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A Study of Marx' s Theory of Three Types of Social Formation/Hong Guangdong ( School of Marxism, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China) Abstract: Seen from the appearance of Marx' s theory of social formation, Marx paid attention to the development of human as the social subject when he investigated the social development. The theory of three types of social formation is an example.  相似文献   

The Difficult Transformation of Marx's New View of History in The German Ideology: Comments on Marx's Criticism and Inheritance to Hegel's View of History/Weng hanbing (School of Marxism, Southeast University, Nanjing 210018, China) Abstract: The German Ideology is very significant in the logical development of young Marx and the formation process and historical position of Marx's new view of history is an important research topic. Based on young Marx's criticism and Inheritance to Hegel's view of history, the paper discusses how Marx jumps out of the framework of Hegel's historical idealism through the study of economics. At the same time, Marx insists the logical belief from Hegel's view of history, which goes beyond the ideological method of bourgeois economics research. However, due to the limitations of Marx's economics research level and horizon, the construction of the new view of history and its methodology still bears a transitional nature. Key words : Hegel ; bourgeois political economics ; view of history  相似文献   

Sensual Existence Transcending Spirit and Its Limitation: Interpretation of Hegel's Criticism of Legalist Philosophy and Its Introduction/LI Xiujuan (School of Marxism, Hohai University, Nanijing,210098, China)
Abstract: In Hegel's Criticism of Legalist Philosophy and its Introduction, Marx criticizes the ontological basis of Hegel's speculative idealism theory of the state built on Feuerbach's humanism materialism. It is asserted that existence comes from existence itself and thinking stems from sensual existence. Thus, thinking is interpreted by sensual existence and political state and the spirit are accounted for by realistic sensual existence to understand the relationship between civil society and political state.  相似文献   

The Role of Social Forces Playing in the Home-Based Care Services for the Aged CHEN Jingliang (Department of History and Sociology Abstract:In the political social structure overly dependent on the government, which , Minnan Normal University, ZhangZhou 363000, China) of "strong government" and "weak society", social forces are is not conducive to the development of home-based care serv- ices for the aged. Decentralization legitimately locates the role of social forces in home-based care services The decentralized home-based care services undertaken by social forces not only effectively reduce the gov ernment's responsibility for ensuring home-based care services, but also guarantee the supply of high quali ty home-based care services.  相似文献   

Cultural Ways of Raising Moralities of Domestic Citizens
WANG Xiang-feng (School of Liberal Arts, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110036)
Abstract:Raising the morals of domestic citizens is a basic task in the construction of socialist morality in China, which is fundamental for the revival of our nation. A comprehensive enhancement of citizens' morals can be realized in various ways. However, cultural ways of exerting silent transforming influences on the people, building up effectively the positive social atmosphere, raising the morality of domestic citizens, and promoting a steady development of moral construction are experiences proved right by history and reality. Moral declines, lack of credibility and integrity, and other phenomena violating socialist moralities as demonstrated mainly in some fields must be changed through the effective and comprehensive cultivation of people's minds, which also manifests the functions of culture, i.e. creating the positive social atmosphere, educating people, serving the society and promoting actual development.  相似文献   

On the Path of Social Workers' Intervention in the Elderly Health Management in Communities
Abstract: The elderly health management in communities involves health assessment, classification and treatment. In the assessment stage of elderly health management, social workers play the role of managers and professionals of resource mobilization; in the stage of classification, social workers act as instructors and supporters; in the stage of treatment, social workers function as providers of services and advocates of policies. The paper holds that government should play a leading role in the process of elderly health management, strengthening the construction of social work human resources and broadening social workers' intervention in the elderly health management.  相似文献   

(1) Technology's Images, Matrix and Humanity's Freedom An Analysis of Bookchin's Technology Thought
Abstract: Bookchin points out that technology has traditional and modem images, which are respectively produced by their social matrixes. Therefore, to form technology towards liberation and realize humanity's freedom and nature's liberation, we need to go beyond both technology's traditional and modem images, remake the social structure and systems and recover ecological sensitivity. Bookchin's technology thought has complete theoretical logic and is of profound inspiring significance, but it falls into idealism in theory and utopianism in action.  相似文献   

( 1 ) On the New Approach to Working Class Sharing the Achievement of the Reform Abstract: Reconstructing the social position of the working class as masters of their own country will not only relieve them of difficulties, but also make them rich and strong as soon as possible. It is proposed that the right of the working class should be protected in the reforming of state-owned enterprises, that the main part of the working class should be promoted to the medium-income class strategically, which is the key to the all-round realization of a well-off society and the inevitable choice of constructing the workers' shareholding system. Key Words: workers' share holding system; well-off society; reforming of state-owned enterprises  相似文献   

The Style of Study and the Philosophy and Social Science Research SHANG Zhi-xiao (Shandong Provincial Party School ,Jinan 250001 ,China )
The Style of study is the attitude towards scientific theories, in essence, is the theory which link with practice. Philosophy and social science research must adhere to the scientific study style of integrating theory with practice ,which is not only the need for theoretical innovation, but also for the precondition of theoretical innovation. For these reasons, philosophy and social sciences should seriously change their work style, establish a good style of study, and improve the style of the article.  相似文献   

In contemporary China, to improve the deliberative democracy has a unique political advantage for com- municating the demands of political pluralism value and forming the joint forces of democratic political develop- ment; Having a unique political advantage equality for members of society to adapt to the political value expec- tations, promote social fairness and justice ; Having a unique political advantage for mobilize the enthusiasm of all sectors, and promote the harmonious coordination of political ecology; Especially having an extremely far- reaching political significance and political values ofmodern propulsion system for the realization of the modern- ization of national governance. Maintaining and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, the key is to make deliberative democracy institutionalized. It is necessary people's democracy, equality, dialogue, multi-propulsion, making efforts to promote the institutionalization of democratic democracy of state power institutionalized state administrative to stick on to some basic principles, such as having differences, and progress in harmony, political consultation, the institutionalization of organs, the institutionalization of democracy of social grassroots consultations, and the institutionalization of democracy of political public network, giving full roles for the CPPCC as the "main channel" and "main front" in institutionalization of democracy in consulting construction.  相似文献   

Problems in the Localization of Medical Social Work and Countermeasures
ZHENG Yue (Department of Sociology and Social Work, School of Humanities, Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
Abstract: With qualitative research, the author reveals such maladjustments as suspension, professional dilution and low level embedment over the localization of medical social work in Beijing, and analyzes structure dualism reconstruction and influencing factors for the culture of human emotions. At last, the paper advances three countermeasures, including empowerrnent of social workers, optimization of college professional education and improvement of policy advocacy.
Key words:medical social work, localization, embedment  相似文献   

The Progress and Tendency of China's Legislation Construction since China' s Reform and Opening up
CHANG Gui-xiang (School of Political Science and public Administration, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China)
During the reform and open policy for 30 years, China government' s legislation construction has achieved a remarkable achievement, simultaneously also faced some questions. In order to realize the comprehensive implementation to manage state affairs according to law and build socialism country under the rule of law goal, China' s government should try to ponder and to solve the following question in the future: to establish the authority of law and supremacy of law concept, to realize the authority movement government by law, as well as strengthening the protection of human rights and building the rule of law culture, to foster civil society.  相似文献   

Chinese People's Basic Experience of Insisting on the Ideal and Belief of Marxism;Scientific Outlook on Development and Establishment of Belief of Contemporary Youth;Karl Marx's Explanation of Economic Ethics on Exploitation and Poverty;On Fundamental Strategy of Ideology Work in Contemporary China;On Scientific Method of Research into Marxism;  相似文献   

Studies on the Protection of the Farmer Workersj Legal Rights Under the Financial Crisis;Institutional Change and Explanations for the Emergency of Farmer Special Cooperatives in China;Studies on Justice of China's Rural Minimum Living Security System in Its Operation;The Root Causes and Countermeasures of China's Rural Group Events An Analysis Based on the Perspective of Social Capital;Evaluation Competency and It's Affecting Factors of Shangdong Private Enterprises Comparing Jiangsu, Zhejiang ;  相似文献   

Questioning Rigby's Critique on Marx's Materialism/ WU Xuedong (Teaching Department of Ideological and Political Theory, West Anhui University, Ln'an 237012, China)
Abstract: Rigby critically evaluates materialism in Marxism and History and deconstructs Marxist productivity determinism by constructing an alternative theory about production relation with primary nature. From an academic point of view, Rigby's misreading of historical materialism mainly results from his shortcomings in research method and his misunderstanding on materialism.  相似文献   

Abstracts and Key Words of Major Articles
"Frug" in Modern Chinese Literary History: Criticism on Xia Zhiqing's Zhongguo Xiandai Xiaoshuoshi and Fan Boqun's Zhongguo Jinxiandai Tongsu Wenxueshi
YUAN Liang-jun (Literature Institute of China Academy of Social Seienees,Beijng 100732)
Abstract: The compilation of the modern Chinese literary history has had eighty-six years, and there have been ahngether over 150 hooks on this history,  相似文献   

The Agricultural Educations Initiating and Influence in the Late Qing Dynasty in Shandong
YUAN Peng - xin( 1 )
The agricultural education's initiating in the Late Qing Dynasty in Shandong is the result of the vari- ous kind of factors, such as Shandong local authorities, the regional gentry combined to participate in positively, and the background is that the Qing government carries on the educational reformation and ag- ricuhural technology falls behind. The agricultural education has the modern nature that is greatly differ- ent from the old The agricultural style education regardless of being in the education system education's development in Shandong that not only has opened and in the course content.  相似文献   

Professor Zhou Jie, born in Shenyang, Liaoning, 1963, is a senior visiting scholar of Oxford University, who has attained the bachelor's degree in English Linguistics and Literature, the master's degree in Economics and the doctoral degree in Management. In 1993, she obtained the qualification as a lawyer by passing the national examination of lawyer's qualification. Now she is the dean of Asia-Australian Business College in Liaoning University, a member of Jiusan Society, and a part-time lawyer in Liaoning Zhongda Law Office (former Liaoning International-Related Law Office).  相似文献   

The Laws of Manu,as the most famous code in ancient Indian history,embraced various laws and rules related to social life,in which the succession system is of characteristics.It regulates the principles of succession according to the caste system,emphasizes the preference of the legitimate sons and the first-born son.The mixture of various principles of succession fully reveals that the ancient Indian society valued social classes,family and ethics.  相似文献   

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