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基于历史户口册数据库和有关文献资料,考察了晚清东北双城堡旗人婚姻行为特征及其变化。结果显示,旗人男性早婚盛行,大龄未婚和终身不婚问题突出,男性初婚“夫小妻大”比例高达四成,而女性早婚不明显且婚期更加集中。从时间变化趋势看,男性初婚略有提前、再婚略有推迟,初婚婚龄差和再婚婚龄差都在减小。女性初婚推迟,嫁给再婚男性的女性年龄也在增大。女性再嫁比例逐渐提高,节妇守节时间长度逐渐缩小。男性续弦比例提高,拥有较高社会经济地位的旗人是纳妾的主要人群,生育是纳妾的重要目的。京旗和屯丁的婚姻存在着多方面明显的差别。晚清东北双城堡旗人婚姻行为及其变化受八旗制度、人群类别、旗人生计和人口性别结构等因素的综合影响。  相似文献   

我国经济欠发达地区农村男女人口失衡以及由此带来的农村男青年姻缘难觅的严峻态势,应当引起足够重视。据1993年部分省市人口抽样调查和第四次全国人口普查资料显示:目前,我国农村男性已占人口总数的51.85%,女性占48.15%,男性比女性等3000多万,其中25至49岁男性独身人数是女性独身人数的28倍,占同一年龄层次男性人口总数的8.8%;四川农村已到婚龄的未婚男性多达83万,而女性只有2.2万;山西宁武县农村人口男女性别比例为121:100,而20至35岁男女青年比例却为150:100。值得注意的是,年龄越小,男性比例越呈增长,女性比例越…  相似文献   

本文通过韶山毛氏家族的个案研究,揭示明清时期军户移民及其宗族的建构历程。韶山毛氏本为江西吉州的垛集军户,迁徙湖南之后又因藩王占田而促成家族内部的整合调整,最终形成"四大房"的发展格局。清代韶山毛氏的宗族组织化建设渐趋活跃,家族控产机构也逐渐由明代的庵宇过渡到清代的家庙与"公会",实现了家族产业的扩张与士族身份的转变。  相似文献   

90年代中后期西部地区迁移人口特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用五普资料及其它资料 ,统计归纳了 2 0世纪 90年代中后期西部地区省际人口迁移特征。这些特征主要是 :省际迁移规模增大 ,迁出人口主要流向东部地区 ,迁入人口主要来源为中部地区和区域内迁移 ,新疆成为西部地区一个强吸引人口迁入的中心。迁移人口主要是年轻人口 ,迁移人口中男女比例相当。迁入、迁出人口文化程度大体相当 ,初中文化程度左右人口占了迁移人口绝大多数。迁入人口中本科及以上文化程度人口比例略高于迁出人口相应文化程度比例。  相似文献   

张江华 《社会》2022,42(3):1-30
本文以广西柳州著名的“计氏豢龙传”故事的演化为线索,讨论了明清以来一个居于“内地边疆”地区的家族之变迁。通过正史、地方志、碑刻、族谱等各类史料,梳理出柳州计氏家族通过科举从一个地方土司家族上升为书香门第,在遭遇危机时编制家族叙事与再造风水以重振家声,最终生成一个多民族宗族的过程。在此基础上,王朝国家缔造的地方社会空间为家族与宗族这类社会主体提供了能动性的活动场域,而宗族所推动的社会各阶层和族群间的沟通与互动又促进了“内地边疆”地区纳入国家体系的进程。  相似文献   

日本在战后社会经济的发展过程中,人口动态发生了巨大变化。人口出生率和死亡率分别由战前的30‰和20‰左右下降到现在的12‰和8‰左右①,已从高出生、高死亡的传统人口类型转变为低出生、低死亡的现代人口类型,保证了经济的高速发展。但是,在社会经济发展和人口再生产过程中出现的人口年龄结构的老龄化、人口地区分布的两极分化以及人口与粮食、资源、环境的不平衡等问题,又在日益影响着社会经济的发展。本文拟就上述问题作一些探讨。  相似文献   

改革开放以来特别是实行市场经济体制以来,北京市的半城镇化人口数量和人口半城镇化率整体上呈逐渐增长态势.造成北京市人口半城镇化程度逐渐加重的直接原因,是城市流动人口增长快而流动人口转化为城镇户籍人口的比例低;具体来说,是由北京市经济增长、 产业结构升级带来的对劳动力需求的拉力,其他地区在经济、 社会发展水平上与首都存在的较大差距形成的推力,严格控制城镇户籍人口的政策和不断上涨的房产价格造成的迁移阻力,空间承载力对人口容量构成的现实约束力综合作用的结果.要抑制和缓解北京市人口半城镇化状况,需要采取分流拉力、 化解推力、 减小阻力和提升承载力的综合措施.  相似文献   

鄂东南地区聚族而居的村落形态既受当地山区丘陵自然环境的影响,更是自宋以后,特别是明清以来外来移民不断迁入定居、繁衍的结果。而且移入先后的不同导致村落形成和扩散方式的差异,进而在一定区域内形成一姓数村、团状聚居和一娃一村,分散聚居等多种聚居模式。这种家族式聚居的村落形态为宗族的组织化管理提供了有利的生存土壤。来自江西等宗法文化较浓厚地区移民的迁入,以及不同族群为着生存空间的竞争,导致鄂东南地区在清代前期进入普遍的移民家族的组织化和制度化进程。以宗祠——支祠——家祠为层级的祠堂建筑格局与家族聚居区——自然村落——单个家庭的聚落形态相对应,体现出建筑格局与家族结构在某种程度上的契合。其中与自然村落相关联的支祠(鄂东南称之为祖堂、宗屋、公屋)更是构成所在村落的公共空间,并成为族人祭祀、娱乐、教育、生产等公共生活的核心,地理空间与血缘家族空间的重叠、建筑的象征功能与宗法组织的实际运作共同维系着清代以来鄂东南地区以家族为特征的乡村生产、生活秩序。  相似文献   

今天的深圳、珠海两市经济特区,在城市、人口、经济等方面发生了巨大变化的同时,与其他社会现象紧密相联、反应显著的犯罪问题,也发生了变化,发案率高于非特区地区,特别是走私等破坏社会主义经济秩序的犯罪的发案率为非特区地区的数倍。1 深圳、珠海两市创办经济特区以来,社会结构主要发生了以下几方面的变化:在所有制类型方面,创办特区以前,只存在着全民所有制、集体所有制和少数的个体所有制三种生产资料所有制形式。创办特  相似文献   

社会经济过程通过许多中介机制形成人口发展的集约、人口的变化速度及比例。社会经济因素对人口过程变化的决定性影响决定了诸如这些现象的相互联系机制等问题的现实意义。就人口政策而言,具有特殊意义的问题是:在居民生活水平变化的情况下,人口的集约过程将以怎样的程度以及通过多长时间发生变化?这是经济学家与人口学家经常研究的问题。例如,有人提出关于居民收入增长与家庭儿童人数之间存在着直接或者相反联系的假设。然而,生活表明,这些联系  相似文献   

Studies of single-parent families in Australia are reviewed and statistical trends related to this type of family pattern are discussed. It is quite evident that family sociology has paid little attention to this growing population in Australia. The categories reviewed include single parents, unmarried mothers, widows, deserted wives and the families of prisoners.  相似文献   


Although the importance of social supports for single mothers in times of crisis is widely recognized, little is known about the stability of such “private safety nets” over time, as children age and maternal and household characteristics change. This study uses multilevel models and four waves of data from the Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study to describe trajectories of social support perceptions for 3,065 unmarried mothers. Results suggest that following a birth, most unmarried mothers perceived the availability of support, but these support perceptions disintegrated somewhat in subsequent years. Mothers who appeared to have the greatest need for support—those without stable employment or a stable partner—experienced more rapid deterioration of their perceived safety nets than did more advantaged mothers. Future research should examine network composition and conditions for support provision among the most vulnerable single mothers and should consider how safety-net stability influences maternal and child health and well-being.  相似文献   

A classification of social assistance recipients was undertaken using data from a nationwide survey of 1212 clients aged from 18 to 50 years. The findings revealed 4 distinct types of clients: the ill, the deviants, the dependents and the indebted. The ill are composed mainly of unmarried and divorced mothers. More than 50% report poor health and almost 90% have either anxiety or depressive disorders. More than 80% have used sedatives during the last 6 months. The deviants are almost exclusively men, and 3 of 4 are unmarried. They report high levels of drug use, and 80% have been convicted. The dependents are mainly women (62%) and report both the longest time as unemployed and as social assistance recipients. This group also includes many unmarried or divorced women. The men are usually unmarried. The indebted are people characterized by high housing debts. Almost all own a dwelling, and 85% own a car. The group is evenly split by gender. Two thirds of the men are married, and the majority of the women are divorced.  相似文献   

Drawing from a theoretical model of educational decisions and intersectionality theory, this study examined demographic, socioeconomic, and public assistance characteristics that influence unmarried mothers' postnatal enrollment. Using the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (FFCWS), binomial and multinomial regression techniques were used to examine unmarried mothers' enrollment in their child's first 9 years. Results showed unmarried mothers' educational commitment coupled with the influence of race and class indicate that they need additional opportunities to optimize their educations and job opportunities. Targeting outreach and enrollment assistance to underrepresented groups can reduce social-origin inequalities. Important directions for future research include understanding unmarried mothers' rationale for school enrollment and considering how race and class work in combination to support or deter enrollment.  相似文献   

Major depression is one of the four most prevalent psychiatric diseases in Taiwan. Furthermore, a study showed that 45 per cent of the family caregivers of persons with persistent psychiatric disability were at risk of depression. The present study aimed at examining if caregivers experienced more depressive symptoms than the general population while controlling for other variables (direct effect), and if the constellation of correlates of depressive symptoms was different between the general population and caregivers (interaction effect). Data from 1979 subjects were gathered in a national survey, using stratified random sampling. The results revealed that the caregivers experienced significantly more depressive symptoms than the general population. However, the effect disappeared when other variables were taken into account. Life stress appeared to be more important than coping and social support. The other two common correlates of depressive symptoms were age and being unmarried. Relational stress mattered especially for caregivers. Lastly, social support variables were significant only for the general population; satisfaction with support could buffer the negative effect of survival stress on depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

This is an exploratory study that examined verbal aggression in romantic relationships among unmarried Black and White women and men as a function of gender and race. We employed an ecological approach to examine the receipt of verbal aggression separately for men and women at the levels of individual, relationship, and community. We also explored whether gender-specific correlates of verbal aggression interacted with race. Analyses were based on a sample of 212 women and 133 men in non-marital romantic relationships recruited from 21 U.S. cities for a larger study. Linear mixed-effects models revealed that factors related to experiencing verbal aggression differed substantially for unmarried women and men in romantic relationships. Interesting racial differences also emerged distinctly for women and men.  相似文献   

It has been posited that sex-role differentiation decreases and unisex patterns emerge in late life. Most research on household activities in old age, however, has studied couples. This study examines sex differences in household activities and sources of help of older, unmarried men and women; the relationship between household involvement and psychological well-being; and personal characteristics associated with household activities. Data were obtained from interviews with 341 men and women. Males and females without spouses managed their household roles somewhat differently both in the tasks they performed and sources from which they accepted help. Relationships between household involvement and well-being were positive for both sexes. But the gender-linked nature of household work persists inro very late life and is not eliminated by the absence of a spouse. Continued sex differentiation in tasks in later life has implications for the provision of formal and informal sources of help for the unmarried aged.  相似文献   

李应华 《社会工作》2009,(14):36-38
在社会转型过程中,中国未婚妈妈日益增多。未婚妈妈包括三种类型:自愿型,恋爱型和意外型。按照一定的小组目标,可以建立相应的未婚妈妈小组。未婚妈妈小组过程包括:小组前期、小组中期和小组后期。未婚妈妈小组可以在一定程度上解决未婚妈妈的问题,从而有利于她们的发展。  相似文献   

本文从角色视角,利用调查数据,分析性别失衡背景下农民工心理失范的性别差异及其机制。研究发现,性别、婚姻状况和与“养家糊口”相关的社会角色及特征对农民工的心理失范具有显著影响,其中,男性的心理失范程度要比女性严重,婚姻状态对农民工的心理失范影响没有性别差异,与“养家糊口”相关的社会角色及特征对农民工心理失范的影响存在性别差异。研究进一步发展了暴露差异理论与脆弱性差异理论,认为社会角色与性别角色变迁的不一致导致了角色紧张的出现,从而导致心理失范及其影响因素的性别差异。  相似文献   

Postpartum depression (PPD) has a negative impact on both infants and women. The middle‐class group is rapidly expanding with increased but unmet psychological needs. To determine the risk and its correlates of PPD in middle‐class women in Hunan, China. A sample of 306 middle‐class puerperae from obstetric wards of a large general hospital was enrolled in the study. Our results showed 55.6% middle‐class women were suspected PPD. Related risk factors included a history of complications, pregnancy stress, subjective support, and interaction effect between objective support and negative coping. The protective factors included objective support and an interaction effect between subjective support and negative coping. Early assessment and individualized guidance in terms of social support and coping to identify and prevent PPD in this population are required.  相似文献   

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