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The acquirement of and possessing competencies is a fundamental requirement to every executive. Micro-political competence constitutes uncharted waters. Therefore in the research project “Micro-politics and women’s career advancement competence” were, with regard to the category gender, pursued the question, whether micro-political competence are acquirable with the help of coaching, and whether it is beneficial for women’s career advancement. The outcome is the Micro-political Competence Model (MCM), which is the main topic of this paper. After an introduction in the study, the MKM is to be described theoretically and the four competence classes of Micro-political Competence will be defined. In the final empirical part benefit and practicability of the Model will be demonstrated, using the example of case studies.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of moral (vs. competent) leadership on followers' leader evaluations and endorsement. In Study 1 (N = 157), followers evaluated a leader more negatively and endorsed them less when they failed on morality than competence. An indirect effect from leader morality to leader evaluation, through perceived group prototypicality emerged, demonstrating the identity-basis of this evaluation. In Studies 2 (N = 150), 3 (N = 297), and 4 (N = 192) participants considered incongruous situations in which the leader failed on morality but succeed on competence, or vice-versa. Followers expressed more negative evaluations and less endorsement of an immoral but competent leader than of a moral but incompetent leader, through group prototypicality. In Study 4, we manipulated group prototypicality. A leader considered prototypical of the group received worse evaluations when they behaved immorally, irrespective of their competence. Results contribute to the understanding of leader-followers dynamics.  相似文献   

Over the last ten years the concept of ‘competence’ has emerged as a central concept for competitive strategy. Several rich theoretical streams have contributed an extensive array of frameworks, definitions and papers using the concept. There is now a need to integrate these many contributions. Indeed, some of the frustration expressed recently by academics may be due to the large volume of conversation and the low level of integration. A concept that is considered so useful that many writers have incorporated it in their work will be of little value if it takes on different meanings for every use. If competence is to be used to explain relationships among variables and to build richer understandings of the roots of competitive advantage, then the field needs to engage in a serious conversation that attempts to focus this concept. Competence needs to be understood in a way that is faithful to its theoretical roots, allows the multiple dimensions that underpin competitive advantage to be meaningfully integrated and is specific enough that meaningful differences can emerge when used as a variable in empirical research. This paper seeks to begin a conversation toward that end by presenting a conceptualization that meets all of these requirements. The paper builds its conceptualization around satisfying the elements of a dynamic model of the relationship between competence and competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, we analyse the relationship between workers' competencies and their job satisfaction in the context of dual (i.e. vocational versus communicative) skill demands. We analyse the effects of workers' competencies on their overall, intrinsic, and extrinsic job satisfaction. We focus on pharmacy assistants who need both pharmaceutical and communicative competencies in their work. Results from a linked employer–employee survey show that assistants with more communicative competencies are more satisfied with their job, whereas assistants with more pharmaceutical competencies are not more satisfied than the less competent assistants. In addition, workers who perform tasks below their level of competence are more dissatisfied with both their remuneration and career prospects and the content of their job as such, than were other workers. Our results indicate that the demand shift from vocational towards communication skills, which occurs in many professions, can affect the job satisfaction of the most competent workers.  相似文献   

The possibility of treason by a close associate has been a nightmare of most autocrats throughout history. More competent viziers are better able to discriminate among potential plotters, and this makes them more risky subordinates for the ruler. To avoid this, rulers, especially those who are weak and vulnerable, sacrifice the competence of their agents, hiring mediocre but loyal subordinates. Furthermore, any use of incentive schemes by a personalistic dictator is limited by the fact that all punishments are conditional on the dictator’s own survival. We endogenize loyalty and competence in a principal‐agent game between a dictator and his viziers in both static and dynamic settings. The dynamic model allows us to focus on the succession problem that insecure dictators face.  相似文献   

Social competence is based upon cognition, action, emotion and referrs to ethic convictions. Self-reflection about the personal assumptions, role playing and mild personal risks help to increase social competent behaviour. Psychodrama helps to understand complex structures of organization and relations and to specify social competent behaviour.  相似文献   

Based on a social identity analysis, the authors argue that people are attracted to teams and organizations with positive features. Such features can refer to the competence and achievements of the organization, or to its moral values and ethical conduct. However, in work contexts, ethics and achievements do not necessarily go together. The paper reports three studies that examine the relative and combined impact of perceived competence vs morality of a team or organization on its attractiveness to individuals. Study 1 (n = 44) reveals that students prefer to seek employment in a moral rather than a competent organization, when forced to choose between these organizational features on a bipolar scale. Study 2 (n = 100) replicates these findings in a design where the competence and morality of a fictitious organization were manipulated orthogonally. Study 3 (n = 89) examines responses to experimental task teams that systematically differed from each other in their competence and morality. Results of all three studies converge to demonstrate that the perceived morality of the team or organization has a greater impact on its attractiveness to individuals than its perceived competence. The authors discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

This study aimed to add to knowledge by providing a more systematic integration of work characteristics, workers’ health and performance. The two-wave multi-source study was conducted to test the relationship over time between the healthy states of groups of service-oriented workers and their service effectiveness when their organizations provide facilitators such as training, technical support and autonomy. The study takes healthy states to be a composite of affective-motivational and competent collective states (collective vigour and service competence) and service effectiveness. Service effectiveness was a combination of service quality as assessed by customers and their loyalty intentions. Data from 53 hotels and restaurants in Spain were aggregated from 256 boundary workers (i.e. workers in direct contact with customers) and 530 customers at Time 1 and from 470 customers at Time 2 six month later. Structural equation modelling showed that organizational facilitators at Time 1 were related to the service effectiveness reported by customers at Time 2, and also that there was a relationship between service effectiveness at Time 1 and the healthy states reported by the groups at Time 2. That is, contrary to what is widely believed, there was an influence of performance on well-being.  相似文献   

Research shows that conservative and right-wing individuals are more likely than liberal and left-wing individuals to prefer dominant leaders. According to adaptive followership theory, this reflects psychological mechanisms that tag dominant individuals as more competent under situations of conflict. Conservatives tend to view the world as dangerous and ridden with intergroup conflict and, hence, have heightened preferences for dominant leaders (the competence explanation). Yet, an alternative mechanism is possible, where people stereotypically associate dominant-looking leaders with conservativism such that conservatives perceive these leaders as more similar to themselves (the similarity explanation). Hence, the effects of dominance might not be a matter of perceived competence but of perceived policy agreement. This article pits these explanations about the underlying psychological mechanisms against each other. Using nationally representative survey experiments, we find support for the competence explanation by demonstrating that right-wing individuals prefer dominant candidates even if they are clearly politically closer to non-dominant candidates. This preference for dominant candidates only fades when the dominant candidates are from entirely different political parties than the right-wing individuals themselves.  相似文献   

项目管理知识体系的比较分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文从指导思想、结构和内容三个方面研究了对项目管理理论和实践产生重大影响的五个项目管理知识体系(PMBOK Guide、APMBOK、ICB、NCSPM、ISO 10006),分析了各知识体系的异同和优劣。本文还分析了出现这些差异的原因,指出项目管理知识体系的发展方向应该是建立一套自成体系、全球统一的理论框架及认证标准。  相似文献   

From the author??s point of view, the term ??Ethical Competence?? is often used rather vaguely in the field. In a qualitative study of bank managers, preliminary definitions of ??Ethical Competence?? are related to the ??Theory of Planned Behavior?? (Fishbein and Ajzen). This enables the authors to analyze ??Ethical Competence?? more precisely??taking the concept of ??Moral Obligation?? (Kurland) into consideration as well. Factors such as behavioral beliefs (attitude towards the behavior), normative beliefs (subjective norms) and control beliefs (perceived behavioral control) are seen as significant in behavior in morally relevant situations. In addition, the authors formulate a hypothesis concerning the correlation of Ethical Competence and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

公务员作为我国社会的一个特殊群体,在跨文化交流中承载着重要的作用。参与跨文化交流的公务员并非每个人都要成为专业翻译人员,但从追求跨文化交流工作尽善尽美的角度讲,每一个身处其中的公务员都应当从语言翻译的角度审视一下自己的跨文化交流能力,从而不断完善自我,精益求精。这既是公务员这一身份的要求,同时也是时代发展的要求。语言翻译是一种技能、一种手段,也是跨文化交流研究的一个视角。本文正是通过这个视角对公务员在跨文化交流中应当注意的五大类问题进行分析,并在应对策略方面做了相应研究。文章将翻译作为衡量公务员跨文化交流的一个尺度,从语言翻译的视角来归纳和剖析中国公务员跨文化交流中遇到的问题,以求在发现和解决问题的同时,培养公务员正确的跨文化交流思维方式和行为模式。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the position of women in the civil services in South Asia (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh). The majority of women are in lower level positions. It is rare to find women in higher and mid-level positions and in professional and administrative occupations. Despite constitutional guarantees and other governmental initiatives to remove gender discrimination from the civil services of these countries, women continue to fight against a variety of odds to attain career success. The objective of this paper is to make a comparative analysis of the factors accounting for the successful advancement of women in top positions in the civil services of these three countries, and to analyse factors that may impede women from making more progress. A cultural approach has been adopted in this study, emphasizing that the social contexts within which institutions operate shape the manner in which institutions behave and act. Based on extensive field work, the study maps female civil servants’ opinions on a number of factors that impede their career prospects in the civil service. In the conclusion, some policy recommendations are made as a way to address the issue.  相似文献   

Clinical and managerial decision-making have been traditionally mutually exclusive entities. Recent advances in medical technology and therapeutics however, including chemical nutrition and psychopharmacology, have prompted a questioning of this heretofore professional courtesy. Thislaissez faire approach to clinical professional turf is particularly problematic when patients' civil liberties are constrained in situations in which the patient has little, if any, real control, e.g. psychiatric inpatient admissions. This paper seeks to examine an area of managerial and clinical conflict—the realm of the care and involuntary treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa. Specifically addressed are the concerns raised by a conflict between competent psychiatric inpatients' refusals of treatment, medical management based on research protocols, and managerial distancing from the issue.  相似文献   

Drawing on theories of stereotype content and role congruity, this research investigated the role of stereotypes for employment discrimination against older candidates. Study 1 investigated the content of stereotypes about older workers, focusing on warmth and competence as the two core dimensions in social judgement. As predicted, older workers were perceived as less competent but warmer than younger workers. Studies 2 and 3 investigated how these stereotypes interact with job requirements to predict age bias in an experimental setting. Further, they tested if warmth‐ and competence‐related stereotypical inferences mediate the relation between candidate age and selection bias. Results showed that age bias was robust. Older candidates were discriminated against, even if the job primarily required warmth‐related qualities, and independently of evaluators' own age or professional experience in human resources. Moreover, age bias was mediated by competence‐related stereotypical inferences. Age bias was also mediated by inferences related to warmth but those inferences were opposite to the high‐warmth older worker stereotype identified in Study 1 . Implications of the findings for theoretical approaches to age discrimination and for organizational practice designed to combat age discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

Competence of management and creativity — a psychodramatical viewIt is demonstrated in this article, which responses the theory of creativity by Moreno can be given to the demand for creative management.  相似文献   

Who becomes a top politician in China? We focus on provincial leaders—a pool of candidates for top political office—and examine how their chances of promotion depend on their performance in office and connections with top politicians. Our empirical analysis, based on the curriculum vitae of Chinese politicians, shows that connections and performance are complements in the Chinese political selection process. This complementarity is stronger the younger provincial leaders are relative to their connected top leaders. To provide one plausible interpretation of these empirical findings, we propose a simple theory in which the complementarity arises because connections foster loyalty of junior officials to senior ones, thereby allowing incumbent top politicians to select competent provincial leaders without risking being ousted. Our findings shed some light on why a political system known for patronage can still select competent leaders.  相似文献   

Excellence and competence are terms referring to recent developments in higher education especially concerning the quality of teaching. The discussion about teaching excellence can be interpreted as increasing stress upon universities. Teaching competence on the other side is extensively a matter of the individual lecturer. As such they are expected to focus on their educational beliefs, their teaching conceptions, and their disposable teaching methods on new mission statements that are committed to teaching excellence. This article deals with the question how the recruitment of new professors is carried out in universities of applied sciences considering the mentioned teaching excellence. The coaching program for professors that have recently been appointed at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences is presented as a forceful in-house procedure that is oriented toward the development of teaching competence.  相似文献   

The popular use of the term “competence” and the significance of competence development in coachingThe term “competence” is frequently used by employers, employees, trainers and authors alike, though in many cases the concept behind this term might differ considerably. But what does competence really mean, how does competence differ from other concepts like qualification, ability and skill and what is essential in developing competencies? If competence is seen as a disposition of self-organization, it helps people to solve unknown and difficult requirements based on their knowledge. The basic aim of coaching is the development of job-related competencies. Particularly social and personal competencies can be highly improved and enlarged by coaching. Thereby the coach takes the role of a consultant, who assists the coachees during their learning process and supports them with appropriate methods and tools.  相似文献   

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