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《The aging male》2013,16(3):102-107

Objective: This study was designed to evaluate the effect of testosterone replacement on the fibrotic process of the detrusor bladder muscle during the normal aging process.

Methods: 15 Wistar senile rats, aged between 18 and 20 months were divided into two groups: testosterone group – 11 animals submitted to the administration of testosterone undecanoate (50?mg/kg intramuscular), once per month; and, Control group – four animals underwent a sham procedure. At the end of eight weeks, animals from both groups were sacrificed; bladders were removed and subsequently stereologically evaluated to determine the volumetric density of collagen fibers. The success of testosterone administration was confirmed by the measurement of serum testosterone at the beginning and end of the experiment.

Results: In the replacement group, testosterone average was 3.2?ng/ml, whereas in the control group, the mean testosterone at the end of the experiment was 0.64?ng/ml (p?<?0.05). Analysis of stereological collagenous fiber showed higher density in the control group compared to the testosterone group I (56% versus 37.02%, respectively). The difference of volume concentration of collagen between both groups was statistically significant (p?<?0.000).

Conclusion: Bladder wall fibrosis was reduced in senile rats subjected to testosterone replacement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the interactive effects of hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) and physical activity (PA) on the cognitive performance of older women. Postmenopausal women (n = 101) were recruited to complete a PA questionnaire, provide demographic information, and perform the digit-symbol substitution task (DSST) and the trail-making tests (TMT). Regression analyses were conducted for participants with complete data for each cognitive test (DSST n = 62; TMT n = 69). For both tasks, results indicated that PA and education were positively related and age was negatively related to cognitive performance. The interaction of HRT with PA did not add to the predicted variance of either measure of cognitive performance. This was true even after limiting the HRT users to women using unopposed estrogen. It is concluded that the beneficial relationship between PA and these two measures of cognitive performance in postmenopausal women exists irrespective of HRT use.  相似文献   

Testosterone therapy has been used for more than 60 years in the treatment of male hypogonadism. The classical forms of hypogonadism are comprised of primary testicular failure or insufficient testicular stimulation due to the lack of pituitary gonadotropins. Typical causes of primary hypogonadism are Klinefelter's syndrome, anorchia or acquired disturbances of testicular function. Secondary hypogonadism is characterized by insufficient production of pituitary gonadotropins, due either to pituitary failure or defects at the hypothalamic level. It is unequivocally accepted in clinical practice that any male with inadequately low testosterone production for his age will require androgen therapy. In addition to the classical forms of hypogonadism, the past decade of research has clearly demonstrated that, with increasing age, many men will suffer from decreasing testosterone production. About 15-25% of men over the age of 50 years will experience serum testosterone levels well below the threshold considered normal for men between 20 and 40 years of age. Studies substituting testosterone in elderly men with low serum testosterone have shown that men with clinical symptoms identical to the symptomatology of classical hypogonadism will benefit most from such therapy. Therefore, it is the general consensus to treat men with age-related hypogonadism only when clinical symptoms are present that can be potentially corrected by testosterone administration. Until recently, intramuscular injections of esters, such as testosterone enanthate, have been the mainstay of testosterone therapy. The introduction of testosterone patches has not challenged this approach, since many users of patches suffer from moderate to severe skin reactions. Some oral testosterone formulations have proven to be problematic, as absorption can be variable, bioavailability is frequently poor, due to the first-pass effect of the liver, and frequent administration is often required&lt;citeref rid="b1"&gt;&lt;emph&gt;1&lt;/emph&gt;&lt;/citeref&gt;. Oral testosterone undecanoate avoids, at least partially, the first-pass effect of the liver. However, plasma testosterone levels generally undergo large fluctuations&lt;citeref rid="b2"&gt;&lt;emph&gt;2&lt;/emph&gt;&lt;/citeref&gt;. The large fluctuations in serum testosterone levels caused by conventional intramuscular injections result in unsatisfactory shifts in mood and sexual function in some men, which, combined with the frequency of injections, make the intramuscular mode of delivery far from ideal. Recently, a hydroalcoholic gel containing 1% testosterone has proven to be as efficient as a testosterone patch, but with fewer side-effects and a higher grade of patient satisfaction&lt;citeref rid="b3"&gt;&lt;emph&gt;3&lt;/emph&gt;&lt;/citeref&gt;-&lt;citeref rid="b4"&gt;&lt;/citeref&gt;&lt;citeref rid="b5"&gt;&lt;emph&gt;5&lt;/emph&gt;&lt;/citeref&gt;. Doses of 50-100 mg gel applied once daily on the skin deliver sufficient amounts of testosterone to restore normal hormonal values and correct the signs and symptoms of hypogonadism. The gel has been shown to be effective and successful in patients in the United States, who have benefited from its availability for almost 3 years. In the near future, intramuscular injections of testosterone undecanoate will become commercially available. Such injections have a very favorable pharmacokinetic profile, with one injection every 3 months maintaining serum testosterone well within the normal range. In phase III studies, intramuscular testosterone undecanoate proved to be as efficient as testosterone enanthate, with only one-quarter of the number of injections required and more stable serum testosterone levels. Thus, the new application modes - hydroalcoholic gel (for example, Testogel®, Schering AG, Germany) and intramuscular testosterone undecanoate (Nebido®, Schering AG, Germany) - appear to be the methods of choice in the near future, one being very suitable for hormone therapy in elderly men, the other for long-term substitution in classical forms of hypogonadism.  相似文献   

Pension levels in the EU15 are significantly gendered. Various reforms to pension systems explicitly aim at improving women's opportunities to build up pension entitlements. These reforms differ from country to country. We see so-called work–life balance policies to increase women's labour market participation by facilitating part-time employment in particular as well as pension entitlements for care periods outside the labour market. At the same time, however, other seemingly gender neutral reforms generally tend to have the opposite effect. These measures include changes in pension calculation norms and pension composition, increasing the importance of non-public pensions. Therefore, future female pensioners will not be significantly better off. However, for women to be better off is necessary in times of pension retrenchments and individualization.

Based on recent life-course theories and studies, this article analyses the multiplicity of reasons for gender differentiated pension levels. It shows that the numerous direct and indirect pension determining factors related to life courses and welfare arrangements are interlinked on many fronts. Their cumulative effects finally result in (continued) significant gender gaps. It is argued that there are no quick fixes for reducing the gender gaps in pensions but that this will require attention to the degendering of labour market and the reformulation of life course norms.  相似文献   

M. Oettel 《The aging male》2013,16(4):230-256
In this review selected toxicological problems related to testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men are discussed. Applying ‘classical’ pharmacological/toxicological findings (e.g. animal studies on short- and long-term toxicity) to clinical situations is not very helpful. Molecular biological knowledge and especially evaluation of epidemiological studies, as well as intervention studies, on testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men are more useful. Potential risks include overdosage for lifestyle reasons, e.g. excessive muscle building and reduction of visceral obesity, when erythrocytosis occurs concomitantly. Modern galenic formulations of testosterone administration (e.g. transdermal gel, suitable testosterone esters for intramuscular application and newer oral preparations) avoid supraphysiological serum concentrations, therefore significantly reducing the toxicological risk. A hypothetical model of the toxicological risks of testosterone therapy is given that is based on the influence of testosterone metabolism (aromatization vs. reduction) of the respective parameter/target chosen. Finally, the great influence of polymorphisms of the androgen receptor on the assessment of toxicological risk and on the individualization of androgen therapy is shown. Already existing national, continental and international guidelines or recommendations for the testosterone therapy should be harmonized.  相似文献   

The practice of equine-assisted therapy and learning (EAT/L) to deliver psychosocial interventions to young people is a rapidly growing field. However, recent reviews have cited a need for further documentation of a theoretical foundation and evidence of outcomes of these programmes. This paper is a theoretical discussion of psychotherapeutic theories and models that the authors understood as being relevant and giving substance to the application of EAT/L at a Therapeutic Horsemanship centre in the UK. It also describes and defines the practice of EAT/L at the centre. Philosophical and psychological theories/models of Non-Violent Communication, Object Relations, Play and Dramatherapy, Mindfulness practice, and Attachment Theory, all set within a person-centred and relationship-based approach employed at the centre were examined and illustrated in the form of client case material. The authors report the central role relationship plays between client-horse-therapist and horse-handler in the building of trust and resolution of the impact of trauma. The paper highlights a need to carry out well-designed empirical studies with different client groups in the field of EAT/L in order to gain more insight into this growing field.  相似文献   

Most evidence on survey response effects is based in the Western world. We use data from two randomized experiments built into a nation-wide representative household survey in Tunisia to analyze the effects of framing and priming on responses to gender attitudes in the Arab context. Our first experiment shows that questions on attitudes towards decision-making power when framed in an equality frame reduce responses in favor of gender inequality. In our second experiment we find that responses to attitudes towards domestic violence are susceptible to an audio primer. Oral statistical information about the incidence of domestic violence in Tunisia increases disapproval of domestic violence among the male subsample further, but does not affect women. In terms of impact heterogeneity, we find mixed results for treatment interventions interacting with the gender of the interviewer and the interviewer’s perceived religiosity.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(1):66-71
Objective.?To evaluate psychological and demographic aspects of men who received DRE during the PCa screening in an outpatient clinical setting.

Methods.?Patients (345) who underwent DRE for the first time from February 2006 to December 2007 were evaluated for their psychological reactions and feelings after the examination.

Results.?The average age of the patients was 52.8 years (25 - 85 years); 40.94% had felt fear (examination fear 15.94%, and diagnosis fear 25%), 26.45% shame and 48.26% indicated they were not thinking about anything. There was no correlation between age, educational level and emotional reactions. Most patients (96.8%) would undergo a DRE again and 52.35% had considered it better than they had imagined. Of these patients, 41.81% were illiterate/incomplete elementary school. Only 4.12% described having a negative experience. The factors that persuaded the patients to book an appointment were: 50.1% made their own decision, 26.67% were recommended by a physician, 18.55% family/friends and 6.67% were influenced by the media. Wives booked 24.06% of the consultations. Although 85.47% of patients had some previous knowledge about the examination, 80.81% felt they had further clarification afterward. Lower educational level was related to lack of information about DRE, while 52.38% who made their own decision had previous knowledge of the importance of DRE.

Conclusion.?The majority of the patients found DRE less awkward than they had imagined it to be and would repeat the examination in the future. Fear and shame before the examination are present and are barriers to the DRE.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of maternal education on child’s health and health behavior. We draw on a rich German panel data set containing information about three generations. This allows instrumenting maternal education by the number of her siblings while conditioning on grandparental characteristics. The instrumental variables approach has not yet been used in the intergenerational context and works for the sample sizes of common household panels. We find substantial effects on health behavior for adolescent daughters, but neither for adolescent sons nor for the health status of newborns. We show that possible concerns for the validity of the instrument are unlikely to compromise these results. We discuss mother’s health behavior, assortative mating, household income, and child’s schooling track as possible channels of the estimated effects. Maternal education seems to affect daughter’s smoking behavior through the higher likelihood of the daughter pursuing a higher secondary schooling track.  相似文献   

Partnership working involving providers and users of social services is highly valued as a means to inform research and practice, yet its effectiveness is debated. Frameworks for measuring and evaluating partnerships are developed, but still there is a need to shed light on micro-practices to gain insight in how partnerships succeed or fail to reach their goals. The context for this qualitative study is a Norwegian governmental funded program, where one goal was promotion of structures for equal collaboration between social work education, research, social service providers and users. The study investigates one local partnership project and how conflicts influenced processes and outcomes. Conflicts were related to the leadership of the group. With a particular look at users’ participation, the findings indicate how emergence and negotiations of conflicts were related to their empowering processes as the project developed. The study underscores the importance of acknowledging conflicts and how these may be complex and interwoven with empowering processes when users are involved, as well as the need to critically examine issues on leadership. The study supports the importance of ethnographic studies in order to understand how a partnership might deliver, as this approach enables enhanced understanding of micro-practices and internal power dynamics.  相似文献   

The relative strengths of the effects of forest edges and recreational use on understorey vegetation were studied at sub-xeric boreal urban forest edges in the greater Helsinki region, Finland. The study was performed at northern, eastern, southern and western edges, and vegetation sample plots were placed on, next to and away from paths with different trampling intensities 0–107 m from the forest edges. We found that human trampling altered vegetation more than the effects of forest edges. Vegetation changed dramatically on paths and the effects of path edges were seen in seemingly untrampled vegetation at least up to 4 m from the path edge. However, our results suggested that the effect of the edge may penetrate up to 50 m into forest interiors. Changes in vegetation composition indicated that the effects of the edge were stronger at eastern, southern and western than at northern edges.  相似文献   

Global urbanization is rapidly increasing, yet the prevalence of single order and time point studies likely miss important temporal effects of urbanization on entire communities. We studied three sites along a rural–urban gradient in the Seattle metropolitan area with three sampling periods from 2009–2011 to examine how arthropod communities respond to increasing levels of urbanization in a similar habitat type through time. Consistent with previous studies, urban areas contained altered environmental conditions relevant for litter arthropods, and arthropod biodiversity decreased with urbanization. However, urban arthropod biodiversity was not influenced by environmental measures, supporting the idea of an “urban-filter”. Urbanization was not a factor influencing how communities responded to the effect of time, suggesting that other factors (e.g. disturbance) may ultimately be more important for determining patterns of biodiversity through time in urban areas. Finally, our study illustrates urbanization forces can structuring entire arthropod communities similarly through time, having important consequences for our understanding of urbanization’s temporal effects and indirect influence on community interactions and ecosystem processes. As the effects of urbanization will inevitably vary through time, we suggest that multiple time point studies are required to increase our ability to accurately describe arthropod community responses to increasing urbanization.  相似文献   

Three studies explored gender differences in explicit and implicit components of sexual arousal following brief exposure to a sexual stimulus. Whereas Study 1 assessed reports of sexual arousal following subliminal exposure to a sexual or a neutral picture, Studies 2 and 3 examined the effects of the same priming procedure on accessibility of sex-related thoughts assessed with a pictorial judgment task and a lexical decision task. The subliminal sexual prime did not have an effect on men's reports of sexual arousal, but caused women to report lower levels of sexual arousal. In contrast, the same subliminal sexual prime led to higher accessibility of sex-related thoughts in both men and women. It is therefore suggested that the subliminal sexual prime causes women to activate sex-related mental contents but to experience the result as somewhat aversive.  相似文献   

The Finnish education system recognizes religious plurality by offering education in pupils’ own religion or in secular ethics. However, little research has been undertaken on how plurality is addressed in classroom practice. This study investigates how 31 minority religion and secular ethics teachers view the task of supporting and including plurality within their classrooms. The findings of this study show how instruction places high demands on teachers due to religious and cultural diversity, as well as age differences in the classroom. Teachers generally made an effort to take diversity into account by considering the different backgrounds of pupils in instruction and engaging pupils in class. However, teachers frequently took a traditional rather than a modern perspective on plurality in religious instruction by assuming pupils’ religious belonging. Confessional elements such as religious family background and religious practice outside school were also commonly seen as vital. Consequently, teachers had at times difficulties in supporting pupils with plural or little religious affiliation. The findings show a need to strengthen the non-confessional character of Finnish religious education so that both modern and traditional plurality among pupils occupy an equal position in the classroom.  相似文献   

Auctioning goods is a widespread practice, particularly in the agricultural sector. The outcome of auctions can be affected by various factors. One of these factors can be anchoring effects, which describe the influence of present available information on numerical values in human decisions. However, the influence of anchoring effects in auctions carried out offline – that is, live events that are not taking place on the internet – is largely unknown. For this reason, we analyze anchoring effects of exogenously provided values using an experimental common value auction with entrepreneurs. In total, 48 groups each made of five farmers participate in a series of four auctions for envelopes containing a €10 banknote with a 50% probability of occurrence. Our results indicate that anchoring based on exogenously presented values can either result in negative adjustment in open bid auctions, or no adjustment in closed-seal bid auctions. Furthermore, the results show that previous bids affect following bids, which may also be an anchoring effect.  相似文献   

Birth order supposedly influences individuals’ cooperative attitudes: firstborns are more family-oriented and favor their kin, while laterborns are more likely to turn to non-kin. However little direct experimental evidence exists concerning costly resource sharing between full siblings. The present study investigates sharing decisions with respect to a monetary resource by full sisters when either: (i) interacting with an unknown individual or (ii) their sister. A total of 112 sisters from 56 different families participated in an economic experiment regarding the distribution of an actual monetary reward. In line with kin selection theory, the results showed that participants favor their sister over strangers. Additionally, firstborns invested more costly resources in their sister (than laterborns) while they knew that the latter did not.  相似文献   

In the weeks following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, social commentators argued that America had profoundly "changed." In light of these arguments and the literature on disasters, we examine the immediate and longer-term mental health consequences of September 11th using a national sample of full-time American workers. We model the effects of temporal proximity to the attacks on depressive symptoms and alcohol consumption, while controlling for demographic characteristics. Our data revealed a significant increase in the number of depressive symptoms reported during the 4 weeks after the attacks. In the subsequent weeks, levels of depressive symptoms returned to pre-September 11th levels. Contrary to expectations, there was some indication of decreased alcohol consumption after September 11th, although these effects were modest. These analyses provide little support for popular assertions that September 11th resulted in lasting and measurable impacts on Americans' well-being.  相似文献   

The article undertakes an allegorical double reading of Being There and Trump as instances of what we call socio-fiction. Crucially in this respect, reality and fiction are not two opposed realms. The two realms always interact in subtle ways, which is why cinema can be a resource for diagnostic social analysis. We first articulate a general commentary on the relationship between cinema and society, introducing the concept of ‘socio-fiction’. Secondly, we analyse Peter Sellers’ Being There, an interesting film focused on the relationship between reality and fiction. In this analysis, we elaborate on different ways of approaching fiction in a sociological prism. And finally, we discuss Trump as a fallout effect of Being There. After all, a film is not just an image of a reality, a shadow or appearance of a social fact; sometimes the reality itself seems to have become an appearance of an appearance, a shadow of a shadow.  相似文献   

This paper compares sibling and neighborhood correlations in school performance, educational attainment and income as a way to learn whether the neighborhood where a child grows up in might explain parts of the sibling similarities found in previous sibling correlation studies. The data are based on a cohort of nearly 13,000 individuals born in 1953 and their siblings, all of whom grew up in the Stockholm area. The results show that neighborhood correlations are in general very small and in particular they are much smaller than the sibling correlations. Living in the same neighborhood does not seem to add much to the sibling similarities.  相似文献   

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