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Results of two surveys are presented and indicate the statistical knowledge of past students from Master of Business Administration programmes, their usage of statistics together with their opinions about the statistical content of Master of Business Administration degree courses. These views are contrasted with the results of a second survey of academic staff who teach statistics on such programmes. We find that past students recommend a greater statistical content than is currently taught but, paradoxically, most of the academic staff associated with teaching the subject believe that the statistical content of their programme will decrease in future years.  相似文献   

管理实验与实验管理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何斌  王学力  魏新  吴菊华 《管理学报》2010,7(5):649-655,682
分析和界定管理实验的概念,梳理管理实验的分类、影响因素和特点;探讨实验管理学的内涵;分析实验管理学发展缓慢的原因并探讨了相关的发展对策;提出发展实验管理学的4条线索,指出管理实验研究和应用的3个生长点,并给出了实验管理学的研究方法体系.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates tacit knowledge’s relevance in environmental management and explores how organisations can manage this knowledge. Through case studies it reveals how taking the tacit knowledge of employees into account can be particularly useful in three key areas of environmental management: the identification of pollution sources, the management of emergency situations and the development of preventive solutions. In order to take tacit environmental knowledge into account, firms must challenge the predominance of formal knowledge in the management of environmental problems and promote a climate of learning that encourages the recognition and sharing of employees’ experiences. The paper also presents a framework for the analysis of the creation, transfer and retention of tacit knowledge that is not limited to environmental knowledge management.  相似文献   

有关领导科学与管理科学的联系与区别,前些年一些刊物上已有为数不少的文章论及,有过很多很好的见解。但是,它们都太过于集中在问题的外围层面上,以致到今天这一问题还没有明晰的结论,且已影响到领导科学的学科建设。领导科学与管理科学是两门似曾相识但内质不同的科学。就“似曾相识”而言,它们都是研究人与人、人与事、人与物关系的科学,且它们框架相近,论述形式相仿,语言也有重叠。但两门学科在内质上而不是在外围的“划片”、“圈地”上,有显见的不同。第一,基本矛盾不同。基本矛盾或者说根本矛盾,是学科区分的依据。基本矛…  相似文献   

跨国公司的跨境环境管理及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着跨国公司海外子公司数量的增加,其跨境环境管理对东道国环境的影响与日俱增.通过回顾相关文献,本文全面剖析了跨境环境管理的含义与类型划分、战略动力机制及其对公司绩效的影响.在此基础上,结合跨国公司目前在华的环境管理实践,提出了我国政府的对策,即提高环境标准、加强环境执行力和对环境战略转型者提供必要支持.  相似文献   

科技创新引领技术变革,加速变革的科技正在重塑世界政治、经济和社会发展的新格局、新形势。一系列新场景、新环境下的管理决策问题,如新一代移动通讯、人工智能、物联网、轨道交通与建筑工程、医疗工程、能源环境工程等,开启了管理科学与工程学科研究的新局面,并提出了全新的要求和挑战。本文通过系统梳理和总结相关文献和课题项目,阐述管理科学与工程领域的关键技术发展态势,并结合领域权威专家的问卷和访谈结果,立足新技术融合和新产业应用两个方面概括了技术驱动下管理科学与工程的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

复杂科学与质量管理研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
系统科学对质量管理的重大贡献就是促成了全面质量管理的诞生与发展,而复杂科学是系统科学发展的新阶段,它主要是研究复杂性与复杂系统的科学。复杂科学必然对质量管理的发展起着十分重大的影响,本文就此进行一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Kenneth T. Bogen 《Risk analysis》2014,34(10):1795-1806
The National Research Council 2009 “Silver Book” panel report included a recommendation that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should increase all of its chemical carcinogen (CC) potency estimates by ~7‐fold to adjust for a purported median‐vs.‐mean bias that I recently argued does not exist (Bogen KT. “Does EPA underestimate cancer risks by ignoring susceptibility differences?,” Risk Analysis, 2014; 34(10):1780–1784). In this issue of the journal, my argument is critiqued for having flaws concerning: (1) intent, bias, and conservatism of EPA estimates of CC potency; (2) bias in potency estimates derived from epidemiology; and (3) human‐animal CC‐potency correlation. However, my argument remains valid, for the following reasons. (1) EPA's default approach to estimating CC risks has correctly focused on bounding average (not median) individual risk under a genotoxic mode‐of‐action (MOA) assumption, although pragmatically the approach leaves both inter‐individual variability in CC–susceptibility, and widely varying CC‐specific magnitudes of fundamental MOA uncertainty, unquantified. (2) CC risk estimates based on large epidemiology studies are not systematically biased downward due to limited sampling from broad, lognormal susceptibility distributions. (3) A good, quantitative correlation is exhibited between upper‐bounds on CC‐specific potency estimated from human vs. animal studies (n = 24, r = 0.88, p = 2 × 10?8). It is concluded that protective upper‐bound estimates of individual CC risk that account for heterogeneity in susceptibility, as well as risk comparisons informed by best predictions of average‐individual and population risk that address CC‐specific MOA uncertainty, should each be used as separate, complimentary tools to improve regulatory decisions concerning low‐level, environmental CC exposures.  相似文献   

After an extensive review and analysis of the scientific evidence on the respiratory health effects of passive smoking, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concluded that environmental tobacco smoke causes lung cancer in adult nonsmokers and increases the risk of a variety of non-cancer respiratory disorders, especially in children. This article is a response to claims in Dr. Gio Gori's article "Policy Against Science: The Case of Environmental Tobacco Smoke," appearing in the same issue of this journal, that such conclusions are unwarranted. This response focuses only on the respiratory health effects of environmental tobacco smoke.  相似文献   

科学枝术是第一生产力的“付学技术”是指广义的科学技术,其中理应包括管理。因为狭义的科学技术、具体的科学发明、技术创新成果只有经过组织、协调才能形成生产力,而后者则属管理的职能。但管理除了具有职能作用外,还必须包括从事理论上的研究,探索具有中国特色的管理理论,以指导实践。才能从根本上提高我国管理水平并发展根植于我国实践的管理科学。  相似文献   

Scientists, activists, industry, and governments have raised concerns about health and environmental risks of nanoscale materials. The Society for Risk Analysis convened experts in September 2008 in Washington, DC to deliberate on issues relating to the unique attributes of nanoscale materials that raise novel concerns about health risks. This article reports on the overall themes and findings of the workshop, uncovering the underlying issues for each of these topics that become recurring themes. The attributes of nanoscale particles and other nanomaterials that present novel issues for risk analysis are evaluated in a risk analysis framework, identifying challenges and opportunities for risk analysts and others seeking to assess and manage the risks from emerging nanoscale materials and nanotechnologies. Workshop deliberations and recommendations for advancing the risk analysis and management of nanotechnologies are presented.  相似文献   

本文通过文献评述、专家调查和典型案例分析,试图解释中国管理实践导向的管理科学与工程学科学术研究的基本特点和发展趋势。结果表明,近年来基于中国数据、中国案例和中国经验的管理学术研究成果越来越多。这些研究考虑了中国国情、国家战略、制度和文化等因素,也反映出中国情景下管理科学与工程研究的复杂性和学科交叉性等特点。同时,针对“基于我国领跑工程的管理科学与工程研究”、“面向‘卡脖子’技术的管理科学与工程研究”两个领域的关键科学问题和未来发展进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

创新发展有中国特色的管理科学——兼评《和合管理》   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
李京文 《管理学报》2007,4(2):141-143
在管理学对于经济发展的意义日益凸显的今天,创新发展有中国特色的管理科学,已成为具有重大历史意义和现实意义的课题。学习和借鉴国外先进的管理理论是必要的,但全盘照搬是行不通的,因为,管理学是最具实践性的科学,虽然存在有普遍性规律,但其有效性的发挥则必须从国情和实际状况出发。中华民族有着5 000多年的文明历史,有着深厚的历史文化积淀,其中存在有许多管理的成功经验和模式,这些应该是我们今天创新发展有中国特色的管理科学的历史营养。同时,中国20多年的改革开放和社会主义市场经济建设,也创造了许多成功的管理经验。因为是在5 000…  相似文献   

世界经济和科技格局变化是当前全球变局的重要驱动力,大国之间的竞争与合作将成为新时代大国关系的常态,同时全球视野下的人类发展也将面临前所未有的挑战。新形势下,以全球供应链的风险防范、国际贸易的摩擦、国际合作内容和形式的变化、海外重大工程建设以及突发公共卫生事件频发等为典型的全球治理问题对管理科学与工程研究提出了新的要求。本文在对文献及相关项目的研究现状进行总结的基础上,详细分析了我国在此方向的发展基础及优势,最后基于相关领域专家的问卷调查结果,阐述了该领域的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

本文从国家自然科学基金资助情况和在国际重要期刊上发表论文情况两个维度,梳理中国管理科学2009-2018年的发展态势。研究结果显示国家自然科学基金是管理科学研究资助的主渠道,资助项数和资助金额稳步增加。中国学者在国际重要期刊上发表的论文数量增长迅速,从2009年的1314篇增长到2018年的6309篇,年均增长19.04%。此外,第一作者或通讯作者论文占比也从2009年的69.03%增长到2018年的88.57%。2009-2018年中国学者的发文总量居世界第三,2018年单年发文量居世界第二,国际合作论文数稳步增长,表明近年来中国管理科学研究呈现出快速发展态势。结合基金资助和发表论文的增速来看,发文量的年均增长率高于基金资助的增长率,并且受资助论文数量和占比逐年增加,表明国家自然科学基金对中国管理科学研究的资助效果明显。  相似文献   

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