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Since 1965, the latest immigration to Denmark has not only brought new groups to the country but also resulted in new organizations, associations and movements established by people with Muslim background. In order to understand this extension and renewal of Danish civil society I distinguish between forms of organizations and forms of diffusion. The outcome of the analysis reveals four distinct clusters of Muslim organizations in Denmark: The first generation of Muslim associations was characterized by centralized state sponsored organizations, governed and financed by Arab countries and Turkey. The second generation of Muslim organizations took the form of transnational social movements and were often set up as a counterpart to the state sponsored organizations. The third wave of organization building, the so-called homegrown organizations, tried to unite Muslims in Denmark and worked for a dialog with the Danish majority. Most of the Muslim youth organizations belong to this category. However, some political Islamic youth organizations and networks have chosen an alternative strategy that challenges mainstream Danish institutions and values. The reaction of the government has been to tone down cooperation with representatives from the immigrant population and especially representatives from the Muslim minority.  相似文献   

安丰军 《回族研究》2011,(4):110-113
围绕人与自然和谐共处的主题,回族形成了一系列独具民族特色的生态伦理思想,涉及人与自然、人与社会及人与人等多个层面。从宗教信仰、生产生活、民间故事等文化视角就回族的生态伦理问题进行探讨,对于该民族实现可持续发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

The expansion of state-funded Muslim schools in Britain since 1998 has developed against a backdrop of sustained public political rhetoric around the wider position of British Muslims in both political and educational contexts. This article explores the public policy rhetoric around Muslim schools under New Labour and the subsequent Coalition and Conservative governments and compares how these narratives align with outcomes in terms of numbers of, and types of, denominational Muslim faith schools in Britain. The article applies a Critical Race Theory approach based on the construction of counter-narrative through a critical analysis of policy and its outcomes. This analysis is contextualised through exploring the implications of counter-terror strategies such as Prevent for the political and educational equity of British Muslims as stakeholders in the state. Against this context the article explores the extent to which successive policy frameworks and political narratives around faith schooling have played out in terms of denominational state-funded Muslim schools. Whilst gains have been made under New Labour and the successive Coalition and Conservative governments, critical analysis reveals that public policy narratives allow for a misleading account of the extent to which Muslim communities have been enfranchised through state funding for Islamic schools.  相似文献   

亲子关系是家庭中与夫妻关系并列的一个重要的派生型关系。在传统的中国家庭中纵向的亲子关系往往重于横向的夫妻关系。因而,亲子关系对儿童的社会化影响较大。本文从文化的角度、人格发展的角度、社会结构的角度三个研究视角,以甘肃省穆斯林民族家庭为例,探析儿童社会化过程中的亲子关系。  相似文献   

回族是中国城市化程度最高的少数民族.关于都市回族的研究成果已经很多,但多数都是零散的个案描述和具体问题分析,缺乏理论范式的建构和探索.本文将以北京回族社区的结构变迁为个案,探讨具有更为普遍性的中国都市回族社会结构的范式问题,即传统都市回族社区是以怎样的社会结构得以存在和延续的?这种社会结构已经和正在发生怎样的变迁?  相似文献   

元代回回人的宗教制度与伊斯兰教法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王东平 《回族研究》2002,7(4):44-50
本文研究了元代回回社会中的宗教制度和伊斯兰教法。作者认为,元代回回社会中存在着官方认可的管理者和更小的民间宗教事务管理者两套系统。伊斯兰教法约束了回回人的行为规范,并且对元代多元法律文化的形成产生了影响。在多元文化的发展过程中,“回回法”同“汉法”及“蒙古法”有一个冲突和融合的过程。  相似文献   

张訸 《回族研究》2011,(4):105-109
本文就目前所发现的回族家谱进行研究,重点考察回族家谱的特点及回族家谱的修撰与回族家族组织的建立之间的关系;分析回族家谱与其他少数民族家谱的异同之处;阐释回族家谱的文化意义与社会价值。  相似文献   

Using data from three survey studies, this paper examines the support for the democratic political organisation of Muslims among Muslim immigrants in the Netherlands (Studies 1, 2, and 3) and Germany (Study 3). Using a social psychological perspective, support is examined in relation to religious group identification, Muslim linked fate, perceived discrimination, fundamentalist religious belief, and host national identification. The findings in all three studies show support for the political organisation of Muslims. Furthermore, higher religious group identification and higher linked fate were associated with stronger support. More discrimination and more fundamentalist beliefs were also associated with stronger support, and part of these associations was mediated by linked fate. National identification was not associated with support for the political organisation of Muslims.  相似文献   

Most research on Asian American education has centered on addressing and deconstructing the model minority stereotype. While recent studies have highlighted the socioeconomic and cultural heterogeneity among Asian American students, few have examined how sexual identity and masculinity mitigate their academic experiences. In this article, we draw on the educational narratives of 35 Asian American gay men to address this gap. Though research on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students has emphasized bullying, our findings show that the relationship between sexuality and schooling is more nuanced than studies suggest. Our article reveals that while anti-gay bullying is prevalent, Asian American gay students play up aspects of their racial identity and even strategically capitalize on the model minority stereotype to evade harassment. Ultimately, our study highlights the need for educators to remain mindful of how the intersection of sexuality and race affect the school climate and educational experiences among gay students of color.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the consequences of Donald J. Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric and policies vis-à-vis his travel ban on Muslim immigration experiences. The paper looks at the impact of Trump’s and like-minded European leaders’ Islamophobic rhetoric and policies on dominant cultures, public policies, and assimilation of Muslims in the U.S. and in Europe. The review correlates said rhetoric and policies with public attitudes about Muslims, the rise of hate crimes and violence against Muslims, public policy changes, and assimilation (including civic engagement) of Muslims. The paper contrasts the differences in attitudes and responses of Muslim and non-Muslim communities in the U.S. and Europe. It concludes that U.S. and European Muslims retain overall positive attitudes about their new home countries and institutions and are politically engaged against the rise of anti-Muslim xenophobia, which varies between America and Europe, based on their respective histories, cultures and economies.  相似文献   

从认同的基本特性看族群认同与国家认同的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钱雪梅 《民族研究》2006,69(6):16-25
国内外已经有许多学者论及族群认同与国家认同的矛盾和张力。本文认为,矛盾冲突并非族群认同与国家认同之间关系的固有属性和全部内容。文章从辨析认同的基本特性入手,分别考察了个人的族群认同与国家认同之间、以及族群的自我认同与国家认同之间的关系,说明族群认同与国家认同长期共存的事实及其含义。  相似文献   

本文以明清山东青州回回历史记忆的变迁为个案,讨论了其祖先移民历史记忆从明代"都人南迁"的故事到清代强调祖先"出于回部"的变化。笔者认为,明代"都人南迁"的表述更为靠近元明鼎革之际回回人的真实生活境遇,而"出于回部"的表述则受到清朝平定天山南北历史事件的影响。"出于回部"的表述说明青州汉人和回回人对回、汉族属的识别在清中...  相似文献   


This article analyses 1115 posts made across 67 threads on an English Defence League (EDL) message board from 5 October 2013 to 19 October 2013. During the two-week research period, the then leader of the EDL, Tommy Robinson, resigned (8 October 2013) and the posts that existed before, during and immediately after his resignation became the focus of this article. After thematically analysing the posts, the article outlines a sense of betrayal, with concerns about the movement’s future and indicates the importance of leadership in the collective identity of far-right movements.  相似文献   

The main focus of this article is how a set of practices revolve around the formation of an imagined community in dispersion – diasporisation. The study discusses the case of the Chilean diaspora in Sweden and its transformation from an exile context to a post-exile context facing a drastically altered historical situation. This transformation is analysed as a matter of agency where practices are framed differently as a response to the demand perceived in the context. The outcome of this argument speaks in favour of a diaspora concept that focuses on practices and how these are framed in order to mobilise a putative dispersed population.  相似文献   

族群认同感建构的社会学分析:以新疆“民考汉”为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于族群认同的讨论已成为社会学族际关系研究的一个重要视角.本项研究以新疆地区的一个特殊群体--"民考汉"为例,探讨影响族群性的文化特征与主观认同,并试图对影响"民考汉"族群认同的民族结构和制度安排进行客观的分析.  相似文献   

以参与式田野研究和深度访谈为主要方法的人类学研究是质性研究的重要实践. 自上世纪末以来,我国社会人文学界出现了对"科学"的一种误读,将"科学"研究理解为"量化研究",甚至将"数字"视为科学性的最高表述,将应用研究中有无"数字"表述作为衡量其价值的标准.由于有些社会人文学者把"数字"当做拜物主义对象,以经验研究为主要方法,以质性研究(对社会结构、制度、关系以及社会文化意义等的探索)为目标的人类学,在社会人文应用研究中遭到了质疑,也因此又一次被边缘化.  相似文献   

1991年,美国夏威夷东西方文化研究中心的杜磊博士出版了<中国穆斯林人民共和国的族群民族主义>一书.他在书中对宁夏回族自治区纳家户村的"民族志描述"引起了笔者的关注.这是因为,杜磊正是在对纳家户的"文化写作"中,提出了"伊斯兰教在西北苏非社区复兴"的命题.而笔者以为,杜磊的这一命题是大有商榷余地的.他的"异文化"学者的身份导致了他对纳家户日常生活的误读,他对纳家户的"田野工作"及"文化写作"也存在诸多问题.本文将对这些问题及其产生的原因进行简要分析.  相似文献   

李良品  祝国超  廖钰 《民族学刊》2020,11(3):21-27, 127-128
明清时期中央王朝实施的改土归流,不仅彻底废除了土司的政治、经济、军事、司法等特权,将国家版图内的人事权、财政权、军事指挥权、行政管理权、文化教育权等悉数收归中央,而且也是中华民族共同体由“自在”向“自觉”过渡的关键环节。明清改土归流经历了一个长期、艰巨、复杂的过程,其中既有土司利益与王朝利益的矛盾、各地土司与辖区民众的矛盾,也有中央王朝通过改土归流以增加税收、朝廷命官与乡村民众要求改土归流等现实动因。改土归流实现了国家“大一统”的目标、凸显明清国家治理能力的进步、加快了中华民族共同体建设的速度。中华民族共同体是一个由政治共同体、经济共同体、文化共同体和社会共同体四者构成的命运共同体。改土归流的实施,不仅是推动共同体由“自在”向“自觉”迈进的关键步骤和重要举措,而且使中华民族共同体在政治、经济、文化和社会诸方面发生巨大变化。  相似文献   

随着基本公共服务均等化的提出,研究者们展开了对民族地区基本公共服务均等化问题的研究。从本质上说,基本公共服务均等化是一项公共政策,所以文章试图从公共政策的视角出发,以政策价值取向、政策系统、政策过程为分析维度,对研究者们的成果进行归纳和述评,以期对民族地区基本公共服务均等化问题的研究现状有更加全面的认识和把握。  相似文献   

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