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陈龙江 《城市观察》2014,34(6):155-165
一方面,城市经济国际化表现为生产、交易和消费的国际化,另一方面,城市经济国际化又可分为内向和外向国际化。因此,可同时从生产、交易、消费三个维度和内向、外向两个维度评估广州近年的经济国际化进程。结果表明,总体而言,从国际化进程看,广州经济国际化程度呈下降态势;从国际化程度来看,经济国际化程度总体仍较低;从国际化的内外向比较看,广州经济的内向国际化强于外向国际化;从国际化的城际比较看,广州经济国际化总体略强于北京。基于以上结论,广州应从最薄弱环节入手,以推进生产要素国际化为重点提升广州生产国际化水平,以扩大服务贸易为重点提升广州交易国际化水平,以扩大消费品进口为重点提升广州消费的国际化水平。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,广州城市国际化发展水平不断提高。论文从影响力、支撑力两个维度构建了经济国际化发展水平、政治国际影响力、人文国际吸引力、生态发展水平、科技创新能力、对外连通能力六个要素的评价指标体系,从国内、国际两个层面测度广州城市国际化发展水平,并以广州城市国际化发展水平纵向测度为基础,分析了影响广州城市国际化发展的主要驱动要素,总结了广州城市国际化发展的特征及存在问题,对提升广州城市国际化水平提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

从动态和静态的视角根据广州企业国际化的发展历程和现状分别建立模型对广州企业内外向国际化及其程度进行分析,研究结论为:从动态角度来看,随着时间的推移,广州企业国际化经营的规模不断扩大、质量不断提高,且在内外向国际化选择中稍偏向于内向国际化;从静态角度来看,广州市企业国际化的程度还不高,且各项指数显示出企业国际化发展不平衡,需要继续改进。  相似文献   

国际化街区建设是在我国全面提高对外开放质量与水平的新时代背景下,深圳加快推进超大城市基层治理体系与治理能力现代化的实践探索.构建国际化街区标准指标体系对高质量建设国际化街区具有重要意义.通过总结理论、国外经验和国内探索,归纳了国际化街区开放友好、中外融合、宜居街区、特色文化、活力创新、治理主体和主导产业等七大核心特征,并作为国际化街区标准一级指标;通过基础功能、特色功能、引领功能的分类,进一步细分并设计形成共计57个二级指标.国际化街区标准指标体系具有理论和实践创新价值,为国际化街区建设提供了科学依据和评判标准.  相似文献   

税收国际化问题一直是理论界和实际工作者十分关注的问题,尤其是在经济全球化、全球一体化的今天。文中从税收国际化的概念入手,全面、系统地介绍了税收国际化的产生和发展,分析了税收国际化和经济全球化的内在联系。  相似文献   

世界经济的国际化和一体化触动了人才和教育国际化,高校的国际化归根到底是人才的国际化。面对日趋激烈的人才竞争,加快我国高等教育的国际化进程,提升我国高校教师国际化教育和研究能力已然成为高校当前面临的重要任务。  相似文献   

上海教育国际化的核心内涵是通过教育活动国际化、教育者与受教育者的国际化、教学机构国际化以及国际维度与观念融入过程的国际化等途径,推动上海整体教育水平的提高,吸引和培养高素质的国际型人才,服务于上海经济社会可持续发展的大局。上海教育国际化的配套政策要围绕优质教育资源的引入和输出展开:制定“引智”政策,以吸引优秀海外专家、学者,扩大开放现行科研体系,引入教育国际化高端资源;制定教学计划与课程国际化建设、“留学上海”系列服务、优质教育资源引进、“国际化品牌项目”支持、全社会共同参与、服务体系信息化等政策。建立以政府各相关部门为主体的管理体系、以高校及其他办学机构为主体的教学体系及以企业、各类社会组织及市民为主体的社会服务体系。  相似文献   

盛维 《科学发展》2012,(3):38-45
在国际化进程中,跨国公司及其所在的母国出于商业秘密的考虑一直把研发留在公司和母国国内进行。但近年来,跨国公司研发国际化日益成为跨国公司国际化战略的重要组成部分。研发活动由于其所具有的知识、技术以及智力密集型的特性,历来为各东道国所重视。通过梳理跨国公司研发国际化扩张的动因、进程及区位特征,试图总结出其一般规律,为各国尤其是发展中的东道国承接跨国公司研发的国际化扩张提供理论指导。  相似文献   

高等教育全球化背景下,大学国际化成为当今世界高等教育发展的重要趋势。国内高校面对国际化的竞争亟待结合自身实际提出各自的国际化发展战略。特别是处于高等教育金字塔顶端的研究型大学,实施其国际化战略势在必行。本文探讨了新形势下研究型大学国际化的共性与动因,提出我国研究型高校国际化的战略构成要素,并对我国研究型大学国际化战略的制定提出笔者的一点构想。  相似文献   

陈超贤  刘文俭 《城市》2015,(2):21-24
从21世纪90年代到2013年,我国已有超过200个城市提出了建设国际化城市或国际化大都市的设想.在全球第四轮也是最大规模的国际产业转移和国内经济结构深刻调整的背景下,新一轮“建设国际化城市”竞争正式开始,城市国际化的基本路径、重点和形式是什么,如何加快推进青岛国际化进程,成为当前青岛急需研究解决的重大课题.  相似文献   

As our awareness of the impact of globalising trends has increased, so too has social work's interest in international issues grown. At the same time, concerns have been raised about what constitutes international social work, and how this ‘international dimension’ might be introduced to social work students as part of their preparation for practice. This paper reports on a recently completed study which explored the different ways in which international issues are being addressed in social work programmes leading to the newly established three-year degree in social work across the UK. Based on an email survey of accredited programmes in England, plus a small number of follow-up interviews, findings are presented on the different approaches and innovations adopted in the development of curriculum with an international perspective. Discussion focuses on possible factors promoting and/or inhibiting the development of an international dimension within the qualifying curriculum. The paper concludes with some observations on how the different understandings of ‘international social work’ can contribute to a greater appreciation of global problems and alternative ways of responding to social needs at local, national and international levels.  相似文献   

International academic mobility is an important dimension of the internationalization of higher education institutions, which aims to enact practical changes in economies and societies. Although many studies have investigated the mobility of international students, the mobility of international academics has been less investigated, particularly in the context of mainland China. This qualitative study explores the experience of international academics in Chinese academia. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with twenty-six international academics from different countries, working at different universities in Beijing. Through a four-stage systematic analysis, the study shows that international academics’ engagement with mobility in Chinese academia can be characterized by a combination of gains and losses. This article explores how international academics view Chinese academia as either resourceful or restrictive for their academic career. It then discusses the hidden narratives concerning the challenges that international academics face in relation to mobility.  相似文献   

随着中国融入国际社会程度的加深,留学生也逐渐成为中国教育系统的重要成员。上海作为中国最国际化的大都市,吸引着越来越多的留学生。大力发展来沪留学生教育,不仅可以推动上海城市人口构成的国际化,可以推动上海城市人口素质的国际化,而且可以增强我国学生国际交往和国际竞争的能力。留学生教育质量的好坏直接影响着世界对中国高等教育竞争力的评价。由于理念的不同,市场经济发达的国家往往将教育质量的检验交由市场进行,我国则更倾向于由政府通过若干个硬性指标完成教育质量的评估。因此,应关注留学生的核心诉求点,打造教育质量管理体系。  相似文献   

"In this article I have developed a political-economic framework for understanding international migration in postwar Europe and the United States." The author begins by reviewing four theories of international relations and gives a short critique of their main assumptions. He "finds that international migration reveals a contradiction between the main economic purpose of the postwar international order--to promote exchange--and the national perquisites of sovereignty and citizenship."  相似文献   

本文在借鉴国际自由贸易区建设发展经验的基础上,根据国际贸易发展的新趋势和新特征,结合上海“四个中心”建设的发展目标,提出把浦东建成我国最大的国际自由贸易港区,以搭建我国参与国际竞争的战略平台,并对浦东国际自由贸易港区的功能定位、建设重点及相关政策措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The boomerang model is typically used to describe campaigns in which international NGOs respond to requests from local activists, often from marginalized populations, for assistance in addressing local needs. Such campaigns are perceived to represent local interests and have some accountability to local actors. However, while the local–international–local pattern is often accurate, it does not capture the full spectrum of campaign development. This article theorizes an international–local–international or ‘inverse’ boomerang, in which international NGOs facing an international policy blockage initiate a transnational campaign, recruiting local activists to assist in the international advocacy effort. The article demonstrates the theory's plausibility using several cases of Northern‐initiated advocacy. It then examines the implications of the model for campaign legitimacy. It finds that inverse boomerang campaigns benefit from the same presumptions of legitimacy as traditional boomerang campaigns, but that representivity and accountability are substantially weaker, potentially disempowering the campaigns' claimed stakeholders.  相似文献   

The author analyzes international migration using a case study of Greece, with a focus on the relationship between migration and development in the sending countries. He supports a view of international migration "as a central component of the international political economy--one whose investigation requires a sensitivity to, and intimacy with, the forces operative in the structure and process of the world economy." The role of Greek emigration in the areas of relief and unemployment, capital transfers or remittances, and the social realm is considered. (summary in FRE, SPA)  相似文献   

In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to international education in schools in the USA. Education professionals, business leaders, and politicians realize that schools and school leaders must identify multiple opportunities for students to interact with and experience a global society. Nationally, there has been a considerable investment of funds by several key foundations and much political talk about the need to push American education towards a model of schooling that expressly responds to the need for internationally competent citizens. Using mixed methodology design, this study is fueled by a desire to better understand several overarching elements in international education. In short, the authors of this paper posit that no further research, policy formation, or program development within the realm of international education for public schools can be undertaken until an understanding of the current state of international education and the capacity for internationalization is empirically explored.  相似文献   


Justin Rosenberg’s proposal of ‘multiplicity’ as a new grounding concept for IR aims at liberating the international from the perceived constraints of its dominant framing by Realism. Viewed from within the singular political entity, the international can only appear as absence and negativity, traditionally thematised in IR as ‘anarchy’. Recasting it instead as ‘multiplicity’, through a move from politics to sociology, is intended to change the understanding of the international from negative to positive: from conflict, tragedy and repetition to interaction, combination and development. This move, however, does not succeed in grasping the negativity of the international, and so as a result it remains within the limits that Realism enunciates: multiplicity complements anarchy sociologically rather than transcending it theoretically. A new concept of the international would result not from rejecting the negative in favour of the positive but from recognizing them as dialectically contained within each other.  相似文献   

The authors used a standardized questionnaire to survey 201 international and 193 German students at the University of Bielefeld, Germany, to determine differences in health practices between the 2 groups and to identify targets for health-promoting interventions. Multivariate logistic regression models revealed that long-term female international students (those whose duration of residency in Germany was more than 2 years) had lower levels of physical activity and alcohol consumption than their German counterparts and higher rates of smoking independently associated with international citizenship. Short-term international female students were less likely than German students to receive social support. Among men, long-term international student status was associated with daily smoking and inconsistent seat belt use, whereas short-term student status was associated with a lower rate of seat belt use, a higher level of perceived stress, and a healthier diet, compared with domestic students. Findings from the study could give rise to health-promotion activities for international students at German universities; additional studies at other European universities are necessary before making further recommendations.  相似文献   

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