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文言小说"谐"与"笑"常常被理解为诙谐、嘲弄、滑稽、幽默等等与笑话和喜剧有关的词义内涵。而事实上,在文言小说中,"谐"与"笑"有着大于谐谑的内涵。"传奇"最初是对相对于正史而言的地位低下的小说的谦称,但到明万历以后小说虚构已被更多的人所接受,以传奇法而志怪甚至成为有意的创作手段。到清代中期,文言小说观念的变迁异常明显,作家对小说"非信实"文体特征公开认同,对谐词胜于正史的教化作用相当自信,上述这些都是小说虚构观念发展的表现和证明。  相似文献   

中国文言小说从魏晋六朝开始盛行到唐传奇正式成熟之后,并没有因为白话小说浩大去势的冲击而消歇。相反,经过明代《剪灯新话》、《情史》等专集的再度盛行,文言小说在清代以《聊斋志异》为标志而达到新的高峰。这一事实表明:文言作为小说的艺术媒介,有着不可被白话代替的功能。揭示文言的独特功能理所当然地是揭示文言小说、特别是《聊斋志异》的审美特征的重要途径。 要在文言与白话之间划出绝然的分界是不明智的。但如果以《三言》、《二拍》等作品作为白话小说的代表,以《聊斋志异》作为文言小说的代表,我们就可以描绘出这两类小说在语言…  相似文献   

过继叙事作为明清白话小说中相对独立的叙事单元,对小说的艺术表现起到了重要作用。过继叙事不仅是推动小说故事展开的动力和营造传奇效果的艺术手段,在发掘与之相关人物的隐秘心理及形象塑造上也起到了独特作用。另外,过继叙事在小说中的频繁出现,也反映了当时人对现实生活中过继关系的焦虑。明清白话小说中大量有关继子“复姓归宗”的叙述,在很大程度上可以看作是一种通过文学虚构平复心理焦虑的“需要”。  相似文献   

啙窳是清末北京下层启蒙运动中最重要的白话文作者之一,曾发表白话演说百余篇,在当时颇有影响。作为晚清北京白话文的代表作者,啙窳显示出独特的白话写作面貌和京话特色;在启蒙大众直接宣讲的同时,他又坚持了寓言这一有悖于直接启蒙的特殊文体。本文希望通过对这两方面的阐释,深入认识啙窳,并丰富对于晚清白话文运动和晚清启蒙运动的想象。  相似文献   

《聊斋志异》对小说美学的把握黄德烈中国古代的小说,从文体上分,有文言和白话两种。文言小说曾经历过汉魏六朝志怪小说和唐传奇小说两个繁荣阶段。宋、元、明时期,白话小说渐兴,但不很成熟。清初蒲松龄再以文言形式创作了他的短篇小说集《聊斋志异》,在当时可谓异军...  相似文献   

明清以来,与短篇白话小说和长篇章回小说风行的同时,文言笔记小说也始终盛行不衰。蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》创造性地继承了六朝志怪和唐传奇的传统,并以它思想上和艺术上的成就,成为我国古代文言短篇小说的圭臬。自它问世以后,在清代文坛上即曾掀起过一个模仿《聊斋》、写作笔记小说的热潮。沈起凤的《谐铎》、和邦额的《夜谭随录》、浩歌子的《萤窗异草》等,都步《聊斋》的后尘而不能脱其窠臼。对此独持异议并以自己的创作  相似文献   

薛勤 《求是学刊》2016,(6):114-120
在清末民初的东北的历史语境下,传统与现代杂糅,在这一理性化背景下的文学活动也表现出同样的社会思想取向,即近代理性的渗透和现代性要素的培育,这是文学发生各种文体变化的思想背景,也是现代文学的生发根源。从文言、旧白话、欧化白话到现代语体,是清末民初二三十年间东北小说文体变化遵循的基本路径,发生了一系列包括小说观念、结构技法、阅读期待等在内的变化。外来小说的文体示范带动了小说体式、技法的变化,为东北小说文体注入了新的元素和活力。新式教育为新文学打造了队伍,培育了东北小说创作、阅读、传播各环节的新生力量,推动了东北现代小说文体的选择和养成。  相似文献   

尹德翔 《求是学刊》2005,32(5):92-97
自鲁迅以来,传奇作为中国古代文言小说文体之一种,历来为学界所公认。而牛津大学杜德桥的《〈丁约剑解〉:唐代叙事作品分类的一个难题》一文,通过对《唐阙史.丁约剑解》的分析,对传奇这一分类的意义、明确性及其在阅读和批评过程中的实际效果都提出了质疑。文章追溯了鲁迅对唐传奇问题的论述,针对杜氏的文章,结合对《丁约剑解》的评议,讨论了传奇文标准,区别了“传奇文”与“传奇集”在分类上的不同情况,论述了传奇分类的合理性,提出了把握古代文言小说分类应注意的问题。  相似文献   

小说观念的近代化是中国社会近代化的一个重要侧面,其以浓郁的现代性色彩,形成区别于传统小说的显明时代特征,艰难跋涉的近代化进程抒写了新小说家孜孜探索文体独立的小说理念。当今学者对小说观念近代化进程做历时性和共时性的综合考察,就小说观念近代化的义界和时限、标志与维度、动力与机制的分析,为考究近代文化语境下的批评话语变迁提供了一个绝好的参数。  相似文献   

李舜华 《北京社会科学》2002,(1):116-123,130
这里的“小说”之所以加上引号,是特指能与西方novel相比较的中国传统白话长篇小说,即我们常说的章回小说。长期以来,当中西方学者在争论中国传统白话长篇小说是否具有近代意义时,他们实际上是在争论,中国的“小说”是否已经构成了一种新文体;它在文体意义上是否可以等同于……  相似文献   

北京是清代通俗小说的出版中心之一,共有51家书坊刊刻通俗小说,计版本133个。通俗小说出版的繁盛时期是光绪年间,但绝大部分都是翻刻本或话本小说选本,仅有侠义公案小说例外,《三侠五义》《小五义》《续小五义》《彭公案》等作品都产生于北京。北京说唱业的发达为侠义公案小说的成书提供了契机,《三侠五义》的前身《龙图耳录》就是根据说唱本石韵书改编而来,但经过了文人的加工;《小五义》虽然经过整理,但仍然保存了说唱文学的许多特点。  相似文献   

Determining the human activity that social processes consist in is a central task for the philosophy of the social sciences. This paper asks: which conception of agency arising from contemporary action theory is the most suitable for social science explanation? It is argued that a movement-centered, Davidsonian picture of agency is not suitable for explaining certain social processes such as strikes and boycotts because, instead of intentional bodily movements, they are explained by the intentional omissions of agents. I propose that instead of intentional bodily movements, social processes are better explained by phenomena in which an agent is taking an active relation both to her mental or bodily processes as well as to what is happening around her. Thus, to fully explain social processes, a comprehensive theory of agency that can account for intentional actions and intentional omissions and a conception of agency that includes both materialist and volitionalist aspects is needed.  相似文献   

I defend the integrity of the question of what the cognitive status of economic theory could amount to, and I argue that the theory is best understood as a compartment of formal political philosophy, in particular a species of contractarianism. This seems particularly apt as an account of general equilibrium theory. Given the intentional character of the explanatory variables of economic theory and the role of information in effecting choice, it is argued that economic theory is unlikely to secure the predictive power that would enable it to function as a factual instead of a normative theory.  相似文献   

During the past decade, Soviet science fiction has experienced a boom not inferior to its "golden age" of the 1920s. Many new names have appeared. The subject matter has become more serious. The writers have improved in the literary sense. There has been a noticeable broadening in the range of readers of science fiction. Moreover, it has become increasingly possible for them to familiarize themselves with the best works of foreign writers. Finally, rather probing critical efforts have appeared — science fiction is now gaining students, and even theorists, of its own. All this is beyond question. It is hardly necessary now to prove to anyone (despite the fact that a stormy discussion raged around this matter in our national press a few years ago) that science fiction is either reading for amusement or specifically "children's" literature. However, there are still no accepted precise quantitative criteria for the readers' new attitude toward science fiction, and this has allowed some critics to defend clearly outdated ideas, constantly appealing to some "mass" or "simple" reader, although it is impossible to verify such assertions. It was for just this reason that members of the Science Fiction Fan Club at Moscow University — the students in the natural science departments who had in mind the basic principle of the exact sciences that asserts that all a priori statements must be checked by experiment — decided on an attempt to apply this principle to their favorite form of literature. The best proof of the timeliness of this test was the fact that the idea had literally permeated the atmosphere, for just as the Moscow University club began, science fiction fans in Baku, headed by G. Al'tov, decided to conduct a mass survey of science fiction readers. This made it possible to develop a coordinated questionnaire and to enlarge considerably the number of people queried. Approximately 700 questionnaires were received, and the resulting data are surely the most complete reflection of the present opinions of Soviet readers about science fiction. It would, of course, be very interesting to give a complete report on the questionnaire, but the nature of this magazine forces us to confine ourselves to the subject of science fiction and the schoolchild, and to analyze primarily the attitude of school-age readers to science fiction.  相似文献   

Three examples of theoretical analysis of evolutionary processes are presented. It is shown that the mechanisms involved have little to do with cognitive processes except for superficial and formal analogies. That is the case not only for classical models of adaptive evolution (example I), but also for more recent ones (exanples II and HI) making use of neural network computation and self-organization theories.
Recent works on functional self-organization exhibiting some features of intentionality are discussed in this context. It is argued that Dennett's (or other) intentional stance cannot be used as a theoretical framework common to human prepositional attitudes, animal behaviour and adaptive (or non-adaptive) evolution. Indeed, a physical theory of intentionality could account, at least in principle, for the production of intentional self-organizing systems. However, except for a renewed theological "argument from design", there is no justification to attribute intentionality to evolutionary processes and "Mother Nature", for the reason that they have produced organisms endowed with intentional psycholinguistic capabilities.  相似文献   

许殿才 《求是学刊》2012,39(2):146-150
魏晋南北朝隋唐时期,在统一多民族国家整合过程中,民族史记述成为史家关注的重点,正史中的民族史撰述在当时发挥了重要作用.这一时期正史的民族史记述有了新的发展,一是民族史记述成为各正史不可或缺的重要内容;二是民族史记述范围扩展;三是记述方式有所改进、创新.在魏晋南北朝分裂时期,在分争的表象下,史学有着加强民族联系、实现民族统一的内在要求.隋唐统一后,天下一家的思想基本成为人们共识,对巩固统一起着重要作用.随着接触的增多和联系的加强,对少数民族的理论认识有了深化.民族关系的思考主要关注两点:一是宣讲以夏变夷的责任及意义,二是处理民族关系的具体方略.  相似文献   

王剑 《学习与探索》2005,(6):201-205
封事,即秘密章奏,是汉代朝臣上呈给皇帝的一种特殊的上行官文书,在汉代的文献中,它有多种称法,如密奏、密疏等。汉代朝臣上封事有如下特点:汉代臣民上封事是十分普遍的;西汉时并没有对臣民上封事的资格给予限定,而到了东汉时开始对臣民的上封事资格进行了规定;汉代臣民上封事的时机还与天象等偶然性因素相联系;汉代臣民上封事的保密性不强。这些特点是与汉代政治的发展相联系的。  相似文献   

惠翔宇 《唐都学刊》2013,29(3):55-58
汉代“少吏”指汉代官僚群体中有百石、斗食、佐史之秩的低级官吏。因其位处官僚结构底层,向为治秦汉制度史者所忽视。通过对百年(1914-2011)来汉代少吏的研究现状之综述,指出目前汉代少吏诸多方面亟待学者深入探讨。如汉代少吏的历史沿革,汉代社会的少吏名目、人数及分布状况,汉代社会的少吏制度,汉代少吏与其他社会势力(各级官僚、豪族、宗族)的互动关系,汉代少吏的趋贱历程等。汉代少吏是一座亟待学者挖掘的矿藏,是一个值得关注的研究课题。  相似文献   

谢君 《唐都学刊》2013,29(4):77-83
明万历后,江南运河城市取代福建建阳成为全国的坊刻中心与通俗小说刊刻中心,所刻通俗小说从数量到质量,从形式到内容都较建阳时期有了很大的发展,透露出通俗小说发展的新的信息。从外在刊刻特点来看,江南运河城市书坊注重版刻质量,提高了通俗小说刻本的外在观赏性;刊刻通俗小说的书坊多与文人合作,多文人型书坊主,很多家刻转变为坊刻,家刻与坊刻合流,提高了坊刻小说的整体水平。从通俗小说自身的特点而论,江南运河城市坊刻的通俗小说流派众多,类型更趋多样化,极大地丰富和繁荣了通俗小说的表现领域与题材样式,通俗小说在创作自主性、内容题材、艺术水平上都透露出了新的信息,整体呈现出文人化的特征。  相似文献   

穆渭生 《唐都学刊》2006,22(6):34-38
《高力士外传》乃作者得高力士口述亲历旧事而撰成,其中载述玄宗朝史事,始自开元后期,迄于高力士贬死黔中,内容多有关涉朝政大事者,且详述细节言辞。经过与现存的唐代史籍逐一比对印证,完全证明了其中记载的真实与可信,它是研治唐史(玄宗朝)的第一手资料。  相似文献   

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