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为了加快城乡统筹发展,推进社会主义新农村建设,确保金堂县经济社会平稳发展,金堂县国土资源局探索土地整理三种模式,区别不同情况,为推进全县经济社会发展服好务.在全县已上报土地整理项目39个的基础上,力争2009年再新立项土地整理21个,使全县土地整理的总项目达到约60个.  相似文献   

为进一步高效合理利用土地资源,推进社会主义新农村建设,近日,蓬溪县政府与四川红海生态农业旅游开发有限公司正式签约,引进民营企业投资建设土地整理项目,解决报征土地占补平衡指标。该项目选址在蓬溪县宝梵镇华山、龙洞等7个村,整理土地12500  相似文献   

土地利用年度计划管理是根据土地利用总体规划和国民经济发展对年度各项用地数量的具体安排,是实施土地利用总体规划的重要措施,是农地转用审批、建设项目立项审查和用地审批、土地开发整理的依据,是新<土地管理法>一项重要举措,旨在控制建设用地总量,促进土地利用方式由外延扩张向内涵挖潜型转变.根据国土资源部的安排,我们对重庆市土地利用年度计划管理进行了调研,其情况是较好的,为全市土地利用规划顺利实施、控制建设用地盲目扩大、切实保护耕地、促进土地合理集约利用起到重要作用.但在实际工作中,也还存在一些问题.  相似文献   

2008年,合肥市被国土资源部批准为全国节约集约用地试点市,农村土地整理是其中一项。当年,合肥以整村推进的形式组织实施了4个土地及宅基地整理和新农村建设试点项目。所谓的整村推进,即整村拆迁、以村为单位整理土地和宅基地、以村为单位集中流转、整村搬迁至新划定居住点。  相似文献   

同志们:经中共中央组织部批准,今天,我们在这里举办以“加强土地整理,促进新农村建设”为主题的第15期国土资源管理市长研究班,主要任务是:坚持全面贯彻科学发展观,认真学习贯彻党中央、国务院关于国土资源工作和社会主义新农村建设的方针政策:分析我国耕地保护面临的形势与任务,总结交流土地整理的新情况、新经验,明确下一步工作思路,不断推进土地整理工作,促进耕地保护目标的实现和社会主义新农村建设。  相似文献   

为了促进土地节约集约利用,改善农村生产生活环境,大力推进城乡一体化,实现建设社会主义新农村的目标,2005年以来,邛崃市土地整理工作在各级部门的关心、支持和邛崃市委市政府的正确领导下,充分发挥国土资源管理的职能,把土地整理有机融入建设社会主义新农村的进程中,赋予土地整理新的时代特征,取得了初步成效,受到了国家、省、成都市各级领导的充分肯定,被列为四川  相似文献   

1研究背景土地整理既是精细化、集约化、节约化利用土地资源,也是改善农业生态条件和农村人居环境的重要手段。世界上许多国家都把土地整理作为发展农业生产、实施国土整治和建设新农村的一个重要途径。我国从1997年开展土地整理以来,取得了一  相似文献   

实施土地开发整理必然要涉及到田块重整、村庄合并、权属重划和利益再分配等诸多关系土地产权人切身利益的问题.正确处理好土地开发整理权属调整,依法确认调整和划定土地的所有权、使用权和承包经营权,保障土地所有者和使用者的合法权益,为进一步调动社会各方面的积极性,加大土地开发整理力度,营造一个良好的土地开发整理环境,实现土地开发整理新跨越具有重要作用.我们结合遂宁国家土地开发整理示范区项目建设实践进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

土地开发整理复垦是保障耕地占补平衡,促进经济社会可持续发展的重要举措,全国各地都在不断探索创新十地开发模式.四川省把十地开发复垦作为推进城乡统筹和新农村建设的重要抓手,从2006年起大力推进以"金土地工程"为核心的土地开发整理,规划用10年时间,在全省范围内整理1000万亩土地,新增耕地不少于loo万亩,在整理项目区内建成600万亩高产、稳产基本农田.这对于广大农业工作者而言,确实是重大福音.  相似文献   

为了促进土地节约集约利用,改善农村生产生活环境,大力推进城乡一体化,实现建设社会主义新农村的目标,2005年以来,邛崃市土地开发整理工作取得了初步成效,受到了各级领导的充分肯定。邛崃市近期规划土地整理项目约80个,涉及21个镇乡312个村38万人、幅员面积102万亩(约680平方公里),新增耕地面积约12.8万亩。计划投入建设资金  相似文献   

Rural residential land represents one of the most important land use types in China. However, the literature so far has paid insufficient attention to the patterns and efficiencies of this type of land use. To fill in this gap, this paper uses a national survey to analyze the institutional setups for rural residential land use, to assess the effectiveness of existing regulations, and to evaluate the efficiencies in rural residential land use. Farmers’ subjective receptiveness toward rural residential property regulation reform is also investigated. We find that rural residential properties are inefficiently utilized under the existing land use regulations, that those who are younger and who had previous migration experiences are more likely to support the free trading of rural residential properties while the village cadres are more likely to oppose it. A coordinated policy reform package that includes free trading of rural residential properties and Household Registration System to facilitate permanent migration out of the countryside is proposed to address the existing efficiencies in China’s rural residential land use.  相似文献   

随着城市化的不断推进,部分农村集体土地被转换为城市建设用地。涉及城市化的农村居民理应分享到土地资源优化配置的财富性收益,同时完成农民到市民的身份转换。上海近郊在城市化过程中对建设用地的需求越来越大,经济发展和保护农民合法权益是必须处理好的一对重要关系。从现有经验看,集体所有制土地产权换股权是合理利用、优化配置郊区集体所有制土地,协调好产业发展与农民权益保障的有效改革路径,也是上海实现包容性城市化发展、消除新二元结构的重要制度创新。  相似文献   

上海要深化农村土地管理制度改革,在农村承包地流转方面:要加强引导,规范农村土地承包权流转;加强扶持,构建完整的政策制度体系;制定规则,形成机制保障。在农村集体建设用地流转方面:要真正实施国有土地与集体土地"同地、同价、同权";要正确处理集体建设用地节约、集约利用与增加农民财产性收入的关系;要制定郊区集体建设用地的各类标准,控制用地总量;要制定集体建设用地使用权流转的配套政策;要建立完善的农民社会保障体系,清除集体建设用地流转的障碍。在农村宅基地置换、退出方面:要建立农民宅基地分配、使用、置换、流转、收回政策体系;要采取限制措施,严控宅基地的新增趋势;要采取滚动发展模式,解决宅基地置换资金缺口大的问题。  相似文献   

This study examines the process of land use change in South Florida. Through this discussion, a conceptual model of ecological transition is developed and presented. The model is built on the general principles of neoclassical economic theories of land rent, behavioral models of resource use, and an historical geographic account of environmental change. Central to the paper is the specification of the theoretical link between demographics, market and service demands, land use, and ecological change. This study focuses on the nature and drivers of environmental change that has occurred in South Florida since 1900. The region studied includes the southern Florida Everglades and the surrounding area. The analysis determines that massive land useland cover has taken place in the region, particularly since the end of World War II. These landscape changes are conceptualized by a model that links regional demand for both agricultural and residential land through the agency of hierarchical forces. In this model, landscape evolution and natural areas encroachment are articulated as a dynamic process in which the regime of interaction between human systems and land use changes. Three main time periods for regional ecological transition are defined: (1) frontier closure (2) articulation of a system of cities with coupled agricultural hinterlands serving national and international markets. Differing land use change dynamics are identified as specific to each time period.  相似文献   

This study investigated socio-economic impacts of land use change, giving explicit attention to the relationships between independently observed land use change and associated socio-economic changes, perceived land use change and socio-economic change, attributed cause of change, and experienced impacts of change. Using a case study region in south-east Australia, we examined the impacts of growth in use of land for dairy farming, cropping, blue gum plantations and rural residential development on (i) rural population trends, and (ii) the amount and nature of employment available in the study region. Perceptions and impacts of change were assessed using multiple qualitative and quantitative methods. Results demonstrate that local residents were not always aware of the extent and nature of land use change, and had difficulty attributing social changes and their impacts to the land use changes that underlie them. Furthermore, the felt impacts of land use change appeared dependent on a person's awareness of that change, and on their beliefs about the causes of social change. These findings highlight avenues for theoretical development to better specify the processes by which social change processes are experienced as human impacts. The findings also have implications for land use policy and social impact assessment, illustrating the importance of understanding both perceived and actual social change.  相似文献   

Creative literature and audio-visuals provide alternative sources to archival documents for understanding the cultural history of land. This paper is a small beginning in using creative sources in different languages of Manipur. My analysis suggests that the association between land and ethnicity is a recent phenomenon. In the late 1950s and the 1960s, creative artists represented land as aesthetic symbol for universal emotions. In the 1970s, land was de-linked from political imagination and appeared in the form of leikai (residential address). The 1980s registered the emergence of complex social forces such as ethnic nationalism and a romanticised folk culture. The most remarkable development was the exclusive use of land as a symbol of discrete identities and ethnic homelands. Whereas the ethnic gulf widened between the meiteis of the valley and the tribals of the hill areas, the struggle between the hill tribes intensified in the 1990s.  相似文献   

杨华 《科学发展》2013,(5):28-32,23
当前,浦东集体建设用地低效、闲置和浪费现象比较普遍,资产价值尚未真正体现,尤其是乡镇工业用地聚集度低,布局分散,点多规模小,建筑密度和容积率低;工业产出率不高,厂房、场地闲置严重。通过集体建设用地的流转,实施土地二次开发,可以有效利用存量用地,盘活土地资源。要通过确权登记发证,进一步理清产权界限,避免产权主体虚置与权能重叠;建立合理的收益分配机制,确保农民利益;加快相关财政体制衔接.保障流转工作有序推进。  相似文献   

詹水芳  齐峰 《科学发展》2014,(2):105-112
上海深化农村土地管理制度改革的思路是:通过有序流转承包农用地,促进农业规模经营、集中经营;通过归并、整理农民宅基地,促进农民集中居住;通过有序开发、规范利用农村集体建设土地,为农村第二、第三产业发展提供空间;通过完善征地补偿制度,确保农民利益。为此,上海要抓紧开展确权登记工作;培育新型经营主体,推动农业规模经营;加快宅基地归并和土地整理;完善农村集体建设用地流转收益分配制度;鼓励利用农村集体建设用地建设公租房;完善"征地留地""征地留房"等补偿安置方式。  相似文献   

改革开放30余年的发展使广东省形成了以珠三角地区为核心、以东西两翼和北部山区为外围的核心一外围圈层格局,近年来广东省经济发展进入新的增长阶段,在核心和外围圈层表现出不同的特征。本文通过位于核心圈层的增城汽车核心产业区与位于外围圈层的河源高新区的比较,研究了两大圈层产业园区在土地集约化利用上的差别。研究表明:核心圈层产业园区在产业结构上表现出大型企业主导的专业化发展特征,外围圈层产业园区则表现出中小型企业主导的多样化发展特征;核心圈层产业园区的经济增长模式表现出重大项目带动的特征,外围圈层产业园区则表现出基础设施驱动的特征;核心圈层的产业园区土地开发效益表现出高投入高产出高回报的特点,外围圈层的产业园区则表现出低投入低产出低回报的特点;最后,文章在两者的比较研究基础上提出了广东省新兴产业园区发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

The excess rate of migration to urban centers is a problem affecting over 50 developing countries and 18 developed ones (68% of the world's population). Policies that rely on compulsion or disincentives have mostly failed because they do not deal with the cause of the problem. This paper proposes a strategy of increasing or decreasing the rate of housing construction in different urban areas as a means of stimulating or reducing migration to those areas; in most developing areas priority is given to residential construction in already congested metropolitan areas. 5 assumptions are the basis for this approach: 1) migrants tend to gravitate to the most powerful growth poles; 2) residential construction is a leading sector of regional and urban economies; 3) the encouragement of construction activity will make itself felt indirectly via its effect on construction-related employment; 4) rates of residential construction may be manipulated through government policy affecting the cost of materials, availability of loans, level of unionization, and price of housing; and 5) residential construction is amenable to quick policy action. The central idea of the strategy is that an increase in residential construction will exercise a pull on migrants, increasing job opportunities, raising incomes, lowering housing costs, and improving the chances of home ownership. This idea has been verified by various projects in Hong Kong, Ghana, Venezuela, Brazil, Bahrain, Mexico, Colombia, Poland, USSR, and the UK. In Bahrain low-income housing programs have been used to relocate Bahraini nationals in new outlying suburbs and to promote population growth in rural villages. In Mexico self-help and low-income housing programs have helped to redirect migrants headed for small towns toward smaller communities. There is also evidence to show that building construction has the potential to expand and contribute to economic growth. Some problems of implementation might be finding an adequate economic base, the need to place new communities close to primate cities, the use of large portions of the national budget, and profit-maximizing plans have been detrimental to the speed and development of construction migration. Some benefits for smaller urban areas of construction migrants in developing countries are: 1) emphasis on the development of a labor-intensive industry, 2) little training of workers as needed, 3) it can provide the housing required by industries planning to move to smaller areas, 4) this housing will be cheaper, and 5) incentives will exist to save and invest in the smaller areas.  相似文献   

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