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说到维权,大家首先想到的是对假冒伪劣、短斤缺两等日常消费的维权,但对金融消费维权,由于消费者缺乏金融知识或金融维权意识淡薄等原因,有时会形成被侵权的事实。  相似文献   

土地确权维护农民权益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
成都经验对我们的学习具有全局意义。我从成都的实践当中所获得的启示,主要有四点:第一点,从科学发展观角度看,在城乡统筹、土地管理改革方面,一个重要的客观规律是级差土地收入。因为这个规律,中国逐步从计划体制转向社会主义市场经济体制,要充分认识和利用这个土地级差收益规律,为城乡统筹发展和国民经济发展服务。  相似文献   

工会维护农民工权益问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民工是我国社会转型期出现的一个特殊群体,为我国经济发展做出了巨大贡献,但他们的权益没有得到应有的保障。文章认为维护职工合法权益是工会组织的职责,对农民工权益缺失的原因进行了分析,从增强农民工的自我保护意识、提升工会维权能力、提升农民工的就业等方面,探讨了工会维护农民工权益的方法与途径。  相似文献   

建设和谐教育是建设和谐社会的主要目标之一。只有和谐教育才能造就符合现代社会发展需求的和谐发展的公民。进而促进整个社会的发展。目前,中国教育领域在公平、公正、均衡上尚存在种种不尽如人意的现实问题,在这个背景下儿童教育权益的维护仍受到多种因素的制约。因此,实现和谐教育方能使教育公正问题与儿童的教育权益得到有效的保障。  相似文献   

婚姻家庭权益是农村妇女权益保护的重点和难点.随着我国农村经济的迅猛发展,农村社会相对封闭的模式被打破,人们的精神生活出现新的变化,一些人道德失范,农村婚姻家庭出现重婚纳妾、姘居、包养情妇、家庭暴力等新情况、新问题,严重威胁着合法婚姻家庭的稳定,严重侵害农村妇女在婚姻家庭的平等地位和合法权益.因此,必须完善农村妇女婚姻家庭权益维护的多元化机制.  相似文献   

由于网络团购的数量不断增加以及交易规模不断扩大,许多消费者开始将团购作为一种购买渠道,从而促进了在线交易的发展。但是,网络团购在发展中,也遇到了一系列的困难。在本文中,我们将从法律角度出发,深入探讨网络团购中有关保护消费者权益的法律问题,与此同时,针对这些相关的法律问题,提出相对应的解决办法,目的是促进保护消费者的合法权益,规范网络团购交易。对于未来《消费者权益保护法》等相关法律的修订有一定的助力,同时,也能够促进巩固消费者权益保护体系和团购网站的建设。  相似文献   

自海南万亍发生小学校长带女生开房事件以来,校园内猥亵性侵幼女案频频曝光。这已经让人触目惊心了,但其实这仍然只是冰山一角,只不过是被网络曝光出来了的一些案件而已,那些没有案发或者没有被网络或其他传媒曝光的事情恐怕远远不止这些。这提醒我们全社会,尤其是司法机关应当为保障末成年人的合法权益提供全方位的保护。  相似文献   

警察执法过程中自身的权益屡受侵害,这关系到国家法律和警察执法权威性.影响警察执法工作的积极性。建立健全保障机制,不仅需要各个部门的积极配合,公安机关内部更要大力重视。从而切实保障人民警察执法权益不受侵害。  相似文献   

器官移植中会引发各种损害青少年合法权益的现象.对此,立法应当采取相应的措施加以应对.  相似文献   

孙雷 《科学发展》2013,(9):86-92
土地承包经营权、宅基地使用权、集体收益分配权等,是法律赋予衣民的基本权利。上海在推进城市化进程中,注重维护好、实现好、发展好农民权益,做出了有益的探索。在推进城乡一体化过程中,上海应以改革的举措创新、完善农村集体产权制度,加强农民基本权益的物权化保障,真正让农民共享现代化和改革开放的成果。  相似文献   

The role of institutions in the social reproduction of the economic status quo is not a new discovery in sociological literature. However, this literature rarely highlights how the catalysts of poverty are transparent in public institutions like schools, social services, police, or renowned universities such as Harvard. Drawing upon historical archival research, decennial census information, and ethnographic studies from the 1990s and early 2000s in Cambridge, Massachusetts we contribute to the discussions about urban poverty. We argue that there are structural factors other than the widely discussed spread of socio-geopolitical isolation or racial dynamics that prevent poor residents from bridging social distances and experiencing upward mobility. Those dynamics are specifically visible in cases such as Cambridge where the consequences of economic shifts and racial dynamics were not as dire as in other cities, but the exclusionary practices are still present. We implicate systematic ‘exclusionary closure,’ as defined by Max Weber and employed by Loïc Wacquant, operating in influential institutions. Following Wacquant’s lead, we argue that institutional practices and policies have played a large role in creating and maintaining urban marginality and pockets of poverty in Cambridge. Institutions like these, considered foundational to social and intellectual advancement, may be key players in the perpetuation of urban poverty.  相似文献   

Jobs are changing in ways that will reduce benefits for retirees. This paper explores the variety of pressures that will tend to produce this result. One major factor is that employers have been responding to cost pressures and the need for flexibility by redesigning jobs. There has been a trend-which is likely to continue-toward more part-time and temporary jobs, more subcontracting, and more contingent-pay systems. The consequences are complex and not all bad, but for retirees the tendency will be toward fewer, less generous, or less secure benefits. As workers approach retirement age facing the prospect of diminished benefits, increasing numbers of them will have to choose work to maintain their standard of living. At the same time, demographic pressures will gradually push employers to seek new pools of workers, including retirees. Gradually, employers are likely to provide fewer social-protection benefits to older people, but more employment opportunities.  相似文献   

科技奥运 惠及百姓(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥运会,不仅仅是一次体育盛会,也是国家综合实力的集中展现。奥运赛场,不仅是运动员为"更快、更高、更强"的目标奋力拼搏的竞技场,也是最新科技成果竞妖娆的"比武场"。  相似文献   

《Journal of Child Custody》2013,10(2):105-112

There are various tools that attorneys and their clients might use in custody and/or visitation disputes involving family violence. This column sets forth examples of pretrial motions, hearings, and other strategies. These are used to provide the court with detailed information about the abuse that has happened and the impact that the court's decisions will have upon the children involved.  相似文献   

Social protection is increasingly seen as an important tool for poverty reduction, but to date there have been few quantitative cross‐country assessments of social protection provision. This article develops a social protection index that systematically and consistently quantifies activities at the national level. Four summary indicators representing the cost, coverage, poverty targeting and impact are scaled and weighted to produce an additive index of the overall level of social protection provision. The index is calculated for six very different Asian countries: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam. Considerable contrasts are revealed between their levels of social protection provision.  相似文献   

中国是一个人口大国,也是人力资本强国。全国未成年人有3亿,尽管实行计划生育,近几年每年出生的人口仍有1500万人左左。对儿童生存、发展等权益的保护,不仅关系到儿童一代的健康成长,而且也关系到中国的可持续发展和中华民族的未来。笔者认为用综合治理的原则、平衡发展的原则、公平对待的原则、共同保护的原则是保护儿童权益工作必须坚持的原则。  相似文献   

For forced migrants who have not left their country but are internally displaced persons, human rights law provides an important framework through which to analyse and address their plight. Two principal reasons underpin this assertion.
First, owing to the compelling need: human rights violations cut across all phases of internal displacement, causing its occurrence, characterizing the conditions of physical insecurity and material deprivation in which the internally displaced often find themselves, and impeding equitable and lasting solutions.
Second, as internally displaced persons remain within the territory of their state, refugee law does not apply and, instead, human rights law provides the fundamental basis for addressing their plight. In addition to human rights law, other standards of international law are also relevant, namely international humanitarian law when displacement occurs in situations of armed conflict and refugee law by analogy.
Drawing on these three standards of international law, Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement have been developed which set out what protection should mean for internally displaced persons in all phases of displacement. This article traces the origins and provides an overview of the content of the Guiding Principles, the text of which is reproduced in full in the Appendix.  相似文献   

This presentation is a review of basic estimation methods geared for assessment of service benefit and cost structure of employee assistance programs (EAPs). The methodologies specify how various benefit and cost items can be organized and measured in dollar figures in order to translate effects of the EAP and operating cost distribution patterns. Based on the calculations, EAPs may assess cost saving patterns and avoid becoming a financial liability to the company. The estimation of benefit/cost ratios can be utilized for establishing program accountability and planning purposes. The methodologies presented in this chapter are at an introductory level. They are geared for EAP personnel and social work students interested in EAPs who have minimal familiarity with cost and benefit structure analysis.  相似文献   

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