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Based on the parallel analysis on historical documents, the author argues expeditions to the Western Regions several times" recorded in the Hanshu Biography of that Zheng Jig Zheng Ji possi- bly refers...  相似文献   

Putting People and Their Prosperity at the Forefront: Concept of Core Values in Modernization Yang Naichu ( 1 )
Abstract:After expounding the classics of Marxism and the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the author holds that putting people and their prosperity at the forefront is the views of core values of Marxism, noumenal request of socialist practice and the core of socialist value system, so it becomes the concept of core value during the process of modernization in China.  相似文献   

Sense of History and Reality in Philosophical Researches,An Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of Xinjiang's Science and Technology Input to EconomicGrowth,Female in Religious Radicalism of Kyrgyzstan  相似文献   

The Plural Society and the Consociational Democracy in India,Strategic Planning and Policy Direction of Economic Development of Xinjiang in the New Period,Discussion on the Definition of Nationality Issue.  相似文献   

Philosophical Thoughts on the Concept of "China Model" Yang Li, Zuo Qingmin( 1 )
Abstract: China model contains not only a quantity of practical experiences, but also profound ideas of development, such as independence, realistic approach and innovation, progress step by step, overall plan- ning, co- ordinated development, harmonious and scientific development and people -oriented, which re- flect the basic logic of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, and also reflects the unity of Marxist philosophy on objectivity and scientific nature, experimental and innovative, progressive and inclusive, independent and nationality.  相似文献   

The Origin of Oirat Mongol Tribes in Qinghai (V);Ladakh Kingdom between 950 AD and 1842 AD (VIII):Dogras' Conquest of Ladakh;On Reasons Why Tibet is an Inseparable Part of China since Ancient Time;The Problems of Education in Tibet and the Countermeasures;An Analysis of the Structure of Fiscal Educational Expenditure in Tibet;  相似文献   


Reinterpretation of Public Sphere- -Based on Social Management Hu Quanzhu,Ge Beibei(8) Abstract: Public sphere is always the focus of politics and sociology. Whether Arendt's one of the context of totalitarianism or Habermas" that of the context of democracy or the successors" discussion, is almost based on the assumption of "the opposition of'state and society'" or "the passive interaction of'state and society"". Actually, the assumption of "the co - operation of" state and society"" or "the active interaction of "state and society'" is possible;based on it, and from the perspective of social management,  相似文献   

The Word "Guozhuang" and its Meaning
Ren Xinjian, Li Shaodong (Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610072; Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610064)
Abstract: The present paper, through historical documents and discrimination, from the perspective of the Tibetan and Chinese trade and history of the city of Kangding, analyses the historical background of "Guozhuang" in Kangding, and interprets its origin and transformation.  相似文献   

New Proofs for King Li Shengtian of Khotan Rong Xinjiang and Zhu Lishuang (1)  相似文献   


Structural Analysis on Public Order Sun Abstract: rights ; there is The structure of public order can be divided to structure of public powers and civic dynamic balance relation between them. Because of interest' s pursuit of carrier of public powers; conflicts among targets of public interests effectiveness; alienation of public powers structure dur- ing realization procession of differentiation of public powers; unbalance promotion and social powers sub- stitution of civic rights; alienation of civic rights led by unbalance change of social structure, the elements mentioned above will result in alienation of public order structure. To keep watch and adjust the aliena- tion of public order structure, we need effective regulation of public powers, government by law, proce- dural justice, civic participation to public fields and two - ways formation of civic identity. Key words: Public order; Power; Right; Structure  相似文献   

The Origin of Oirat Mongol Tribes in Qinghai (Ⅱ)
Written by Satotyo (Japan), translated by Meng Qiuli (China Tibeto|ogy Research Center, Beijing, 100101)
Abstract: By reviewing the histories, pastoral areas and chiefs' lineage of various Mongol tribes in Qinghai, this paper focuses on Khoshut Tribe, discussing its historical transition and the process of being absorbed into Manchu Eight-Banner System after Lobzang Tenzin's rebellion.  相似文献   

Among the traditional Chinese classic novels, the traces of Tibet exist in legendary stories of Tang until novels in Zhanghui style of Ming and Qing. This phenomenon is caused by frequency of minorities, confidentiality level of imperial courts and their policies on Tibet, and the developmental features of novels as a literary form. This paper, even though constrained by the lack of sufficient evidences, is beneficial to display the cultural exchanges between Chinese minority groups in hundreds of years.  相似文献   

On the Development of Tibet from the Perspective of Scientific Outlook on Development: Based on an Understanding of the Spirit of the 5th Forum on Work in Tibet Xiao Fangren (College of Politics and Law, Yan'an & Sun Xiayun University, Yan'an, Shaanxi 716000) Abstract: Development and stability are the two major issues in Tibetan society. Development is the key to solve all the problems in Tibet and the Great-leap-forward development is the most urgent task. Therefore, implementing the spirit of the Fifth Forum on Work in Tibet is the most important practice of the Sci- entific Outlook on Development in the new era. Based on the understanding of the spirit of the 5th Forum on Work in Tibet, the author maintains that development in Tibet must rely on the people-centered development, sustainable economic and social development and the overall planning to mobilize all the favorable factors for the development. Key Words: Tibet; two major issues; scientific development; the 5th Forum on Work in Tibet  相似文献   


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