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This non-refereed contribution to Human Resource Development International represents the reflections of three US delegates who attended the 6th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe in Leeds, England, in May 2005. We begin by providing an overview of the conference programme, examine the conference theme as reflected in the scholarship presented at the conference and share our impressions of the conference atmosphere. We conclude with some final thoughts.  相似文献   

We consider the frugal coverage problem, an interesting variation of set cover defined as follows. Instances of the problem consist of a universe of elements and a collection of sets over these elements; the objective is to compute a subcollection of sets so that the number of elements it covers plus the number of sets not chosen is maximized. The problem was introduced and studied by Huang and Svitkina (Proceedings of the 29th IARCS annual conference on foundations of software technology and theoretical computer science (FSTTCS), pp. 227–238, 2009) due to its connections to the donation center location problem. We prove that the greedy algorithm has approximation ratio at least 0.782, improving a previous bound of 0.731 in Huang and Svitkina (Proceedings of the 29th IARCS annual conference on foundations of software technology and theoretical computer science (FSTTCS), pp. 227–238, 2009). We also present a further improvement that is obtained by adding a simple corrective phase at the end of the execution of the greedy algorithm. The approximation ratio achieved in this way is at least 0.806. Finally, we consider a packing based algorithm that uses semi-local optimization, and show that its approximation ratio is not less than 0.872. Our analysis is based on the use of linear programs which capture the behavior of the algorithms in worst-case examples. The obtained bounds are proved to be tight.  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of this article is to detail the correlation between quality management, specifically its tools and critical success factors, and performance in terms of primary operational and secondary organisational performances.

Design/methodology/approach: Survey data from the UK and Turkey were analysed using exploratory factor analyses, structural equation modelling and regression analysis.

Findings: The results show that quality management has a significant and positive impact on both primary and secondary performances; that Turkish and UK attitudes to quality management are similar; and that quality management is widely practised in manufacturing and service industries but has more statistical emphasis in the manufacturing sector. The main challenge for making quality management practice more effective lies in an appropriate balanced use of the different sorts of the tools and critical success factors.

Originality/value: This study takes a novel approach by: (i) exploring the relationship between primary operational and secondary organisational performances, (ii) using service and manufacturing data and (iii) making a cross-country comparison between the UK (a developed economy) and Turkey (a developing economy).

Limitations: Detailed contrast provided between only two countries.  相似文献   

Let G be a finite undirected bipartite graph. Let u, v be two vertices of G from different partite sets. A collection of k internal vertex disjoint paths joining u to v is referred as a k-container C k (u,v). A k-container is a k *-container if it spans all vertices of G. We define G to be a k *-laceable graph if there is a k *-container joining any two vertices from different partite sets. A k *-container C k *(u,v)={P 1,…,P k } is equitable if ||V(P i )|−|V(P j )||≤2 for all 1≤i,jk. A graph is equitably k *-laceable if there is an equitable k *-container joining any two vertices in different partite sets. Let Q n be the n-dimensional hypercube. In this paper, we prove that the hypercube Q n is equitably k *-laceable for all kn−4 and n≥5. Dedicated to Professor Frank K. Hwang on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The work of H.-M. Huang was supported in part by the National Science Council of the Republic of China under NSC94-2115-M008-013.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of the 11th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe through the lens of global mobility. The conference was held in Pécs, Hungary in June, 2010 and the four authors who participated in the conference present their own narratives as agents of global mobility, examine the theme of global mobility in the various aspects of the conference, and conclude with reflections on the factors that supported the learning environment at the conference.  相似文献   

We revisit in this paper the stochastic model for minimum graph-coloring introduced in (Murat and Paschos in Discrete Appl. Math. 154:564–586, 2006), and study the underlying combinatorial optimization problem (called probabilistic coloring) in bipartite and split graphs. We show that the obvious 2-coloring of any connected bipartite graph achieves standard-approximation ratio 2, that when vertex-probabilities are constant probabilistic coloring is polynomial and, finally, we propose a polynomial algorithm achieving standard-approximation ratio 8/7. We also handle the case of split graphs. We show that probabilistic coloring is NP-hard, even under identical vertex-probabilities, that it is approximable by a polynomial time standard-approximation schema but existence of a fully a polynomial time standard-approximation schema is impossible, even for identical vertex-probabilities, unless P=NP. We finally study differential-approximation of probabilistic coloring in both bipartite and split graphs. Part of this research has been performed while the second author was with the LAMSADE on a research position funded by the CNRS.  相似文献   

The Orbit problem is defined as follows: Given a matrix A∈ℚ n×n and vectors x,y∈ℚ n , does there exist a non-negative integer i such that A i x=y. This problem was shown to be in deterministic polynomial time by Kannan and Lipton (J. ACM 33(4):808–821, 1986). In this paper we place the problem in the logspace counting hierarchy GapLH. We also show that the problem is hard for C=L with respect to logspace many-one reductions.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Work and stress》2013,27(1):96-97

Self development for managers—thriving on stress, By Jane Cranwell-Ward, Routledge, London, 1990. £6.95 (pbk). ISBN 0415-04465-0 [142 PP.].

Causes, coping and consequences of stress at work, Edited by Cary L. Cooper and Roy Payne, Wiley, Chichester, 2nd edn 1988, Reprinted 1990. £29.95 (hbk). ISBN 0-471-94453-X [430 PP.].  相似文献   

Dr Alan Mumford is best known in the UK for his pioneering work on managerial learning and board-level development in the corporate sector. After his early career in the construction industry, he worked as an internal management development adviser to a number of UK companies before leaving fifteen years ago to join International Management Centres Europe as a professor. Alan continues to advise as an independent consultant and to devote time to writing. A prolific author, his classic text Management Development: Strategies for Action recently appeared in its fourth edition published by the Institute of Personnel and Development, and his reflections on board-level and senior executive development in Learning at the Top (McGraw-Hill, 1995). Of greatest renown is his collaboration with Dr Peter Honey on developing the Learning Styles Questionnaire and the Manual of Learning Styles (Honey, 3rd edn, 1992) which have become the most frequently used diagnostic and development tools on UK corporate management development programnles. Jean Woodall interviewed Alan at his home in London.

Jean Woodall is Professor of Human Resource Development at Kingston University.  相似文献   

This article discusses the experiences of the conference management team and the host (Universiti Putra Malaysia -UPM) of the Fifth Asian Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development, held in Putrajaya, Malaysia from 2 to 5 December 2006. In reviewing the conference, the following sub-topics are used for organizing the contents of the article: HRD in Malaysia; conference theme & overview; participations/country representations and paper streams; keynote addresses; conference assessment; and conclusions. At the end, brief perspectives of the next Asian HRD conference to be held in China are also provided.  相似文献   

PurposeIn this study, we identify and characterise how organisations have responded, in ways ranging from restoration to radical change, to discontinuities in their product-based service (PBS) supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic.Design/methodology/approachFollowing a theoretical approach that integrates transilience and panarchy theory as a response strategy in PBS supply chains, our qualitative study involved collecting data through 19 semi-structured interviews at six manufacturing firms during the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e., March to August 2020) and triangulating the findings with the secondary data and that from an industry workshop. Following an inductive approach, we performed thematic data analysis in Nvivo software package.FindingsThe findings suggest characterising discontinuities in PBS supply chains as unmanageable external supply-side, demand-side or interactional discontinuities or other manageable deliberate or forced organisational discontinuities. Following that characterisation, we developed a conceptual framework combing both resilience and transformation into new service opportunities.Research limitations/implicationsWe gained insights into the first-response abilities and ways of coping among manufacturing firms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Though our findings capture a contemporary, eye-of-the-storm perspective on future directions, a longitudinal study on the pandemic could further validate and extend the modes of response that complement mitigation with the ability to accelerate change or innovation of internal process or external service offerings.Originality/valueCombining current literature with lessons learned from the firms' immediate responses, this paper's overview and characterisation of discontinuities following the COVID-19 outbreak in PBS supply chains demonstrate how manufacturing firms can foster transilience. As such, it integrates product-based supply chain discontinuities into the domain of service-based supply chains.  相似文献   

Suppose S is a subset of a metric space X with metric d. For each subset D⊆{d(x,y):x,yS,xy}, the distance graph G(S,D) is the graph with vertex set S and edge set E(S,D)={xy:x,yS,d(x,y)∈D}. The current paper studies distance graphs on the n-space R 1 n with 1-norm. In particular, most attention is paid to the subset Z 1 n of all lattice points of R 1 n . The results obtained include the degrees of vertices, components, and chromatic numbers of these graphs. Dedicated to Professor Frank K. Hwang on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Supported in part by the National Science Council under grant NSC-94-2115-M-002-015. Taida Institue for Mathematical Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan. National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taipei Office.  相似文献   

Conflict graph is a union of finite given sets of disjoint complete multipartite graphs. Vertex cover on this kind of graph is used first to model data inconsistency problems in database application. It is NP-complete if the number of given sets r is fixed, and can be approximated within \(2-\frac{1}{2^r}\) (Miao et al. in Proceedings of the 9th international conference on combinatorial optimization and applications, vol 9486. COCOA 2015, New York. Springer, New York, pp 395–408, 2015). This paper shows a better algorithm to improve the approximation for dense cases. If the ratio of vertex not belongs to any wheel complete multipartite graph is no more than \(\beta <1\), then our algorithm will provide a \((1+\beta +\frac{1-\beta }{k})\)-approximation, where k is a parameter related to degree distribution of wheel complete multipartite graph.  相似文献   


From the available literature, there seems to be no defined approach to resource smoothing exercise except those attempted by Weist (1967, Management Science, 13, B359-B377) and Burgess and Killebrew (1962, Journal of Industrial Engineering, 13, 76-83). The aim of the smoothing exercise is to achieve optimal resource usage by avoiding high peaks and deep valleys in the project resource profile. The general approach has always been to move some activities with floats in the high peak regions to be started at a later date, and as this is done, the valleys will be filled to smooth the resource profile subject of course to time constraint. If this approach is followed as it is, it would be difficult to determine optimality especially when many resources are involved. A cost minimization approach is envisaged in the present study with no limitation on the number of resource inputs. In a situation where the resources are assumed to have the same value, the cost assigned to each of them should be similar. The method follows the general concept but with a difference; cost of the activity in question is considered. The exercise is continued until all the floats are exhausted. The optimum result would then be the one with the minimum cost profile. From examples used for the evaluation, the results obtained are comparable to those of the above two researchers, and some with better results in the majority of cases.  相似文献   


Organizational behavior management (OBM) is an effective strategy for managing staff in developmental disabilities. Most studies in OBM involve individual or small groups of direct-service staff and their performance with clients in a variety of applied settings. By contrast, few studies focus on the use of OBM with professional staff. This papeT reviews investigations conducted with professional staff, reveals gaps that exist in the current research, and discusses future directions that need further study. The paper concludes with case illustrations of system-wide OBM applications that produced performance improvements by professional staff and meaningful gains for clients.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the shortest path improvement problems under Hamming distance (SPIH), where the weights of edges can be modified only within given intervals. Two models are considered: the general SPIH problem and the SPIH problem with a single pair of required vertices. For the first problem, we show that it is strongly NP-hard. For the second problem, we show that even if the network is a chain network, it is still NP-hard.This paper is dedicated to Dr. Yong He.  相似文献   


This paper describes the classical problem of scheduling n jobs on m machines in a flow shop. A schedule evaluation algorithm is presented, which for job-pairs, generates a schedule evaluation matrix. The matrix is the input data to a transportation problem, the solution of which gives near-optimal jobsequence and makespan. The performance of the algorithm is discussed.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present a case study on the production planning and inventory system in a company manufacturing personal computer (PC) parts. In the case study, the targets are specified for developing a system for production planning and inventory control. The current state of the company is analysed for clarifying the points necessary to achieve the targets. Also, a system based on the analysis is proposed and its effects are estimated.  相似文献   

《Work and stress》2013,27(3):287-293

Clergy under Stress: A study of homosexual and heterosexual clergy in the Church of England. By Dr Ben Fletcher Mowbray, London 1990. £6.95 (pbk). ISBN 0-264-67196-1.

Making Shiftwork Tolerable By T. H. Monk and S. Folkard Taylor &; Francis. London, 1992. vii + 94 pp. £11.50. ISBN 0-85966-822-0.

Diving and Subaquatic Medicine, By Carl Edmonds, Chiwtopher Lowry, and John Pennefather, 3rd edn Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford. (1992). pp xii + 565. 049.50  相似文献   

Abstract. In the first paper the authors make a critical analysis of the interpretations and models generally used for it caso italiano(the Italian Case) and propose explanations that are not one-sided, and that take into account all the elements of continuity which characterised the various phases of these last twenty years. The second paper examines the institutional features of the Italian industrial relations system, and underlines its ‘constant characteristic’. that is. its under-institutionalisation. The author emphasises the negative effects of these institutional shortcomings, and shows concern that the much exalted ‘flexibility’ of the Italian system could be detrimental, rather than positive, as it derives from these shortcomings. The note by Guido Romagnoli. attempts to use some theoretical statements on union behaviour, as the key to interpret the events of the Italian case. The author then indicates some aspects and reasons for the crisis of Italian unions. The fourth paper examines the relationship of the unions with the Italian political system over the last twenty years. This article suggests that it is characterised by considerable continuity in stabilising this political system, both in phases of strength and in times of weakness. This stabilising role has. however, not been reciprocated; in fact, not only has the political system not stabilised the unions and industrial relations, but has become a major obstacle to their strategic reorientation. The last paper in this group of essays on the Autunno Caldo offers what could be termed an ‘institutional’ explanation of union continuity, analysing the various phases of collective mobilisation. political exchange and flexibility, and examines the relationships between the social actors during these phases. The selection of papers published here is in memoriam of our colleague and friend Guido Romagnoli, who suddenly died shortly after the conference. For this reason it includes the outline that he presented at that conference which he could not develop into a full article.  相似文献   

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