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Millions of people with print disabilities are denied the right to read. While some important efforts have been made to convert standard books to accessible formats and create accessible repositories, these have so far only addressed this crisis in an ad hoc way. This article argues that universally designed ebook libraries have the potential of substantially enabling persons with print disabilities. As a case study of what is possible, we analyse 12 academic ebook libraries to map their levels of accessibility. The positive results from this study indicate that universally designed ebooks are more than possible; they exist. While results are positive, however, we also found that most ebook libraries have some features that frustrate full accessibility, and some ebook libraries present critical barriers for people with disabilities. Based on these findings, we consider that some combination of private pressure and public law is both possible and necessary to advance the right-to-read cause. With access improving and recent advances in international law, now is the time to push for universal design and equality.  相似文献   

The public health communication challenges that arise in times of infectious disease threats (IDTs) were examined using the Risk Amplification through Media Spread (RAMS) Framework and in-depth phone interviews with 40 national, state, and local public health information officers (PIOs). Interviewees shared their experiences and insights related to how IDTs are communicated to the public, including the different types of traditional and social media used, how they develop and assess IDT messages, and their perceptions regarding the IDT risk amplification process. Theoretical and practical implications for health public relations and public health communication are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the main bodies of contemporary urban sustainability theory. From this analysis, two underpinning paradigms of urban sustainability are identified: (1) The ‘Human Exemptionalism Paradigm’ (HEP), which emphasizes the ability of humans to overcome environmental problems—see Urban Sociology, Urban Ecology, Urban Geography, Urban Psychology and Political Economy; and (2) The ‘New Ecological Paradigm’ (NEP), which emphasizes the criticality of ecological limits to human progress—see Urban Metabolism, Energy/Emergy Analysis and Ecological Footprinting. Each of these approaches is critically reviewed, highlighting their main assumptions, theoretical and practical foci. It is argued in the paper that if the related issues of urban sustainability and development are to be progressed, there needs to be: (1) a greater maturation of the NEP approaches, which are ‘relative newcomers’ to the area of urban theory; and (2) greater integration and dialogue between the HEP and NEP approaches to urban sustainability than has hitherto been the case.
Murray G. PattersonEmail:

This article examines the collective language shift from Swedish to Ukrainian in the Swedish‐ethnic community of Gammalsvenskby, Ukraine. The Gammalsvenskby language shift is used to argue that language shift is such a complex social practice that it cannot be satisfactorily explained by the use of preconceived, deductive analytical frameworks. The argument is probed through a study of selected themes in the life story interviews of 16 last‐generation Swedish‐speakers, making use of the framework of nexus analysis. The study shows that the different kinds of discourses involved in the Gammalsvenskby language shift have resulted in a complex network of interrelated processes of change on various levels. These processes are so intertwined and have had such different scalar effects, that they cannot be simply grouped as factors which are classed as either micro or macro.  相似文献   


International tax justice issues, such as corporate tax avoidance, have gained particular salience over the past decade in an environment of financial instability and government austerity. Civil society involvement has ranged from trade unions and NGOs calling for parliamentary inquiries to civil disobedience by less established actors. Since the international financial crisis, how have levels of contentious collective action around these issues waxed and waned? Is contentiousness associated most with domestic politics or global media events like the Panama Papers? This paper uses an original hand-coded dataset from five national newspapers in the United Kingdom and Australia between 2008 and 2016. Political claims analysis (PCA) was used to collect all instances of claims around international tax justice and compare the types of actions and the different frames used by civil society actors. In both countries, mobilising grievances are generated most strongly in the period after domestic austerity policies are introduced. The qualitative coding provides evidence of accompanying frame alignment in these periods, as international taxation is problematized in terms of national revenue, demonstrating scale shift from the global to the national political stage.  相似文献   

There is extensive research demonstrating the negative effects of institutionalisation on infants. Gatekeeping has been widely promoted as a key strategy to combat unnecessary institutionalisation. Its aim is to provide a range of services and a system of decision making based on assessments of children and families to ensure effective targeting of services. This paper provides details of research into the gatekeeping system in Bulgaria for children under three and examples from recent Bulgarian and international practice. It suggests that gatekeeping could benefit from a social development orientation including activities to combat poverty and promote social inclusion through supporting community and family strengths. The paper proposes changes to the orientation of gatekeeping for effective national strategies to combat institutionalisation.  相似文献   


This essay seeks to offer some reflections on doing research with political elites where those elites also happen to be women. It tries to show some of the excitements and frustrations of doing research with elite subjects in elite settings, when the researcher is always the stranger and the person with the least power in an otherwise very powerful and intimidating environment. It addresses some of the tensions in 'doing' feminist research with women with whom the researcher does not empathize and discusses the extent to which those differences actually matter when ranged against the much bigger considerations of gender and patriarchal relations.  相似文献   

This article utilizes an oral history resource to document the transformation of population policies into women's focused practices and the perception that guided the major actors of this local revolution. The Population Control movement has been a powerful political and health movement that developed family planning to reduce population growth during the Cold War era. It relied upon philanthropic commitment before successfully becoming an official US policy from Nixon to Reagan. The anti-abortion controversies and political conservatism then diminished considerably the global acceptance of population policies. The revolution in population policies demanded a patient effort to conquer strategic positions and to develop new policies. Women program officers played a central role, along with prominent political figures. Most of the transformation occurred at the Cairo conference in 1994, where moderate population experts and feminists came to a compromise. This study finally focuses on the repercussions of the new reproductive health agenda in the population field.  相似文献   

PurposeIssues related to program context are important components of population health interventions and particularly among complex, adaptive initiatives in schools. Health Promoting Schools (HPS) is a global approach to support early development of healthy behaviors among children and youth. The purpose of this study was to explicate the practical and contextual processes that influenced implementation of HPS in schools in Nova Scotia (Canada).MethodsUsing a case-study approach, data was collected using interviews (n = 14) with principals, teachers and parents, observations collected during school visits and document review in five diverse schools.ResultsCase study schools reported a variety of HPS practices and three key themes emerged that provided context to the processes that facilitated their implementation. The results suggest that although school characteristics (theme 1), like staff allocation, physical location and resources, are important, these barriers can be mitigated by building organizational capacity (theme 2) and establishing a supportive school community culture (theme 3).ConclusionsThe study provided insight to the variability in implementation by describing how contextual barriers were experienced and mitigated by schools. Establishing a broad system to support HPS, with collaboration across health and education sectors, could help to progress adoption, implementation and sustainability of HPS.  相似文献   

This article argues that child protection agencies must provide mandatory training about the Aboriginal experience within the welfare state and the resultant trauma that exists in Australian Indigenous communities. This article highlights the areas of curriculum to be included in training for welfare practitioners working with Aboriginal families in the New South Wales child protection system. The training content explores the Stolen Generations’ trauma experiences of child loss and examines the dichotomy between past child welfare laws and present child protection laws and intergenerational racism. Another key component of the training comprises information about the impacts of trauma on brain development.  相似文献   

By analyzing 162 articles published in seven peer-reviewed communication journals, this study sheds light on the research topics, theories, methods, and authorship of articles in the health public relations literature. An examination of current research in health public relations is essential to identify literature gaps and guide future research directions. The findings demonstrate that research interest in health public relations has fluctuated over the past two decades. Theoretically grounded studies represent most of the studies in this field, with the situational theory and relationship management applied most often. Regarding methodology, quantitative research is prevalent, with survey method used most often, followed by content analysis and in-depth interviews. Research topics that involve health content consistently receive significant attention, while relationship management has begun to dominate the research discourse in recent years.  相似文献   

This study's purpose was to investigate the types and quality of health information reported in Glamour and Men's Health magazines. While neither magazine was completely accurate when reporting results of medical journal articles, there were statistically significant differences with respect to accuracy between the two magazines. These findings suggest that health experts, PIOs, and journalists need to work more closely together in order to provide the public with accurate and clear health information.  相似文献   


There has been increasing interest in collaborative approaches between the environmental justice (EJ) and reproductive justice (RJ) movements to address the higher burden of toxic exposures and associated reproductive health outcomes in vulnerable communities. This study examined the collective action frames (CAFs) of advocates at the EJ/RJ nexus. CAFs highlight how advocates identify problems and solutions, and motivate action. The use of intersectionality was identified as a main CAF used in three key ways: breaking free from identity-based, issue-based, and movement-based siloes. First, interviewees described breaking free from identity-based siloes by identifying risks of toxic exposures that result from intersecting social locations (e.g. gender, race/ethnicity, income, immigration status) and by equally prioritizing multiple aspects of their identities as they engage in advocacy. Second, they described breaking free from issue-based siloes by developing multi-issue agendas that address a complex web of interrelated problems impacting health. Third, they described breaking free from movement-based siloes by developing cross-movement collaborations to address issues of mutual concern. Among multiple reasons given for cross-movement collaborations, advocates perceived them as valuable in order to disrupt social, political, and economic power imbalances that shape environmental reproductive health inequities, as well as other health and social inequities. Based on these findings, we suggest that intersectionality is a master frame, and thus may be useful to advocates in other social movements addressing intersectional issues. Understanding an intersectionality frame can help to inform advocacy approaches to promote health and health equity, particularly those focused on policies and structural drivers of health.  相似文献   

I was teaching rhetoric at the University of Victoria when I received the ‘Quick Reference Guide: Assisting Students in Distress’, part of the university’s initiative to address the increasing problem of mental illness on university campuses. I immediately read a rhetoric that presented mental health as Madness, as something to be feared, a threat to the university, class and the individual. This short article is a brief rhetorical analysis of this Guide, and suggests that we must move beyond fear if we are to begin to address the mental health crisis on university campuses.  相似文献   

Health systems are known for being complex. Yet, there is a paucity of evidence about programs that successfully develop competent frontline managers to navigate these complex systems. There is even less evidence about developing frontline managers in areas of contextual complexity such as geographically remote and isolated health services. This study used a customised management development program containing continuous quality improvement (CQI) approaches to determine whether additional levels of evaluation could provide evidence for program impact. Generalisability is limited by the small sample size; however, the findings suggest that continuous improvement approaches, such as action learning workplace-based CQI projects not only provide for real-world application of the manager’s learning; they can potentially produce the type of data needed to conduct evaluations for organisational impact and cost-benefits. The case study contributes to the literature in an area where there is a scarcity of empirical research. Further, this study proposes a pragmatic method for using CQI approaches with existing management development programs to generate the type of data needed for multi-level evaluation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this scoping review was to identify promising factors that underpin effective health promotion collaborations, measurement approaches, and evaluation practices. Measurement approaches and evaluation practices employed in 14 English-language articles published between January 2001 and October 2015 were considered. Data extraction included research design, health focus of the collaboration, factors being evaluated, how factors were conceptualized and measured, and outcome measures. Studies were methodologically diverse employing either quantitative methods (n = 9), mixed methods (n = 4), or qualitative methods (n = 1).In total, these 14 studies examined 113 factors, 88 of which were only measured once. Leadership was the most commonly studied factor but was conceptualized differently across studies. Six factors were significantly associated with outcome measures across studies; leadership (n = 3), gender (n = 2), trust (n = 2), length of the collaboration (n = 2), budget (n = 2) and changes in organizational model (n = 2). Since factors were often conceptualized differently, drawing conclusions about their impact on collaborative functioning remains difficult. The use of reliable and validated tools would strengthen evaluation of health promotion collaborations and would support and enhance the effectiveness of collaboration.  相似文献   

The unsuccessful implementation of health innovations occurs frequently, leading to missed opportunities where improvements could have been made on various aspects of a health system. The purpose of this study is to identify, assess and synthesise the facilitators and barriers to sustainably implementing evidence-based health innovations in a low- and middle-income country (LMIC) context. To identify the LMIC specific facilitators and barriers, a systematic literature review was conducted. 79 studies were analysed, and the implementation barriers and facilitators identified in each study were extracted. The extracted barriers and facilitators were categorised and synthesized into one of seven concepts: context, innovation, relations and networks, institutions, knowledge, actors or resources. There were no substantial variations between the frequency that each concept was identified as a facilitator or barrier to implementation. However, resources, which includes time, human, financial and physical resources, was the most frequently mentioned concept; emphasising the need to focus on the resource situation in LMICs. This study contributes to the growing literature that aims to inform health system planners and evaluators in LMICs on effectively and sustainably implementing evidence-based health innovations.  相似文献   



This register-based study describes the transition from in home-based care to placements in out-of-home care. It also describes whether children who enter care directly differ from children who enter care after episodes of in home-based care.


The study includes all children who entered the child protection system of a larger regional social service system in Denmark from 1993 to 2006 (N = 9961). Graphs of cumulative incidences were used to describe transitions into out-of-home care within two years after in home-based care started. Cox regression models are used to estimate the impacts of child and parental characteristics. In addition, Chi2 tests are used to identify differences between children who enter care directly and children who receive in home-based care.


Results indicate that the majority of children do not enter out-of-home care but that risks differ among age groups. Covariates did not predict transitions into out-of-home care for those who entered in-home care after becoming teenagers. Especially for those who entered in-home care before entering their teens, the psychiatric histories of the mothers and the children predicted the transitions into out-of-home care. Immigration background was a protective factor for those who entered in-home care as pre-scholars. Depending on the age group, low birth weight, children's fathers' and mothers' psychiatric histories, and single parentship were all characteristics more likely to be associated with children who entered care directly. Children who entered care directly differed from children who entered care within two years after an in home-based service had been initiated on covariates that described psychiatric history.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings from a systematic review of the literature regarding factors related to positive placement outcomes. Children in care are particularly vulnerable to problems with their emotional and behavioural development. It is important to know which factors affect whether children will have a positive placement outcome or not. Previous research has aimed to examine this, and has found that certain child characteristics can affect placement outcome. Reviews have not reported their search strategy in line with PRISMA guidelines, nor have they always reported the source of the data. This review was particularly interested in which studies had contact with the children or carers themselves, as opposed to a reliance on administrative data. There appear to be child characteristics that affect placement outcome, but findings need to be interpreted with caution due to a high volume of results from administrative data. Future research should aim to conduct full assessments with children when they come into care.  相似文献   

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