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矫正要素比价扭曲、资源错配与发展转型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
要素比价扭曲是政府主导型市场经济的微观基础,它已成为制约我国经济发展方式转变的根本性原因。劳动力、资金、土地以及能源等要素市场的二元结构特征扭曲了这些生产要素的价格,导致厂商在隐性补贴的成本体系中,弱化了自主创新和推进产品优化升级、节能环保的动力,固化了对要素比价负向扭曲的路径依赖;居民受劳动报酬占比下降的影响,消费占GDP比例不断下降。要素比价扭曲加剧了资源错配和效率损失,并阻碍经济增长方式的转变。因此,提出矫正要素比价扭曲是转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构的微观基础保障这一结论。 相似文献
以西部民营企业为视角,通过对西部地区民营企业投入要素的描述性分析得出,西部地区的生产率增长率具有赶超东部的潜力。在此基础上,进一步基于Kumbhakar的三因素分解方法,将西部地区民营企业2007—2012年全要素生产率进行动态分解。分解结果表明,西部地区现阶段全要素生产率的增长过度依赖于规模扩大而非具有持久性的技术效率的提高和技术进步,从而在短期内仍无法赶超东部地区。这次结果对西部地区未来期技术提升具有重要参考价值,即加大高新技术产业投入力度,通过技术合作共赢和技术研发能力的不断提升,才能使西部地区生产率产生质量上的提高。 相似文献
以妙峰山风景区为核心的妙峰山地区,拥有比较丰富的旅游资源,其中重要的地理景观、深厚的民间信仰和大规模的玫瑰栽培,是当地旅游资源的三大特色。虽然目前的旅游现状与背景条件不太理想,但从发展来看,妙峰山地区具有很大的开发潜力与旅游价值。 相似文献
地区间个人收入差距的状况及特点(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
尹恒 《Social Sciences in China》2011,(3):123-144
在地区收入差距的文献中,一直缺乏从个人收入角度出发的研究;而关于个人收入分配的研究,也很少考察地区差异。文章使用2005年全国1%人口普查数据,从个人收入角度描述了全国及(几种不同定义下的)地区间的个人收入差距,并分析了影响个人收入差距的因素,得到了一些有意义的结果。 相似文献
随着中国收入分配状况的持续恶化,城乡居民收入差距对经济效率的影响成为社会各界普遍关心的问题.1991年以来,基于DEA的Malmquist指数方法测度的中国全要素生产率总体上呈现出下降趋势,这说明20世纪90年代初以来中国经济效率的总体水平并未得到实质性提高.从建立全要素生产率影响因素模型并运用1991-2010年中国省级面板数据进行实证检验的结果来看,在此期间,城乡居民收入差距的不断扩大已经对中国经济效率总体水平产生了负面影响.因此,政府应当通过建立城乡居民公平的利益分享机制和实施一系列工业反哺农业、城市反哺农村的政策措施,缩小城乡居民收入差距和提高经济效率水平. 相似文献
财政分权衡量指标体系的设计;同一计量模型对不同国家、地区的解释力;样本数据时间段的选择是解释财政分权与经济增长关系的重要因素.我国的财政分权有利于促进区域经济增长,但同时存在着较显著的地区间差异,财政分权对于经济增长的作用大小与各个地区经济的原发达程度大小成正比关系,分税制改革以后财政分权的积极效应更加明显. 相似文献
追求公平正义是实现社会和谐的前提,没有公平正义就不可能有和谐.甘肃民族地区也不例外.本文主要从伦理学的角度,探讨甘肃民族地区与甘肃其它地区相比,在实现社会公平当中存在的主要问题,并提出改进的思路. 相似文献
本文对甘肃民族地区构建和谐人际关系的基本要求进行了深入探讨,同时分析了构建和谐人际关系在甘肃民族地区和谐社会构建过程中的重要地位和重大现实意义,分析了甘肃民族地区人际关系的基本现状以及造成这种现状的原因,在此基础上提出了甘肃民族地区构建和谐人际关系的对策措施,主要表现在:树立和谐的人际关系观、进一步加强思想道德建设、以和谐的社会秩序和社会伦理制度作为基础和保障、加速和谐社会主体的培育、实现社会公平等。 相似文献
考察世界卫生组织五项身心健康指标(World Health Organization Five-item Well-Being Index,WHO-5)在识别连片特困地区儿童抑郁障碍中的信度和效度。用WHO-5对湖北省连片特困地区两个县5所小学、4所初中和3所高中的727名学生施测,随机各取一半样本分别进行探索性和验证性因素分析判定其结构效度;同时以儿童焦虑、社会适应不良和心理弹性作为外在效标,判定其效标效度;计算其内部一致性信度。结果发现:WHO-5单因子结构获得验证;内部一致性信度系数为0.71;WHO-5与儿童焦虑、社会适应不良、心理弹性均呈现显著相关,效标效度得到验证。结果表明:WHO-5具有较好的内部一致性,良好的效度;适用于对连片特困地区儿童抑郁障碍的识别。连片特困地区留守儿童面临严峻的抑郁风险。 相似文献
北京市区县间医疗资源配置的人口公平性研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
北京市医疗资源的增长远远落后于经济增长。通过对北京市三种主要医疗资源在十八个区县间的配置进行区县人口公平性分析,表明医疗资源存在着较明显的区县人口不公平性,并且这种不公平性在逐年加剧。同时,北京市医疗资源配置对流动人口应对不足。因此,政府应该在北京市医疗资源配置规划及实施中起到更多的主导作用,加大在医疗资源匮乏地区的投入,并且关注人口变动对医疗资源配置产生的新需求。 相似文献
《Russian social science review : a journal of translations》2013,54(4):95-110
The economy of Siberia and the Far East has undergone radical change during the years of Soviet power, especially during the postwar period. The development of Eastern Siberia's water power resources, the development of oil and gas fields in the West Siberian plain, and the construction of the Baikal-Amur Main Line are important stages in the development of the productive forces of the eastern regions of the RSFSR, which have become the basis of the formation of large new territorial production complexes. Between 1940 and 1975 total industrial output increased 31 times in the West Siberian region and 23 times in the East Siberian region, compared with the 17-times increase in the USSR as a whole and the 15-times increase in the RSFSR. (1) 相似文献
Sergio Grez Toso 《International social security review》1993,46(3):29-52
The mutual benefit movement in Chile first appeared with the beginnings of industrialization and urbanization from the 1830s onwards. The first associations of urban workers emerged in 1853: this was followed by an initial period of expansion of mutual benefit activities until 1890. Almost all the urban trades were represented. During this period the mutual benefit movement was the principal organizing force for popular demands. From the 1890s onwards mutual benefit — linked with the workers'movement — grew rapidly and entered on a process of unification. Encouraging the development of the trade union movement, it took a leading part in determining the shape of the people's movements and maintained this role until 1924: this period marked the high point of mutual benefit activities in Chile. Mutual benefit organizations defended workers'demands and the boundaries between mutual benefit and trade union organizations were quite fluid. But the adoption of the social legislation and the support offered by certain leaders of the mutual benefit movement to the military dictatorship marked the beginning of the movement's decline. Efforts were then made to extend its scope of activities and unify the mutual benefit movement in Chile and in Latin America as a whole. The results of this were limited and the crisis continued after the Second World War. The 1973 coup d'état aggravated the situation still further. Today, with the virtual destruction of social security and its replacement by a system of private insurance schemes, one needs to ask whether the Chilean mutual benefit movement, which at one time was the principal form of popular organization, has a future. 相似文献
Delivering decision making support to people with cognitive disability — What has been learned from pilot programs in Australia from 2010 to 2015 下载免费PDF全文
Christine Bigby Jacinta Douglas Terry Carney Shih‐Ning Then Ilan Wiesel Elizabeth Smith 《The Australian journal of social issues》2017,52(3):222-240
The UNCRPD has generated debate about supported decision making as a way to better enable people with cognitive disability to participate in decision making. In Australia, between 2010–2015, a series of projects have piloted various models of delivering decision making support. A critical review was conducted on the program documents and evaluations of these pilot projects. The pilots were small scale, conducted by both statutory and non‐statutory bodies, and adopted similar designs centred on supporting a decision maker/supporter dyad. Primarily, participants were people with mild intellectual disability. Themes included: positive outcomes; uncertain boundaries of decision support; difficulty securing supporters; positive value of program staff and support to supporters; limited experience and low expectations; and varying value of written resources. The lack of depth and rigour of evaluations mean firm conclusions cannot be reached about program logics, costs or outcomes of the pilots. The pilots demonstrate feasibility of providing support for decision making rather than resolving issues involved in delivering support. They suggest that some form of authority may facilitate the role of decision supporters, help to engage others in a person's life, and integrate decision making support across all life domains. 相似文献
执政资源是政党执政的基础。它涵盖党的建设的各个层面,事关党的前途与命运。就形态或属性而言,执政资源主要有物质、政治、精神三大门类。研究执政资源理论,加强执政资源建设,对坚持、改善和加强党的领导具有重大理论和现实意义。 相似文献
加快广东区域协调发展的对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
区域协调发展战略是广东经济发展新阶段的必然选择。本文提出了广东如何继续加快实施这一发展战略,进一步缩小粤北山区、(粤)东(粤)西两翼与珠三角之间的差距,加快推进经济强省、和谐社会建设的对策与建议。 相似文献
Angela K. Perone Ruth E. Dunkle Sheila Feld Huei-Wern Shen Min Hee Kim Garrett T. Pace 《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(6):682-700
Little research focuses on the mental health of caregivers (CGs) who stop providing care to their community-dwelling spouse. We examine depressive symptoms of former primary CG spouses who stopped caregiving over a two-year follow-up period when the care recipient (CR): (1) no longer has functional problems; (2) continues having functional problems; or (3) dies. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study (2000–2014), we located 2,370 couples who were both 50+ at baseline and where one partner provided help with ADL and/or IADL limitations but did not do so two years later. OLS regressions stratified by gender indicated that both male and female former spousal CGs whose CR died had significantly more depressive symptoms than those who ceased caregiving when their spouse did or did not still have functional problems. Former wife CGs who were older and whose husbands had more baseline ADLs had fewer follow-up depressive symptoms; wife CGs whose husbands had a nursing home stay had more depressive symptoms. Former husband CGs who had provided longer monthly hours of care had fewer follow-up symptoms. Findings underscore the importance of targeting mental and physical health services to both former caregiving husbands and wives, especially after spousal death. 相似文献
本文提出政府权力资源效益的概念,并从政府本身、社会发展、经济转型、人的素质的提高和参与国际竞争等五个方面对政府权力资源效益进行了经济伦理价值分析。政府权力资源效益的实现,依赖于政府伦理建设,针对政府伦理建设的具体途径提出了建议。 相似文献
Lena M. Banks Matthew Walsham Hoang Van Minh Doan Thi Thuy Duong Tran Thu Ngan Vu Quynh Mai Karl Blanchet Hannah Kuper 《International social security review》2019,72(1):59-82
Although people with disabilities are frequently targeted as key beneficiaries of social protection, little is known on their access to existing programmes. This study uses mixed methods to explore participation in disability‐targeted and non‐targeted social protection programmes in Viet Nam, particularly in the district of Cam Le. In this district, social assistance and health insurance coverage among people with disabilities was 53 per cent and 96 per cent respectively. However, few accessed employment‐linked social insurance and other disability‐targeted benefits (e.g. vocational training, transportation discounts). Factors affecting access included the accessibility of the application process, disability assessment procedures, awareness and the perceived utility of programmes, and attitudes on disability and social protection. 相似文献