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Stable coparenting relationships postdivorce have been shown to combat the negative effects on child development. There are three types of coparental relationships postdivorce: stable, conflicted and cut off. Each type of interaction has different effects on the children and other family members, with the stable coparent relationship being the most functional. Attachment theory explains the differences between the coparenting styles. Individuals in stable coparent relationships are more likely to have a secure internal working model; conflicted coparents are more likely to have an anxious-ambivalent internal working model; and disengaged coparents are more likely to have an avoidant internal working model.  相似文献   

In the last decades new research findings have illuminated many of the factors that affect the mental health development of the pre-verbal child. Attachment theory has emerged as a central concept which has great applicability to the clinical field of infant-mental health. The new knowledge base has been utilized by clinical research programs to develop new models of clinical intervention programs with infants-at-risk and their families. This article describes some of the theoretical and research findings which can be translated to, and enhance, traditional child welfare practice. The theoretical considerations are illustrated by case examples.  相似文献   

Based on attachment theory and research, Family Attachment Narrative Therapy is introduced as a new family therapy modality developed to heal the experience of early childhood maltreatment. Unresolved childhood trauma has been correlated with impaired and delayed cognitive, behavioral and emotional functioning. Gentle, soothing, nonprovocative and nonintrusive narratives told by parents provide an alternative restorative experience designed to shift and change the child's destructive internal working model. The result is improved functioning and the ability to accept nurturing and care in relationships that offer love and safety. A representative case example is used to illustrate theory, practice and outcome. Pre- and posttherapy assessment supports the claim of improved functioning.  相似文献   

Some themes in couple therapy are explored by introducing a case study of a couple in distress. The question, ‘Why were you drawn to each other?’ helps to unravel the relationship story, its dynamics and difficulties. Attachment theory as developed by John Bowlby is propounded as a useful model in understanding couple relationships. The importance of exploring family-of-origin attachments is reiterated, as well as helping each spouse to change in themselves rather than to blame their partner for their difficulties, with the ultimate aim being the enhancement of the relationship.  相似文献   

This paper presents therapeutic interventions from an attachment perspective with a thirteen-year-old boy with a history of maltreatment, living in a residential treatment facility. Attachment theory holds that accumulated memories of experiences with caregivers become organized into representational structures called internal working models. The guiding principles of the therapy begin with the critical role played by the individual therapist as an attachment figure. The central purposes of the therapy are conceived as promoting the restructuring of the internal working models of others to reflect expectations of trustworthiness and reliability, and models of the self as worthy to receive care. The approach described is contrasted with common approaches to residential treatment that rely on environmental behavioral contingencies, modeled on social learning theory.  相似文献   

This article provides an attachment theoretical perspective of long-distance romantic relationships (LDRs). Attachment applies specifically to the separation-reunion cycle that is an inherent aspect of LDRs. Attachment theory components and normative functioning are presented along with illustrative examples from LDR reports to demonstrate the theory’s relevance. Counseling implications, related to proximity maintenance and separation protest, the attachment-caregiving interface, and other issues (e.g., culture), are followed by research considerations and the conclusion.  相似文献   

Through the theoretical lens of attachment theory, the relationship between substance abusing parents and their children exposed prenatally to drugs is explored. Attachment theory, the quality of attachment, attachment classifications, internal working models of attachment, and correlates of attachment classifications are discussed. Case studies of two schoolaged children exposed prenatally to cocaine are presented and interpreted in light of attachment theory set within a social-ecological perspective. Implications for practice and the use of federal policy for this population are explored.  相似文献   

Attachment theory offers a useful model for determining if siblings removed from their birth parent's home and awaiting placement should remain together or be separated when placed in foster care. The paper draws from the attachment theory literature, social work literature, and the author's experience as an outpatient psychotherapist. Using the concept of a secure attachment environment, this paper argues that siblings can potentially contribute to, or detract from, a secure attachment environment. When siblings are supportive of each other they can contribute to it. When the sibling relationships are chronically abusive, the individual siblings within a sibling-set are precluded from achieving a secure attachment environment. In these cases the need for separation of the siblings is indicated, and must be considered.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2007,21(2):175-186
The concept of intergenerational solidarity between parents and children has been addressed within sociology using an increasing number of dimensions, some overlapping with phenomena studied in attachment theoretical research within psychology. Attachment theory is an important candidate for cross-disciplinary research into intergenerational solidarity, because it identifies causal processes within individuals as well as relationships. Due to its developmental nature the attachment theory is also highly relevant to life-cycle issues surrounding intergenerational solidarity. In this theoretical review, the basic dimensions which attachment theory uses to describe relationships are articulated with reference to pertinent issues under the rubric of intergenerational solidarity. Examples are provided to illustrate how at the cross-section of psychology and sociology these dimensions (direction, quality, and penetration) can be used for answering questions (patterns of exchange, tensions, ambivalence) about relationships between adult children and aging parents.  相似文献   

Having demonstrated its credentials as one of the more elegant and robust conceptualisations of human relationships, attachment theory has considerable relevance to social work. Attachment‐based research has flourished over the past few years and it now includes an impressive array of studies across the lifespan. This article considers four different measures used in attachment‐based research, although more discussion is devoted to interview and projective measures because they specifically embrace a psychodynamic approach in their design and analytic focus. The aim of the article is to provide a brief overview of each measure and to offer some illustrative examples using practice‐related material.  相似文献   

Attachment theory illuminates aspects of adolescent development and points to critical treatment directions for adolescents. Recent neurobiological research illustrates the importance of integrating physiological understanding into clinical work. The application of attachment theory and neurobiology to treatment is illustrated best through the case example of one adolescent with panic disorder treated in an outpatient setting.  相似文献   

This article conceptualizes an attachment-based model of the student–field instructor relationship, based on empirical research concerning internal working models of attachment, which continue into adulthood and serve as templates for life-long relating. Supportive relationships within a noncritical context are salient for effective supervision; attachment theory provides a framework for developing supportive supervisory relationships and augments existing theories of supervision. Ideal and problematic supervisory relationships are presented followed by recommendations for interventions and future research. The supervisory relationship will be most successful when the field instructor is guided by attachment theory and its conceptualization of a "secure base" (Bowlby, 1988).  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the problems and opportunities that may derive from the development of working relationships between disabled and non‐disabled researchers. First a number of key barriers that face disabled researchers from the outset of research are sketched out. However, these barriers are not dwelt on as they have been documented and challenged well by others. Rather, in seeking to identify good research practice that can challenge such barriers, it is suggested that enabling modes of research production may often be uncovered through a careful examination of the working relationships between members of research teams. This approach is illustrated through a discussion of a range of relational issues that have impacted upon the authors’ own research partnership: (i) Relating in research: Tackling fears and issues around self‐disclosure; (ii)Psychoanalytic sensitivity: Privileging ontological experience and reflexivity; (iii) Towards a feminist ethics of care: Challenging methodological individualism; and (iv) Interdependence in research: towards enriched analysis. In terms of advancing an agenda for inclusive disability research, it is believed that making explicit the complexity of disabled/non‐disabled research relationships like this is one practical way in which general assumptions of a binary disabled/non‐disabled split may be challenged, whilst simultaneously recognizing that equitable working partnerships can only derive from the equal valuing of difference.  相似文献   

Nonverbal behavior and sensitivity to a relationship partner’s nonverbal behavior importantly influence the quality of interpersonal interactions and relationships, including attachment relationships. The abilities to encode, or express, and to decode, or understand, nonverbal cues are crucial to effective communication of emotions and are associated with social adjustment and relationship satisfaction. One important social context for the development and use of nonverbal encodingand decoding abilities is what Bowlby (1969/1982, Attachment and loss: Vol.1.Attachment (2nd ed.). New York: Basic Books) called attachment relationships—interpersonal relationships in which one person’s emotional security depends on another person’s sensitive, responsive caregiving and support. In this paper, we present theoretical ideas, review relevant research, and propose new avenues of research dealing with associations between attachment-related processes and patterns of nonverbal behavior and sensitivity in adulthood, two domains of research that have not previously been adequately connected.  相似文献   

The Adult Exploration of Attachment Interview (AEAI) is a therapeutic interview developed by the author to assist adults to understand themselves and their relationships with others, especially with a partner, co‐parent and/or children. It is suitable for individuals and couples struggling to overcome repeated patterns of relating, helping to improve their intimate or parenting relationships through greater self and other understanding. The AEAI explores an adult's early relational learning, especially in regard to attachment needs, in order to allow change. The interview uses specific externalising language to help persons tolerate difficult memories, reduce guilt and shame and integrate their thoughts and feelings. It applies key implications of attachment theory and the approach is illustrated by examples from therapy.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2006,20(2):177-191
During the past fifty years, research based on attachment theory has found that when relational partners' attachment systems are activated, significant differences emerge between the ways individuals respond to each other. These different attachment styles are related to the ways individuals characterise and conceptualise close relationships generally, referred to as ‘internal representations’. Internal representations of close relationships depend heavily upon whether individuals have a secure or insecure attachment style. Until recently, most attachment-based research has focused either on the parent–child relationship during infancy, or on adult romantic relationships. Attachment researchers are now turning their attention to the parent–‘child’ relationship during the later stages of life. Later life filial relationships are of intrinsic interest to attachment researchers because they concern the same adults who were instrumental in forming the attachment organisation of the young child. This study considers filial attachments from the perspective of the adult ‘child’. Twenty-four participants were selected using the Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ) to include equal numbers of the three main attachment organisations. Six robust factors emerged, accounting for 71% of the variation. Confident Resolution and Resolved Yearning incorporated the secure attachment organisation. Distant Irritation and Dutiful Loyalty captured the insecure-avoidant style, with Unresolved Yearning and Entangled Resentment comprising insecure-ambivalent individuals.  相似文献   

This case study examines the role of philanthropic funding in building capacity for aging research in Ireland, and how this investment has addressed the lack of evidence to support planning for an aging population. The funding has supported a range of initiatives including the national longitudinal study on aging (TILDA), the creation of three professorships/chairs, and the establishment of four new research centers. Important potential outcomes are emerging across other domains including research-informed policy development and the generation of health benefits. The efforts of academic researchers to ensure that their findings are readily accessible to end users and to forge robust working relationships with all stakeholders have helped to enhance the use of research findings. Overall, philanthropy has played a pivotal role in building capacity, infrastructure, and expertise in academic settings in Ireland. Moreover, this work provides an excellent example of how such efforts can begin to inform effective planning and service provision.  相似文献   

This paper discusses attachment theory and research with emphasis on the empirical studies of Many Main. Main's work emphasizes the relationship between an individual's narrative regarding attachment relationships and their underlying internal working model of attachment. The internal working model of attachment is a representation of attachment experience and a set of rules for processing attachment experience. This paper describes various categories of attachment narrative construction and presents a case history that is discussed from an attachment theory perspective.  相似文献   

Home healthcare is steadily growing in Europe. There are a number of reasons for this development: aging population, rising hospital costs, preference to stay in one's own home. Nevertheless, it has been known that home healthcare workers are frequently exposed to a variety of potentially serious occupational hazards. Furthermore, emotional labor is frequently high in this profession. This paper describes an ergonomic study conducted at a home healthcare service. The research focuses on analyzing working conditions of home healthcare aides and nurses, as well as the impacts of their work in terms of job satisfaction, well-being, emotions at work, relationships with the others and occupational stress. The study show that employee strategies are specifically centered around preserving the relationship between patients and workers and coping with the job demands. This paper also shows that home healthcare workers express emotions and conceal them from others. Finally, recommendations discussed with the manager and workers to improve working conditions in this sector led to practical proposals: for example, implementing certain equipment items better suited to difficult care, encouraging assistance between healthcare workers when operations require this through adequate organizational measures, extending work emotion-focused discussion groups with management involvement.  相似文献   

The concept of 'special' has played a crucial role in the development of educational policy and practice, and the meaning of the term has been the subject of far-reaching debates and controversy. This paper is based on research which explored the meaning of 'specialness' in theory and practice from the point of view of practitioners working in segregated schools, providing education for young people designated as having moderate and severe learning difficulties. The research demonstrates the articulation of the individual model of special in teachers' thinking about pupils, themselves and their relationships with pupils, and also in the learning environment provided for different categories of young people. We argue that the dominant discursive practices of practitioners construct and maintain 'otherness' in special education, and pre-empt alternative discourses.  相似文献   

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