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This paper discusses children's perceptions of the divorce experience. Specifically, it illuminates children's perceptions of divorce, custody, and visitation. Custody and visitation arrangements have been made on the basis of what is believed to be in the best interests of the child. However, the viewpoint of the child is seldom considered in decisions concerning custody and access. Moreover, a negligible amount of empirical research has explored the child's interpretation of custody and visitation. This paper is an attempt to redress this imbalance. Findings based on in-depth interviews with 40 children and teenagers reveal a preference for the post-divorce family structure and more flexible visitation arrangements. Moreover, the feasibility of father and joint-custody is addressed.  相似文献   

Policies of colonisation and assimilation have had devastating consequences for Aboriginal people. Emphasis must be given to strategies far more diverse than economic development.  相似文献   

Given increasing ethnic diversity of divorcing families, it is more important than ever for family court evaluators to understand the ethical concerns and principles underlying the use of psychological testing with ethnic family members. Major professional organizations have promulgated the guidelines of child custody evaluation with an imperative to consider cultural factors in the evaluation. However, there is a paucity of literature that addresses ethnicity and psychological testing in child custody evaluations. This article addresses three major ethical domains: (a) competence, (b) test fairness, and (c) test interpretation when psychological tests are used. Practice recommendations provide guidelines to ensure ethical standards and competence in using psychological testing with ethnically diverse families in child custody and other family court evaluations.  相似文献   

Despite proposals to make parenting time a part of all new child support orders, limited research has examined why some unmarried are more likely than others to establish legal visitation agreements. This mixed‐methods study draws on qualitative data collected from unmarried mothers and fathers living in New York (N = 70) to develop hypotheses about the contexts in which parents set up visitation orders, which are then tested in a large sample of unmarried parents living apart (N = 1,392). Both qualitative and quantitative findings show that disengagement, cooperation, and conflict in the coparenting relationship postseparation influence unmarried parents' decisions about whether to establish a legal visitation agreement. The qualitative data further illustrate how parents' distrust of the court system, preference for informal agreements, and uncertainty about the custody of nonmarital children inform their decisions. The article concludes by considering approaches for helping low‐conflict coparents set up visitation agreements outside of family court.  相似文献   


This study tracks the evolution of three types of residential custody arrangements over a two-year period: sole custody with the father (n = 59 children), sole custody with the mother (n = 69 children), and joint custody (n = 69 children). Three categories of change were defined: (a) no change, (b) minor change (changing the schedule of visits or residence with a parent), and (c) major change (changing the custody arrangement). The results show that a minority of children changed custody arrangement but almost half the children in joint custody changed custody arrangements during the two years of the study. More young children and more girls changed custody arrangements, and girls who changed custody usually went to their mothers. With time, a type of polarization may be observed toward sole custody because there were less parents truly active in child custody at T2 than at Tl.  相似文献   

This study explores factors associated with variables related to custody, visitation, and child support for divorced fathers. One hundred twenty-five divorced fathers were randomly selected from court records in Roanoke County, Va. The majority of these men were noncustodial parents. Survey questions fell into one of five categories: ( 1 ) children, (2) circumstances surrounding the divorce, (3) relationship with the former spouse, (4) economic variables and, (5) background variables. In an exploratory analysis, stepwise multiple regression was utilized in order to develop a subset of independent variables that were useful in predicting the following dependent variables: custody satisfaction, visitation frequency, visitation quality, child support paid, and satisfaction with child support. Results and implications are discussed.  相似文献   


The ultimate purpose of a child custody evaluation is to assist children and their families to restructure their family lives after divorce. A competent forensic work product is defined, in part, by the eval-uator'S use of current state of the art forensic methods and procedures applied to child custody evaluations (Gould, 1998). In this paper, a detailed structure for reviewing the reliability and relevance of a child custody advisory report is provided in order to help these professionals produce a work product of greater weight and sufficiency to the court and a work product that is increasingly useful to the families we seek to help.  相似文献   


Professionals involved in child custody evaluations are sometimes confronted by the complex issue of one parent accusing the other parent of having sexually assaulted one of the children. There is scant research and theoretical literature to guide the professional in the evaluation of the alleged incestuous parent, or the attorney or judge reviewing such an evaluation. This paper describes the guiding principles of such an evaluation, how to structure the evaluation, methods used for data collection, interpretation of data, and the reasoning processes that lead to an ultimate opinion regarding the allegation. Hypothesis formation and testing is described. The form a recommendation should take given positive assessment findings and negative assessment findings is presented.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between visitation and inmate behavior utilizing a nonexperimental, longitudinal design. A random sampling was used to obtain a sample of 339 male inmates, the majority of whom were African American. The multivariate research question: "What is the relative contribution of visitation by family and friends on the number of institutional infractions by inmates, while taking into account the effects of other possible independent variables?"  相似文献   


This article provides a framework for identifying and assembling the interdependent elements of a child custody evaluation with allegations of child sexual abuse. The identification of several myths regarding child sexual abuse (CSA) introduces the subject matter of this article. A forensic evaluation model (Heilbrun, 2001) is then used to organize the custody evaluator's tasks into the following sequential classifications: (a) preparation; (b) data collection; (c) data interpretation; and (d) communication of results. Through this model, the entwined tasks of evaluating the child's needs and the parents' capacities to meet the child's needs, while simultaneously examining the question of child sexual abuse, are addressed.  相似文献   

The prevention of Rapid Repeat Births (RRBs) and Teen Repeat Births (TRBs) is an important indicator of the effectiveness of home visitation programs that serve mothers who are at-risk for child maltreatment. This study examined the effects on RRBs and TRBs of a rural/small town home visitation program based on the Healthy Families America (HFA) model. The participants in this study were referred between 1999 and 2007 and included a Treatment Group of 140 at-risk mothers who met minimum engagement criteria and a Comparison Group of 241 at-risk mothers who were referred for services but not enrolled due to limits on program capacity. In addition, county-wide TRB data was used as the basis for a static group comparison. With regard to RRBs, the rates for the Treatment (18%) and Comparison (30%) groups were compared using a Chi-Square test of homogeneity. The null hypothesis that there would be no difference between the rates for the two groups was rejected at the .05 level. Similarly, with regard to TRBs, the null hypothesis that there would be no difference between the rates for the Treatment (9%) and Comparison (27%) groups was rejected at that .01 level. Furthermore, using a Chi-Square test of independence, this investigation tested the null hypothesis that the rates for the two groups would not differ from the county-wide rate (24%). This hypothesis was also rejected at the .01 level. Overall, these results of this inquiry support the conclusion that participants in a rigorously implemented HFA program show significantly lower rates of RRB and TRB when compared to a comparable group of at-risk nonparticipants. They also appear to have a significantly lower incidence of TRB than teen mothers in the general population.  相似文献   

This paper examines the family's experience of psychiatric hospitalization. It considers the ways in which the family therapist can help keep the family system intact and involve it in the inpatient treatment process. Family-related and hospital-related obstacles to family involvement are discussed, along with suggestions for dealing with them. Also presented are family problems characteristic of an adult hospitalization population and suggested treatment strategies .  相似文献   

One third of all children in the United States have a nonresident parent. On the basis of 13,085 children with a nonresident parent drawn from the 1997 National Survey of America's Families, this study examines nonresident mothers' and fathers' involvement (visitation and child support) with children who reside in different household types: single‐parent families, married and cohabiting stepfamilies, and families headed by grandparents, other relatives, or nonrelatives. The relationship between children's living arrangements and nonresident parent involvement is complex and depends on both the gender of the nonresident parent and the type of involvement. Because nonresident parent involvement is low regardless of household type, policies and programs designed to increase involvement should include children in a variety of family forms.  相似文献   

This paper uses the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to examine children's involvement with their fathers in intact families as measured through time spent together. Our findings suggest that although mothers still shoulder the lion's share of the parenting, fathers' involvement relative to that of mothers appears to be on the increase. A “new father” role is emerging on weekends in intact families. Different determinants of fathers' involvement were found on weekdays and on weekends. Fathers' wages and work hours have a negative relationship with the time they spend with a child on weekdays, but not on weekends. Mothers' work hours have no effect on children's time with fathers. On weekends, Black fathers were found to be less involved and Latino fathers more involved with their children than are White fathers. The weekday‐weekend differential suggests that a simple gender inequality theory is not sufficient in explaining the dynamics of household division of labor in today's American families.  相似文献   

Despite their needs, kinship care families receive less support and fewer resources than other foster care families. This study systematically reviews thirteen studies that evaluated services and programs for kinship caregivers and children. Studies evaluating the effectiveness of the Kinship Navigator Program, financial assistance, support services, and training/educational programs were identified and reviewed. The Levels of Evidence-Based Intervention Effectiveness (LEBIE) scale was used to evaluate the research designs. The findings indicate that although positive results are shown for enhanced well-being and permanency outcomes of children and kinship caregivers, the rigor of the research designs are low, making it difficult to draw any firm conclusions about the effectiveness of these programs. Recommendations for child welfare practice and future research include the need to develop services for informal caregivers and particular racial/ethnic groups. In addition, more rigorous research designs and qualitative research should be conducted to support the effectiveness or social validity of the services and to inform evidence-based practice.  相似文献   

Families from the English-speaking Caribbean now comprise 30% of immigrants in New York State. Given the increase of Caribbean referrals to psychiatric hospitals and mental health clinics, it is important to begin examining more seriously the needs of this immigrant group. The concept of mental illness, risk factors that can lead to mental disorders, commonly accepted psychopathological disorders, issues in assessment and treatment as they apply to this cultural group are discussed in this article. A model for treatment—the multiculutral/multimodal/multisystems approach is examined.  相似文献   

Providing mental health services to adoptive families is an increasing need, and research indicates that many mental health professionals are not proficient in issues commonly affecting adoptive families. Research shows that adopted children exhibit more emotional, behavioral, and social struggles than non-adopted children, often as the result of abuse and neglect in early life. Primarily, though, the needs in adoptive families are relational and identified as needing focus on family dynamics, attachment styles, and trauma exposure. This article suggests using sandtray therapy as a therapeutic method that is trauma-informed, attachment-friendly, and supportive of adoptive families.  相似文献   


A model integrating prevailing perspectives on children's functioning following divorce was used to predict children's behavior problems. The data were collected from 30 custodial mothers, 30 custodial fathers, and 30 married parents with children 6 to 10 years of age, using face-to-face interviews and standardized questionnaires. Results using path analysis indicated that marital status and parental control had significant direct effects on children's behavior problems. Sex of parent, economic strain, co-parental conflict, coping with roles, and parenting indirectly influenced children's behavior through parental control. The findings suggest that the pressures inherent in raising a child alone, combined with too few resources for coping with role demands, are disruptive to both parenting and parental control, and that children in single-parent families appear to respond to these deficits with disruptive behaviors. Implications for family practice and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

The issue of how to properly include women in class analysis has posed a significant problem for social scientists for the past 40 years. A lack of consensus on this issue has informed the debate regarding women's subjective class identification as well as that regarding their objective class location. The failure to resolve it highlights a deeper problem in the study of social class: an uncertainty regarding whether the proper unit of class analysis should be the family or the individual. This article discusses the theoretical and methodological problems in the study of women's class and suggests further development of the dynamic conception of class offered by an ‘individuals in families’ approach.  相似文献   

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