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A cross-sectional study was conducted to explore the prevalence and severity of health-related complaints perceived by adult males of Hong Kong by using the Hong Kong Traditional Chinese versions of the Aging males’ symptoms (AMS) scale and the 5-dimensional and 3-level European Quality of life (EQ-5D-3L) questionnaire. A total of 825 adult males aged 40 years or above were surveyed, and observed that 80% of the population was living with little-to-mild levels of aging symptoms with mean total scores ranged between 26.02?±?7.91 and 32.99?±?7.91 in different age groups. Such symptoms were correlated with age, especially for the somato-vegetative and sexual symptoms. The most severe AMS symptoms were observed in the oldest age group at 70 years or above, with 76%, 34% and 70% living with moderate-to-severe levels of somato-vegetative, psychological and sexual symptoms, respectively. The result was highly correlated with the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire. Secondly, the Hong Kong Aging males’ symptoms (AMS) scale was shown to have good reliability with test–retest coefficient at 0.79 (ranged 0.66–0.87) and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient at 0.88 (ranged 0.70–0.84). In summary, the population of Hong Kong male adults was commonly living with little-to-mild levels of aging symptoms, whereas their severity was correlated with age.  相似文献   


Objective: To explore the relationship between symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), symptoms of binge eating disorder, and body mass index (BMI) among students at a southern university. Participants: Two hundred seventy-seven college students. Methods: Between January 31, 2013 and March 27, 2013, participants completed the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener and the Binge Eating Scale (BES) in addition to permitting researchers to measure their height and weight. Results: Higher ASRS scores, higher BMIs, and lower BES scores were observed among men. Among both men and women, BES scores were positively correlated with BMI and ASRS scores; however, the correlation between ASRS and BMI was not significant. Conclusion: Binge eating disorder symptomatology was associated with increased ADHD symptomatology and a higher BMI among both men and women. Among students presenting with obesity or ADHD, screening for binge eating may assist with the identification of problematic eating behaviors.  相似文献   

Despite their presumed high risk for AIDS, there are almost no sexual behavior data available which are sufficient for the development and assessment of intervention programs for male prostitutes. This study was designed to obtain such data. Fifty 14–27‐year‐old male prostitutes in Manhattan were interviewed using structured instruments to assess sexual orientation, sexual behavior, knowledge of AIDS, and substance abuse. The sample was 50% homosexual, 26% bisexual, and 24% heterosexual. High rates of condom use were found for anal intercourse (average 85%). Subjects were safest in sex with male customers, less safe with male partners for pleasure, and least safe with female partners. Differential use of condoms plus other unsafe sexual activities continue to place the male prostitute at risk for HIV infection. AIDS knowledge was high and positively correlated with safety of sex. Drug and alcohol abuse and dependence were frequent, although there was little intravenous drug use. These and other variables were not significantly associated with degree of safety in sex. The methods employed in this study can be used to assess other populations of male prostitutes as well as intervention programs.  相似文献   


The authors used the computerized Eating and Exercise Examination to investigate eating, weight, shape and exercise behaviors in a convenience sample of 93 male college students. One fifth of the men worried about their weight and shape, followed rules about eating, and limited their food intake. Between 9% and 12% were unhappy with their body shape, felt fat, and seriously wanted to lose weight. Exercise was important for the self-esteem of 48% of the students. Thirty-four percent were distressed when they could not exercise as much as they wanted, 27% followed rules about exercising, and 14% worried about the amount of exercise they were doing. The respondents met clinical diagnoses for objective binge eating (3%), self-induced vomiting (3%), bulimia nervosa (2%), and exercise disorders (8%). Although 9% reported disordered eating, none had sought treatment. Health professionals should be aware that eating and exercise disorders may be present in college men and that screening may help in the early identification of these problems.  相似文献   

Aging males have a decrease in testosterone levels, by which the testosterone treatment may influence in a negatively fashion the liver.

Aim: This study aimed to analyze the effects of aging with or without testosterone administration on the liver components of animals.

Methods: Wistar rats were divided into three groups: 20 months’ group (G20), 24 months’ group (G24), group treated with testosterone for 16 weeks (GT). All groups were sacrificed at 24 months except for G20 that was sacrificed at 20 months.

Results: Aging and testosterone treatment alters the body weight (BW), liver weight (LW) and relative liver weight. Besides, testosterone increased the mitogen capacity of hepatocytes. Nonetheless, we reinforce the negative effects of testosterone on old animals’ liver as chronic hepatic congestion and/or cholestasis. In addition, we observed that testosterone plays an important role on hepatic glycogen stores.

Conclusions: Our study showed many implications for the knowledge about the effects of aging with or without testosterone administration on old animals’ liver.  相似文献   

Introduction: It is well known that there is a reduction of circadian rhythm in blood testosterone levels with aging. Our previous report revealed that 3?mg of short-acting testosterone ointment (Glowmin: GL) elevated serum testosterone levels to within the physiological range for 4–6?h. The aim of this study was to clarify the clinical efficacy and safety of GL used topically once every morning, to enhance the circadian rhythm of testosterone, for late-onset hypogonadism (LOH).

Methods: A total of 61 LOH patients received 3?mg of GL topically once a day in the morning on scrotal skin for 24 weeks. The clinical efficacy of GL was evaluated by the aging males symptoms (AMS) scale, and blood sampling tests were measured before and after GL treatment.

Results: Mean patients age was 55.3?±?9.2 years old. Total AMS scores at 4, 12, and 24 weeks after GL treatments significantly decreased. The results of sub-analysis of AMS, including psychological, physical, and sexual factors also significantly improved after GL treatments. No severe adverse reactions or abnormal laboratory data were reported.

Conclusions: This study shows that TRT for LOH with once daily GL treatment supports testosterone circadian rhythm and should be considered to be an effective and safe therapy for LOH.  相似文献   

Objective: As eating disorders (EDs) often emerge during college, managing EDs would ideally integrate prevention and treatment. To achieve this goal, an efficient tool is needed that detects clinical symptoms and level of risk. This study evaluated the performance of a screen designed to identify individuals at risk for or with an ED. Participants: Five hundred forty-nine college-age women. Methods: Participants completed a screen and diagnostic interview. Results: Using parsimonious thresholds for ED diagnoses, screen sensitivity ranged from 0.90 (anorexia nervosa) to 0.55 (purging disorder). Specificity ranged from 0.99 (anorexia nervosa) to 0.78 (subthreshold binge eating disorder) compared to diagnostic interview. Moderate to high area under the curve values were observed. The screen had high sensitivity for detecting high risk. Conclusions: The screen identifies students at risk and has acceptable sensitivity and specificity for identifying most ED diagnoses. This tool is critical for establishing stepped care models for ED intervention.  相似文献   

Eating disorders (EDs), once considered solely a women's health problem, have increasingly affected men. Previous research on recovery from addiction has emphasized the importance of narratives, which help provide structure and make sense of events. While narratives are often important for an individual's recovery from hardship, hegemonic narratives can be invalidating and obstacles to wellbeing. The highly gendered nature of ED recovery narratives has posed a barrier to men adopting alternative, more successful narratives, particularly in female-dominated spaces. This study examines how content moderation policies and enforcement on Tumblr, Reddit, and an ED recovery website shape men's participation in ED recovery support groups dominated by women. We find that high degrees of moderation and censorship limit men's platform participation and narrative experimentation. However, platform rules without active censorship face the same challenges. Instead, narrative experimentation and greater participation from men occur during moderate regulation because they can share their experiences while also being encouraged to find salient aspects of other, healthier narratives. We observed that men were able to break from unhelpful recovery narratives when they could masculinize the suggestions from women with more productive approaches. While past research has shown that men are particularly reliant on hegemonic masculinity when their gender is challenged, we find that phenomenon is part of a more fundamental process of reconciling ideas into one's self-concept.  相似文献   

Objective: We examine weight control behavior used to (a) compensate for caloric content of heavy alcohol use; and (b) enhance the psychoactive effects of alcohol among college students. We evaluate the role of gender orientation and sex. Participants: Participants completed an online survey (N = 651; 59.9% women; 40.1% men). Method: Weight control behavior was assessed via the Compensatory-Eating-and-Behaviors-in Response-to-Alcohol-Consumption-Scale. Control variables included sex, race/ethnicity, age, and depressive symptoms. Gender orientation was measured by the Bem Sex Role Inventory. The prevalence and probability of alcohol-related weight control behavior using ordinal logistic regression are reported. Results: Men and women do not significantly differ in compensatory-weight-control-behavior. However, regression models suggest that recent binge drinking, other substance use, and masculine orientation are positively associated with alcohol-related weight control behavior. Conclusions: Sex was not a robust predictor of weight control behavior. Masculine orientation should be considered a possible risk factor for these behaviors and considered when designing prevention and intervention strategies.  相似文献   


Objective: To examine the misuse of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-specific stimulants in a college population at high risk for or with clinical or subclinical eating disorders. Participants: Four hundred forty-eight college-age women aged 18–25 at high risk for or with a clinical or subclinical eating disorder. Methods: Participants completed assessments of stimulant misuse and psychopathology from September 2009 to June 2010. Results: Greater eating disorder pathology, objective binge eating, purging, eating disorder–related clinical impairment, depressive symptoms, perceived stress, and trait anxiety were associated with an increased likelihood of stimulant misuse. Subjective binge eating, excessive exercise, and dietary restraint were not associated with stimulant misuse. Conclusions: ADHD-specific stimulant misuse is associated with eating disorder and comorbid pathology among individuals at high risk for or with clinical or subclinical eating disorders. Screening for stimulant misuse and eating disorder pathology may improve identification of college-age women who may be engaging in maladaptive behaviors and inform prevention efforts.  相似文献   

Erectile dysfunction and low sexual desire are multifactorial diseases. The decrease in testosterone levels is one of the causes, but the effect of estradiol is not well known. Moreover, study has shown that the testosterone/estradiol ratio has more influence over sexuality than does estradiol alone. The aim of the study was to determine whether the balance between testosterone and estradiol has any relation to some aspects of sexual function. It was an ambispective study of 230 patients with urological problems unrelated to sexuality. They underwent a detailed history and hormone study including total, free, bioavailable testosterone and estradiol. They completed the Sexual Health Inventory for Men and questions 11 and 12 of the IIEF15 were used to assess impairment in sexual desire. The T/E ratio was calculated, and the relationship between the different parameters and erectile function and sexual desire were studied by univariate and multivariate analysis. The mean age was 66.32?±?8.17 years. The percentage of patients with erectile dysfunction was 60.9% (7% severe, 14.3% moderate, 12.6% mild to moderate and 27% mild) and decreased sexual desire was 46.5%. Age, free and biodisponible testosteron were the only variables with a positive linear association with erectile dysfunction and decreased sexual desire. Age was the only independent variable for both, erectile dysfunction and sexual desire, in the multiple linear regression. There was no association between a testosterone/estradiol imbalance and an alteration in erectile function and sexual desire. Consequently, in the clinical study of these patients, it is not necessary to request estradiol in the laboratory analyses.  相似文献   

Asia has about 60% of the world population and population aging is occurring more rapidly in Asia than in Western countries. The group aged 65 years and above will increase from 207 million in 2000 to 857 million in 2050, a staggering increase of 314%. The diversity in economic, demographic, religious, cultural and geo-political factors in Asia is unparalleled by any other continent, and is, in part, contributory to the rapid rise in population aging. By 2050, those under 15 years old will have shrunk from 30% in 2000 to 19%, while those aged 65 years and above will increase from 6% to 18%. In addition, the gender divide still persists with 100 elderly women to 70 elderly men. These projected demographic changes pose three major challenges: 1) how best to address the rising population of the group aged 65 years and above, 2) how to address the shrinking population of the young as well as the working adults, and 3) how to address the problems arising from the disproportionate increase in older women than men. From now to 2050, it will be expeditious for each country in Asia to look into ways of reversing the decline in total fertility rates (TFRs) and restore to replacement levels. If not, at least introduce measures to halt its free fall. Due to the complexity of factors that have influenced the fall in TFRs in Asia, it will be a daunting task to reverse this fall. There is no “single size fits all” solution to this complex problem. Research work in this short-term strategy in addressing the aging population is urgent. In the longer term, the East-West Centre have suggested four modalities, 1) establish policies and programmes that enhance traditional Asian systems of family support for the elderly; 2) introduce policy reform that encourages the elderly who are still capable of remaining in the work force; 3) create institutions and systems that support high levels of personal saving; and 4) formulate public programmes, including pension schemes and national healthcare systems. We need to work while there is time.  相似文献   

Data generated by the authors' field research on the bisexual and homosexual behaviors of men of Mexican origin living in southern California are presented and compared with the same behaviors of Anglo men in California and Mexican men in Mexico. Preferences for playing either the anal receptive or insertive sexual role and a focus on anal intercourse by unacculturated and less acculturated men of Mexican origin who have sex with men are the sexual behaviors judged to be most significantly different from Anglo men who have sex with men in California. Sexual socialization and acculturation were found to be the most important determinants of whether an individual's adult patterns of homosexual behavior will be more or less influenced by Mexican or Anglo homosexuality in spite of the length of time they may have lived in California. Evidence is presented about the effects that acculturation, preference for a sexual role in anal intercourse, and endogamy have on the spread of the AIDS virus in the Mexican origin population in California.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the relationship of testosterone and different glucose tolerance state, and its association with osteocalcin.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted of 1176 males aged 60–97?years who were arranged for an annual regular checkup from March to May 2012 in Chinese PLA general hospital in Beijing.

Results: Individuals categorized as having prediabetes or diabetes were more likely to have lower osteocalcin, testosterone, and SHBG levels compared to those with normal glucose tolerance (p?Conclusions: It showed that serum osteocalcin and TT were closely related with BMI, blood glucose, and TG, which supported the hypothesis that regulation of bone remodeling, energy metabolism, and reproduction are linked.  相似文献   

Recent studies with samples of homosexual men have demonstrated that drinking in conjunction with sexual activity is strongly related to unsafe sexual activities known to increase the risk of AIDS transmission. Most existing studies have assessed the relationship of general measures of drinking and general frequency of risky sexual activities. Such a design, however, does not establish that drinking and risky behaviors occurred on the same occasion. In this study, adult respondents were asked about the circumstances of two sexual encounters: their most recent sexual experience and their most recent encounter involving a new sexual partner. The characteristics of encounters that involved and did not involve drinking are described. The results showed that encounters with new partners were more likely to involve alcohol, but that the presence of alcohol was not significantly associated with risky sexual activity. These findings suggest that analyses of event‐specific data illuminate a different aspect of the drinking/sex link.  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction and overview for the papers in the special issue of this Journal devoted to the latter half of life among gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals. Key issues are highlighted in terms of their impact on gay, lesbian, and bisexual cultural communities: the impact of the large aging population of baby boomers; the significance of age as a social organizer; and the areas of research included in this special issue (intimacy and relationships, HIV and AIDS among elders, and the identities and needs of those growing into middle and later life).  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(1):35-41

Objectives: To clarify the correlation between the Japanese Aging Male Questionnaire (JAMQ) and the Aging Males’ Symptoms (AMS) scale through the factor analysis in Japanese male.

Materials and methods: In 61 male patients who visited the LOH outpatient clinic of Teikyo University Hospital, subjective symptoms featuring LOH were evaluated using the JAMQ and AMS. Factor analysis was performed on each questionnaire to clarify the LOH-related factors. Correlational analysis between the subscale scores representing such factors and the serum hormone profiles was also performed.

Results: Factor analysis of the JAMQ revealed an internal structure consisting of three subgroups: somatic, psychological and sexual factors with good categorization of the indicators to the appropriate subgroup. In contrast, the indicators of the AMS showed incomplete conformity to the subgroups of the JAMQ. Correlational analysis showed that each score on the JAMQ subgroups had the highest coefficient of correlation with the corresponding AMS subgroup (p?<?0.001). There was no significant association between total and free serum testosterone levels and the total and subscale scores on either AMS or JAMQ.

Conclusions: The results of factor analysis suggest that the sexual perceptions of Japanese populations might differ from those of Caucasian populations. JAMQ would be useful to separately assess individual aspects of somatic, psychological and sexual symptoms related to LOH among Japanese males.  相似文献   


Objective: To conduct a pilot test of the validity of using empirically derived personality types to characterize eating disorder (ED) risk in college students and resolve discrepancies regarding the role of perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms.

Participants: Man and woman undergraduate students (N?=?169) at a small, private university. Data were collected from February to May 2016 and 2018. Methods: Participants completed self-report measures of personality (perfectionism, impulsivity, and effortful control) and psychopathology (EDs, OCD). Results: Our analyses replicated three validated personality types: overcontrolled, undercontrolled, and resilient. Analysis of variances demonstrated perfectionism, ED, and OCD symptoms were significantly elevated in the overcontrolled subtype. There was no interaction by sex. Conclusions: These findings suggest that personality types may be useful for classifying ED risk and OCD symptoms in college students across sexes. Further study and relevance to prevention and intervention efforts to reduce the burden of EDs on college campuses will be discussed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine any differences that may exist among demographic variables such as gender, age, and race in regard to internalization of society and media messages leading to body dissatisfaction that may lead to disordered eating behaviors such as preoccupation with weight, dieting, and eating restraint. A total of 324 participants completed the demographic questionnaire, the Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire, the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire for women, the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-Revised-Male-Version for men, and Rotter’s Internal-External (I-E) Locus of Control Scale. The results of this study found, as predicted, that Caucasians reported higher internalization, higher body dissatisfaction, and higher preoccupation with weight, dieting, and eating restraint than African Americans. This study showed no differences regarding men’s and women’s internalization or body dissatisfaction but did reveal that women reported higher preoccupation with weight, dieting, and eating restraint than men. Regarding age, this study found that age did not predict internalization, body dissatisfaction, or preoccupation with weight, dieting, and eating restraint.  相似文献   

Disruptive behavior in adolescents is burdensome and may continue into adulthood if left unidentified. The strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) can screen for disruptive behavior, but its psychometric properties in high-risk samples and ability to predict delinquency warrant further investigation. In 1022 adolescents, we investigated the predictive validity (on average 1.9 years after screening) of the self-reported SDQ on disruptive behavior disorders and delinquency, measured with multi-informant questionnaires and structured interviews. We compared three scoring methods: total, subscale, and dysregulation profile scoring. In this high-risk sample, SDQ subscale scores predicted disruptive behavior outcomes best. Predictive values for the specific types of delinquency were small. Concluding, the SDQ can be used in high-risk settings for early identification of youth with disruptive behavior.  相似文献   

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