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张仲谋 《阅江学刊》2014,(3):88-103
明词别集是明代词学文献的重要一翼,对于了解和把握明代词学的发展与传播具有重要的认识价值。然而,由于明词研究起步较晚,至今尚未得到系统清理。关于明词别集的甄别认定,应该注重“已有”或“曾有”,而不以今之存否或存词数量多寡为判断标准。具体的判断依据与操作方法可称之为“五看”,即一看明词别集的编刊流传;二看明代以来私家或官修书目著录;三看有关明词别集的序跋;四看明人诗文别集中其词单独成卷且有词集专名或有专题序跋者;五看明清以来词集丛编、丛刻中小集收录之情况。赵尊岳倾其半生精力辑成《明词汇刊》,于明代词学文献建设厥功至伟,然而,其于明词有见必收,裁词加题,其中有仅存一阕二阕者亦视为专集,这从汇辑明词的角度来看是完全必要的,若一例视为别集则似有未当。根据以上所言“五看”之法,目前所认定的明词别集为七十九家八十余种。  相似文献   

More than 200,000 displaced Karen from Burma have been “warehoused” in displaced persons' camps on the Thai-Burma border for more than 20 years. Recently, the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR) has embarked on the durable solution of resettlement to third countries for these people. In this paper, the experiences and perceptions of resettlement of Christian Karen are explored through the findings from two focus groups with recently arrived refugees, augmented by contextual discussions with Christian Karen community leaders in Australia. Focus group participants displayed a strong and overt sense of identity, both as individual Karen and as part of the Christian Karen community, locally and trans-nationally, indicating that Christian Karen identity remains intact during displacement and strongly influences the resettlement experience for this group.  相似文献   

The recent literature on genocide shows signs of taking what might be called a “processual turn,” with genocide increasingly understood as a contingent process rather than a singular event. But while this second generation's turn may be clear to those within the literature, the theory guiding the change is insufficiently specified. The theory regarding process and contingency is implicit, and, as such, genocide theory does not realize its full generative potential. The primary goal of this article is to provide a more robust theoretical framework for making sense of the continually evolving dimensions of genocide. It builds on the literature's existing foundations, most notably Mann's (2005) notion of “contingent escalations.” In the spirit of the recent revival of American Pragmatism in sociology, it draws on the work of Dewey, Mills, Follett, and Addams (among others) as part of a theoretical reconstruction using pragmatist concepts such as rupture, perplexity, vocabularies of motive, and experimentation to consider examples from the Rwandan genocide and show how we might explore the potential for non‐teleological intentionality on the part of genocidal actors. The result is an enhanced theoretical framework that offers “fresh eyes” for considering one of the worst (and most under‐theorized) social problems.  相似文献   

古希腊哲人柏拉图在其《理想国》中批判诗和诗人,引发了西方思想史上的"诗与哲学之争"。苏格拉底之死使柏拉图认识到,被以诗为主要内容的雅典教育培养出的政客把持着雅典政府,拒绝对城邦真正有利的提议,并对真正有智慧的人实施了伤害。诗是对灵魂与国家统治的败坏。诗与哲学之争实质上是政治制度和生活方式之争。诗代表了普通民众的日常生活,是城邦中多数人过的宗法生活,与城邦政治共同体密不可分;哲学则代表了一种新兴的生活,是少数人过的追求智慧的生活,与城邦政治共同体必然发生冲突。  相似文献   

Signature Scents     
《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):301-321

Perfume critique is an underdeveloped academic field, and this includes considerations of perfume as a theme within other art forms such as literature. In this article, Angela Carter's Wise Children and Monika Fagerholm's Wonderful Women by the Sea are read alongside perfume blogs in order to analyze the significance of perfume references in the novels. It is demonstrated that the authors' choice of perfumes for their characters plays a crucial part in their characterization, especially in relation to the theme of identity change. Using Alfred Gell's analysis of perfume use as bound up with “the transcendence of the sweet life,” it is argued that female characters use perfume to become someone else, sometimes a past self. Furthermore, the use of perfume as a literary device in these novels is shown serve as the vehicle for a feminist critique of the division between “masculine” “high” and “feminine” “low” culture.  相似文献   

We have said that gravestone studies is our own corner of research in American attitudes toward death. We begin with a discussion of burying grounds not only because it is our own, but because we have chosen gravestone s t d i e s to represent the historical backdrop against which our contributors view important twentieth century attitudes toward death in America. “Grinning Skulls, Smiling Cherubs, Bitter Words” discusses burial grounds and gravestone motifs in New England from the late seventeenth century through the early nineteenth century, and connects shifts in gravestone imagery to changes in social, intellectual and religious life in New England. “Ideologies in Stone: Meanings i n Victorian American Gravestones,” by Kenneth Ames, expands the geographical area nationwide, and covers the chronological period between 1850 and 1920. Like “Grinning Skulls,”“Ideologies in Stone” is concerned to connect the confines of the burying ground with the social values of the culture that produces it.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):175-194

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate a first year student's field placement experience at a group home for mentally ill adolescent boys. Upon discovering she has to “un-learn” past “learned” group work skills, she eagerly anticipates future opportunities to utilize “re-learned” theory acquired from major method course readings and lectures. Once in the field, she confronts the difficulties that this presents. The following is an account of the fears and frustrations as well as the joys and rewards one student encountered while attempting to apply and practice group work methodology in the field.  相似文献   

Parental ethnotheories shape socialization beliefs around childrearing more broadly, and children's friendships more specifically. While prior work has examined aspects of parental socialization of friendships among school-aged children and adolescents, no studies have examined beliefs held around the function of friendships among ethnically diverse mothers of toddlers from low-socioeconomic contexts. Toddlerhood marks a point in development when the concept of “friendship” gains impact and relevance due to leaps in children's social, cognitive, and motor skills, as well as children's increasing access to contexts where they organically encounter peers. Toddlerhood is also a time when caregivers may initially consider the influence of peers on their children, beliefs that could eventually guide and shift how they navigate socialization practices around friendship. In the present study, we document U.S. Dominican American, African American, and Mexican American mothers’ socialization beliefs around functions of friendship for their 2-year-old children. We found that mothers emphasized a variety of friendship functions, including learning of social skills and morality, and communicating and experiencing emotions. A majority of mothers viewed their children's friendships as unidirectional, and framed their children as undiscerning in their engagement with social information from peers. Findings are discussed in relation to mothers’ orientation to children and “childhood” via cultural and developmental beliefs.  相似文献   

Over two billion dollars was awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in research funding from 2010 to March 2012 to institutions receiving a grade of “C,” “D,” or “F” on their conflict of interest policies, as determined by the American Medical Student Association's scorecard on conflict of interest policies. More institutional oversight is needed with regard to assuring conflict of interest policies at U.S. research institutions are adequate. As stewards of public funds, HHS should require a minimum standard which institutional conflict of interest policies should meet, beyond current regulatory requirements, before granting funding.  相似文献   


This paper explores Freud's idea of the transference as a playground, and Winnicott's assertion that psychotherapy is a subspecies of play. In the context of what those authors called “intermediate” space, a person discovers ways of interpreting or attributing meanings to inner feelings, thoughts, and being as he engages in dialogue with others. Whether with children or adults, psychoanalytic therapies have developed a specialized form of playing in the service of this necessary communication with another, as the case examples will illustrate.  相似文献   

Objective. If racial considerations influenced the outcome of the 2008 presidential election, then how did they shape the campaign, why did race matter, and for whom were such considerations important? I hypothesize that various racial attitudes exert unique influences on voters' support of Obama and that the effects of these attitudes differ by race. Methods. Using a Time Magazine poll, I distinguish between “attitudes regarding Obama's ‘Blackness’” and “opinions about race relations,” and I examine such sentiments among White and African‐American respondents. Results. Regardless of race, Obama support was highest among voters who were “comfortable” with Black candidates. However, increased optimism with racial progress had no effect on Blacks' voting intentions, and it actually lowered Obama support among Whites. Conclusion. The conventional wisdom is that African Americans “backed Barack because he is Black”; I demonstrate that Obama's race mattered more to White voters than it did to Blacks.  相似文献   

数字化传媒的革故鼎新已成为推动中国文学世纪转型的强大引擎。网络文学的市 场化崛起打破了传统文学的原有平衡,让当今文学的整体格局遭遇数字技术的创生性 重整。第四媒体不可抗拒的技术力量导致文学大范围转向“数字化生存”,从存在方 式和表意体制上改写了文学惯例。这需要我们厘清数字化媒体在文学转型中“消解” 与“建构”的双重功能,以便从不同的学理维度上为文论拓新建构数字化生存时代的 文学观念,使数字媒介对传统的挑战变成未来文学别创新声的契机,让新媒介成为新 世纪中国文学的强劲动力和有效资源。

关键词: 中国文学?世纪转型?数字化生存

The reform ignited by digital media provided strong impetus to literary transformation at the turn of century in China. The market‐led rise of online literature has destroyed the balance of traditional literature and resulted in a fundamental digital readjustment of the overall literary structure. The fourth medium, with its irresistible technological force, has led to a large‐scale literary shift towards “being digital,” thereby changing literary traditions of existence and expression. Such being the case, we need to clarify digital media's dual function of “deconstruction” and “construction” in this literary shift so as to input new ideas from a different academic perspective into literary theory of the digital era, turn digital media's challenge to tradition into a chance for literary innovation and make the new media into a powerful driving force and effective resource for Chinese literature in the new century.  相似文献   

The author discusses the American welfare state in the context of Lash and Urry's thesis on ‘disorganized capitalism’. Attention is directed to the claim that the US welfare state has been the laggard of organized capitalism but is becoming the pathbreaker in defining patterns of public welfare provision under an increasingly disorganized capitalism. In this context the US may be “showing the way” to the welfare states of Western Europe. A number of claims about the “exceptional” nature of US development are reviewed and a number of reservations are entered against the “disorganization” thesis as applied to the welfare state. It is suggested that attention should be focussed upon contemporary patterns of welfare state re-organization rather than dis-organization.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Grenzenloses Vergnügen. Der Aufstieg der Massenkultul, 1850–1970. Kaspar Maase. Aesthetic Ideology. Edited by Paul de Man. Intro by Andrzej Warminski. Hazardous Duty. David H. Hackworth. The Lust Monopoly: Privatizing the Postal Service for the Information Age. Edited by Edward L. Hudgins. National Parks and the Woman's Voice: A History. Polly Welts Kaufman. Manhood in America: A Cultural History. Michael Kimmel. Women in Waiting in the Westward Movement: Life on the Home Frontier. Peavy, Linda, and Ursula Smith. Drawing the Dream of the Wolves: Homosexuality, Interpretation, and Freud's “Wolf Man.” Whitney Davis. The American Civil War: A Handbook of Literature and Research. Edited by Steven E. Woodworth.  相似文献   

The Dance     

“The Dance” is a story of a young social worker's journey in a HIV+ women's support group. It discusses issues of death, HIV, use of self, and theory application. Most specifically, this essay honors the role of individual strength and love within a group setting.  相似文献   

Yesterday we saw off Robert Frost, the eminent veteran American poet, who had been our guest for ten days. This is too short a span for a close-up of the face of a country, especially when it is as large as ours. It is also impossible to establish and strengthen those bonds of cordial amity without which there is no profound and frank mutual understanding. But though this is all very true, it can also turn out otherwise. Our guest's inexhaustible and youthful curiosity enabled him even in so short a time to attain, if not a deep understanding, at least a fresh and strong feeling of our country's creative atmosphere, of the manifestations of the Soviet people's creative energies discernible in every aspect of their daily life, and—in particular and especially—the Soviet man's burning, direct, all-embracing interest in the destinies of his own literature and that of the world in general, and his keen heartfelt interest in the ringing word of poetry.  相似文献   

Phenomenological sociology was founded at the beginning of 1930s by Alfred Schutz. His mundane phenomenology sought to combine impulses drawn from Husserl's transcendental phenomenology and Weber's action theory. It was made famous at the turn of 1960s and 1970s by Garfinkel's ethnomethodology and Berger & Luckmann's social constructionism. This paper deals with the notable accomplishments of Schutz and his followers and then proceeds to a shared shortcoming, which is that the phenomenological approach is unable to understand meaning in any other way but as actors's knowledge. Therefore, phenomenological sociologists are forced to describe the actor's interpretations of meaning as transparent to the actor him/herself, even if they sometimes make heroic attempts to escape the limitations of the phenomenological conception. The limitation is apparent in Husserl's and Schutz's definition of meaning as a “reflective intentional act”, Garfinkel's use of the term “accounting” to refer to a signifying effect, and the way Berger and Luckmann describe their social theory as “sociology of knowledge”. Today, similar confusions are present in Michael Polanyi's “tacit knowledge”and in Giddens' structuration theory.  相似文献   

张静 《阅江学刊》2012,4(5):137-142
明清时期,元好问论诗绝句逐渐进入文人的视野,并成为关注热点。对元好问论诗绝句的阐释出现了“女郎诗”、“诗囚”、“连城璧”、“心画心声”等诸多阐释热点。围绕元好问绝句论诗所展开的论争,出现了不同甚至相互对立的观点。这一现象说明以绝句论诗既存在一定的局限性,也具有巨大的张力,蕴藏着极大的阐释空间。  相似文献   

Lacan's psychoanalytic insights, as found primarily in his 1964 seminar “The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis” are interpreted within a social-developmental framework. Using Piaget's theory of a structural transition from action logic to object logic I recast (1) Lacan's signifying function as a new competence emerging around age two and (2) the “Other” as the general content/context of this newness, namely the child's grasp of a societal-symbolic order. The child's entry into that order is described as inherently linked to sexuality, desire and the unconscious and as accompanied by feelings of alienation and separation. Insofar as the desire of the unconscious is toward the “Other” Lacan seems to support my claim of an endogenous origin of the societal order.  相似文献   

否定与批判“言志”诗学, 曾是中国现代文学转型的标志。但从五四新文学开 始, “言志”诗学不仅没有被剔出中国现代文学的审美范畴, 相反, 却借助于西方 话语得到合理的传承。“言”救亡图存的启蒙之“志”, 与“抒”忧国忧民的个人 之“情”, 中国现代文学都未摆脱“志”者“大情”、“情”者“小志”的传统思 维, 具体表现在: 主“思”派提倡文学创作的功利意识, 进而以“志”代“情”回归 “道”统; 主“情”派则提倡文学创作的真情实感, 进而以“情”传“志”, 回归 “道”统。中国现代文学的理论与实践, 虽然涂抹着光怪陆离的“西化”色彩, 但 其重新“释道”与巧妙“言志”的本质特征, 恰恰表明了它对传统文化的价值认同, 而不是简单地抛弃“传统”后走向了“西方”。

关键词: “言志”诗学 “志”与“道” “志”与“情” 古典主义

Rejection and denunciation of the poetics of “yanzhi” (literally “expressing one’s thought or ideals”) was once a marker of Chinese literature’s modern transformation. However, right from the beginning of May Fourth new literature, the poetics of “yanzhi” was not only not cast out of the aesthetic canon of modern Chinese literature but was, on the contrary, legitimately transmitted via Western discourse. Whether modern Chinese writers were expressing enlightenment ideas of saving the nation or voicing their personal feelings for their country and their people, they remained convinced that “zhi” was “feelings” writ large and “feelings” were a lesser form of “zhi.” Specifically, the school stressing the idea that “literature expresses thought” advocated utilitarian literary creation and returned to the traditional Chinese poetics of “yanzhi” by replacing “feelings” with “zhi.” Those stressing the idea that “literature expresses feelings” advocated writing with genuine emotion; they went on to express “zhi” via “feelings,” thus returning to the traditional Chinese way of thought. Both the theory and practice of modern Chinese literature have a strange “Western” tint. Nevertheless, this literature’s essential character of “reinterpreting the ‘dao’ (way)” and sophisticated “expression of thought” or “yanzhi” indicate its value identification with traditional culture rather than the simple abandonment of “tradition” in pursuit of “the West.”  相似文献   

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