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赵卫正 《职业时空》2012,(5):181+184
新时期军校研究生思想状况呈现出许多新特点﹑新情况,单纯的显性教育显得力不从心。在某种程度上隐性教育不失为一个好的策略。文章从校园文化﹑社会实践和教师主体三个方面探讨了加强军校研究生隐性教育,以期达到育人作用。  相似文献   

陈相新 《职业》2014,(30):111-112
当前,随着研究生数量的增多,研究生群体呈现不同程度思想迷茫、轻思政教育而重科学研究等问题。本文提出,加强研究生思想政治教育,要完善科研创新体系、实践育人体系、心理健康教育体系和保障育人体系,凸显以人为本的理念;同时,要充分发挥党团组织的引领作用、研究生导师的育人作用、网络的导向作用和建立完善的思想政治教育评价机制。  相似文献   

在国内外形势复杂多变、意识形态领域挑战与机遇并存的关键时期,加强军校思想政治教育已成为巩固党对军校领导的必由之路。只有抓好军校思想政治教育顶层设计,打造高水平的思想政治教育教师队伍,配备政治过硬、德才兼备的学员管理干部和技术过硬的后勤保障人员,把思想政治教育落实到军校各项教育活动中,实现全员育人、全程育人、全方位育人,才能培养听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良的共和国忠诚卫士。  相似文献   

硕士研究生教育是河南省研究生教育的重要组成部分,是实现"科教兴豫"发展战略的重要推动力量。硕士研究生教育作为高等教育的最高层次,承担着为国家提供创新科技人才的重要责任,硕士研究生教育的质量问题直接影响到国家的科技发展和自主创新能力。本文立足于河南省硕士研究生教育的现状,分别从规模、质量、结构问题方面探究河南省硕士研究生教育存在的问题,如规模小,质量不高,课程结构单一等。在此基础上,提出了使河南省硕士研究生教育健康发展的主要对策:一是扩大河南省硕士研究生教育的发展规模;二是扩大规模的同时要注重质量问题的提高;三是结合河南省地方行业的现状,调整河南省硕士研究生教育的学科结构;四是深入贯彻落实"双导师制"的推进。  相似文献   

在建设法治军队,全面推进依法治军、从严治军的新形势下,军校作为培养军队全面建设人才的基地,其法治教育承担着为部队培养和输送法治建设人才的历史使命和重要责任,是攸关法治军队建设成败的一项意义深远的源头性、战略性工程。当前,在推动依法治军、从严治军的伟大实践中,如何加强军校大学生法治教育,尽快提高其法治意识,已成为一项重大而紧迫的时代课题。本文将分析加强军校大学生法治教育的重要性和必要性,介绍军校法治教育的内容,并针对如何增强军校法治教育提出具体的教育措施和思路。  相似文献   

研究生教育具有多样化和个性化的特点,并涉及高校多个管理与服务部门,是一个大的系统工程,因此要探讨研究生综合素质的全面发展,就必须系统思考研究生教育的各个环节,不断分析存在的问题与不足,同时还要努力寻找对策,不断提高研究生培养质量。  相似文献   

随着硕士研究生招生规模的不断扩大,毕业生数量也相应地呈递增趋势,这就导致硕士研究生就业压力也不断加大。主要原因如下:一、社会整体就业形势严峻,劳动力供大于需;二、针对性的就业指导工作不够全面与深入;三、学校教育与社会需求脱节;四、国家对学生去基层就业的扶持力度还不够;五、研究生自身择业观依然保守、刻板。要扭转硕士研究生就业难的局面,需要从国家政策、培养单位和学生自身三个方面落脚,建立健全鼓励研究生到基层就业、创业的政策和制度,构建更加完善的毕业生就业指导服务体系;加快硕士研究生教育教学改革步伐,探索人才培养对接社会需求的新途径;深入开展研究生就业指导工作,引导毕业生审时度势,形成正确的择业观;研究生自身也应树立竞争意识,不断学习,提高自身综合素质,为未来顺利走向职场奠定基础。  相似文献   

欧阳倩兰  杨帆 《职业》2016,(28):124-125
推进高校研究生创业教育实践平台建设是完善创业教育体系的重要环节和提高研究生创业教育质量的重要条件.高校要及时发现研究生创业过程中存在的问题,深化对研究生创业教育实践体系的认识,加强研究生创业实践训练,为研究生提供符合企业和市场要求的创业实践平台体系,使高校研究生创业教育取得成果.本文通过研究高校研究生创业实践平台建设的科学性和可行性,为丰富高校研究生创业体系提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

在"三全育人"背景下,硕士研究生思想政治教育协同工作机制的建立,对于研究生的思想政治教育尤为重要.本研究通过对研究生辅导员与导师思政教育协同现实困境及归因分析,厘清"三全育人"视域下硕士研究生思想政治教育"导辅"协同的内涵与要求,构建研究生思想政治教育工作"导辅"协同模式,通过强化意识:强化研究生辅导员与导师协同育人意识;促进融合:促进研究生思想政治教育育人队伍融合;完善制度:完善研究生思想政治教育协同育人制度;细化实施:以研究生不同特征细化协同育人方法的研究,为"三全育人"背景下研究生思想政治教育工作开展提供新思路、开辟新空间.  相似文献   

西方研究生教育的成功经验,对我国职业技术教育学专业硕士研究生的培养有着重要的借鉴意义。在学习别国成功经验的同时,一定要结合我国社会经济和职业教育的实际情况,探索出具有中国特色的研究生培养模式。这不仅具有重要的理论意义,而且具有重要的实践价值。美国研究生教育发展的特点美国的研究生教育始于19世纪20年代,在质和量方面引起了世界各国的广泛关注和深入研究。1.重视基础课程学习。美国研究生教育的一个最大特点就是通过设置研究生院从组织机构上把本科生教育与研究生教育联系在一起,这一培养模式使得美国研究生培养非常注重基础…  相似文献   

This study examines the association of girls' education and changes in attitudes and other socioeconomic changes in Sudan. Data were obtained from in-depth interviews, structured questionnaires, and secondary data among 810 educated Sudanese women who lived in the Central and Eastern Regions. Women responded to 10 opinions about the status of women. Findings show a significant association between level of education, even at the lowest levels, and the attitudes held by women. Women held relatively positive attitudes toward social change and economic development. Level of education was highly significantly associated with holding a view of educated women working. 54.1% of secondary school leavers agreed and 92% of well educated women disagreed with a family's objection to women having a job. 57% of secondary school leavers agreed that it is essential to give up work in order to care for family; however, 96% of postgraduates disagreed. 74% of respondents were indecisive, of which 44% were secondary school leavers and 2% had postgraduate degrees. Decisiveness increased with level of education. Only 32.6% of secondary school leavers agreed that most of a woman's time should be spent on family responsibilities. 100% of the highest educated women and 40% of secondary school leavers disagreed that women should take part-time work. 96% of postgraduate women disagreed and 73.6% of secondary school leavers agreed that women should not feel obligated to work after training. Employment was highly influenced by level of education. 83% of single women and 76% of married women agreed with using contraception. Rural women tended not to support women working and using contraceptives. Younger women were less traditional in their attitudes. Postgraduates came from families with high levels of income.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between social origin, postgraduate degree attainment, and occupational outcomes across five British age‐group cohorts. We use recently‐available UK Labour Force Survey data to conduct a series of logistic regressions of postgraduate (masters or doctorate) degree attainment among those with first degrees, with controls for measures of degree classification, degree subject, age, gender, ethnicity and national origin. We find a marked strengthening of the effect of class origin on degree‐ and occupational attainment across age cohorts. While for older generations there is little or no difference by class origin in the rates at which first‐degree graduates attain postgraduate degrees, those with working‐class‐origins in the youngest age‐group are only about 28 per cent as likely to obtain a postgraduate degree when compared with their peers from privileged origins. Moreover, social origin matters more for occupational destination, even among those with postgraduate degrees, for those in younger age groups. These findings demonstrate the newly important, and increasing, role of postgraduate degrees in reproducing socio‐economic inequality in the wake of the substantial expansion of undergraduate and postgraduate education. Our findings lend some support to the Maximally Maintained Inequality thesis, suggesting that gains in equality of access to first‐degrees are indeed at risk from postgraduate expansion.  相似文献   

Embarking on postgraduate research involves making a transition from practitioner to researcher. While there is a well established body of knowledge to address research methodology, it is presented in a fashion that suggests the research process is straightforward and linear and fails to offer insights into the ways postgraduate students construct their researcher identities. This paper will draw on the authors' experiences as PhD students and highlight what was learned about the research process from involvement in a research project. The paper will highlight some of the challenges of undertaking postgraduate research as well as some of the insights gained.  相似文献   

A major Australian report recently criticized the relationship between the gendered culture of management education and business management practices, in an effort to reduce impediments to equal representation of women in management. It recommended a major overhaul of university management education, whereby institutions would review their own role in shaping corporate management cultures and practices, and raise awareness of gender issues in the classroom. This article reports on a subsequent survey that explored postgraduate business students' perceptions of gender issues in the management curriculum, and their effects on learning experiences. It suggests that a masculine ethos is perceptible in management education, which can disadvantage female and male students in different ways. The study suggests that greater awareness of gender issues should be a major consideration for management educators, to enable future managers to recognize and harness gender diversity in the workplace.  相似文献   

Much has been written on the neoliberalization of the academy on the one hand and precarious creative labour/work in the culture industries on the other, but there has been comparatively little writing which makes explicit the intimate links between these two sociological phenomena and how they have come to complement and reinforce one another. Taking as a case study a new postgraduate MA course in Self-Publishing, this article aims to fill this gap, arguing that fundamental to learning to labour in the neoliberal university is both ready acquiescence to exploitation and further willingness to self-exploit on the part of both staff and students. Furthermore, incumbents of a profoundly unequal and managerial knowledge hierarchy benefit from the introduction of programmes which neither train students vocationally nor educate them liberally. This, in turn, threatens the autonomy within institutions of higher education while simultaneously undermining future artistic and intellectual flourishing.  相似文献   

Most marital and family therapists, both medically and nonmedically trained, regularly interact with physicians on a professional basis. Though some physicians receive specific training in marital and family therapy in their postgraduate residency programs, (notably those in psychiatry and family medicine), for many, the only academic exposure they receive to this field comes during a 6- to 10-week clinical clerkship in psychiatry during their third or fourth year of medical school. No study could be located which examined marital and family therapy training in undergraduate medical education. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the level of marital and family therapy training in medical school and to provide information concerning physicians who are not family therapists, and how much knowledge about the field they can be expected to have.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a preliminarystudy on the recognition of affect attunement in adultpsychotherapy. Brief extracts from six videotapedtherapy sessions were shown to experienced clinicians, who were asked to judge whether the therapistwas attuned to the client/patient or not. Clear examplesof attunement and non-attunement were obtained and thesewere then shown to a sample of postgraduate social work trainees. The trainee resultsshowed none of the consistency of the cliniciansjudgments: 67% (n = 21) were undecided about the exampleof attunement, with only 19.3% (n = 6) giving responses which corresponded with those of theclinicians. For the non-attuned extract, just over athird gave a response which coincided with theclinicians, with 42% (n = 13) undecided. The resultswere used to develop a model for future research on affectattunement, which should provide the basis for thedevelopment of strategies for teaching the attunementskills which may be required by therapists.  相似文献   


There is a dearth of discussion on the methodological dilemmas faced by minority ethnic researchers who research minority ethnic communities of which they are not a part. The paper explores the political and ethical issues involved in a black woman researching South Asian women's lives, analysing the research process, and focusing on issues of choice of research group, access and placing. This paper represents a reflexive account of the research relationships developed in longitudinal qualitative doctoral research between a black (of African descent) postgraduate student and sample of 19 South Asian female student teachers in England and draws on literature of women interviewing women and ethnic or 'race' matched research. The methods employed were documentary analysis, observing meetings, a focus group, two student questionnaires, one-to-one interviews with staff and group and one-to-one interviews with South Asian female student teachers. It is argued that whilst social characteristics such as gender, language, religion and culture are important in determining notions of commonality and difference, a shared experience of racism between the researched and the researcher may affect the research relationship most significantly.  相似文献   

The idea of ‘teaching’ reflexivity might seem to some to be a nonsense but many students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, struggle with ‘it’ as a concept, a process and as a means of moving away from simplistic themed research categories towards in‐depth interpretation. This paper will examine the nature of reflexivity from the perspective of a personal stance and suggest the use of particular strategies for interpreting data reflexively. Such strategies include the use of biographical accounts and organising principles, the exploration of metaphor and metonymy and the utilisation of poetry as an interpretative device. It will offer particular ways of undertaking reflexive interpretation that have been used successfully with many postgraduate students and researchers.  相似文献   

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