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近年来,中日关系的不稳定引发俄日、中俄关系的变化。本文通过对中俄日三角关系及其相互影响规律的研究,认为日本加强与俄罗斯的合作有着多层的战略考虑,其基本意图是满足国内经济需求,改善日俄关系,平衡中国的崛起。从长远来看,日本虽极力拉拢俄罗斯,但对中俄两国合作产生的负面作用有限,中俄关系的发展前景更为乐观。在中俄战略协作伙伴关系不断加强的趋势下,中俄日三角关系的互动始终呈现两边长、一边短的状态,这与日本和美国建立、发展紧密的同盟关系,从而对中俄两国构成直接的安全威胁有关。受中俄日三角关系特点的制约,东北亚地区的多边合作很难展开。  相似文献   

作者对日、美学者提出的日美关系存在两个周期的论点作出自己的诠释 ,认为 :以 1 91 1年为界 ,2 0 0余年的日美关系经历了从平等到不平等的两个周期 ,每个周期分为平等、过渡、不平等、准平等四个时期。 2 1世纪初叶的日美关系可定位为准平等关系。随着时间的推移 ,日美关系的平等化趋势将进一步发展。这意味着日本将“普通国家”化。日美关系在 2 1世纪之内将进入第三个平等竞争时期。随着这一时期的到来 ,日美间的利害冲突势将增大。  相似文献   

美国国会"印度连线"的成立是美国国会对印度从漠视到重视的认知转变的标志.该组织在美国国会对印决策中基本上扮演了"挺印"的角色.本文分析了"印度连线"的成立动因及其对印度的支持行为,同时指出由于受到诸多内外因素的影响,"印度连线"在支持印度时也会受到一定程度的制约.  相似文献   

作为有史以来的首场帝国主义战争,美西战争研究的意义不容小觑.美西战争前后的美国和古巴之间的关系,可归纳为战前的"暧昧"、战争期间的肩并肩的战友、战后的反目成仇三个阶段.首先,战争前后的对古关系只是美国从西班牙手中抢夺殖民地的工具而已.其次,古巴在摆脱了西班牙雄狮的同时,沦为了阴险的鹰(美国)的盘中餐,从而为后世留下了前狼后虎的教训.最后,美国在南北战争后经历了30余年的经济增长(其间略有起伏)并打赢了美西战争而跻身于列强行列.尽管武力崛起与和平崛起的道路不尽相同,但大国崛起的规律仍对我国有鉴戒意义.  相似文献   

张勇 《日本学刊》2012,(3):27-34,158
美国的外压及日本国内政治力学,使得普天间基地搬迁问题持续政治化,也为该问题的最终解决提出了严峻挑战,即日美双方很难达到各自利益的最大化,而只能找到相对的利益汇合点。普天间搬迁之路仍不平坦,日美同盟亦将因此经受考验。现阶段,强化同盟关系依然是两国追求的目标,日美正在寻求切实可行的普天间基地解决方案。  相似文献   

刘江永 《日本学刊》2002,2(5):132-148
美国对日政策历来是为其本国安全利益和全球战略服务的。它不是静止不变的 ,而是随着历史条件和利害关系的变化而调整变化的。抗战初期美国曾对日采取绥靖政策 ,但日本对外侵略扩张不仅给中国等亚洲邻国带来深重的民族灾难 ,也直接威胁到美国的安全利益。日美矛盾激化 ,使亚太地区国际关系格局发生深刻变化。美国对日宣战 ,促进了国际抗日统一战线的形成。  相似文献   

近二三十年里,中国和印度快速发展,并在同时崛起的进程中显示出与近代以来其他主要大国崛起所不同的特点。中印两国同时崛起,不仅对亚洲的社会经济发展、地区格局变化、区域合作进展以及战略地位提升产生了重大影响,而且在世界经济、国际政治、全球治理和文明复兴等方面具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

当前中国和印度同为亚洲版图内崛起中的大国,这为未来两国建立新型大国关系奠定了经济基础。但是,直到目前为止,两国双边经济关系的进展似乎仍落后于两国同其他亚洲伙伴关系的进展,也不足以支撑两国新型大国关系的发展。本文试图从地区角度对当前中印经济关系进行重新解读,认为中印两国已进入新一轮经济关系重塑期,未来有必要加大政策调整力度,积极致力于中印新型合作关系的确立与发展。  相似文献   

冷战结束后,日美同盟不仅没有终结,反而在强化。得以强化的日美同盟,显示出了新的特征,其原因涉及谋求同盟整体功能的最大化与同盟运行成本的最小化、同盟国相互约束的强化、同盟参与国际和国内需求的强化以及同盟过去的收益产生对未来收益的预期等。在实现中国和平统一和中华民族伟大复兴的过程中,日美同盟的强化是中国必须应对的重大挑战。  相似文献   

A new observational procedure, Trilogue Play with Still‐face, revealed 4‐month‐olds’ capacities to address both their fathers and mothers, by rapidly shifting gaze and affect between them. Infants were observed in four interactive contexts: (1) ‘3‐together’ play with both parents; (2) ‘2 + 1’ play with one parent engaging and the other as third party; (3) the same, with one parent posing a still‐face; (4) ‘3‐together’ play. Infants were able to discriminate between the four contexts. They coordinated three social poles of attention in each one. Their affect configurations were context sensitive. These findings demonstrate the infant's social capacities for triangular, three‐person interactions, in addition to dyadic, two‐person, and triadic, two‐person plus object, ones. They support a view of intersubjectivity as primary and point to a promising field of investigation for the study of family process.  相似文献   


One potential problem area in remarriages is problems with or ties to an ex-spouse. This study focuses on identifying factors central to the relationship dynamics such as relationship satisfaction and stability. Additional emphasis is placed on specific and targeted work in a relationship with the goal of improving it, and its potential mediating effect on any negative relationship between ex-spouse ties and low relationship quality. Using secondary data from the RELATionship Evaluation Survey (RELATE), a sample of 1,546 individuals in postdivorce romantic relationships was examined. The results indicate that unresolved issues and negative interactions with an ex-spouse are negatively associated with relationship quality, but effort to mediate this negative association shows promise. Practice recommendations include exploring how family service agencies and clinicians can better serve couples in postdivorce relationships. Further, a focus on the repartnered family system and a recognition of its difference from other family system types (i.e., first marriage) are important for agencies, clinicians, and researchers interested in providing services to stepfamilies and family life after divorce.  相似文献   

India's services sector has been growing rapidly and so also the trade in services. This paper attempts to assess if trade is able to generate employment in the services sector. Based on the time series macro data the direct and indirect effects of exports and imports on employment after deciphering their effects included in the overall growth, are seen to be mostly negligible. This holds both in the case of formal and informal services. Also, as per the company-level data international trade is not found to be an important determinant of employment in the services sector. On the whole, trade in services sector may enhance growth but this pattern of growth is less likely to be inclusive. Finally, the paper brings out the policy implications.  相似文献   

项目化运作是近年来国家治理的重要模式。既有研究已揭示:在项目制下,上级政府控制权增加,而下级政府的统筹治理能力被压缩。本文通过考察国家妇女小额贷款项目的演变过程发现,在项目制下,政府间权责关系的明晰化使下级政府可以通过倒逼机制影响上级部门的行为,维护地方政府利益。这实际上反映出,项目化运作不仅提供了从上至下的控制渠道,也同时增生了由下至上的反控手段。在这种演变中,上下级政府间关系出现了新的变化,双方围绕权责关系展开互动博弈,进而影响国家与社会关系,出现基层治理的“脱嵌”现象。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare developmental changes in adolescents’ relationship experiences with their siblings versus with their best friends and to determine whether individual differences in adolescents’ sibling experiences were associated with differences in friendship experiences. Participants included 179 firstborn‐secondborn adolescent sibling pairs (N = 358). At the onset of the study, firstborns averaged 15 years of age, and secondborns, 12.5 years of age. Siblings were interviewed individually about their relationship experiences during home interviews each year for three consecutive years. Analyses focused on two relationship dimensions: emotional intimacy and control. Adolescents reported more intimacy with friends than with siblings and more control with siblings than with friends. In the face of these overall patterns, developmental changes in both firstborns’ and secondborns’ reports of intimacy differed across relationships, with sibling intimacy increasing and friendship intimacy decreasing; declines were evident in these two relationships in the case of control. Associations between sibling and friendship experiences were more apparent for control than for intimacy and for secondborns as compared to firstborns. Discussion focuses on the conditions underlying connections between adolescents’ interpersonal relationship experiences.  相似文献   


Homophobia and heterosexism often can negatively affect a gay male's development, and developing internalized homophobia can challenge connecting with others. Using a sample of eight therapist–patient pairs (16 participants), each participant responded to how often the therapist self-disclosed. In addition, each participant completed a measurement inventory to determine how connected each was to the other (patient to therapist or therapist to patient). Findings indicated that self-disclosure occurred often during therapy, and there was a fairly high level of connection between patients and therapists. Patients who perceived that their therapists self-disclosed more often also reported higher levels of connection when compared with those who perceived a lower level of therapist self-disclosure. Recommendations for future research are made along with practice implications designed to help therapists effectively use self-disclosure when working with gay male clients.  相似文献   

公民意识的培养和提高是一个长期的、渐进的过程。网络社会中公民意识的培养和提高不是自发实现的,而是包括网络游戏在内的多种因素共同作用的结果。不同网络游戏对不同游戏玩家的公民意识有着不同程度的影响,因此,我们需要具体问题具体分析,在正确把握网络游戏对公民意识的正面影响的同时,也要充分、全面地认识到其负面影响,以更好地发挥网络游戏对公民意识的积极作用。准确、客观地描述和分析网络游戏对我国公民意识的影响,并在此基础上提出富有针对性的对策和建议,趋利避害,因势利导,这对我国公民意识的培养和提高有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Serodiscordant or magnetic couples experience HIV-related issues that can compound daily stressors. Psychoeducational couples group interventions can build coping skills and increase relationship satisfaction. Throughout Summer 2014, 6 gay male magnetic couples (n = 12) collaboratively designed and participated in an 8-session psychoeducational support group. The intervention was feasible (i.e., recruitment was <2 weeks, it was easy to coordinate) and acceptable (i.e., each session was consistently rated very good or outstanding). Relationship quality improved significantly in all couples regardless of whether couples agreed on how to manage HIV within their relationship. Implementation of this model is encouraged to fully evaluate this promising intervention.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from doctoral research which looked at the social support of women leaving domestic violence. In this paper the focus is on one aspect of that study: the living standards of women who have left a violent relationship. An exploratory, area-based study using in-depth interviews and participant observation with twenty white working-class women examinedthis issue. This exploratory study makes visible the links between violence and living standards. Debts incurred during the violent relationship when women had little if any control over finances, rent arrears incurred as a result of leaving, when women were temporarily housed in a refuge or hostel, and increased housing, travel and communication costs all contributed to the women'sexperience of poverty. If findings of previous research are correct, that between 20 and 40 per cent of lone parents (overwhelmingly mothers) experienced domestic violence in their previous relation-ship, then more extensive research in this area is indicated.  相似文献   

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