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This paper questions Wassenaar's analysis of the ‘financial crisis in South Africa’. It examines the important differences which Wassenaar ignores between 1972–1974 when government revenue rose substantially relative to government expenditure and the period after that when the fiscal deficit rose so substantially. The review considers that Wassenaar has failed to provide any convincing explanation of why government has grown in South Africa. An alternative explanation is offered that draws on the emerging economic analysis of political action. The review then goes on to examine the recent South African Insurance Commission report to see how well opinion in Dr. Wassenaar's own industry accords with the principles of free enterprise. It finds that even in his own industry attachment to competitive principles is highly ambiguous.  相似文献   

During the Revolutionary era, two slaves, one named Leander from South Carolina and another named Caesar from Massachusetts, legally verified their new free status after long battles to become free. These two cases expose some similarities in the slave systems of Massachusetts and South Carolina.

However, they more strongly show deep differences in the legal status of slaves in the emerging nation. Caesar legally established his freedom by suing his master, and Leander registered his emancipation with the South Carolina Secretary of State's office. While the legal system in Massachusetts protected Caesar's right to own property, to make a contract, to sue and have other blacks testify on behalf of him, Leander's legal action marked a protection for him against re-enslavement since free blacks and slaves had practically no legal status in South Carolina. These two legal systems were always fundamentally different, but it was not until the American Revolution when many slaves like Caesar and Leander demanded freedom that these divisions became evident.  相似文献   


Jose Marti examines the American Civil War and the period of Reconstruction through the lens of Cuba’s failed attempts at independence as a way of disenchanting modernizers and annexationists who, seeking rapprochement with the U.S., would compromise South American and, more specifically, Cuban sovereignty. More to the point, as much as Marti draws parallels between Cuba and the U.S. South vis-à-vis Spain and the U.S. North, respectively, his troubling affinity with the Confederacy and the postbellum South chiefly exposes the North’s ideological elision of its imperial project.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the larger project of situating the United States' struggle over slavery within the Atlantic World. Based on the public and private writings of Southern political leaders and the diplomatic correspondence of Robert Monroe Harrison, consul to Kingston, Jamaica, from 1831 until 1855, the article argues that Southern Anglophobia was a dominant factor in the movement to annex Texas to the United States. Britain's abolition of colonial slavery in her West Indian colonies was a seminal event for the American South. This was especially true for Harrison, a ‘native born Virginian’, who had a fearful personal experience with the abolition of slavery in Jamaica. Harrison came to believe that British abolitionism would be turned against American slavery and he shared his views with the State Department. He even feared that the British would use the West Indies as a staging ground for an attack on America with an emancipated black army that would sow insurrection in the South. Moreover, when several American ships involved in the coastal slave trade wrecked in the Bahamas, British colonial authorities freed the slaves, validating Harrison's central accusation. In 1842, on the slave ship Creole, a group of young men to be sold in New Orleans rebelled, seized control of the ship and made their way to the Bahamas. They had heard through the grapevine of the freedom to be gained there. The white South was outraged. From their perspective, Britain had not only expropriated American property, but now had also instigated violent rebellion. Southern political leaders within the Tyler Administration, especially the Secretaries of State Abel Upshur and then John Calhoun, were deeply concerned with British intentions. They believed that the Republic of Texas was the next target of British abolitionism, and in order to defend civilisation as they knew it, they launched the movement to annex Texas to the United States to protect and expand American slavery. They succeeded in 1845.  相似文献   

Leo Bogart, who died October 15, 2005, in New York City, calledhimself an "applied sociologist" because he spent his careerin marketing rather than academic research. But his contributionsto knowledge filled 14 books, three of them published afterhe turned 80. His appreciation for the nuances of opinion measurementand contributions to question design would have earned him distinctionon any faculty, and so his career embodied the commercial-academicblend that has characterized the American Association for PublicOpinion Research (AAPOR). Born in Lvov, Poland, he moved with his family to New York atthe age of 2. He was a high school newspaper editor in  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):239-257
In 1985, Roswell Gilbert was convicted of murder in the shooting death of his wife Emily who suffered from Alz- heimers disease and osteoporosis. Although Emily had asked to die in the presence of witnesses, the Florida jury was pressed to- ward its harsh treatment of Roswell by his choice of weapon, staunch refusal to repudiate his decision, and Emilys relatively high functional level at the time of her death. Nearly a decade lat- er, issues of the limits of family responsibility in caregiving re- main prominent in the literatures of gerontology and applied eth- ics. This paper revisits the Gilbert case with insights from Joseph A. Varon, Chief Counsel at the trial of Roswell Gilbert and Martha Gilbert Moran, Roswell and Emilys only daughter. The paper in- tegrates applied ethical and sociological theories about the family into a discussion of family decision making around caregiving and its termination. Specifically, the paper uses symbolic interaction theory with Nod- dings theory of caring and exchange theory with Blusteins discus-sion of duty and autonomy to address two questions: (1) Who owns the decision about the termination of care? and (2) What are the grounds for state intervention into family decision making on behalf of an individual who has expressed, verbally or through a written will, a desire to die? It is suggested that social scientists need to re- fine research methods in order to document the development of fam- ily belief systems that support life-and-death decision making. Fur- ther research is indicated on spousal and intergenerational relation- ships as the social context for decisions families make about care and its termination. The approach of the paper is to integrate family so- ciological theory with perspectives from legal and applied ethical analyses.  相似文献   


This paper examines the role of arts and crafts in reconstructing communities after times of upheaval, their use in creating employment opportunities, and their impact on the nature of South African art history. It looks at craft initiatives during and after the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, and draws parallels with early twentieth-century initiatives, particularly those of Florence Phillips, who founded the Johannesburg Art Gallery in 1910, Emily Hobhouse, who established Boer home industries, and the South African National Union, which promoted the manufacture and use of local products.  相似文献   

Much is known about Dwight Eisenhower's accomplishments as wartime general and postwar president; however, little is known about the reasons for his extraordinary popularity. Drawing from opinion polls, popular media, and related sources this article shows how Eisenhower's achievements and public conduct resonated with the concerns and values of his generation. "Symbolic leadership" theory and the "action theory" of heroic leadership frame this twofold articulation of Eisenhower's midcentury image, but we place it in a broader perspective centered on tradition, crisis, and generational change. We thus explain not only why Eisenhower's reputation was so strong during the postwar years but also why it declined so sharply after his death, even while other American leaders' reputations remained intact.  相似文献   

In this article we revisit Alvin Gouldner's The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology (1970). In part, this article is an attempt to apply Gouldner's own lessons about the sociology of knowledge to his own work, situating it with respect to the dominant epistemological unconscious of late 1960s American sociology as well as the broader historical context of a still-vibrant Fordist mode of societalization. Gouldner's critique of positivism was limited because he was still partially caught up within the dominant epistemological framework in American sociology at that time, a formation we call methodological positivism. With thirty years of hindsight, it is not surprising that contemporary readers interested in following up Gouldner's call for a reflexive sociology of knowledge will find certain aspects of his own program unsatisfactory. We propose an alternative sociology of knowledge based on a more explicit philosophy of scientific understanding, namely, contemporary critical realism. We also trace the vicissitudes of the trope of a "crisis in sociology" which Gouldner unleashed into the world and unpack the tensions between the "western" sociology referred to in the book's title and Gouldner's actual focus on the United States.  相似文献   

Based on new archival findings and new interpretations, this article presents new perspectives of the ‘Amistad case’, bringing it back into Caribbean and Atlantic history. The article demonstrates that the captain of the Amistad, Ramón Ferrer, and his crew were transatlantic slave traders and smugglers and provides proof that the Amistad was built in Cuba. Moreover, as a result of the enormous profits of the illegal slave trade, Ferrer bought more slave ships and invested much money in the modernization of plantation production. This article also critiques one of the most influential narratives about the Atlantic crossing of the Amistad captives: that they did so in a ‘Portuguese ship named Teçora’. As the harbor lists of Havana in 1839 show, the captives came in a ship named Hugh Boyle under the American captain, J.R. Brown. All this gives new insights into the American participation in the hidden Atlantic and the significance of Cuba as a provider of contraband captives for the American South.  相似文献   

Abstract During the post-independence period, North American authors of travel narratives engaged in a double construction of "South America": the othering typical of other travel narratives and the ordering of the diversity of the region's societies, economies and polities according to gender, racial, and class categories. Describing social and institutional landscapes, authors projected preoccupations common to the expansive cultures of North America into "South America." Unable to homogenize the Other or naturalize the landscape, travellers used the space of the narrative to reflect upon the nature and future of "America".  相似文献   

The years between 1910 and 1920 witnessed the first wave of the "Great Migration" of African Americans to the North. This article uses new census data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series project to study self‐selection patterns in African American migration during this important decade. The results indicate that, contrary to contemporary accounts, migration rates rose at least as much among the literate as among the illiterate (and perhaps more), and migration increased more for married African Americans than for the unmarried.  相似文献   

Author: HARRILL, J. ALBERT; The Manumission of Slaves in Early Christianity; Reviewer: Andrew Chester; Author: MENARD, RUSSELL R.; Migrants, Servants and Slaves: Unfree Labor in Colonial British America; Reviewer: Alison Games; Author: MORGAN, KENNETH; Slavery and Servitude in North America, 1607-1800; Reviewer: Alison Games; Author: WOOD, MARCUS; Blind Memory: Visual Representations of Slavery in England and America, 1780-1865; Reviewer: Judie Newman; Author: SCHWARTZ, MARIE JENKINS; Born in Bondage: Growing Up Enslaved in the Antebellum South; Reviewer: Emily West; Author: SMITH, JOHN DAVID; Slavery, Race and American History: Historical Conflict, Trends and Method, 1866-1953; Reviewer: John B. Boles; Author: LANDERS, JANE; Black Society in Spanish Florida; Reviewer: Jennifer L. Baszille; Author: SUSSMAN, CHARLOTTE; Consuming Anxieties: Consumer Protest, Gender and British Slavery, 1713-1833; Reviewer: Claire Midgley; Author: DELLE, JAMES A.; An Archaeology of Social Space Analyzing Coffee Plantations in Jamiaca's Blue Mountains; Reviewer: Kathleen E.A. Monteith.  相似文献   

W. H. Hutt is 85 years old and is one of the most important economists of this century. That this is too little appreciated is largely because his academic career did not take place in his native England. Instead, in 1928, after a short career in publishing, the graduate of the London School of Economics set sail for South Africa and the University of Cape Town. During his 37 years there, Professor Hutt produced an impressive body of work, some of which have become classics among his devotees, includingThe Theory of Collective Bargaining (1930),Economists and the Public (1936),The Theory of Idle Resources (1939),Plan for Reconstruction (1943),Keynesianism — Retrospect & Prospect (1963), andThe Economics of the Colour Bar (1964). Hutt came to the United States in December 1965 to serve as a visiting professor at the University of Virginia, and has served in a similar capacity at many American universities. While in the United States Hutt has produced such works asThe Strike-Threat System (1973),A Rehabilitation of Say’s Law (1975), andThe Keynesian Episode (1979). Professor Hutt currently is Emeritus Visiting Professor of Economics at the University of Dallas and he continues to work on an autobiography and a new book, tentatively titledLabor’s Disadvantage.  相似文献   

Openly gay American fiction writer David Leavitt, who had received positive reviews for his previous novels and short story collections, was sued in 1993 over his novel While England Sleeps by English poet Stephen Spender, who claimed that Leavitt plagiarized an episode from his own 1951 memoir World Within World, and grafted pornographic fantasies onto his biography. The accusations created a homophobic backlash against Leavitt, whose career has yet to recover fully. The result is that Leavitt, who had once been viewed as the one gay writer to find a footing in the mainstream literary community, is now firmly positioned in the gay literary subgenre and his work categorized as such. This essay examines book reviews in order to illustrate the difficulties that a writer who deals with gay life frankly and unapologetically finds in being accepted by the mainstream literary establishment, no matter how normal or assimilationist he or others might perceive his work to be.  相似文献   

Mothers of Japanese or South American ancestry living in the United States participated. Similarities and differences in mothers' social and didactic parenting behaviors and beliefs, and direct relations between behaviors and beliefs in these 2 domains of interaction, are reported. In accordance with a common collectivist orientation, Japanese American and South American mothers reported that they engaged in more social than didactic interactions with their infants, and South American mothers more than Japanese American mothers. However, in actuality, both of these acculturating groups engaged in more didactic than social behaviors with their infants and did so for longer periods of time. Not surprisingly, no belief‐behavior relations emerged in either group.  相似文献   

Prior to his 1922 emigration to Europe and thence to the United States, Pitirim Alexandrovich Sorokin had an exceptional intellectual and political career in Russia and the Soviet Union (Sorokin 1924, 1963a; Johnston 1995; Krotov 2005). Indeed, he was among the early founders of the science of sociology in his native land, where, according to a relatively recent bibliography (Sorokin 2000), he produced 162 Russian-language publications between the ages of 21 and 33. This listing includes not only book reviews and journal articles, but also substantial monographs and a two-volume theoretical treatise. While still a relatively young man, Sorokin had thus gained widespread recognition as a scholar of the first rank. He was also the initial chairperson (from 1919 to 1922) of a fledgling department of sociology at the University of Petrograd (St. Petersburg), an elected member of the national Constituent Assembly and an appointed staff member of the 1917 Provisional Government, the first democratic regime in Russia. This much would have sufficed for an entry in a sociological encyclopedia, and Sorokin’s political career has few parallels in the history of the field, other than the involvement of Emile Durkheim in French educational policy and the participation of Max Weber in creating the Weimar Republic in Germany. Nevertheless sociologists in the United States and most western historians of the field have not yet appreciated the full influence of the formative period, especially from 1905 to 1922. Lacking familiarity with Russian culture of that era and knowing little about the larger Russian socio-historical milieu, its intellectual discourse and collective memory, they have not been able to comprehend Sorokin’s outlook, behavior and professional output in the United States in relation to these earlier contextual factors. This is arguably a fundamental reason why many U.S. sociologists have tended to see Sorokin, especially since 1937, as a marginal figure and to regard his works largely as deviations from accepted social scientific practice. This paper will argue that a more adequate appreciation of Sorokin’s background and early adult life illumines both stylistic features of his works in America and also places into proper perspective several of his substantive foci that did not accord with contemporary “normal science” (Kuhn 1962). In short, despite his overall assimilation into American society and higher education, including his appointment at Harvard University and his election as president of the American Sociological Association, Sorokin should be understood in large measure as a life-long Russian intellectual. His was a Russian-born sensibility and consciousness—indeed a “Russian soul”—so deeply ingrained that it stamped his entire professional career in the United States, including his published researches, his popular sociology and his university teaching.  相似文献   

A "black kid of no early promise," Colin Powell became the youngestgeneral in the U.S. Army, and then in short order national securityadvisor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the nation’ssecretary of state. What does this extraordinary story revealabout contemporary American political life? Analyzing surveyssupplied by the National Election Study and the National BlackElection Study, we first establish that Powell’s rapidrise to prominence is matched by his remarkable popularity amongthe American public. Next, we develop and test two possibleexplanations for Powell’s popularity. One supposes thatthe secret to Powell’s high standing with the public liesin his association with success on the battlefield: Powell asthe victorious general. The other explanation invokes racialprogress, the disappearance of racism among whites, and thedecline of identity politics among blacks: Powell as raciallytranscendent. In the final section of the article, informedby our results, we offer some speculations about American politicstoday—about the political implications of military accomplishmentand about the multiplicity of conditions that are required forAmericans to "see through" race.  相似文献   

The distinguished South African photographer George Hallett speaks about his childhood, schooling, career in photography, exile in Europe and return to South Africa. Born in District Six and raised in Hout Bay, Hallett was introduced to the world of politics, literature and art by the novelist Richard Rive, who was his high school English teacher, and by the poet James Matthews and artist Peter Clarke, who became friends, as well as mentors. Hallett began his photographic career in Cape Town, but, struggling under the restrictions of life under apartheid, soon left for London. In Britain and, later, France and the Netherlands, he established himself as a leading photojournalist and fine art photographer. After brief stays in the United States and Zimbabwe, he returned to South Africa to photograph the 1994 elections for the African National Congress.  相似文献   

How did Rational Choice Theory (RCT), traditionally rejected by sociologists for its economic individualism, rise rapidly in the 1980s and the 1990s to theoretical and institutional prominence within sociology? Drawing on Frickel and Gross’ (American Sociological Association, 70(2):204–232 2005) framework for the emergence of scientific/intellectual movements (SIMs), we argue that RCT rose to prominence in sociology in conjunction with: 1) high status actors’ criticism of the previously dominant paradigm, structural functionalism; 2) favorable structural conditions that provided entrepreneurial access to key resources; 3) proliferation through micromobilization contexts; and 4) the ability of those espousing RCT for sociology to draw on dominant cultural motifs outside of academia. The rise of RCT in American sociology provides a case study for how scientific/intellectual movements can find an audience in academic contexts that are predisposed to oppose them.  相似文献   

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