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近年来,宁夏回族自治区人口计生委积极创新工作思路,通过优化工作载体,大力推进穆斯林人口文化建设工程,扎实有效地推动了婚育新风进万家活动的深入开展,不仅有力地促进了穆斯林群众婚育观念的转变,也为人口控制目标的完成创造了良好的舆论环境。  相似文献   

黄荣清 《西北人口》2009,30(6):49-53
研究民族发展和民族繁荣,需要有测度发展和繁荣方法,本文构建了衡量人口发展水平的指标体系,并用它来测度和分析穆斯林民族的发展状态,指出与中国其他民族相比,当前影响穆斯林民族人口发展的主要是人口年龄结构、城镇化和教育。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,越来越多的少数民族人口进入城市,尤其是大城市。这一群体在接受"城市化"和"现代化"洗礼的过程中,相对于一般的进城务工人员,由于加入了民族意识、民族宗教习俗、民族价值文化等因素,从而使其城市适应变得更加复杂和艰难。本研究从社会结构变迁的角度出发,以兰州市流动穆斯林社会调查为基础,对影响流动穆斯林城市适应的障碍性因素(民族因素、自身因素、社会环境因素和制度因素)进行了深入、细致的分析;并阐述了流动穆斯林城市适应的关键障碍因素:地理距离、经济条件及心理文化。随着城市化进程的进一步加快,与以往的农民工城市适应的关键障碍因素不同,制度因素已不再是阻碍流动穆斯林城市适应最主要的因素,而是呈现出多元化的特点。  相似文献   

宁夏回族自治区积极推进回族穆斯林人口文化发展,努力将新型婚育文化与优秀的地域民族宗教文化巧妙融合,形成了具有特色鲜明的回族穆斯林人口文化传播体系,促进了回族群众婚育观念转变,为统筹解决人口问题营造出团结、和谐、文明、进步的社会氛围,成功地探索出了一条民族地区人口文化传播的新路子。  相似文献   

流动穆斯林随着城市化步伐的加快越来越多地涌入到城市生活中,作为一个特殊的群体,他们能否适应城市生活、融入城市生活是一个重要的社会问题。文章采用因子模型指数方法对5年前兰州市流动穆斯林研究样本进行跟踪分析,综合运用指数跟踪技术、皮尔逊积矩相关系数、方差分析和多元回归分析等数学方法,对跟踪样本的环境、经济、社会文化(宗教文化、日常生活方式)和心理4个层面的适应状况进行跟踪研究。在此基础上提出了相应的认知和建议,为兰州市更好地服务和管理好这个群体乃至促进西北大城市流动穆斯林人口城市适应、构建城市和谐社会提供一定参考。  相似文献   

本文分析和论述了青海海东地区穆斯林拉面经济的形成,特征,动力,社会作用以及目前存在的问题和对策。  相似文献   

中国和世界上其他地区一样,把信仰伊斯兰教的各民族教徒都称为“穆斯林”。解放以前,中国的回、维吾尔、哈萨克、柯尔克孜、塔吉克、乌孜别克、塔塔尔、东乡、撒拉和保安等10个民族,就普遍信仰伊斯兰教。1982年第三次人口普查时,这10个民族的人口合计为1461万人,这便是中国穆斯林人口的通用数字。  相似文献   

宁夏回族自治区伊斯兰教协会,在自治区党委和政府的领导下,配合有关部门,在宣传贯彻党的计划生育政策,教育动员伊斯兰教界人士和广大穆斯林群众实行计划生育  相似文献   

本文根据第五次人口普查资料,及中国十个信仰伊斯兰教的民族在建国后50年来人口变化的情况,对中国穆斯林人口的发展变化,人口的文化素质,出生和死亡率的特点,人口年龄构成,职业构成,人口性别比,婚姻与家庭,人口分布的现状等进行了分析与对比研究。  相似文献   

为了响应国家西部大开发的战略号召,为西部大开发出谋划策,由中央民族大学发起西部开发与民族问题系列研讨。2000年4月28日中央民族大学民族学研究院、中央民族大学西部研究中心、首都经济贸易大学人口所、中国人口学会民族人口专业委员会联合举办的“中国穆斯林人口与文化研讨会”在中央民族大学召开。本次研讨会是该系列的首次研讨会。来自人口、民族学界的专家、教授、学者及国家民委政法司、国家计生委政法司、外事司、国家民委民族问题研究中心、中央统战部二局有关领导共80多人参加研讨。中央民族大学民族学研究院院长、西部开发研究…  相似文献   

国家统计局的资料表明,2000年新疆人口平均预期寿命已达67.41岁,比1949年增加了37岁。1985年,新疆被国际自然医学会列为世界上4个长寿地区之一,每百万人口中百岁老人的数量居全国之首。  相似文献   

洪娜 《南方人口》2011,26(1):14-18,47
利用苏州市吴中区独生子女不幸死亡家庭的问卷调查和深入访谈资料,在分析不幸死亡独生子女及其家庭特征的基础上,着重探讨这些家庭对优先优惠计生政策的需求,建议加强独生子女意外死亡事故防范意识,建立独生子女死亡家庭特别扶助金的长效保值机制,在依托并充分利用普惠型福祉制度的基础上实现对独生子女不幸死亡家庭的关爱,建立计生工作人员与独生子女不幸死亡家庭之间的关爱结对。加强对他们的精神慰藉。  相似文献   

独生子女伤残状况及对计生扶助政策的需求分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
洪娜 《南方人口》2010,25(3):51-56
利用苏州市吴中区独生子女伤残家庭的问卷调查和小组访谈资料,对独生子女伤残状况及这些家庭对计生扶助政策的需求进行实证分析。结果表明:近七成独生子女伤残时的年龄在15岁以下,其中先天残疾占51.3%;重度残疾比例超过五分之二;智力残疾和精神残疾独生子女合计占比近六成;残疾后生活难以自理者比重接近三成。进一步分析发现,独生子女伤残家庭最需得到的帮扶依次为:为独生子女伤残家庭提供生活补助、为伤残独生子女父母提供养老保险补贴、提高独生子女家庭的医疗救助水平。基于以上结论.提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

A brief overview is presented of the impact of population control on sustainable economic development in Shantong Province, China. Family planning education was initiated in 1970. Birth control is now widely accepted among the population. The birth rate in 1995 was 9.82/1000 population. The natural growth rate was 0.335%. The population growth rate was below the national average. The total fertility rate was 1.1 children/woman. Shandong Province has a total population of 81 million people. Shandong's share of Chinese total population declined from 8.4% in 1949 to 7.2% in 1995. Gross domestic product in 1995 was 500 billion yuan. The annual urban expenditure was 4000 yuan/person, which was an increase of 1500 yuan from 1991. The annual rural net income was 1650 yuan/person, which was an increase of 680 yuan from 1991. During 1971-95, expenditures for bearing children declined by 492 billion yuan. The party secretary of the province stressed that population quality is desired now that the birth rate is under control.  相似文献   

Summary Although cholera was never endemic in Ceylon, the country was subject to frequent (and in many instances explosive) cholera epidemics, due to its many contacts with the Indian sub-continent, the source where the disease was endemic. The frequency of epidemics was caused by the heavy movement of Indian labour working on the plantations of Ceylon between the two countries. This study charts the course of cholera in Ceylon beginning in the nineteenth century and seeks to identify the causes which led to its decline. Although there has always been doubt regarding the efficacy of quarantine in controlling cholera, its history in Ceylon indicates that whatever the drawbacks, quarantine was one of the major factors leading to the decline of this disease in the country. In addition, one of the essential elements in the battle against cholera in Ceylon was the development of a public health department which had the capacity to restrict the spread of an epidemic. This was done by the timely enforcement of various public health measures when the disease escaped the quarantine net. This survey also indicates that in the case of Ceylon, medical treatment and hospitalization was of no significance in controlling the number of deaths among those who contracted cholera, since all the great cholera epidemics occurred before treatment by intravenous re-hydration was introduced.  相似文献   

A few statistics on population for Thailand are reported for April 1, 1993. Total population is determined to be 58,113,000 of which 29,039,000 are males and 29,074,000 are females. The urban population was 17,852,000 and the rural population was 40,261,000. Regional distribution showed population in the north to be 9,443,000, in the northeast to be 19,590,000, in the south to be 7,107,000, and in the center excluding Bangkok to be 14,517,000. The population of Bangkok Metropolitan area was 7.5 million. Age distribution was 16.7 million under the age of 15 years, 19.4 million 6-21 years, 37.1 million 15-59 years, 4.2 million 60 years and older, and 35.3 million 20 years and older. There were 15,002,000 women in the reproductive ages of 15-44 years. The crude birth rate was 17.4/1000 population. The crude death rate was 5.9/1000 population. Infant mortality was 35.5/1000 live births. The natural growth rate was 1.15%. Life expectancy at birth was 66.4 years for males and 71.8 years for females. Life expectancy at 60 years was 17.9 years for males and 21.2 years for females. The total fertility rate was 2.2/woman. Contraceptive prevalence was 75.0%. Estimated population in the year 2012 is expected to be 71,310,000. A graph provides the projected number of living children per 1000 aged 12 years or younger who would be born to mothers with HIV infection and the number who would be orphans between 1990 and 2000. 350,000 children 12 years and under are expected to be born to HIV-infected mothers in the year 2000.  相似文献   

This one page profile gives population statistics for April 1994 in Thailand. Total population is estimated to be 58,656,000 persons, of whom 29,310,000 were male and 29,346,000 were female. The population was 18,019,000 in urban areas and 40,637,000 in rural areas. Regional population was distributed as follows: 7,532,000 in the Northern Region, 19,773,000 in the Northeastern Region, 7,174,000 in the Southern Region, 14,652,000 in the Central Region excluding Bangkok Metropolis, and 7,525,000 in Bangkok Metropolis. 35,669,000 women were of reproductive age (15-44 years). As regards the general population, 19,614,000 were aged 6-21 years, 35,669,000 were aged 20 years or older, 16,893,000 were aged under 15 years, 37,481,000 were aged 15-59 years, and 4,282,000 were aged 60 years or older. The crude birth rate was 18.5/1000 total population. The crude death rate was 6.4/1000 total population. The natural growth rate was 1.2%. The infant mortality rate was 34.5/1000 live births. Life expectancy at birth was 67.7 years for males and 72.4 years for females. Life expectancy at 60 years was 18.8 years for males and 22.0 years for females. The total fertility rate was 1.95 children/woman. Contraceptive prevalence was 75.0%. Population is expected to increase to 71,414,000 persons in the year 2012. A separate graph indicates the estimated numbers of child prostitutes based on five different assumptions about total numbers of commercial sex workers in 1993.  相似文献   

This brief article discusses fertility decline and increased proportions of elderly in Shanghai, China. By 1996, Shanghai had 14.19 million permanent population and 13.05 million resident population. The natural population growth rate was 1.4/1000. The birth rate was 5.6/1000 and the death rate was 7/1000. 5.6084 million were engaged in urban employment by the end of 1996, which was 0.5% fewer employed people than in the preceding year. 3.8 million worked in state-owned or collectively owned enterprises. Unemployment was 2.8%. The gross domestic product per capita was 22,086 yuan (US$2661). The average annual wage was 10,572 yuan/year among urban workers. Rural and suburban households earned an average of 4846 yuan/year. The proportion of women of childbearing age continues to decline, while the proportion of elderly increases. 17.1% of total population were children aged 0-14 years in 1995 compared to 18.2% in 1990. The proportion of elderly increased from 9.4% in 1990 to 11.4% in 1995. The median age of population was 37.3 years. Life expectancy was 74.07 years for men and 78.21 years for women.  相似文献   

Abstract In a recent study of family size ideals in the D.S.A. it was found that in the 1960'S the mean ideal family size of Catholics was about half a child higher than the mean ideal size of non-Catholics. This note describes an analysis of similar data for married women in Great Britain, derived from an investigation undertaken in 1966 for the Population Investigation Committee. A difference in ideal family size, which was of the same order as the American difference, was found; and, in addition, the actual fertility of Catholics was compared with that of others.  相似文献   

Summary Adult population of a dragonflyNannophya pygmaea Ramber inhabited in a damp ground was investigated with mark-and-recapture method in 1975. The following results about the seasonal changes of the population size and distribution in the habitat were obtained. Adults emerged from late May to mid August. The number of the adults was most abundant in early June, but that of matured males in early July. From the recapture data, the estimate of daily survival rate was 0.82, and the length of immature stage in males was estimated as 5 days or so. Total number of post-teneral adults emerged in the habitat was estimated as about 9,000. The mean crowding-mean density regression method was applied for the analysis of the distribution pattern of the adults. Matured males showed a spaced-out distribution, while females and immatured males distributed themselves rather aggregatively. Such a distribution pattern of the matured male would be attributed to their territorial behaviour. The territorial behaviour was considered to force the matured males to extend the distribution area in July when they were most abundant. From the above-mentioned results and some observations, the meaning of the territoriality in this species was discussed.  相似文献   

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