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In this article, we examine the association between the legalization of abortion with the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and youth homicide in the 1980s and 1990s. An interrupted time series design was used to examine the deaths of all U.S. 15- to 24-year-olds that were classified as homicides according to the International Classification of Diseases (codes E960-969) from 1970 to 1998. The legalization of abortion is associated over a decade later with a gradual reduction in the homicides of White and non-White young men. The effect on the homicides of young women is minimal. We conclude that the 1990s decline in the homicide of young men is statistically associated with the legalization of abortion. Findings are not consistent with several alternative explanations, such as changes in the crack cocaine drug market. It is almost inconceivable that in the United States of today, policies affecting the choice to have children would be justified as a means to control crime. Yet, if the legalization of abortion had this unintended effect, the full range of policy implications needs to be discussed.  相似文献   

Among the more recent challenges for the family are the increasing divorce rates and the decline in marriages. This article examines the possible consequences of these trends for intergenerational family relationships. How does divorce in the parent generation, and the shift from marriage to unmarried cohabitation among adult children, affect intergenerational solidarity? These questions are explored with data from the Norwegian Life Course, Ageing and Generation Study (NorLAG, n = 5,589, age 40–79). Scandinavian countries have high divorce and cohabitation rates and may therefore be of interest as comparative cases for countries where these events are less institutionalized. The findings suggest, however, that Norway accommodates to the general norm in the sense that divorce among parents is associated with lower solidarity with adult children on most solidarity dimensions. This is more true for fathers than for mothers. There is, on the other hand, no difference in solidarity between married and cohabitating children vis à vis the parent generation. The explanations and implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

2004年以来,北京市的离婚总量持续上升,粗离婚率和离结率在全国均居于中等偏上的位次,其中在民政部门登记离婚的比重逐年提高.基于2004-2011年北京市登记离婚数据的分析表明,男性和女性的平均离婚年龄、平均婚后年数相比上世纪90年代初均有较大推迟;离婚者的年龄结构近年也出现较大变化,30岁以下年轻人和50岁以上中老年人的离婚率以及在离婚总量中所占比重均有明显上升趋势;平均婚后年数在3年以内和21年以上的离婚夫妇的数量和比重也呈增长态势.  相似文献   

While claims are continually made about the various child maltreatment reporting laws, few systematic evaluations could be found. Overseas evidence suggests that the number of notifications from professionals does increase after the introduction of mandatory reporting, providing all professions and all types of maltreatment are included. This paper tested the potential effect on involved Victorian professionals of introducing a mandatory reporting law, all other things remaining unchanged. It was found to be marginal. The value of reporting laws as a philosophical statement about the community's concern for children's welfare was not investigated, nor their effect on the maltreating parents' behaviour.  相似文献   

石智雷 《社会》2020,40(1):213-242
本文利用2013—2015年我国跨省流动人口数据,从动态的视角考察了流入地文化和流出地文化对流动人口婚姻稳定性的影响。数据结果显示,高离婚率地区形成了一种强势的离婚文化,无论是从低离婚率地区流入到高离婚率地区,还是从高离婚率地区流入到低离婚率地区,曾在高离婚率地区生活过的跨省流动人口都会保持较高的离婚概率。离婚文化对个人行为的影响表现为继承效应和浸染效应:继承效应即人们迁移到一个新的文化环境中,原有的离婚文化会持续产生影响;浸染效应即人们迁移到一个新的区域,会受到新接触的离婚文化的影响。年轻人更容易受到新迁入地文化浸染效应的影响,而年龄较大的人更容易受到流出地文化继承效应的影响。在新环境中,男性更容易接受新的文化,而女性则更多地保留了原有文化特征。  相似文献   

The concept of social exclusion has become a central organizing concept in social policy research. Indeed "social exclusion" has displaced many of the terms formerly in use, such as "inequality", "deprivation" and "poverty". Social exclusion is a multidimensional concept embracing economic, social and political deprivations, that alerts us to the significance of social identity, culture, agency and, ultimately, power relations. In contrast to some earlier research traditions, the perspective of social exclusion draws our attention to how people can be "shut out of society" by their inability to participate in customary leisure activities. The ability to participate in leisure is the product of both access to leisure goods and services, and a sufficient quantity of leisure time. An analysis of Australian Household Expenditure Survey data shows that the consumption of leisure goods and services is powerfully determined by income. Consequently, low income can lead to exclusion from leisure participation. However, analysis of Time Use Survey data also shows that access to time for leisure participation is most powerfully determined by hours of employment, family responsibilities and gender. After controlling for working hours, household income has no significant effect on available leisure time. A leisure-time poverty line, based on half-median leisure time, is used to show which groups are most excluded from leisure by time constraints. The paper concludes by considering a range of policies to alleviate social exclusion from leisure participation.  相似文献   

An empirical study reported that the economic crisis in European countries affected their suicide rates and described that an increase in social services expenditures of US$10 per person in labor market programs impacted the decrease in unemployment suicides by 0.038%. However, there has no study that the economic crisis in Asia countries affected their suicide rates. Since 2008, South Korea has been ranked first for suicide rate in the OECD countries. Many studies have blamed the economic crisis that followed from the US financial crisis in 2007 as the critical cause. However, in the case of Japan, the suicide rate decreased in the same time period (2008–2011) even though they faced the same financial crisis. The purpose of this study was to examine why the different situations in Korea and Japan occurred with the economic crisis through testing whether the government’s social service expenditure affects the people’s suicide rate in Asia countries. These efforts will contribute to understanding the critical role of social service.  相似文献   

张军 《社会》2002,(6):24-26
张中行老先生曾非常精辟地将中国人的婚姻质量分为4种类型 :可心的 ;可过的 ;可忍的 ;不可忍的。据上海社会科学院社会学研究所对中国人的婚姻质量所进行的调查显示 :质量较好的婚姻仅为3 % ,质量中等的为75% ,而质量偏低的则为22 %。另外 ,中国人民大学性社会学研究所在  相似文献   


The tragedy of 9/11 had more far-reaching social and economic consequences for the nation than those found for many individuals on that day. Between October 2001 and May 2002, Nevada witnessed a 25% increase in the total number of households on the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, commonly referred to as welfare. During the same time, households headed by a noncitizen increased their participation in the TANF program by 40%. This study examines the differential impact of 9/11, as well as of the economy and other external developments, on noncitizen and citizen welfare caseloads in a single state. Two monthly time series models are specified that explain and compare trends in the noncitizen and citizen welfare caseloads from April 1998 to June 2002. The findings suggest that, all else constant, 9/11 had a differential impact on the noncitizen and the citizen caseloads. All else constant, 9/11 events increased the noncitizen welfare caseload whereas a similar impact for the citizen caseload was not found. The findings also strongly suggest that the business cycle shapes noncitizens' participation in public assistance programs more closely than citizens' participation. Future research should investigate the extent to which 9/11 affected the behaviors of families on welfare over the long run.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):101-118

This paper aims to help practitioners promote mutual aid to short-term groups. It describes and discusses the impact of time and place on the process of such groups. The challenges of the short-term group are identified and implications for practice are drawn.  相似文献   

Relationships between experiencing a parental divorce or separation prior to age 16 and a variety of measures of adult adjustment and psychological functioning are examined using data from two national cross-sectional surveys conducted nearly 20 years apart. Although few differences between adults from parentally-divorced and intact family backgrounds persist when controls for contemporary life circumstances and other social background factors were included, two modest trends are still evident. First, although associations between psychological distress and early experience with parental divorce have weakened somewhat over the past two decades, coming from a non-intact family of origin still has some significance for adult psychological well-being. Second, men and women from non-intact families of origin display different patterns of adjustment to and valuation of the major life roles of spouse and parent. Nevertheless, because such relationships are not very powerful, it is concluded that contrary to much of the literature and popular thought, these early experiences have, at most, a modest effect on adult adjustment.  相似文献   

《脱亚论》的特点,在于极端地蔑视中国和朝鲜“古来之政教风俗”,即蔑视圣德太子曾顶礼膜拜的大陆文化。这种蔑视感比起朝鲜干涉论和对清朝作战论来,其意味要复杂许多。重新思考《脱亚论》所表达的“脱亚”意志,再度审视这一意志所表达的价值倾向,在关心和焦虑中日关系未来走向的人们看来,乃是十分必要的。  相似文献   

An increase in both illegitimate births and in the number of single women retaining their offspring has become evident in all Commonwealth industrialized English-speaking countries. It is shown that women who bear ex-nuptial children are getting younger, and that about 40 per cent are keeping their children. All States show a gradual increase in ex-nuptial births, with those in Western Australia and Queensland rising to over 10 per cent of annual live births for the areas. Further research is needed on single women in Australia who keep their children.  相似文献   

刘芷君  陆满  李芳 《创新》2014,(4):87-90
湿地与森林、海洋并称为地球三大生态系统。覆盖地球表面仅6%的湿地,却为地球上20%的已知物种提供了生存环境,因而被喻为地球之肾。然而,人口的激增和经济的快速发展,造成了湿地面积的大幅度缩小,湿地功能也严重退化。由于我国在湿地保护立法方面具有滞后性,因此,完善对湿地的刑事保护已成为亟须研究的课题。  相似文献   

姜利标 《创新》2011,5(1):95-99,128
至今,学界对孟德斯鸠《论法的精神》的阐释颇多。处于现代新时期的时间点上,解析著作中所隐含的社会概念,然后从社会运行的核心要素、社会运行的机制和社会运行的逻辑及推演原则四方面揭示著作中隐含的社会逻辑,从而条理化地透射出著作所隐含的社会的真正内涵,将著作的阐释开阔到一个全新的视角。  相似文献   

人命至重是古代对个体生命价值的观念表达.从古代法律规范来看,生命价值在法律中处于渐重的状态,刑法不断加重对个体生命的保护,收紧对死刑的适用,提高位卑者的生命价值.生命价值呈现出相对平等性色彩,但家、国利益都成为消解生命价值的因素,生命价值因此呈现出双重性.其原因在于,个体生命具有自然性与社会性双重构造.不过从整体来看,生命价值在法律中以等级性为基础,却以平等性为走向,这符合文明的发展趋势.  相似文献   

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