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The article introduces the Vygotskian tradition in the realist theoretical discussion of the structure-agency problem. Archer's concept of internal conversation is discussed in terms of internalization and externalization of conversational dynamics. The article addresses in particular the methodological issue of observing how external events trigger internal use of language, and how these internal dynamics are externalized. The experience of talk is proposed as a conceptual key to the understanding of internal conversations and of the relation between structured activity and agency. The experience of talk is defined with the help of the notions of emotional experience, personal sense and inner speech, as they are conceptualized in activity theory and in particular in the works of L.S. Vygotsky and A.N. Leont'ev. Students' experiences of critical conversational events with teachers are analyzed on the basis of written autobiographical accounts. The experience of talk emerges from the analysis as a form of emotional experience in which the horizon of the individual's subjective view relates to specific circumstances external to the individual. Autobiographical accounts of critical conversations are suggested as a type of data which allows access to the experience of talk.  相似文献   

The Data Protection Act 1998 and Research Governance Frameworkfor Health and Social Care (Department of Health, 2003a) havebrought consideration of ethical issues in the conduct of researchinto sharper focus. This paper, based primarily on the authors’experiences of conducting research on children in need and outcomesfor vulnerable children, examines the impact these changes havehad on the research process. The difficulties experienced byresearchers in gaining access to research participants in orderto develop evidence-based policy and practice are explored.Finally, the paper outlines some practical steps that can betaken to facilitate the effective conduct of research.  相似文献   

In contrast with current proposals, collaboration with local government was a dominant factor in the 1974 reorganisation of the NHS. Four categories of such collaboration are identified in this paper: the sharing of services; coordination of service delivery; joint planning; and joint prevention. The need for each is discussed in the context of the reorganisation debate and of subsequent events. In essence, the DHSS case for collaboration — and in particular, its emphasis on joint planning — is seen as both a cause of reorganisation and a consequence of the form which that reorganisation eventually took. Emphasis is placed upon the potential role of collaboration as a vehicle for a preventive health strategy and as an important instrument for the development and implementation of major central government policy objectives. Finally prospects for the continuing evolution of joint working are considered in relation to NHS restructuring. It is concluded that the present government's approach to the structure and management of the NHS is likely to undermine its substantive policy objectives especially in the field of community care.  相似文献   

Opportunities for communicating psychological findings beyond the discipline are limited and often under-rewarded. In this article, we discuss reasons why psychological research often fails to be communicated beyond the discipline, and we provide suggestions for what needs to be changed in order to bridge this gap. Specifically, we identify barriers to communicating beyond the discipline, and we note that more effectively and broadly disseminating knowledge requires a different style than conveying information within the profession. We further illustrate how psychology offers unique perspectives and information that are of considerable value to lay audiences and policy makers. We conclude by articulating the potential benefits for society and psychology of efforts and venues whose explicit intention is to understand social problems and inform policy through the psychological study of social issues.  相似文献   

Alford's theory of structural interests in health care has been used as a heuristic device both in the USA and the UK. Despite concerns about its heuristic power it provides a lucid analytical framework and is helpful in exposing the structural interests that underpin political processes in health systems. To date its application in the UK has been primarily in relation to an NHS dominated by health authorities and hospital providers. Recent reforms in the UK have created a new context dominated by primary care organizations. In this paper we identify the key players in English primary care groups as they relate to Alford's structural interest groups: the professional monopolizers, corporate rationalizers and community. The paper outlines the context of the involvement of the key groups and then analyses the relationships between them. In doing so it raises concerns about the structure and purpose of primary care groups and the probability that key tensions between general practitioners who adopt a corporate rationalizer role and those who retain a professional monopolizer role will be damaging to the progress and development of PCGs. Our analysis also highlights the continuing weakness of the community as an interest group despite the emphasis on involving patients and the public. Importantly, we would suggest that the professional monopolizers among GPs will retain a powerful voice, countering the new corporate rationalizers and continuing to claim that they represent the community's interests.  相似文献   

Summary The important role of theory in social work practice is generallyacknoledged by the process of applying theory to practilce hasonly recently been subjected to rigorous scrutiny. This articleattemps to demonstrate how theory in embedded in practice andsuggests ways in which modern technology and adult methods oflearning can help students to master the process of systematicallyapplying theory to pratice.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Peter Scourfield, School of Community, Health and Social Studies, Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge CB1 1PT, UK. E-mail: p.scourfield{at}apu.ac.uk Summary Successive government policies have created a situation wheremost residential and nursing care is provided by the independentsector. It is in the nature of a marketized and privatized caresystem that homes will periodically close or change ownership.The physical and mental well-being of elderly residents experiencingeviction and relocation can be seriously damaged by the experience.No policy and practice guidelines have been issued from centralgovernment to cover how care home closures should be managed.Local authorities are therefore dealing with such events onan ad hoc basis. Understandably, the main emphasis is oftenput on actually finding appropriate alternative placements.Practices vary across different local authorities. This articleasks whether the necessary work required to minimize the harmfuleffects caused by the stress of relocation is actually beingcarried out properly. It also raises the questions of what exactlyshould be offered to older people when they are given noticeto quit, who is best qualified to do the work and whether caremanagement as it has developed within the ‘purchaser/providerframework’, is adequate to the task. In short, where cansocial work for older people be found when it is needed?  相似文献   

Primary care organizations (PCOs) in the National Health Service in England and Wales are required to purchase most hospital-based health care for their populations. This 'quasi-market' in health care can be seen as 'relational', characterized by an emphasis on cooperative long-term relationships rather than on true competition. The English government has recently introduced new market mechanisms as a response to the perceived weakness of the relational market. This article draws on three qualitative case studies of PCOs to investigate whether PCO personnel interviewed in 2005/6 concurred with that perception of weakness. Overall, relationships between PCOs and hospital services providers were regarded as unbalanced in favour of the latter, despite a shared framework of central government policy. Commissioners were seen as generally weak, and providers were judged to be generally unresponsive to PCOs' wishes. Top–down pressure by governments on PCOs and providers of hospital services was more important than commissioning power in shaping hospital services. It remains to be seen whether the remarketization strategy succeeds in strengthening the commissioning function in primary care.  相似文献   

Whereas intragroup processes and intergroup relations are often assumed to reflect discrete processes and cooperation and conflict to represent alternative outcomes, the present article focuses on intergroup dynamics within a shared group identity and challenges traditional views of cooperation and conflict primarily as the respective positive and negative outcomes of these dynamics. Drawing on the ideas, theories, and evidence presented in other articles in this volume, we (1) consider the dynamic tension between stability and change that exists within hierarchical groups; (2) discuss the different perspectives that advantaged and disadvantaged subgroups within a larger group have regarding this tension; (3) propose that cooperation and conflict should be viewed as developmental processes in the life of a group; (4) suggest that constructive resolution of conflict depends upon whether subgroups manage to satisfy the different needs of each group, and (5) conclude by discussing the personal, social, and policy implications of this perspective.  相似文献   

Summary This paper analyses a demonstration project that enabled socialworkers to practise effectively in their home community (a Bedouin-Arabcity in the Negev, Israel) where gender relations are patriarchaland the interface of social work and cultural practices hadpreviously impeded professional functioning. Collaborative workwith cultural mediators, individuals with high social statusand knowledge of community traditions, rendered interventionsmore culturally appropriate, bridged gaps between the culturaland professional canons, and promoted social work's role ina society that had a limited understanding of, and experiencewith, the profession. Future social work practice and researchcould focus on further enhancing women's choice making opportunitiesin this patriarchal culture.  相似文献   


In the fall of 2006, a self-administered Internet survey was made available to all kinship care group facilitators listed in the 2006 New York State Office for the Aging's directory for kinship care providers. The survey sought facilitators' views on the purpose and structural aspects of the groups and to understand whether and how mutual aid processes were occurring. A purposive sample of 16 participants (53% response rate) completed the online quantitative survey that included space for qualitative comments. Findings revealed that 75% of participants facilitated a kinship care group in the past 5 years, and they believed their group purposes primarily included support and growth. Additionally, participants reported that all mutual aid principles occurred in their groups, with the supportive mutual aid interventions occurring more frequently than the challenging ones. Finally, themes from open-ended responses included 1) an enhanced sense of solidarity developed among group members, 2) the importance of facilitators' show of compassion for group members, and 3) facilitators' need to have a working knowledge of and ability to maximize available resources. Implications for serving the needs of kinship care providers through groups and other practices are addressed.  相似文献   

民间环保组织及其特性和价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巩英洲 《社科纵横》2005,20(6):38-39
民间环保组织对于中国来说,其概念是一个舶来品,其组织是一个新生事物。1993年北京首次申办奥运会,当国际奥委会官员询问中国有无民间环保组织时,我方代表团不知如何回答。现在,中国民间环保组织虽如雨后的禾苗迅速发展了起来,但仍然是小荷才露尖尖角,中国的许多官员和老百姓并不了解其为何物。所以有必要继续深入研究民间环保组织的发展问题,为中国民间环保组织的发展创造良好的社会环境。  相似文献   

The article outlines the basic directions of government policy that will be needed to revive and sustain the development of agroindustrial production, completely return the Russian peasantry to the land, and restore their faith in the government.  相似文献   

Research on the impact of quality of relationships between primary caregivers and their care recipients on burden and satisfaction with caregiving is still rare. The sample included 335 dyads of primary caregivers and care recipients who were cognitively intact. Face-to-face interviews were conducted at the respondents' homes using structured questionnaires. No significant correlation between caregiving burden and caregiving satisfaction was found. Quality of relationship was the most significant variable in explaining both caregiving burden and caregiving satisfaction, yet different sets of additional variables were found to explain each of the outcomes. Interventions should address quality of relationships in order to reduce burden and increase caregiving satisfaction.  相似文献   

张弛有别:上级控制力、下级自主性和农村基层政令执行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶郁  侯麟科  刘明兴 《社会》2016,36(5):107-130
本文通过分析多年的全国抽样数据发现,当今中国乡、村两级治理主体执行政令的情况取决于上级控制力和下级自主性之间的张力。在不同治理层级和工作领域之间,由于上述张力存在差异,政令执行情况也不尽相同。具体来说,农村税费改革在进一步强化县级党政机关对乡镇控制力的同时,却削弱了乡镇对村级治理机构的控制力。同时,虽然某些高层特别重视的政令能在相当程度上下达基层,但乡、村两级治理机构往往更倾向于主动重视那些与本位利益直接相关的工作,并常会有选择地忽视那些上级重视程度不高、不易考核和难以直接带来本位利益的工作。  相似文献   


Human service professionals working in an interpersonal violence social service agency are at increased risk of experiencing emotional burnout, compassion fatigue, and high levels of stress, which may reduce work engagement, increase turnover, and ultimately negatively affect client outcomes. However, a positive organizational climate has the potential to buffer the negative effects of perceived stress on work engagement. Socio-moral climate is a behavioral-based organizational construct that assumes that workplace practices and procedures can impact employees’ attitudes and behaviors. This exploratory study (N?=?41) investigates the relationships between perceived stress, work engagement, and socio-moral climate in a social service agency serving survivors of interpersonal violence, comparing employees with direct interactions with clients in a shelter to those with indirect contact at a different location. Results of moderation analyses show that socio-moral climate significantly predicts higher work engagement, while perceived stress is negatively associated with work engagement; however, the interaction effect was not significant and there were no differences in perceived stress between both employees. Further research should continue to investigate the role of socio-moral climate on employee work engagement in social service agencies, which could improve the quality of services for their clients.  相似文献   

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