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Summary  This paper presents experimental results of a benchmark study to analyze the incentive effects of non-monotone pay schemes. An incentive compatible contract that does not award the highest pay to the highest possible output combination was tested in a neutral, framing, and two framing-with-principal settings, respectively. The results confirm the model in a statistically significant way. Principals select the non-monotone contract over a monotone contract that would give them ex ante a lower expected surplus. Agents predominantly select the income-maximizing strategy, i.e. select the effort level that should be implemented by the contract. Given the widespread view that non-monotone output-contingent incentives are not plausible labor contracts, it seems worthwile to extend the experimental study to include aspects which are common in labor relations, such as an option to quit for the employee and repeated interaction between employer and employee. This would help answer the question whether theoretically optimal non-monotone contracts may be used as labor contracts. The author acknowledges insightful comments by Jeannette Brosig, Alexis Kunz, Thomas Riechmann, Dirk Sliwka, Joachim Weimann and two anonymous referees. Financial support by MaxLab is gratefully acknowledged. Any remaining errors are my own.  相似文献   

李平 《领导科学》2002,(14):20-20
领导者在与工作对象打交道时,除运用多层次、多形式的教育方式外,掌握一些谈话艺术,往往可以收到事半功倍的效果.下面的方法或许对你有所裨益.  相似文献   

一把手的威望从哪里来?有了权力就有了威望吗?不是。一把手的威望必须靠高尚的品德、聪明的才智、过硬的作风来树立。作为一名县委书记,多年的工作实践使我深深感悟到:无德则与威无缘,无才则有威难养,无为则言威无益,无方则损威折望。一、讲政德树威,以人格魅力感召人政德是从政之要、为官之本,是一把手树立威信的基础与核心。要做官,先做人;要立业,先立德。尽管能够形成领导者威信的因素很多,但从根本上讲,牢固的威信是由个人的道德品质和人格魅力铸成的。如果没有道德为基础,靠其他因素获得的威信是不可能保持长久的。一把手只有品德高尚,…  相似文献   

This paper presents a macroeconomic model with imperfect competition in the commodity market, and uses it to address how the commodity market’s structure is related to the efficacy of government employment policies. It is found that job creation in the public sector may lead to a decrease in output and an increase in prices. In particular, these adverse side‐effects will be alleviated when competition in the goods market is less perfect. We also find that public‐sector job creation definitely has a positive effect on total employment, though it may crowd out private‐sector employment.  相似文献   

文海英 《决策》2004,(5):5-5
去年6月29日和10月17日,中央与香港、澳门特别行政区分别签署了内地与香港、内地与澳门建立更紧密经贸关系的安排.这是为保持港澳繁荣,推动内地与港澳进一步合作的一项战略性决策,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义.  相似文献   

俗话说,物以类聚,人以群分.同事相处往往把趣味相投作为前提,与情投意合的人来往密切,与不投缘者则保持距离,久而久之,双方渐渐疏远,相互产生成见,导致关系紧张.如果领导与部属之间的关系也受投缘与否的影响,势必会影响工作大局.因此,如何与不投缘的部属和平共处,建立良好的关系,是领导者需要掌握的处世艺术.  相似文献   

陈修敏 《领导科学》2004,(22):38-39
情绪管理是领导者自我管理的重要内容,积极良好的情绪能够推动领导者创造性地开展工作,消极低落的情绪则会压抑领导者才能和智慧的发挥。现代社会生活节奏加快,竞争空前激烈,人们的消极情绪随时随地都可能会“冒”出来。许多事实已经证明,不善于控制情绪的领导者,不仅会使自己身心疲惫,损害健康,同时还会导致工作效率的低下甚至造成事业上不可弥补的损失。因而,领导者怎样才能成为自我情绪的主宰,有效地摆脱消极情绪的困扰,是值得我们认真研究和探讨的一个重要课题。领导者要有效地摆脱消极情绪的困扰,一个重要的前提就是必须培养良好的个性…  相似文献   

任博 《领导科学》2000,(2):16-17
领导者一方面追求工作的有效性,希望取得优异的成绩,另一方面却被许多难以摆脱的现实问题所困扰,领导绩效受到制约。分析影响领导绩效的因素,探索相应的解决办法,对提高领导绩效具有重要意义。……  相似文献   

贾新波 《领导科学》2005,(18):14-15
同级领导成员之间的关系,应当是目标上的共同关系,组织上的集合关系,工作上的协同关系,感情上的交流关系。但是,由于他们之间在工作职能、工作能力、性格特征、工作方式等方面存在差异,也可能产生这样那样的矛盾冲突,这些矛盾冲突如果处理不好,将会直接影响领导班子的战斗力和领导工作的成效。所以,领导干部掌握处理与同级领导之间冲突的技巧,寻求正确的协调与沟通的途径,对于减少内耗、增强合力、发挥领导班子的整体效应,有着极为重要的意义。一要淡化名位意识。有关调查显示,同级领导成员之间出现矛盾冲突的一个重要原因就是过分看重名、…  相似文献   

许多人都说,被领导者与领导者之间的关系很难相处,不知道什么时候说不行就不行了。其实,这话说得一点也不错。尤其是那些只注重埋头工作、不善于语言表达而又不喜欢迎合领导的下级,就更难讨得领导的欢心,上下级关系就更难调适了。我就属于这样的人。正是我性格上的原因,我在从政的道路上有许多难以言表的心路历程,可以说有得有失,有喜有忧,有苦有甜。我与领导之间的关系,就像天气一样,有阴有晴,有时是毛毛细雨,有时也是大风大雨。但这并没有影响到我的“仕途”。尽管有些领导不喜欢我,我仍能坐稳自己的位子;尽管我受了许多委屈,但是领导最终…  相似文献   

梁利峥 《经理人》2012,(3):38-43,18
当全球光伏行业进入深度调整期时,英利集团董事长苗连生却放出豪言:早等这个时候了,他将光伏行业的危机看成英利的重大发展机遇,因为伟大的企业往往都是在危机中诞生的。苗连生控股的在美上市公司英利绿色能源(股票代码:YGE),由2011年2季报盈利  相似文献   

米廷利 《领导科学》2004,(12):31-31
在年度考核中,我们发现有这样一种情况,就是一部分平时为人实在的领导干部在干部职工中不被看好,座谈反映时有杂音,这种情况在一把手身上表现得较为明显。这些领导干部的人品德行自是无可挑剔,也为单位干部职工所公认,都说他是个好人,但一谈及其工作方面,大家就颇有微词,说得较  相似文献   

While many physicians and physician groups are forging alliances with other groups, with hospitals, and with other elements of the health care delivery system, an Ohio group decided that the loss of autonomy involved in these approaches was not acceptable. Instead, the group became the core of a new entity aimed at restoring physician control over the provision of and payment for health care services. In an interview with the principal of the new organization, Physician Executive learned the basis for the venture.  相似文献   

决策内容的超前性、信息处理的局限性、参与主体的质疑性容易使领导者在预测性决策中陷入锚定效应、框架效应、错误共识效应、沉没成本效应、布里丹毛驴效应等决策陷阱中,大大降低决策效益。可利用大数据技术辅助领导者制定科学的决策。在决策管理上,建立规范的决策体系;在信息处理上,打造高效的认知模型;在成效预估上,搭建可视的分析平台;在效应反馈上,构建科学的反馈系统。  相似文献   

吴昌瑞 《领导科学》2005,(17):30-31
为客观公正地评价乡镇党政领导班子及成员的工作实绩,并把考核结果作为干部选拔使用、奖惩和确定公务员年度考核等次的重要参考依据,引导干部树立科学的发展观和正确的政绩观,我们霍邱县委出台了乡镇党政领导班子及成员工作实绩综合考核办法,通过推行实施,在全县初步形成了“以实绩论英雄、凭德才定位子”的用人导向。一、认真调查研究,制定科学合理的实绩考核标准制定科学合理的实绩考核办法和考核细则,是做好实绩考核工作的前提。在总结前三年乡镇工作综合考评经验的基础上,经过深入调研、反复论证,县委于2002年制定下发了《霍邱县乡镇党…  相似文献   

公开选拔工作如何走出新路子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙标车 《领导科学》2001,(13):23-24
近年来,许多地方和部门推行公开选拔领导干部工作的经验表明,公开选拔突破了暗箱操作、论资排辈、平衡照顾等传统模式,营造了更有利于优秀人才脱颖而出的用人环境和更加公开、平等、竞争、择优的用人机制……  相似文献   

In this study the Job Demand-Control model was used to study the quality of working life of Dutch secondary teachers. The Job Demand-Control model of Karasek is a theoretical model in which stress and learning are both considered as dependent variables which are influenced by three different task characteristics: job demands, job control, and social support. This model was tested for Dutch secondary teachers (n = 542). Results shed light on the relationship between stress and learning, on the one hand, and the effects of task characteristics on work stress and on work-based learning, on the other hand. It is concluded that the relationship between stress and learning is mediated by the amount of job control as the model predicts. However, the results also reveal that the Karasek model is better suited for explaining stress than for explaining learning. To explain work-based learning variables other than task characteristics have to be taken into account.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop and structurally estimate a sequential model of high school attendance and work decisions. The model's estimates imply that youths who drop out of high school have different traits than those who graduate—they have lower school ability and/or motivation, they have lower expectations about the rewards from graduation, they have a comparative advantage at jobs that are done by nongraduates, and they place a higher value on leisure and have a lower consumption value of school attendance. We also found that working while in school reduces school performance. However, policy experiments based on the model's estimates indicate that even the most restrictive prohibition on working while attending high school would have only a limited impact on the high school graduation rates of white males.  相似文献   

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