,建设出一套优秀的企业文化来,一定会对企业的长远发展起到积极的、不可估量的作用。  相似文献   

广义的企业文化包含了企业品牌在内的企业软环境。企业文化和企业的品牌建设有着密切的联系。企业文化是企业看不见的双手,但却对企业的发展有着不容忽视的影响。企业品牌属于企业的软实力范畴,对于树立企业良好形象,赢得良好的市场口碑,实现企业战略目标有着重要的作用。本文将就企业文化背景下品牌建设进行分析与研究,以期对企业品牌建设提出有建设性的意见和建议,促进我国企业文化软实力的增强和提高。  相似文献   

信息化时代下,每个企业都应高度重视企业文化的建设,但很多企业只是把企业文化当作几句口号,浮于表面。囿于现实的市场竞争,很多企业自顾不暇,早已经把企业文化抛之脑后。究其原因,这些企业没有真正理解企业文化的重要性。本文从企业文化出发,分析了信息时代企业文化建设的新要求,重点探讨了信息化视角下企业文化的建设路径,意在抛砖引玉,引导企业思维,为现代企业的发展助力。  相似文献   

The impact of transformational leaders on employee health and well-being has received much attention. Less research has focused on the relationships between transformational leaders and followers’ sickness absenteeism. Transformational leaders promote a group climate that may lead to absenteeism, especially among vulnerable employees (those with high levels of presenteeism). In the present study we examined the relationships between presenteeism, group-level transformational leadership and sickness absence rates in a three-year longitudinal study of postal workers and their leaders in Denmark (N?=?155). Group-level transformational leadership in year 1 predicted sickness absenteeism in year 2, but not in year 3. In examining conditions under which transformational leadership may be linked to higher levels of sickness absenteeism, we found that presenteeism in year 1 moderated the link between transformational leadership in year 1 and sickness absenteeism in year 3, such that followers working in groups with a transformational leader and who were high in presenteeism reported higher levels of sickness absenteeism. Our results suggest a complex picture of the relationship between transformational leadership and sickness absenteeism; transformational leaders may promote self-sacrifice of vulnerable followers by leading them to go to work while ill, leading to increased risks of sickness absence in the long term.  相似文献   

Drawing on leader?member exchange and crossover theory, this study examines how leaders’ work engagement can spread to followers, highlighting the role of leader?member exchange as an underlying explanatory process. Specifically, we investigate if leaders who are highly engaged in their work have better relationships with their followers, which in turn can explain elevated employee engagement. For this purpose, we surveyed 511 employees nested in 88 teams and their team leaders in a large service organization. Employees and supervisors provided data in this multi‐source design. Furthermore, we asked the employees to report their annual performance assessment. We tested our model using multilevel path analyses in Mplus. As hypothesized, leaders’ work engagement enhanced leader?member exchange quality, which in turn boosted employee engagement (mediation model). Moreover, employee engagement was positively linked to performance and negatively linked to turnover intentions. As such, our multilevel field study connects the dots between work engagement research and the leadership literature. We identify leaders’ work engagement as a key to positive leader?follower relationships and a means for promoting employee engagement and performance. Promoting work engagement at the managerial level may be a fruitful starting point for fostering an organizational culture of engagement.  相似文献   


Studies on the effects of leadership in occupational health psychology build on the assumption that leaders influence their followers’ health and well-being. Although this assumption has received support, this introductory paper to a special issue of Work & Stress on leadership argues that a number of questions regarding leadership and follower health and well-being remain unanswered. We identify four issues that we argue warrant further attention. First, what is “good” leadership? Particular leadership types are associated with increases in employee performance, but since this will involve higher effort expenditure, adverse outcomes for employee health are to be expected. Although many types of leadership are associated with favourable outcomes, we still need to identify the leadership characteristics can be identified that account for these positive outcomes. Second, how can good leadership be promoted? There is a need to develop interventions that are effective in promoting desirable leadership styles. Third, what are the inter-mediate and long-term effects of leadership on follower health? Finally, we need to understand the boundary conditions for good leadership, including the resources available to leaders. Based on these considerations, we conclude that further research is needed to fully understand the effects of leadership on employee health and well-being.  相似文献   

Why and when do employees respond to inclusive leadership by actively seeking negative feedback from their leaders? Beyond the perspectives proposed in previous studies, we offer a new angle based on a social identity perspective and propose that inclusive leadership increases employees' negative feedback-seeking behavior (NFSB) by facilitating employees' organizational identification. We also theorize that employees' supervisor organizational embodiment (SOE) influences the extent to which employees identify with the organization, which in turn triggers their NFSB. The results from a three-wave survey study conducted in China showed that inclusive leadership fostered employees' organizational identification, thereby facilitating employees' NFSB, and that the effect of inclusive leadership was stronger when employees’ SOE was higher. Our findings provide implications in theory and practice.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(5):790-801
Network scholars argue that one responsibility of leaders is to help their followers develop social capital. We suggest that one way leaders do this is by encouraging followers to engage in networking behavior. However, we argue that such encouragement is more effective when leaders are seen as less transformational, because followers are then less able to benefit from their leaders’ social capital. We support our arguments with a study of 142 followers and their leaders. Our findings show that followers engage in greater networking behaviors when encouraged by their leaders to do so, but this association is moderated by leaders’ transformational leadership style such that it is stronger as transformational leadership behaviors decrease. We thus introduce an unrecognized cost of leaders’ transformational leadership behaviors. Our findings contribute to research on networking behavior by investigating the role of transformational leadership style, and suggest avenues for research linking social capital and leadership.  相似文献   

This study explores a deceptively simple question: was Gandhi a “charismatic” leader? We compare Gandhi's rhetorical leadership to social movement leaders and charismatic U.S. presidents to examine whether any consistencies in charismatic rhetoric emerge across historical and cultural contexts. Our findings indicate that charismatic themes of articulating the intolerable nature of the present and appealing to values and moral justifications emerged in similar levels across all three samples. In addition, Gandhi's speeches contained comparable levels of language that emphasized his similarity to followers, followers’ worth, links between the past and future, and abstract, intangible themes as compared to other leaders. In contrast, themes of collective focus and active, aggressive speech varied significantly across the three samples. Recognizing that content analysis should be utilized with caution across cultural settings, we suggest a number of possible explanations for Gandhi's pervasive appeal and implications for future research into the universality of visionary rhetoric.  相似文献   

Contrary to the previous leadership theories, which focus on specific and narrow aspects of leadership such as employee characteristics, leader’s authenticity, or boundary spanning, the bounded leadership theory is a broad and complex concept. It takes simultaneously many constraints, which are related to activities on an individual, team, organization, and stakeholder level. This study applies the bounded leadership theory to analyze the leadership constraints as the mediator of the relationship between leadership competencies and effectiveness. Our findings show that leaders’ competencies are not enough for them to be effective. Specific competencies enable leaders to overcome the set of constraints and then to increase their effectiveness.  相似文献   

A central topic in leadership research concerns the impact of leadership style – the pattern of attitudes that leaders hold and behaviors they exhibit. Since the year 2000, several new leadership styles have been proposed to capture important missing aspects beyond the dominant charismatic/transformational and transactional framework. The authors review the emerging literature on these new styles – ideological leadership, pragmatic leadership, authentic leadership, ethical leadership, spiritual leadership, distributed leadership, and integrative public leadership – as well as the recent work on servant leadership. They also comment on the Ohio State studies on leadership, and then discuss the ways in which these many styles overlap with transformational leadership and each other, and issue a call to leadership researchers to collectively develop a new ‘full‐range’ model of leadership that encompasses and distills what is unique about these various styles. The authors argue that such an integrated full‐range model is necessary for research on leadership style to progress.  相似文献   


Although studies suggest that transformational leaders play an important role in employee health and well-being, the relationship between transformational leadership and employee burnout remains unclear. One reason may be that moderators may play an important role. Building on conservation of resources theory, we examined if leaders’ perceptions of internal and external resources in terms of vigour and peer support augmented the relationship between transformational leadership and employee burnout in a sample of municipality workers and their leaders in Sweden (N?=?217). Multilevel analyses over two time points revealed that both vigour and peer support enhance this relationship, such that when leaders experience high levels of vigour or peer support, the negative relationship between transformational leadership behaviours and employee burnout was strengthened. Our findings suggest that both personal and contextual resources may help leaders to better engage in transformational leadership, which is important in order to protect employees from burning out.  相似文献   

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