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To protect the legal rights and interests of the floating population is an important goal for improving the floating population service and management. For years, the population and family planning system has vigerously promoted the protection of rights in a convenient way and provided free family planning services, and have achieved satisfactory results.  相似文献   

A proposed bill on Population and Family Planning Regulation tabled by Northeast Chinas Jilin Province legislature has touched off a national debate on whether single women have reproductive rights. Controversy focuses on the stipulation that single women above the legal age for marriage, without kids and not wanting to get married later in their lives, can give birth to a child through legal medical-assisted reproductive techniques. Technically, there is no difficulty for women to get pre…  相似文献   

China will continue its effort to reform the household registration system (Hukou) that has been in effect for decades. The ultimate goal is that all citizens who have a legal permanent residence, a stable job and source of income can have their Hukou registered with local public security department, according to a senior official with the Ministry of Public Security of China. At a news briefing given by the Public Security Ministry on February 25, 2002, Bao Suixian, Deputy-Director of t…  相似文献   

In the article,we attribute the main institutional reasons for impacts on citizenization of migrant workers to the urban-rural dual institution, and analyze its content and the basic characteristics.Then empirical analysis of the impact on the will, the ability,decision-making and process of citizenization of migrant workers is given by use of Logistic regressive model and investigation data.Finally a result is found that although the migrant workers have a strong desire for becoming citizens, the vast majority of migrant workers can not be converted to the public because of their capacity constraints, so as soon as possible to improve their ability of citizenization becomes the key to promote citizenization of migrant workers;furthermore,in the urban-rural dual institution,in addition to the household registration system,the employment system, the social security system,the land system and the education system have obvious obstacles on the will, the ability decision-making and process of citizenization of migrant workers.Therefore,the future focus of innovation of the urban-rural dual institution can not continue to remain in the formal aspects of the household registration system,but as soon as possible to switch to innovation of the employment system,the social security system,the land system and the education system which have a substantial impact on the rights and benefits of rural migrant workers,such as expectations and income.  相似文献   

[The State Council, the highest executive body in China, issued Methods for Administration of Family Planning Technical Services, a legally binding document that will go into effect from October 1, 2001. This comprehensive document provides wide-ranging safeguards for citizens?rights to reproductive health, such as the right to informed choice and the right to obtaining appropriate family planning technical services. In addition, it also metes out penalties for administrative bodies and pu…  相似文献   

By adopting the AECI Index Method proposed by the author and using method of population simulation,this paper analyzes quantitatively the trend,intensity and regulation of the economic pressure of population ageing in China,and compares China with other countries.It draws the following conclusions:(1) China will face great economic pressure due to population ageing in the first half of this century.According to the medium projection,the pressure will increase most rapidly during the period from the middle of 2020s to the end of 2030s,and reach its peak around 2040 when the intensity of the pressure may quadruple that in 2010.(2) The great economic pressure of population ageing may remarkably reduce China’s development momentum.(3) To ease the pressure,we should rely mainly on economic measures,supplemented by population control measures.(4) To gradually liberalize the prevailing birth control policy on the premise of sticking to the state policy of family planning is a rational approach to regulate the economic pressure of population ageing in China.On the one hand,this can ease the possible economic pressure of ageing in the future,and on the other hand,it can control the pressure of population size within an endurable limit.  相似文献   

With the old dependency ratio growing for the firsttime to 13% and aging index reaching 46%,population aging hit a record high in Taiwan. If this momentum continues unabated, the aged will outnumber the young in ten years, according toestimates of local authorities. By that time, fourworking-age Taiwanese will have to support one old folk. The aging index, a result of the number of peopleaged 65 and over dividing that of people aged 14 and below, is an indicator showing the extent ofpopulati…  相似文献   

The newly revised Law on Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly will beeffective starting from July 1, 2013. It states that family members should care for and look after the elderly spiritually, and any neglect is forbidden. Family members who live apart from their elderly should regularly visit and greet them. It is also interpreted by media as "writing 'visiting home often' into the law". It will become illegal if children do not visit their elderly ot~en. The new law also requires employers to guarantee their employees' rights to home leave in accordance with relevant regulations of the country.  相似文献   

East China's Jiangsu Province will invest RMB7.91 billion (US$953 million) by the end of 2005 on 82pollution-control projects on the Huaihe River,according to a work conference held on August 4 on controlling pollution in the river valley areas. The projects are expected to ensure that water quality at the artery and main branches of the river isimproved to the standards set by the government. The projects cover treatment of sewage, garbage and industrial pollutants and pollution cause…  相似文献   

China will maintain its opposition to human reproductive cloning but will continue to allow closely monitored embryo stem cell research for the treatment and prevention of disease, said Wang Hongguang, president of the China National Center for Biotechnology Development, on February 20 in Beijing. "Therapeutic cloning opens up prospects for the replacement of dead stem cells and will improve the health of individuals and mankind as a whole," Wangsaid. Advocates of the technology believe i…  相似文献   

With China抯 entry into the WTO and acceleration of economic globalization, many Chinese people will see considerable increases in their incomes, according to Xiao Zhuoji, a well-known economist and professor with Beijing University. Xiao made the remark at a forum on development in the 21st century held in Shenyang, capital city of northeast China抯 Liaoning Province in November 2001. These will constitute China抯 middle class, he said. WTO entry will drive the development of all…  相似文献   

China will witness the advent of three population peakings in the 2100s: working population, total population and aging population, according to the United Nations. The fifth census taken in 2000 showed that of the total population, the working-age group (15-64) took up 70.15%. This will be the first group to peak. By the 2030s, China’s total population will top 1.5 billion and peak at 1.6 billion by 2040s, according to a UN estimate made in 1998. China is also becoming the fastest-growin…  相似文献   

China will double its GDP, on the basis of 2000, in 2020 and achieve industrialization, according to anoted researcher. The nation抯overall power will rank among the top three in the world, meeting the requirements for sustainable development, accordingto a report released by a team of scientists from theChinese Academy of Sciences on sustainable development. Niu Wenyuan, head of the team, said by 2020 theurbanization rate of China will be raised from 36% at present to over 55%, capable of…  相似文献   

According to the study organized by National Population and Family Planning Commission of China, in the future, Chinese population migration will continue to increase massively and steadily, while showing a tendency of new alternation.  相似文献   

China to Subsidize Farmers with 5.5 Billion Yuan in 2005China will subsidize major agricultural areas with 5.5billion yuan (US$665 million) in 2005 to encouragefarmers to increase grain production, Chinese ViceMinister of Finance Zhu Zhigang said March 2 inBeijing. Counties that produced 200,000 tons and sold 5,000tons of grain per year between 1998 to 2002 areeligible for the subsidies, Zhu said, adding that somecounties that yield less grain but sustain a region'sfood supply will also…  相似文献   

Chinese people will spend more on housing andtransport than on food and clothes in the first 15years of the 21~st century, experts with the State Bureauof Light industry predicted at a symposium in January.That will mark a significant change in the nation'sconsumption structure, with major objects ofconsumption shifting from smaller and basic needs tomore expensive and comfortable conveniences, bureaumembers said.The pursuits of consumers are also shifting frommaterial to cultural and recreat…  相似文献   

According to Shaanxi Daily, to achieve the full coverage of social endowment insurance for the urban and rural residents, Shaanxi provincial government issued a mandate entitled "Guidance on Pilot Programs of the Social Endowment Insurance for Urban Residents". According to the Guidance, urban and rural residents may participate in appropriate pension insurance as required. As a result, all urban and rural residents will be taken good care of in their old age.  相似文献   

According to China News Net, a large-scale birth cohort study, in line with international norms, will be started in the second half this year in Shanghai, and in full expands next summer. It is reported that the project will be led by Professor Zhang Jun,director of Department of Environment and Children’s Health of Shanghai Xinhua Hospital and Shanghai Key Laboratory.  相似文献   

In the process of population ageing in China, rural population has an increasingly higher proportion of elderly than the cities;it has been widely cited as one of the characteristics of population ageing in China. This paper compared China with o~her countries and reveals that the phenomenon of higher elderly proportion in rural population than the urban is universal in the world. The research finding shows that the urban-rural inversion of population ageing will not last for a long time. With the socioeconomic development, large-scale rural-urban migration and urbanization will approach to the end;the proportion of the urban elderly will eventually exceed that in the rural. During this process, the transition of urban-rural difference of population ageing will experience four phases.  相似文献   

China will face a rebound of genetically transmitted diseases in newborns in three to five years if the trendof rapidly declining pre-marital physicalexaminations is not reversed, according to Gu XiulianVice Chairman of the Standing Committee of theNational People’s Congress. Gu made the remarks at a news conference onJanuary 19, 2005 in Beijing announcing thelaunching of a massive awareness campaign callingon newlyweds to conduct medical examinationsbefore they get married. The campaign…  相似文献   

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