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河西走廊因其独特的历史和现实特征,其发展应以综合协调观为指导,体现效益与公平的协调,体现民族发展、社区发展与国家发展的协调,体现环境、人口、技术、组织和文化的协调。河西走廊的发展是一个长期渐进的过程,目标是建立社会诚信、经济市场化、政治民主化、文化多元一体的和谐社会。  相似文献   

作为丝绸之路咽喉要道的河西走廊,是古代东、西方文化交流的重要通道,也是中原和西域文化的荟萃之地,发掘于上世纪七十年代被称为戈壁荒漠里地下画廊的河西走廊魏晋墓壁画,就发现于此。由此,一千七百多年前一些真实的生活画面通过无名画师质朴而灵动的画笔呈现在我们面前,在几百幅点点滴滴、琐碎而有滋有味的生活细节中,我们试着捕捉古人的一些想法,揣摩一下那些远逝的心思。  相似文献   

河西走廊多民族交融发展的历史作用与现实意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河西走廊自古以来就是沟通中原与西部乃至域外世界的交通枢纽和经贸通道,也是中央政府治理西北边疆的战略要地。河西走廊在古代中华文明的凝结形成、多元文明体系的互动交融以及多民族交融发展过程中发挥过重大的历史作用,需要学界进一步探索认识。同时,该地区持续至今的良好民族关系实践也具有突出的示范作用,诸多事例的挖掘整理及其研究成果的转化应用已经初见成效,其现实意义也因学界和政府的密切关注而日渐突显。  相似文献   

文章梳理了位于河西走廊的甘肃省肃南裕固族自治县不同历史时期人口流动的主要原因、基本特征和对民族关系的影响。研究发现,河西走廊在漫长的历史过程中的人口流动与人类社会群体的整合,在一定层面上促进了该地区各民族交往交流交融的进程。西北少数民族地区多民族分布格局的形成,为肃南县内各民族交往交流交融奠定了历史与现实基础。改革开放后,大规模的人口流动进一步增强了各民族之间更深层次的交往交流交融。对于河西走廊自古至今人口流动的关注,能够帮助我们深刻认识到我国民族关系发展主流所具有的重要意义,并在此基础上厘清民族交融的真正内涵。  相似文献   

丝绸之路是一条连接亚欧大陆的重要国际大通道,自2013年习近平提出构建丝绸之路经济带的战略构想之后,这条古老的政治经济文化通道被重新激活,成为中国以及周边国家广泛讨论的热门话题。自20世纪80年代费孝通先生提出民族走廊的概念以来,国内学术界就民族走廊问题展开了深入研究,取得了一系列成果。但是,这个研究仅仅囿于国内的民族走廊,而没有从走廊更进一步延伸到丝绸之路这个国际大通道上。本文试图提出新的研究思路,将国内的民族走廊研究与国际的丝绸之路研究整合到一起,在全球经济一体化与国际政治经济新秩序构建的大背景下,讨论这两个密切相关的论题。  相似文献   

张蓉 《中国藏学》2024,(1):162-172+218-219
民族走廊地带若干民族多元共生、彼此交融的局面由冲突与沟通共同促成,尤其是地域相连带来的冲突,往往转化为一种更为深刻的“糅合力”。多哇藏族部落与河南亲王旗一案,是18世纪中期至20世纪中期甘青民族走廊各族群因争夺公共资源、生存资源而产生的群体性社会纠纷的一个典型缩影。其产生与解决暴露了人口增长、环境压力、族群互动等社会变迁带给国家治理的诸多考验,亦展示了地方政府与民间权威如何同时引导和塑造地方层面的变化。这一过程中国家权力与地方权力的界限、范围得以不断调整和重申,二者共同构成了晚清时期该区域的社会治理体系。由此,甘青民族走廊各族群的互动互容性不断增强,国家权力日益绵密,逐渐形成稳定的地域文化共同体,为后续政权的边疆统合、当代铸牢中华民族共同体意识,以及中华民族现代文明的形成奠定了历史—地理—文化基础。  相似文献   

易地扶贫搬迁安置区后续治理是确保贫困群众在易地搬迁安置区“稳得住”“能致富”的关键问题,也是“十四五”期间的重要任务。基于环江毛南族自治县易地扶贫搬迁安置区的县域个案研究发现,以专业化社会组织同安置区建立嵌合关系为结构前提、多元主体协同赋能为行动策略的嵌合赋能作为易地扶贫搬迁安置区后续治理的合作结构;同时,以安置区相关资源进行多元整合为基本逻辑、“三社联动”向“五社联动”的联动升级为核心取向的多元联动作为易地扶贫搬迁安置区后续治理的互动模式。嵌合赋能与多元联动在实践层面提升了的易地扶贫搬迁安置区后续治理效能与能力,成为推进基层治理现代化的一种可行选择。  相似文献   

自费孝通先生第一次提出"藏彝走廊"学术概念,至今已经30年了.①但是"藏彝走廊"作为一个自觉的学术研究区域和理论探讨对象,并进而成为人类学、民族学界讨论的热点,只是近几年间的事.  相似文献   

民族地区社会治理创新是国家治理现代化的重要内容。基于对甘南藏区的研究,发现少数民族地区具有民族宗教多样性、社会发展多层性和经济发展滞后性等地域和民族特征,其社会治理面临经济发展、宗教认同等方面的困难和挑战。在社会治理与社会建设中,甘南藏区应以依法治国的基本原则为前提,以中华民族文化认同为根基,开创政府领导社会自治的新格局。  相似文献   

安多藏族牧区传统社会中社会冲突具有民族性、宗教性、复杂性特征.草场与婚姻纠纷是藏族牧区社会生活中最常见的社会冲突表现形式.治理及化解藏族牧区社会冲突,应努力构建多方参与的社会冲突管理格局;加强社会纠纷调解机构建设,完善三方调解机制;改善司法力量供给不足现状,增强基层社会冲突治理能力;加快完善农村社会保障制度,构建有效的社会整合机制.  相似文献   

古丝绸之路在漫长宏阔的时空中,留下了包括精神文化在内的丰富遗产,也开启了艺术地表达多样文化和沟通人类情感的先河,具有重要的启示性和当代价值。新的丝绸之路文学艺术的倡导和创造,有可能打破国际社会长期存在的中心—边缘秩序逻辑和边缘依附中心思维定式,发现和挖掘各民族在古丝绸之路上的艺术表达的特点和成就,重建丝绸之路文化精神。跨越地域、国家、民族、宗教、文化的界限而共生共融,审美地表达和平与发展的信念,维护文化多样和包容差异,和而不同,消弭隔阂,弘扬人类的真善美,矫正全球化和科技主义产生的副作用,是丝绸之路文化的艺术表达的精神指向。  相似文献   

元代草原丝绸之路比以往的任何时候都更为发达通畅,经过的地区地域辽阔,自然环境多样,民俗独特丰富,游牧文化的都邑也随着从"蒙古国"至"元帝国"的转换而在兴起。上都既是流动的草原丝绸之路的东端静止点,又是农牧文化集中交融之处,它所体现出的中国古代王朝中最具独特性的都邑范式,昭示了它所具有的纪念碑性的城市建筑群的意义。文人在对以上都为代表的游牧文化与农耕文化交织而成的新型都邑文化的图解中,渐变式地交融、接受草原游牧文明。解读隐含在上都诗作背后的文人心态,可以进一步考察丝绸之路诗歌背后所蕴含的汉文化对于草原游牧民族文化的真实理解,并由此谛视元人的历史观、社会观和人生观。  相似文献   

本文概述了西北民族走廊的发端、演变和定型的过程。首先,以历史的视角解析甘肃-青海区域性社会的文化形态,尤其注重在多源主体(plural subjects)与帝制中国(imperial China)的中央王朝进行交往的过程中如何形成礼仪网络,以及在其间的甘青社会模棱两可的地位和媒介作用。在重构该区权力支配关系的基础上,对西北走廊边际群体的主体性问题作简要介绍,试图把理论性研究与案例分析相结合。其次,以应用人类学研究为基础,尝试提出超越发展矛盾的原理及实现方法,以便为相关政策的完善提供借鉴,使当地挣脱发展话语桎梏。与目前已采用的西北区域发展与资源开发模式相比,本文所阐述的参与式行动(participatory action)及其相关研究有助于组织少数民族与地方社区的力量,达到预定的目标,进一步把介入者(intervenors)与被介入者(intervented)的主体-客体对立关系(subject-object dicothomy)转换成前者与后者相互依存、共享发展成果的主体间性关系(inter-subjective relations)。最后,重新认定本学科的学术地位及其实用性价值,认为人类学的田野工作在梳理地方性知识的前提下,更应当找出对应援助发展项目的合理方式,提供相似案例等研究成果来处理在政策制订、执行与评价的整个过程(policy process)中可能出现的问题。  相似文献   

麝香是我国土产珍物,也是很早就被发现、记载、应用最为广泛的稀有昂贵上品药材之一和难得的天然动物香料,应用的历史至少已有两千年.虽然波斯、阿拉伯不出产麝香,但波斯人大概在萨珊王朝已开始使用麝香,有关史料中可见他们大量应用、加工、辨别等记录.麝香曾经是丝绸之路上的重要商品,中古时代的中国与波斯阿拉伯地区交流频繁,由于文化、地域、环境等不同,中国与波斯、阿拉伯在麝香使用方面有较大差别,表现为从麝的认知到麝香作为香料和药物应用的诸多方面.本文试就这些相关疑问进行初步讨论,以就教方家,祈获斧正.  相似文献   

赵心愚 《民族学刊》2016,7(3):35-40,107-109
Weigao was one of the famous Jie-dushi ( regional military commissioners ) of the Jiannan Xichuan ( located in today’s southern Si-chuan) in the Tang Dynasty. During the rule of Wei Gao, he successfully defeated the Tubo, and changed the Tang court’s submissiveness in the southwestern region and the fight between the Tang and Tubo along the southern line. He also restored the links between Yunnan and Xichuan including all the way to the Central Plains, and, as a result, the once closed Southern Silk Road was reopened. A further exploration and evaluation of Wei Gao’s actions and his influence on reopening the Southern Silk Road ought to be given. I. Wei Gao’s Alliance with the Nanzhao King-dom and Reopening the Southern Silk Road In 785 A. D. , Wei Gao arrived in Chengdu and was appointed Jiedushi of Jiannan Xichuan. The situation of Jiannan Xichuan at that time was very critical. After the Tianbao war, the Kingdom of Nanzhao, which had unified the area around Er-hai Lake with the support of the Tang in the past, turned against the Tang and publicly announced its alliance with the Tubo. The Nanzhao Kingdom, to-gether with the Tubo, struck the Tang in the south-western region. This shift not only put the Tang in a submissive position in the southwestern region, but also significantly influenced the relations be-tween the Tang and the Tubo. As the Jiedushi of Jiannan Xichuan, Wei Gao became a unique practitioner and actively promoted a joint strategy in Yunnan. After the Tang decided to make an alliance with the Nanzhao Kingdom, relevant actions were taken immediately. However because relations between the Nanzhao Kingdom and the Tang had been broken for many years, at the beginning, Wei Gao could only communicate through some of the tribal chiefs of the Dongman ( Eastern Barbarians) . Through several years of ef-fort and mutual contact, Wei Gao’s endeavors to make an alliance with the Nanzhao, at last, were effective. Wei Gao’s efforts to make an alliance with the Nanzhao certainly involved issues related to trans-portation between Xichuan and the area of Erhai Lake. During that period, the route between Xi-chuan and Nanzhao was not only under military threat from the Tubo, but it was also overseen by the tribes of the Dongman who supported the Tu-bo—this indicated that the line of communication was not in a normal situation. The Southern Silk Road was one of ancient China’s important land trade routes to overseas. In looking at relevant re-cords in the Shiji ( Records of the Historian ) , we can see that this route had been known by people in the Central Plains from at least the Qin and Han dynasties. It was called the“Shushen Dudao” dur-ing the Han dynasty, and the “Xi’er Tianzhu zhid-ao” in the Taizhong period of the Tang dynasty.“Xi’er” refers to Erhai Lake, which was called“Xi’er He” during that time; “Tianzhu”, i. e.“Shendu”, refers to present day India. Since the Qin and Han dynasties, there were two primary routes between Xichuan and the area of Lake Er-hai. One was the Shimendao, also called the Wuchidao or Rongzhoudao, which started from present Chengdu and went through present day Le-shan and Yibin. The other was the Qing Xidao, also called the Lingguandao, Songzhoudao or Qiongnan Yilu,which, started from present Cheng-du, and went through present day Ya’an, and Xichang. These two routes were also called the“North Route” and the“South Route” in the Yun-nan Zhi ( The History of Yunnan) compiled by Fan Cuo in the Tang Dynasty. These two were the main routes between Sichuan and Yunnan on the South-ern Silk Road in the Tang dynasty. In 794 A. D. , the Tang and the Nanzhao Kingdom swore an oath of alliance, and Wei Gao started his plans to reo-pen the routes. By making a comprehensive analy-sis of relevant historical records, we are certain that starting with a plan in the 8th century, and fol-lowing the realization of the alliance between the Tang and Nanzhao as part of the strategy for the Southwestern area, and, together with the success in the fight against the Tubo, the two main chan-nels between Sichuan and Yunnan on the Southern Silk Road were reopened as a result of the concern of Wei Gao at the beginning of the 9th century. II. The Basic Situation of the Route between Sichuan and Yunnan on the Southern Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty and Its Historical Significance It was a long way from Xichuan to the area of Lake Erhai, and, moreover, the situation was also very complicated. Whenever the North Route or the South Route opened, it was not something that was completed immediately; it was a process. Al-though some sections of the road might be comple-ted initially, the opening of the entire route could not be completed within a short time. Through the records of Fan Cuo in his Yunnan Zhi, we can glean a general understanding of the basic situation regarding the reopening of the two main routes be-tween Sichuan and Yunnan along the Southern Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty. Seen from the records of Fan Cuo, there were courier stations along the South Route, so that travelers and their horses could have services and accommodation. It is very significant to note that in addition to the records of courier stations along the route managed by the Xichuan administration, the Yunnan Zhi also recorded that special translators were arranged for facilitating the contact and ex-change between the two sides, i. e. Xichuan and Nanzhao, after the route reached Ezhunling. This detail reflected Xichuan’s attention to the manage-ment of this route, but it also reflected the frequent contact between the people from the two sides of this route and the need for better communication. The road which started from Ezhunling was man-aged by the Nanzhao Kingdom. The situation of the North Route was quite different from the South Route. Based upon an analysis of the records found in the Yunnan Zhi, along the north route, there were not only high mountain, steep slopes, and winding roads, but the traveler also had to pass through many areas inhabited by the Wuman (Black Babarians). So, people were able to pass through the stations only after their words had been translated three or four times. Generally speaking, the conditions along the North Route were worse than those along the South Route. Therefore, al-though the reopening of the South Route was later than the North Route, people usually chose to pass through the South Route after it was reopened. It should be mentioned here that although Fan Cuo’s Yunnan Zhi was compiled during the early years of Xiantong Period in the Tang dynasty, the situation along the route and courier stations recorded in the book were probably not much different from those along the route during the time of Wei Gao. Al-though more than half a century of time had passed the road and courier stations along the South and North Routes might have only had some minor changes, and it was probably generally the same as in the past. Moreover it was unblocked for a long term due to the concern of the both sides. Another point that should be noted here is that although both the South and North Routes connecting Si-chuan and Yunnan on the Southern Silk Road in the Tang dynasty were managed by the administra-tions of Xichuan and Nanzhao separately, seen from the close relations and common demands of the two sides, the construction and management of these two important routes were combined through the negotiation of the two sides’ considerations and demands. As the major supporter for making the alliance with Nanzhao, Wei Gao should be the one who played an active role in this process. Because of the alliance between the Tang and the Nanzhao Kingdom the Tubo suffered a setback in the southwestern region, and they gradually re-treated to the north. Under this scenario, the channels of communication between Sichuan and Yunnan were unblocked, and communication be-tween the envoys from the Tang and Nanzhao be-came more frequent, the local trade developed, and the number of businessmen traversing Sichuan and Yunnan increased. Seen from the perspective of the development of Nanzhao, the frequent ex-changes between the artisans and traders from the two sides via the South and North Routes that ran between Sichuan and Yunnan promoted the eco-nomic and commercial development of Yunnan. In addition, there were many ethnic groups in the Nanzhao Kingdom. These included the Wuman, and Baiman ( white barbarians) . For several dec-ades,“more than a thousand” people from differ-ent ethnic groups went to Chengdu to study. This reflected that the reopening of the Southern Silk Road during the Tang dynasty played an important role in cultural transmission. On the other hand, training youth from the different ethnic groups liv-ing in the Nanzhao Kingdom also had a deep influ-ence on the cultural development of Yunnan. More important is that this action enhanced the commu-nication between the ethnic groups of Yunnan and the Central Plains. In addition, after reopening the road between Sichuan and Yunnan on the Southern Silk Route, the road continued through Nanzhao territory, crossed into the Myanmar-India route, and arrived in South and Southeast Asia. It could be said that Wei Gao’s reopening of the Southern Silk Road was not only helpful for communication between the people of Xichuan, the Central Plains and Yunnan, but it was also helpful for communi-cation between the Tang and the countries of South and Southeast Asia. It should be mentioned that Wei Gao’s reope-ning of the Southern Silk Road was conducted with-in the framework of an alliance with the Nanzhao Kingdom to attack the Tubo. Hence, speaking truthfully, reopening the road was not the main re-sponsibility of the Jiedushi of Xichuan, and was al-so not his main strategic goal. Under the serious situation faced by Jiannan Xichuan, Wei Gao’s main focus during that time was how to contact and make an alliance with the Nanzhao Kingdom so as to take military action against the Tubo. Even if he planned to reopen this road and took some action, it was conducted by targeting his military strategic action. However, reopening the Southern Silk Road could not be separated from the action of making an alliance with the Nanzhao Kingdom. Moreover, after reopening this road, it really pro-moted economic -cultural exchange and develop-ment along the road. Hence, we should give a full understanding and evaluation on Wei Gao’s histori-cal role in it.  相似文献   

在南岭民族走廊乡村中,垃圾食品消费与政府治理是否到位,以及农户的收入水平、文化水平、阶层地位关系密切。但在贫富分化、民族意识定向推定等因素作用下,作为社会问题的垃圾食品却易被置换表述为"民族问题"。经济发展和日常化社会治理,方是对症之药。防范社会问题转化为"民族问题",应是中国民族与社会理论本土化的探索方向之一。  相似文献   

安西大都护府的伟大功绩和突厥对丝绸之路的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了安西大都护府领导西北各民族在其存在的一百多年间为丝绸之路和丝路贸易繁荣发展建立的历史功绩.文章并不赞同过分夸大突厥对丝绸之路的危害,客观、公正地评价了突厥对于丝绸之路的贡献.  相似文献   

甘青两省民族走廊地区的民间信仰种类繁多。处于不同族群文化边界的民间信仰在保持文化差异基础上实现了信仰共建。这种"族际性"民间信仰的研究为我们分析跨族群社会整合、宗教共生等问题提供了资源。民间信仰"族际研究模式"强调在以往分析模式的基础上增加族群间互化互动的分析视角,注重其所处的族群边缘时空局域与文化涵化场域,注重分析民间信仰在族群边界建构与跨越中发挥的作用。  相似文献   

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