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An African girl learns to play Chinese zheng, a musical instrument similar to the zither in the teahouse.腻;慧淤痴卿蘸;趟靡黔郭攀羚{黝)澎篡.豁鞠募轰器氰颧,黝溉蘸霆颧蠢基硒黝薰羁「{嘴舍万梦匕毛刁瞿蜘珊典炭鹅麒撇臀尹饭为委 ~一鹭睽夔干井徐石习互吕场武矍办究刀率喘纽障日T梦声习阶翻e拐寿鬓溺几缓澎·纂譬骊邺路刃脚鉴‘鸳鹦必郊从称二沼毓万洲碧黔蒙誉藻燕凳憋i艺鬓镜抓陌卜谁泛i{蘸鹭}涌即〔知蕊谨啊甲召日呱饭‘;五毖瞬翌拱柔嘿:窿睿器片于写An Afriean girl learns to Play Chinese zheng,a musiealinstrument sim…  相似文献   

遨蘸酬卿黝啊黝翩蠕赢酬麒麒瓤A请问,oTng有出租汽车吗?氏一请工奉Wer15 the阳a、恕融妙一Ca卜B有,您去哪儿?沙肿确祥r?丫e吕_VV日e阳口oy0UA熟泉弓之ch吞. nthe远吗卜-A.我去银行。B.太远了嗽恕冬如心姗氮沐别尘索一凛嚼纂公红B.请上车。{种赞户扮份份吮,州州钟呼勺嘴,份呼啼oTngs隐ng;丽A.P leaseg献inA.谢谢!去银朽选林?yu勤匕的浦n?乡甲一动蛇111尽nKy0U卜L芝董纂请问,去飞机场远不远?声丫__长_、,,二.丫_只,rlg1w尽{,·甲u..「e,J,,『,a『,导lV旧ylas吮15 Inea}rpo几far away?B.很远。户‘日勘yu渐B.不太远,一会儿就到。\\B…  相似文献   

02MANY young fans ofTV stars onlyknow XIlinayi,5 good looks andimPressive disPosition but few know 51一e15 a Uygur. Her name in the Uygurlanguage means“sweetness.,,Her fatl飞erused to be rhe Chinese Youth VolleyballTeam,5 main offensive Player:her motherworks with the newsPaPer Cllh:a公SPortsandl一er elder brother was a toP swimmerfor the State Swimming Team and holdsan Asian reeord.Her family have beenaPositive influenee on Xilinayi*aking theroad to sueeess herself. From very you…  相似文献   

尸尺任队尺}囚G黔肇鬓属先锻炼后上岗即QusH~‘诗岭碧勘黔应血、又/,撇巍翼黔黔豁瓣黝矿嘟撇溅黝鬓一黝CO囚日囚任M巨囚丁月嫂B丫SHANG、明G尚雅萍公必.Being Iaid off…Looking for a job麟姗幸Hap卿to be a maid晶馨昙Ame,delmaid幽默(英文)  相似文献   

C晰nahad447m川ionp卜one users匕y the endofMarch︸薰纂蘸翼2067 1冷52礴彝蒸_盒柔轰盖蘸瘤蘸慧蘸颧蘸翼鬓丁gqR月9自q夕门自门200120022003(Mar二h)132娜︸︸黝纂黝蘸j闰4日j矍了嚷薰蘸蘸翼瓢」qq71自gRjgggZ0002003(Mareh)移动电话用户接近固定电话用户(英文)  相似文献   

A nurse feeds a premature baby who is too young to suckAbout 5,000 babies are born inthe Beijing Maternity Hospitaleach year.Director of the Nursing Depa rtment Chen Wenshan visits a new mother撇瓢鬓镇面f俘月万左竺鲤言品漏毖醉爵弓几入多献炭姗篷漩缈臂爵馨馨袋翼!摹l{蘸瓣自盆翻目10佃唇物改铆飞自取豆沁W制日峨自城戈曲耽(蛇目}!套口】韵吐目日忍.可吸)戮瞥微簇秘燕脱戮徽 姗﹃﹄篡鬓耀镶攀着鸟潺黔一曝蘸黔撇耀纂侣尾.曲K翻爵日因J自目翻鞭粼瓢誊覆蘸薰黔黔黔淤服端眺瓤巍黝缨橇鬓翡蠕聂瞬嘉蘸馨}纂鬓暴黝蔓馨l…  相似文献   

)匙照鬓纂翻鬃鬓鬓蒸稳贬鬓馨l翩鞠撇罐赓氦黝};髯}必嗽蘸骥馨l鬓瓢罐专夔耀巅鬓薰嘿婚巴二粼Women of the Nu Ethnicity  相似文献   

Yan Hong,presidento「pivo*point College5 iehuan阎红世界国际标榜职业学院董事长----------------------------------------------------一」Yang Erc卜e Namu杨二车娜姆--------------------------------------------一2Z卜aos卜uanggui,presidento阳ubeiC卜emiealF iber Group Co.Ltd湖北化纤公司董事长赵双桂-----------------------一3Xu Jing,Genera]Manager ofC卜ina Trade&InVestment promotions(SA)co‘Ltd中国南非贸易投资有限公司总经理徐静--------一4T卜e Forbidden City in Mo*ion Mode]:BaiS卜an《流动的紫禁…  相似文献   

* Half of a family's income is spent on the child 家庭收入的一半花在孩子身上 In 1998, China Mainland Market Research Company attached to the State Statistics Bureau conducted a survey on the amount of money spent on children in Beijing, Shanghai and another three big cities. The total spent on children aged from 0 to 12 was more than 3.5  相似文献   

An elephant from Xishuangbanna in Qinhuangdao ZooMedical workers give treatment to a dee r弊嚼…颧巍麟AstreetviewinKunming,Yunn白n一尸r叭i解e.瓣瓣一翼撇)黔踞塔黝噜当狱黔袋碧i晶髯翼瞿豁望赓派班淤贷察舀三异返占{端护夔溉攀窦袭髦i圣巍撇{巅黝(题署重蔓蒸溉鲜){雀i鬓羹暮纂姗巅薰蕙擎蒸鉴夔罐笋鸳鬓蕴葵馨燃l鬓鹦摇云』藕嗜熟匀呀彝兑二李奋樱能彭濒蹂明朽势叮熟遮工纽虾碍泛四恐耳即毗豁夏日甲叫L,卜巴虱罗︸L孔越‘,计︸泳比崛浏﹄.A wild life zoo in FanyuGuangdong Pm,~inceWild Life Protection…  相似文献   

YU Lina is a famous Chinese violinist and a professor at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. In 1959, she became famous when she collaborated with classmates He Zhanhao and Chen Gang from the Conservatory on a violin concerto called "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" which is based on a well-known folk tale.~* The concerto combined Shaoxing opera and Western-style music.  相似文献   

罪端犷。rcnine吵stu缨eactivear=OverseaS StUdents,FaV0rite CountrleS15.tperCent 14习Pereent馨i鬓翼翼彰N一;黝14一2 Pereent崖蒸鬓篡黝-鬓群中国年均2.5万人出国留学(英文)  相似文献   

Unearthed from a Liao tomb at Zhangjia Yingzi, Jianping County, Liaoning Province in 1956, this gilded silver crown with double-dragon pattern is 19 cm high and 20.9 cm in diameter. Its shape is suggestive of a mountain: higher in the middle and lower on both sides. On the front is a carving in the shape of a pearl surrounded by an S-shape pattern symbolizing good fortune. There is a lively dragon on either side. The complete design is based on the old theme "two dragons play with a pearl." Traditions of the Qidan, an ancient nationality of northern China, are evident in the design of the crown. It is recorded in  相似文献   

This is the final column in a three-part series on mentorship. In the previous two columns, we discussed how to get the most, as a mentee, from a partnership with a mentor, as well as the benefitsof mentoring others. The concepts shared are true everywhere, but in the fast-paced, highly dynamic environment in China, and in the work I do developing high-potential women in multinational organizations, understanding mentorship, and being able to network, learn and adapt to change is a necessity to thrive in the global economy.  相似文献   

Celebrating a Happy Spring Festival春节习俗Spring Festival(chūnjíe春节),which is also known as Chinese New Year,is the most important holiday in China.To Chinese people,it is as important as Christmas is to Westerners.Spring Festival falls on the first day of the first lunar month  相似文献   

I once believed that gender discrimination was not a major issue in China, compared with many other countries. With so many other problems demanding urgent solutions (e.g. poverty, environmental pollution), working on gender issues was like "gilding the lily"—it was simply a luxury for China at the present stage. My failure to realize the seriousness of the gender problem China derived from at least two aspects. First, Chinese traditional culture emphasizes balance of yin  相似文献   

哭犯翠黝攘i燃麒粼淤璐珍绷)鬓撇瓤瓣癫姗巍夔蘸门i涛曝渠黝l不万争缄暴藻}蘸版徽狱鲤纪盔黔蕊鑫吮羹雇滩一, 卜_ -一盆_ .书一书、办,几一_劲日l入‘:若八飞月众。一i篇鸣l.、鸟︸“二~‘.刃.,尸ByWANGWE{ngHo”ow入I术I洲/./renXlar,七)首,、o山hu巨_~人一_一伟~‘_祷‘认_斗万r__:_、O U.…“匕.IL材~以.1.0 .ILI二11.口、产夜静春山空。螃介ng叻奋ns吻咖9,.川e[1 lgrlllS qU]e1,tneSPrlnl公高_.._工__‘_工.月{丫以Ch乙i币,,_丁- 一二.v卜毛塑塔叨I胆二_司_习_、乙之_。‘二_.1.、J…,.J,~护百.、-三,/飞lm】n(:猛咖、二一,_…  相似文献   

The old street is located to one side of the upper reaches of the Xin'an River.一诫镶巍产;}条i!肇沦{耀〕{{{…)疑孕津l会)i薰飞她压礼孽;i奢澳当翼l摹羹i羹绮粼创杨琴启,女{i纂鬓淤望魏黔霎蹼i鬓飞瞿鬓鬓戳豁i灌练滋农节箔群豹履戳践羞霸;翼受乡策丈生琴写二习云J洲匆蒸油.络璧拭珊盯断声毖险鬓溉捌叮若妇姗(巴巴与荃姥岌瀑纂寸切盲{一介才攀四二岁毛硕七公1!}蒸粉礴彝薰}l矍篓斌耀黝兔佣纽一茱瓣尹锐装)髻持州l巳份几二二月撬愚事麟An Old Street in Tunxi…  相似文献   

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Beijing launched, in conjunction with National Legal Knowledge Publicity Day (on December 4, 2013), an activity to call on society to make a concerted effort to combat violence against children, to protect their legal rights and interests. Tan Lin, Member of the Secretariat of ACWF, and Geeta Rao Gupta, Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF, spoke during the activity. Jiang Yue'e, Director of ACWF's Legal Department, hosted the event.  相似文献   

.连载鬓篡蒸缺少智慧可由知识补偿。我要是缺钱呢?爹潺4-缺少货币可由泪料卜偿!睿翱蘸毕孽叁蚤熬。各有补偿马长山/文张滨/画薰户润即铆卜一人}目昌例吻日伽.名家点评.患难见真情)黝中国俗语:“夫妻本是同林鸟,大难来时各自飞。”但有的人在小难之时就自己顾自己了。可叹!(缪印堂)和同事讲话是中音和老婆讲话是颤音久飞叠龄凤髻黔超级妈咪(三)黄银变音男士祁雪峰混蛋犷你这次又骗我笆童话成真朱森林(责编/杨峰zizhu59518@sohu.eom {酬i燃撇撇别e,直走过去,一直走过去,不要回头毛安然…臀黔阳人间喜剧~~…  相似文献   

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