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迄今为止,很少有执行官能够成功地在一家陷入困境的大型组织内部实现变革,克拉多·帕塞拉就是为数不多的成功者之一,不仅如此,他还先后成功地领导两家大型企业完成了变革。  相似文献   

6年前,宝洁公司深陷泥潭,业绩连年下滑,公司管理层在四个月内连续三次发布利润预警,公司最危险的时候,股价曾经在一日之内骤跌30%,市值大幅缩水。雷富礼临危受命,成为这家全球第一日化品牌的新任掌门人。  相似文献   

中国企业如何看待变化着的经营形势?中国企业的管理有哪些独特的问题和经验?中国企业家的素质及其成长的过程和条件如何?中国优秀企业的创业历程与成长战略又是怎样的?这些问题是企业家和管理学者们不断经历和苦苦思索的问题。对这些问题的任何单一的解答都可能永远无法穷形尽相,但在众多实践者和思考者的智慧汇集中,有可能使我们更容易找到通往真知的条条小路。“百名企业家的思考”系列由南开大学国际商学院和《南开管理评》主办,旨在遴选近百名著名企业家,围绕“企业成长”这一当前我国企业面临的共同主题,切磋经验,聚汇思想,倾吐洞识,启发新智。同一般的“纯采访式工商界人物访谈”不同,“百名企业家的思考”系列不是一种单个企业家随意进行的情况介绍或思想表述,而是一批有作为、有影响的企业家围绕相同的主题,在管理专家学者的深度参与下展开的深刻反思和总结。因此,该系列不仅可以以更为科学的方式展露不同企业和企业家的个性风采,而且有助于在不断积累的基础上作出统计分析和比较研究,从而为把我国的企业和企业家研究推向深入,开辟新的途径。  相似文献   

Despite the possibility of burnout resulting from dynamics in firms' upper echelons, little if any work has focused on chief executive officer's (CEO's) burnout and firm performance. Drawing on managerial discretion theory, this article analyzes the influence of CEO burnout on firm performance and the moderating roles of the individual (CEO locus of control), structural power (CEO duality and CEO tenure), and organizational characteristics (size, age, and resource availability) related to managerial discretion. Using a sample of 156 CEOs in Swedish firms, we find a negative association between CEOs who report higher burnout and firm performance. Our results confirm that CEO duality and resource availability ameliorate and firm size exacerbates the negative association between CEO burnout and firm performance. Contrary to our expectations, CEO locus of control, CEO tenure, and firm age do not influence this relationship. We discuss the implications of our research for upper echelons theory and strategic leadership theory.  相似文献   

The recent financial crisis brought upon a period of increased information uncertainty for firms and market agents and in the context of mergers and acquisitions, increased information asymmetry between bidders and targets. This led to an overall increase in average acquisition premiums. However, the final realized premium can be moderated through CEO characteristics in dealing with such issues as uncertainty and asymmetry. Bidder CEOs can reduce these premiums through their expertise, networks and control: powerful CEOs will tend to pay smaller premiums than weaker CEOs because they are better equipped to deal with the increased information uncertainty and asymmetry, either through risk-averse behavior or better assessment of target quality. Our results based on a six-year sample of S&P500 firms engaged in M&A activity, and centered on the onset of the recent financial crisis, largely support our predictions. While earlier research suggested that CEO power could lead to higher premiums, our study points to the opposite conclusion: during times of financial crisis, CEO power effectively constrains premiums. This extends our understanding of why bidder CEOs overpay beyond the role of bidder anchoring bias, hubris, and target resistance by considering the role of macro-environmental conditions and power.  相似文献   

控股股东决策控制、CEO激励与企业国际化战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际化是企业重大战略举措,控股股东和CEO分别作为战略决策者和执行者,对国际化经营存在深刻影响.本文利用手工收集的上市公司国际化经营数据,基于代理理论的研究表明,当控股股东拥有战略决策控制权时,企业更可能采用国际化战略,并且国有控股股东比民营控股股东更倾向于采用国际化战略.采用国际化战略后,国际化扩张的快慢取决于CEO努力程度,控股股东需通过适当的激励机制调动CEO的积极性.总体上,薪酬、股权激励均有助于实现CEO激励相容,但股权激励的效果更为突出.对民营企业而言,股权激励的效果优于薪酬激励;而对国有企业而言,薪酬激励的效果更佳,股权激励尚未发挥应有的作用.本研究清晰有效地区分了控股股东和CEO分别作为战略决策、执行者对公司战略的影响,并进一步探讨了控股股东与CEO之间存在的协同作用,为CEO激励机制设计提供了理论和实证依据.  相似文献   

This article taps into the question of the materialized forms of theorizing in strategy: the strategy tools presented in publications over the past 25 years. This study conducts a systematic search and review of 482 published abstracts and 88 full text articles introducing tools to aid strategizing. The contribution of this study builds on the theoretical classification framework and review of strategy tools to illustrate what might be termed the toolbox of strategy from the publications in leading management journals. The review suggests that the landscape of strategy tools is surprisingly traditional and that contemporary developments in strategic thinking have not yet been transformed into usable tools. Furthermore, the study also provides some recommendations for the developers of new strategy tools in terms of topics and methodological considerations.  相似文献   

We combine signalling and human capital theory to analyze how competencies of new venture CEOs impact the amount of money technology ventures acquire in venture capital (VC) financing rounds. Using data on 117 financing events in the biotechnology industry, we show that education in management, founder-based firm-specific experience, international experience, and industry-specific experience of the CEO impact the VCs’ financial commitments. Moreover, we find that the effects of management education and industry experience are moderated by the size of the venture's top management team. We discuss the implications of these findings for the research literature on technology ventures and venture capital.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the potential impactof managerial discretion and firm performanceon CEO compensation, contingent on the extentof monitoring activities. We argue that CEOcompensation may be positively related toexecutive discretion and corporate performancefor firms that have vigilant external monitors. We alternatively contend that CEO compensationmay neither be associated with discretion norperformance for firms with passive externalmonitors. The empirical results are supportiveof our contentions.  相似文献   

Visualizing the landscape and evolution of leadership research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Complementing prior quantitative and qualitative reviews of the leadership literature, we conduct a bibliometric analysis of leadership articles. Our bibliometric review provides a different perspective by portraying the landscape and developmental trajectory of leadership research over time via co-citation and co-occurrence analyses. Using a scientific visualization tool CiteSpace and 6528 leadership works collected from the Web of Science database from 1990 to 2017, we detect and visualize the landscape of leadership research and track how this landscape has evolved. After mapping the landscape, we discuss the insights gleaned from our bibliometric review, with a focus on open questions, future research directions, and implications. In doing so, our review provides readers with a systematic understanding of the development of the leadership field and a roadmap to spark leadership research and move this literature forward.  相似文献   

This research draws on the upper-echelons perspective to examine the effects of CEO–top management team (TMT) exchange quality and TMT personality composition on decision quality through the mediation of TMT psychological empowerment. Using survey data from more than 700 executives in 210 firms in a Middle Eastern country and adopting a split-data approach, we find that CEO–TMT exchange quality can advance TMT psychological empowerment. We also find that TMT neuroticism has a negative effect on TMT psychological empowerment, while TMT conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and openness have positive effects. Moreover, TMT psychological empowerment plays a mediating role in linking CEO–TMT exchange quality and TMT personality composition with decision quality. Our research contributes to the upper-echelons, leader–member exchange (LMX), and decision-making literature by drawing attention to the social dynamics between CEO and TMT members, as well as the psychological characteristics and psychological states of TMT members, and their implications for strategic decisions.  相似文献   

Using archival data, the authors explored whether female CEOs possess as much structural power as male CEOs and what demographic characteristics are essential for female CEOs to have in order to increase their structural power in their firms. The authors use status characteristics and human capital theories to develop hypotheses. Findings show that female CEOs do not possess as much structural power as male CEOs as proxied by attaining a dual CEO/Chair role in the firm. Instead of dual CEO and Chair roles, female CEOs are more likely to be given the less powerful role of CEO and President. Moreover, female CEOs are more likely to gain structural power if they are entrepreneurs, work in large companies, or possess an elite education.  相似文献   

面试是公选的一个重要环节,目的是检测考生的综合分析能力、组织与协调能力、应变与创新能力、言语表达能力等。通常情况下,面试考官对考生回答问题只是一边听,一边评判,然后给出相应的分数。但是,有时也会出现考官"追问"的情况。作为应试者,一旦遇到这样的情况,应当立即注意从三个方面把握好自己,避免失去不应该失去的分数。  相似文献   

公司治理机制的效度不仅应该体现在提高公司业绩水平上,更应该体现在稳定公司业绩风险的作用上.本文选取2004-2008年深交所上市的374家上市公司为研究样本.以公司业绩的波动性分析为切入点,分析CEO权力强度、信息披露质量对公司横向和纵向业绩波动性的影响.研究发现:(1)CEO权力强度越大,公司的经营业绩越高但公司经营业绩的风险也越大,表明赋予CEO更多的决策权力是一把"双刃剑";(2)信息披露质量的提高能有效降低公司业绩的波动性,并且信息披露质量越高,越能有效降低CEO权力强度加大的经营风险;(3)通过对不同股权性质企业的分析,发现国有企业CEO的权力强度对公司业绩波动性的影响显著地高于非国有企业CEO权力强度对公司业绩波动性的影响.信息披露质量对于CEO权力强度下公司经营风险的抑制效应在国有企业表现得更为明显.  相似文献   

结构化面试的现状分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项成芳 《领导科学》2007,(12):40-41
结构化面试是领导干部考试与测评方法体系的重要组成部分,是在笔试基础上进一步测试应试者在领导能力素质和个性特征等方面与  相似文献   

去年10月中旬,安徽省政府发展研究中心成立调研组,由吴克明主任带队,先后在东莞、佛山、广州、深圳、珠海等地开展调研,就CEPA框架下皖粤合作这一主题与广东省政界、学界、企业界人士进行广泛的交流和探讨。今年2月,在CEPA正式实施后,调研组又赴香港,与香港的官员、学都和商业界人士进行座谈,感受“大珠三角”的脉动,寻找皖港合作的商机,研究落实CEPA的对策。以下是课题组实地考察的部分谈话记录。编辑仅在标题和文字上略作修改,意欲保持“原汁原味”。  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(2):102050
CEO succession is a critical event in the life of a company. How external stakeholders respond to it, can affect the company's valuation. This study investigates how securities analysts' and investors' reactions to CEO succession are affected by the interplay between the charisma of the new CEO's vision, the new CEO's origin (whether an insider or outsider), and the type of CEO succession (whether routine, dismissal or interim). Drawing on the literature on signaling, we suggest that because a charismatic vision emits a positive signal about the company's future performance, it will affect market actors' reactions by either weakening or strengthening the influence of the signals emitted by other succession context contingencies, namely, CEO origin and succession type. To test our predictions regarding analysts' and investors' reactions, we respectively analyze panel data and conduct an event study. The results support most of our predictions. We discuss the study's contributions and implications.  相似文献   

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