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The author discusses an urban upgrading project in the Wadi and Jabal areas of central Amman. These two areas, home to Palestinian refugees from the 1948 and 1967 exoduses, are among the most congested and poor in the central city. The Wadi borders a refugee camp and the Jabal is surrounded by low-income neighborhoods. Through the upgrading project, the state asserted control over every facet of women's lives, addressing most aspects of private and public life in the targeted communities. Women responded in a rally around the notions of domesticity and femininity, effectively managing public agencies and personnel in such a manner that the project was eventually turned to their advantage. Sections consider women in the domestic environment, relationships between women across households, the urban upgrading project, planning to restructure social relations, blurring the private and the public, and women's responses.  相似文献   

Though there is a danger that ‘place’ may become subsumed or ignored in research as attention now shifts to questions of ‘mobility,’ discussion of place has burgeoned throughout academia. Many texts declare that place is important, or proclaim the power of place. While place has been shown to be a fundamental part of human existence, what does this then mean for those who are characterized as not being interested in places? Examining nomadic Gypsies and Travelers in Britain, who are often constructed as placeless, highlights that this is not simply a representational concern, but has a tangible empirical affect, impinging on their everyday practices as well as influencing policies and laws that actively deny them their right to place. By exploring various definitions of place and how this impacts the understanding of mobilities, I demonstrate that the meaning ascribed to nomads is dependent upon a spatialized definition of place which is underpinned by the space-place binary. It is this aspect of the discourse that allows for nomads to be constructed as out-of-place wherever they are, and by recognizing this we can avoid framing placelessness as a natural characteristic of nomadism. Reconceptualizing place allows for more nuanced understandings of nomadism, as our identities are constructed in relation to both place and mobility, not just one or the other.  相似文献   

王健 《城市》2010,(9):49-51
巴黎与天津同为沿河而建的大都市,在城市起源与发展过程中形成了以河流为空间发展轴线的城市格局。但由于城市发展历史和建设历程的不同,两个城市在空间格局和建筑形态等多方面呈现出巨大差异。巴黎作为西方发达国家最具魅力的城市之一,在城市空间规划、建筑风格保护、城市空间轮廓和城市建筑界面控制等方面拥有大量成功经验。而天津作为成长中的城市,其独特的历史进程、多元化的建筑文化以及在发展中的些微混乱与不确定性都使天津具有一种与众不同的特色。  相似文献   

This study is focused on the lives of street youth in urban Brazil through an interdisciplinary and cross-historical approach, providing a conceptual analysis of three different but interconnected sources of knowledge: A historical study of vagrants in the 1800s by [Fraga Filho, Walter. (1996). Mendigos, Moleques e Vadios na Bahia do Século XIX. São Paulo: HUCITEC/EDUFBa], the novel Jubiába by [Amado, Jorge. ([1935] 1984). Jubiába. New York: Avon Books] on the life of a youth on the streets in the 1930s, and empirical material from a current ethnography of boys and young men on the street. This approach facilitates a broader perspective on stability and change regarding the dynamics of street life, allowing cross-historical themes to surface. It reveals how young men on the street challenge socio-spatial and moral boundaries. While their marginal position empowers them and increases their mobility, it also encumbers their trajectories. The conclusion arrived at is that marginality and mobility are closely interlinked, as marginality is not only the cause but also consequence of mobility, and sometimes even the obstruction of it.  相似文献   

Using the concepts of ‘social capital deficit’ and ‘return deficit’, this study considers the social network aspects of social disadvantage among Malays in Singapore, as compared to Singaporean Chinese. Analysing a 2005 representative survey, we find Malays have less social capital than Chinese, a social capital deficit partly explained by their lower educational attainment. We find no return deficit in earnings: that is, every additional unit of social capital increases earnings equally for Chinese and Malays. However, we find return deficits in education: every additional unit of social capital (e.g. ties to educated parents) increases educational attainment more for Chinese than Malays. In all, this study offers a social capital explanation for Malay ‘plight’, complementing the more conventional explanations of human and economic capital.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the issue of multicultural education in Cyprus and how it is treated within school environments. It explores attitudes from and towards non‐indigenous pupils and perceptions that exist within the indigenous population. A case study approach was used to achieve these goals. Teachers completed a semi‐structured questionnaire, and pupils and parents were interviewed. The results revealed serious deficiencies in the system, with particular emphasis on the lack of academic and psychological support for non‐indigenous pupils. The results also point to a lack of skills among teachers to function in multiethnic classrooms  相似文献   

The study of multilingual landscapes promises to introduce a new perspective into theories and policies of multilingualism, and to provide essential data for a politics of language. However, the theorization of space and language underlying the notion of linguistic landscape is not able to capture the manifold complexities of (transnational) multilingual mobility that is characteristic of many late‐modern multilingual societies. Basing our argument on signage data from a contemporary South Africa in a dynamic phase of social transformation, we argue that more refined notions of space coupled to a material ethnography of multilingualism could provide a theoretically more relevant and methodologically refocused notion of (multilingual) linguistic landscape. Specifically, we take an approach to landscapes as semiotic moments in the social circulation of discourses (in multiple languages), and view signs as re‐semiotized, socially invested distributions of multilingual resources, the material, symbolic and interactional artifacts of a sociolinguistics of mobility.  相似文献   

Manuel Castells (1996) famously argued that human processes are increasingly operating according to the logic of flows and it has now become commonplace to analyse movements of people, information and commodities in terms of flows. However, scholars have been slow to capture the dynamics of border enforcement practices in these terms. In this article, we argue that ‘deportation’ can best be understood, not as a discrete practice that is unidirectional, territorial and wholly controlled by individual states, but as a range of diverse practices used by states (and sometimes undermined by other parties) to try to control the circulation of people within a dynamic supra‐national space. By focusing on ‘mobility control continuums’ operating in selected countries at the peripheries of Europe, we capture the dynamics of state intervention in trans‐border flows and thereby contribute towards developing concepts and methodologies for the criminological study of border controls that are ‘sensitive to the complexities of the global’ (Aas 2007).  相似文献   

The Canadian government adopted a multicultural policy in 1971, complicating the binary of ‘two founding peoples’ by acknowledging the diversity of its settler populations. This redefinition took place against the backdrop of the Cold War in which Canada was a strategically located junior partner in the Western alliance. This article draws parallels between photographic representations of Canadian diversity and the photographic culture of the Cold War as complementary programmes of nation-building and national defence. The study focuses mainly on the activities of the Still Photography Division of the National Film Board of Canada in its coincident evolution from a government information agency to a proto-museum with a mandate to collect and circulate Canadian contemporary photography. A curious mixture of communitarian ideals, countercultural impulses, and institutional ambitions is displayed across a number of documentary projects. The power of photography as a silent language is put into question by a modest compilation of words and images that situates both global and local uncertainties in a Winnipeg grocery store.  相似文献   

"Fears are often expressed that migration to the towns is a cause of surplus labour, increased unemployment, and the general decline in the quality of life in urban areas. In a detailed study of the interaction between migration and the urban labour market in an Indian city, the authors investigate these questions and show how the migrants fare as compared with the urban natives. They find no evidence that migrants are confined to marginal employment or contribute disproportionately to urban underemployment. Policy-makers are cautioned against adopting measures to curb migration, which is part of the process of economic growth and social advance, without first making a detailed assessment of its effects."  相似文献   

马泽丹  杨新苗 《城市》2006,(2):53-56
一、机动化是中国城市发展的必经阶段 (一)机动化的进程影响城市发展 所谓城市机动化,确切地说就是用机动的方式替代人力、畜力方式来完成城市内部、城市之间人和物的移动.从理论上来说,社会的进步和发展需要提高机动化水平.因为高效运行的城市生产活动和交流活动都需要城市高效的机动化水平作为坚实的硬件和软件基础.众所周知,生产力决定生产关系,生产力的提高是社会不断进步的源泉和动力,机动化的交通模式正是提高生产力水平的有效措施.因此,城市机动化水平的高低、发展的好坏不仅是城市现代化建设的重要指标,更与城市经济的发展有着密切的关系.城市交通发展通常可以产生巨大的社会效益和经济效益,使城市社会经济生活的快节奏、高效率成为可能.  相似文献   

This paper brings together three contrasting strands of conceptualization relating to human mobility in metropolitan regions. First, the well-established literature on functional urban regions which focuses above all on the role of journey to work in defining these, and on patterns of relative population centralization versus decentralization in urban regions. Other than in terms of defining metropolitan zones, this literature is mostly based on analyses of ‘permanent’ population flows. Therefore, the second theme of this paper is a focus more on fluidity, on the importance of various forms of temporary population movements which can either confirm or challenge the trajectories of centralization versus decentralization that are suggested by permanent population shifts. These themes are explored through an empirical analysis of Portsmouth, UK, a mature metropolitan area which has been subject to absolute population centralization in recent years. Finally, we explore how diverse mobilities are interwoven – a process that can be understood in terms of Urry's notions of scapes and flows, and also of enfolded mobilities.  相似文献   

"This article examines the evidence for and possible significance of marriage migration in and around the city of Ilorin, the capital of Kwara State, Nigeria, which has a population of about 400,000." The study "reveals a movement of rural women to marry into wealthy polygymous compounds in the city and the return of some of these women to their rural natal compounds later in life. This movement may be an explanation for the high proportion of women in indigenous towns, and perhaps also in some newer medium-sized settlements. It can also be seen as a reflection of the unequal and exploitive relationship between the towns and their rural hinterland."  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the limitations of Bourdieu’s “capital” with the help of Burke’s four master tropes: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony. Both Bourdieu and Burke were concerned with theoretical reductionism. I claim that Bourdieu could not help but be reductive insofar as his metaphor of capital became the totalizing lens through which he understood society. First, I review Bourdieu’s forms of capital, noting how capital serves as the sine qua non of his theory of practice. Second, I situate Bourdieu within the PR literature. Third, I read Bourdieu’s “capital” through Burke’s (1941) four master tropes. Reading Bourdieu through Burke enables PR scholars to better understand the limitations in Bourdieu’s terminology, which leads to debunking, materialist reductionism, and relativism. I conclude with implications for future research adopting Bourdieusian and Burkean approaches to public relations.  相似文献   

This article investigates the current discourse about scientific misconduct from a postcolonial perspective. It traces the development of a causal story about scientific misconduct, blaming misconduct on so-called foreign scientific cultures said to be most prevalent among developing countries. The paper attempts to show how the discourse on misconduct is structured by themes and logics of coloniality as well as diverges from them, exhibiting shifting categorisations and images of the Other, which oscillate between the Other as a backwards savage and the Other as an advanced machine. Such contradictory categorisations will be argued to be both interpretable as movements to abandon prevailing ideologies of efficiency and progress within science and to make science more inclusive as well as means to uphold and re-establish existing patterns of coloniality in the face of historical changes both within and outside of academic research.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, sustainability standards and certification have come to play an important role in the global governance of production and trade. Their purpose is to address the environmental and social problems generated by the globalization of the economy. Yet, as scholars and actors alike have pointed out, framing these problems in terms of technical criteria and procedures might result in rendering some issues invisible and closing potential debate and contestation. Through the empirical analysis of a multi‐stakeholder initiative called the ‘Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil', our aim is to explore how civil society organizations and advocacy networks nevertheless draw new lines of power by using, putting to the test, correcting and constructing formalized knowledge. To shed light on these processes of resistance, we advance an analytic that restores the concept of dispositif coined by Michel Foucault in emphasizing both the disruptive and stabilizing lines that compose a dispositif.  相似文献   

This Delphi study explores the status of crisis communication research and education qualitatively through the lens of 22 internationally recognized crisis communication scholars, systematically recruited and retained to serve on the crisis expert Delphi panel in a two-year span. Taking a multi-iteration consensus-building approach, this study enabled the expert panel to individually elaborate and collectively evaluate shared observations and insights regarding trends, patterns, and nuances in crisis communication as a unique interdisciplinary area of research and practice. The quality and impact of current scholarship, methodological rigor and diversity, and perceived knowledge gaps between academia and industry were compared and synthesized across countries. Consensus was achieved in the majority of the proposed questions. Results show challenges and particular deficiencies within the crisis communication research domain. The main challenge is bridging the gap between academia and industry. The lack of theory development and cross-cultural studies contribute to part of this challenge. The knowledge and perceptual gaps identified by our Delphi expert panel also suggest a need to align crisis communication academic research more closely with crisis communication teaching. Despite the increasingly broadened presence of crisis communication scholarship, it remains small and stunted at some universities. The discussions and insights that emerged in this Delphi study help pave the way for further research innovation and educational program development in crisis communication.  相似文献   

Even though begging is illegal in Ghana, an increasing number of disabled people engage in it. Begging is not only abhorred by the law, but also regarded by many Ghanaians as stigmatizing and devaluing. Successive governments of the country and some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have made efforts either to reduce or eliminate begging. The attempts made have, however, been unsuccessful and the disabled beggars involved have returned to the streets of Accra. The question is why is it difficult to reduce begging in the research area. While poverty, mobility needs, lack of education and employable skills and employment avenues are factors that explain the decision to start begging, it also seems that the ways in which beggars justify their activities contribute to its perseverance. The study aims at sensitizing policy-makers and other stakeholders in attempts to find empowering alternatives to begging.  相似文献   

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