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Peace psychologists emphasize the importance of recognizing both direct and structural bases of peace and conflict. In the peace psychological analysis of terrorism presented here, I attempt to further our understanding of the bases of terrorism in the context of how inequities in political, economic, and social structures may feed into or exacerbate terrorism. I analyze the effectiveness of responses to terrorism in terms of the tripartite peacekeeping, peacemaking, and peacebuilding model of nonviolent response to violence.  相似文献   

区小莹 《探求》2007,15(5):34-38
目前,中美向外界提出两种不同的世界和平发展理念,分别是"和谐"与"民主"。本文主要通过对比这两种理念的根源、对和平的理解、实现和平的手段等方面,洞悉它们的合理性与可行性,从而有助于探索一种更有利于世界和平发展的理念。  相似文献   

The relations between peace activism and the Utopian, anticipatory, sympathetic, and compensatory functions of the imagination are explored, and the results of a group process using inner dialogue to help participants understand the dynamics of their relation to peace activism are analyzed. Social action is viewed here as arising in part from a successful negotiation between inner voices that inhibit progressing from the awareness of social problems into action and voices that encourage this integration of awareness and action. A revised group method to facilitate and sustain peace action in one's life is described, building on both my findings and Elise Boulding's work on imagining a peaceful future.  相似文献   

When strong emotions are involved, people tend to focus on the badness of the outcome, rather than on the probability that the outcome will occur. The resulting “probability neglect” helps to explain excessive reactions to low-probability risks of catastrophe. Terrorists show a working knowledge of probability neglect, producing public fear that might greatly exceed the discounted harm. As a result of probability neglect, people often are far more concerned about the risks of terrorism than about statistically larger risks that they confront in ordinary life. In the context of terrorism and analogous risks, the legal system frequently responds to probability neglect, resulting in regulation that might be unjustified or even counterproductive. But public fear is itself a cost, and it is associated with many other costs, in the form of “ripple effects” produced by fear. As a normative matter, government should reduce even unjustified fear, if the benefits of the response can be shown to outweigh the costs.  相似文献   

20 0 3年 ,两位学兄朱明忠和尚会鹏的大作《印度教 :宗教与社会》由世界知识出版社出版了。作为同行、同事和友人 ,他们自然要赠书与我。他们赠送的目的 ,不仅仅是为了纪念 ,更主要的是让我分享他们的感受 (苦与乐 ) ,分享他们的成果 (苦乐果 )。他们出版的书已经不少 ,我读他们的书也已经不少 ,从中获益当然也就不少。这一次 ,我想把读这本书的体会写出来。印度是神秘的 ,大家都这么说。但印度神秘在哪里 ?最简单最直接的答复是 :印度的神秘主要来自印度教。一旦走进印度 ,要想真正比较深入地了解印度 ,就必须对印度教有一个较全面和较系统…  相似文献   

刘小林 《日本学刊》2006,6(5):16-27
本文从资料研究入手对当前日本和平运动与和平理念的状况予以客观的描述,在此基础上与以往冷战时期的和平运动与和平思想进行比较,以发现其内容与形式的变化,并对这些新趋向以及研究这些新趋向的意义做一些浅显的分析和评价。  相似文献   

王建民 《社会》2011,31(6):224-235
在《解放社会学》(Liberation Sociology)一书的开篇,作者J.R.费根(Joe R. Feagin)和H.薇拉(Hernán Vera)就指出,社会学中存在着“集体遗忘症”:一是社会学家经常遗忘他们所从事学科的行动主义和激进的传统(activist and radical traditions);二是社会科学中很多伟大思想家的激情和社会变革担当经常被遗忘或忽视(第ix页)。在集体遗忘症的状态中,人们很容易随波逐流地接受因即时效用而传播的常规性方法与观念。作者所说的常规性方法,主要指美国社会学的“工具实证主义方法”(instrumental positivism approach),其“工具性”是它使社会研究局限在某种研究工具和技术所允许的问题上;其“实证主义”是它使社会科学家投入到模仿自然科学家的研究方法上。在“工具实证主义”的支配下,社会学家经常对社会学对他人的道德和政治影响无知无觉。  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary legal and social work framework for peace building is presented. Inequality and its eradication are identified as linking factors transforming conflict into coexistence. Peace building is determined to entail participation in the struggle for social justice. Three conditions are identified as central to the peace building process. The first necessitates the establishment of inclusive, autonomous communities, each free to express religious, cultural and national aspirations and identity. The second requires the recognition of the legitimacy of each community to assert rights and claims without denying those of the other . This premise supports the view of the individual in relation and notes that coexistence can only be advanced through the building of mutual relationships. Finally, peace building requires recognition of human rights as a tool to promote relationships both within and between societies.  相似文献   

“三角和平论”是冷战结束后自由主义国际关系理论的综合性言论 ,认为民主、经济相互依存及国际组织是实现现今国家间和平的“三驾马车”。其论证过程与理念具有明显庸俗国际关系理论的痕迹 ,然其价值不在于结论 ,而是其论证过程 ,反映了国际关系理论发展的综合性趋势 ,带动了方法论的辩论 ,是考察国际关系理论困境的很好个案。反全球化时代的发展 ,呼唤建立马克思主义国际关系理论。评述“三角和平论”的目的正在于揭示冷战后国际关系理论的发展趋势及其阶级实质。  相似文献   

Hierarchical generalized linear modeling was employed to examine the relations between person-level subjective well-being (SWB) and peace-relevant attitudes, and how these relations vary across nations in the World Values Survey. Person-level SWB was associated with more confidence in the government and armed forces, greater emphasis on postmaterialist values, stronger support for democracy, less intolerance of immigrants and racial groups, and greater willingness to fight for one's country. These associations were moderated at the nation level by liberal development, violent inequality, gross domestic product, and nation-level SWB. The moderator effects indicate that happy people are not completely blind to the conditions of their society and that their endorsement of peace attitudes is sensitive to whether the conditions for peace do exist.  相似文献   

Objective. In this analysis we identify factors associated with the dynamics of partner violence among low‐income women. Methods. Using two waves of the Welfare, Children and Families Study (1999–2001), we examine the multivariate predictors of ever having experienced abuse, as well as factors associated with the initiation, resumption, and discontinuation of violence between the two interviews. Results. Over half the women who reported violence at Wave 1 reported no violence at Wave 2. These women were older, had experienced less severe violence, and reported less financial strain than women for whom violence continued or began. For 11 percent of the sample, violence began or resumed by the second interview. These women were younger, less educated, had weaker social networks, and were less likely to be Hispanic than those who never experienced violence. Conclusions. Partner abuse appears to be highly dynamic and a fuller understanding of the phenomenon requires a longitudinal focus.  相似文献   

宗教与经济增长:一项研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影响经济增长的因素是多维度的,宗教就是一例.亚当·斯密将宗教供给者视为收入最大化者,并从其声誉和人力资本的角度探讨了宗教的供给与需求、市场结构与经济增长的关系.马克斯·韦伯则从伦理角度分析了新教与经济增长的内在联系.当代西方经济学家基本上沿袭了亚当·斯密和韦伯的理论框架,不但用现代经济学理论和工具分析了家庭的宗教行为,而且在此基础上研究了宗教与经济增长的互动机制,并进行了实证性分析,开创了经济增长理论的新领域.  相似文献   

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