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对上市公司业绩说明会中投资者与管理层问答互动中管理层答非所问的现象进行了研究.本文以中小板和创业板上市公司召开的业绩说明会作为研究样本,利用文本分析方法对业绩说明会中管理层在回答投资者提问时答非所问的程度进行度量,进而实证分析了管理层的答非所问与市场反应和公司未来业绩表现之间的可能关联.结果发现:在控制其它因素之后,管理层的答非所问与市场反应之间呈现显著的负相关关系,即公司管理层的答非所问程度越高,随后公司股票的市场表现则就会越差,并且对于那些低分析师关注的公司尤为明显;而在公司未来业绩表现方面,管理层答非所问的程度越高,则公司未来的业绩表现则会越差.  相似文献   

作为经济增长的重要推动力,企业创新持续吸引了政府、学者与媒体的关注.尽管研究表明创新会提升企业长期业绩,然而,在基金绩效评估中,针对基金经理对创新企业的偏好及其经济后果的研究依然较少.本文利用我国开放式基金的投资组合数据,考察基金偏好投资于创新型公司是否能提升基金业绩,并进一步基于基金特征与基金经理交易能力,深入探讨前述发现的横截面差异.研究发现:偏好投资于创新型公司的基金在长期能够创造更高的超额收益;基金的行业偏好、团队基金经理以及投资组合集中程度对基金投资于创新型公司存在正面影响.本文的结论对于投资者、基金公司以及监管部门在投资实践中如何评估创新型公司的影响提供了明确的政策借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper probes the effects upon people of defining knowledge primarily in economic terms. It asserts that the language of commerce increasingly appropriates 'knowledge' by defining it in such terms. Theoretically, the analysis draws on the work of Jacques Derrida to explore the effects of metaphors in human resource management and development environments. The paper explores the ways that metaphors can become powerful signifiers of knowledge at work. As critical technologies of representation, the metaphors that have emerged out of recent theorizations of knowledge at work have contributed to a powerful discourse that defines people as 'knowledge workers'. It is argued here that dominant views of 'what constitutes a knowledge worker' imply that subjects are both 'knowledge workers' (cogito) and 'human resources' (economic) - thus the title 'cogito-economic subjects'. By defining people in this way, it is argued that there are potential dangers of metaphors becoming reified with knowledge becoming describable only in economic terms, and people describable only in cogito-economic terms.  相似文献   

朱仁宏  周琦 《管理科学》2021,24(4):42-53
创业特质能够决定创业者的表现,而创业特质作为个体普遍拥有的特质,研究却忽视了员工创业特质对工作绩效的影响.本文整合成就需要理论和层次需要理论,重点探讨了员工的创业特质与工作绩效的关系以及内外满意度的调节作用.利用企业调研数据研究发现:员工创业特质的成就动机、冒险倾向与工作绩效呈倒U关系,创新偏好与工作绩效呈U型关系;内在工作满意度强化了成就动机与工作绩效的倒U关系.本研究发展了创业特质理论在员工管理上的应用,首次为员工参与“大众创业,万众创新”实践提供了理论依据,研究发现有直接的启示与借鉴意义.  相似文献   

以1993—2003年间实施ERP的92家沪市上市公司为样本企业,利用W ilcoxon秩和检验、Panel分析以及系数约束检验分析比较了公司实施ERP前后的绩效变化.研究结果表明:不能根据单一检验分析方法片面得出实施ERP是否存在信息技术的生产率悖论现象.国内企业实施ERP当年及之后1~2年绩效略有下降,但变化不显著;实施ERP之后第3年多数企业没有起到改善绩效的预期,但少数公司却利用ERP显著改善了公司绩效,少数公司实施ERP存在短期绩效下降现象.指出造成这种结果的主要原因是ERP实施成功率较低,并不是ERP本身存在信息技术的生产率悖论问题.  相似文献   

A recent Decision Sciences article by Jordan [9] presented a Markov-chain model of a just-in-time (JIT) production line. This model was used to estimate average inventories and production rates to find the optimal number of kanbans. Results for expected production rate were found to be consistently lower than those obtained by Huang, Rees, and Taylor [8] in a previous Decision Sciences article. Jordan attributed this unexpected outcome to some procedural problems in Huang et al.'s simulation methodology. In this paper, Markov-numerical analysis is used to compare the performance of Jordan's and Huang et al.'s methods of production control. Simulation analysis is then used to determine the effects of finite withdrawal cycle times. Results show that, for equal numbers of kanbans, Huang et al.'s two-card method of production control provides substantially greater expected production rates than Jordan's method. These results suggest that the Jordan model should not be applied to the problem of setting kanban numbers on manual JIT lines. Finally, we comment on the efficiency of Jordan's iterative method to obtain performance measures of tandem queues.  相似文献   

作为我国碳交易体系的试金石,“七省市”试点运营状况如何?是学界和管理层特别关注的一个焦点问题.以碳排放权的初始配置准则为切入点,展开理论探讨与定性分析,发现:在现行的溯源免费配置准则下,试点地区的碳交易市场有明显的“聚类效应”特征,其原因是排放权的误配导致企业逆向选择所致.为了从机制设计本源上消除企业减排的逆向选择,把拍卖有偿配置准则引入碳交易市场中,构建企业减排投资回报率指标,定义排放权的社会最优配置,建立碳排放权的非对称拍卖模型,分析异质性企业在碳排放权拍卖中的投标策略及其拍卖前的减排投资决策行为,剖析企业所有权差异对其减排投资和排放权配置结果的影响,阐述政府补贴企业减排投资的政策效果,基于政府补贴政策效果提出完善我国碳交易市场的相关建议.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a central question in organizational learning, namely: how can local knowledge be accessed to improve organizational direction, performance and learning (Argyris 1957; Argyris and Schon 1978, 1996; Kim 1993)? It is partly provoked by Nonaka and Takeuchi's (1995) claim, via their 'Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation', that the knowledge of individual members can be systematically accessed and harnessed for corporate benefit. A related focus concerns the practice of action learning within a whole systems perspective and how it may serve to support local actors and promote a mutual learning exchange with their organizational leaders. A case study from local government centres on a group of 'neighbourhood facilitators' pioneering community regeneration and local democracy in the Borough of Walsall in the UK's West Midlands. The experiences and learning of this group, together with their interactions and dialogue with the leadership of the initiative and with the wider political system, are used to draw some lessons for facilitating organizational learning. The paper concludes that this is a hard-won and far from predictable accomplishment and questions the apparently reproducible process proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi.  相似文献   

Motivated by the enormous growth of keyword advertising, this paper explores the design of performance‐based unit‐price contract auctions, in which bidders bid their unit prices and the winner is chosen based on both their bids and performance levels. The previous literature on unit‐price contract auctions usually considers a static case where bidders' performance levels are fixed. This paper studies a dynamic setting in which bidders with a low performance level can improve their performance at a certain cost. We examine the effect of the performance‐based allocation on overall bidder performance, auction efficiency, and the auctioneer's revenue, and derive the revenue‐maximizing and efficient policies accordingly. Moreover, the possible upgrade in bidders' performance level gives the auctioneer an incentive to modify the auction rules over time, as is confirmed by the practice of Yahoo! and Google. We thus compare the auctioneer's revenue‐maximizing policies when she is fully committed to the auction rule and when she is not, and show that the auctioneer should give less preferential treatment to low‐performance bidders when she is fully committed.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》1999,10(3):345-373
This study examined the effects of vision content, delivery and organizational performance on perceptions of leader charisma and effectiveness. Subjects included 304 undergraduates who were presented videotaped speeches by a bogus CEO of a software company. A 2 × 2 × 2 design was employed in which message content (visionary/non-visionary), delivery (strong/weak), and organizational performance (high/low) were manipulated. A modified, 7-item version of Meindl and Ehrlich's (1988) Romance of Leadership Scale (RLS-D) served as a covariate. A MANCOVA analysis indicated significant effects of delivery, content, and organizational performance on both perceived leader charisma and effectiveness. The RLS-D was unrelated to either dependent variable as a covariate. The results suggest that strength of delivery is an especially important determinant of perceptions' of leader charisma and effectiveness. Although speech content and organizational performance cues likewise accounted for variance in these perceptions, their effects were at times offset by those of delivery.  相似文献   


Protective capacity is the 'extra' capacity placed at non-bottleneck resources to absorb random disruptions in planned levels of performance so that the bottleneck resource continues to be effectively utilized. A full factorial experiment with a simulation model was conducted to explore issues associated with the quantity and location of processing variance in a five-station manufacturing cell. The cell's performance was measured using both mean flow time ( MFT ) and bottleneck shiftiness ( SHIFT ) for 3 patterns of variance for the non-bottlenecks at 5 different levels of variation. In order to investigate the importance of the quantity of added capacity on the variation both a low level of protective capacity (10%) and a high level (50%) were considered. The results indicate that having the higher variation work centres close to the bottleneck provides reduced MFT and SHIFT . The performance measures improved at both the low and high setting of protective capacity.  相似文献   


This paper describes a machine learning approach for a manufacturing database. The method is presented in the Nb-Ti superconducting wire domain. A Nb-Ti superconducting wire is produced by iterating the drawing and heat treatment operations. The purpose is to obtain approximate summarization of process data that describes how a production schedule can be improved for better product quality. The method consists of the following steps: First, define a ranking function for a production schedule. Then, generate 'positive' and 'negative' instances for improving a production schedule by comparing a pair of schedules and their ranking values in the database. Using a machine learning technique, called 'ID3', a 'modification patterns' are obtained that generalize the data for better production quality. The final step is to extract approximate information from the induced patterns, which is both desirable for easier understanding by human experts and necessary to avoid being too much influenced by excessive details or disturbances. Two criteria are proposed, correctness and applicability indices, for this approximation.  相似文献   

金融危机近些年爆发频繁,传统市场理论如有效市场假说和行为金融面对复杂的现实金融世界未能给出合理解释.Lo提出的适应性市场假说则弥合了这两个学派的分歧,逐渐引起了学术界的重视.本文尝试从动态市场效率、时变贝塔和技术交易策略演变这三个角度对适应性市场假说能否解释我国资本市场进行实证研究.研究发现:我国股票市场效率在动态变化,无效的时段与金融危机或政策巨变等重大事件联系密切;股市风格指数贝塔随市场环境变化而改变;技术交易策略绩效随投资者适应环境变化而演变.研究结果表明,适应性市场假说相比有效市场假说和经典资本资产定价模型,能够更好地解释我国资本市场上述现象.最后对投资者如何根据市场环境变化制定适应性投资策略给出几点建议.  相似文献   

A two-phase approach is used to examine the impact of job scheduling rules and tool selection policies for a dynamic job shop system in a tool-shared, flexible manufacturing environment. The first phase develops a generalized simulation model and analyses 'simple' job scheduling rules and tool selection policies under various operating scenarios. The results from this investigation are then used to develop and analyse various bi-criteria rules in the second phase of this study. The results show that the scheduling rules have the most significant impact on system performance, particularly at high shop load levels. Tool selection policies affect some of the performance measures, most notably, proportion of tardy jobs, to a lesser degree. Higher machine utilizations can be obtained at higher tool duplication levels but at the expense of increased tooling costs and lower tool utilization. The results also show that using different processing time distributions may have a significant impact on shop performance.  相似文献   

陈圻  陈佳 《管理科学》2020,23(1):96-112
提出差异化和非差异化产品效用不对称假设,并将其嵌入效用函数和Cournot均衡模型,同时引入等绩效约束条件和需求价格弹性约束条件,建立并求解非线性规划模型,导出成本领先战略定理,并进一步导出成本领先战略的成本-效用关系定理、产量关系和价格关系定理.最后,导出了纯战略的财务识别条件和溢价条件,给出了Palepu假设的首次解析证明.研究表明,成本领先战略是内生的,相对于差异化产品,成本领先产品具有相互关联的低成本、低效用特性和高产量、低价格的特性,对差异化产品的价格比低于两种产品的成本比;纯战略识别的充分必要条件是具有较低营业利润率和较高资产周转率的公司为成本领先,相反的公司则是差异化,这与Palepu假设一致.本研究还显示,Porter溢价条件不是差异化战略的充分条件.  相似文献   

The paper presents an extension of decision theory to the analysis of social power. The power of a person, A, over another person, B, is viewed in terms of the effect A has on B's decision. The analysis is based on the idea that B's decision regarding the performance of alternative behaviors is a function of 1) B's utility for the consequences of the behaviors and 2) B's subjective probabilities that the behaviors will lead to these consequences. In these terms, A's power over B lies in A's ability to mediate various consequences for B, contingent upon B's compliance or noncompliance. Subjects were asked to consider eight situations in which hypothetical individuals had to make a choice between two courses of action. In each situation another person (A) was attempting to induce the hypothetical individual (B) to choose one of the alternatives, while various situational factors were influencing B to choose the other alternative. The subjects were asked to consider B's utilities and subjective probabilities in each situation and to indicate whether or not B should comply with A and to make ratings of A's power. The decision theory analysis did well in predicting whether or not subjects would indicate that B should comply with A. Also, subjects generally were able to correctly specify whether A or the situational factors had more influence over B's decision. Finally, the subjects' ratings of A's power in the eight situations were highly related to the decision theoretic measure of power.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the nature of critical licensed house management skills within Bass Taverns. In particular, it focuses on the extent to which these are viewed as being concerned with 'soft' (behavioural) or 'hard' (technical) aspects of management. The focus of the research is on the 'shared understanding' of the importance of licensed house managerial skills. It is concerned with the identification of coherence and tensions in the criticality of certain managerial skills as perceived by the company's senior and licensed house managers. It presents the findings of surveys conducted at both senior and licensed house manager levels within the company to establish the extent to which interhierarchical consistency exists in the areas of critical skills/competences and whether these are seen as being specific to the organization or considered as generic. The research reports a general harmony regarding the nature of the skills required by licensed house managers and evidence of a focus on people-oriented skills, which are seen as being particularly important for achieving business success. Licensed house managers rated the critical skills as 'generic' rather than 'specific' to the taverns context, drawing attention to the need for the organization to address the manner in which these skills are developed.  相似文献   

In the delivery of health care services, variability in the patient arrival and service processes can cause excessive patient waiting times and poor utilization of facility resources. Based on data collected at a large primary care facility, this paper investigates how several sources of variability affect facility performance. These sources include ancillary tasks performed by the physician, patient punctuality, unscheduled visits to the facility's laboratory or X‐ray services, momentary interruptions of a patient's examination, and examination time variation by patient class. Our results indicate that unscheduled visits to the facility's laboratory or X‐ray services have the largest impact on a physician's idle time. The average patient wait is most affected by how the physician prioritizes completing ancillary tasks, such as telephone calls, relative to examining patients. We also investigate the improvement in system performance offered by using increasing levels of patient information when creating the appointment schedule. We find that the use of policies that sequence patients based on their classification improves system performance by up to 25.5%.  相似文献   

将企业成长问题与资源依赖理论、社会关系理论相联系,认为社会关系可以为企业成长提供一定的社会资源基础.在理论界已有的"弱关系的力量"和"强关系的力量"假设基础上,提出了强弱关系均是企业成长可以依赖的重要社会关系类型,以及强弱关系重要性受限于企业的结构约束因素和组织因素的影响的假设.基于250个企业样本的实证统计分析结果支持了这些假设.  相似文献   

This research is based on the perception that the explanation of International New Ventures' (INVs) performance demands a process view, going deeper than the standard approach, in empirical papers, of testing a direct relationship between company-level antecedents and performance. A three-tier model was developed to investigate the process leading to INVs international performance, emphasizing the role of entrepreneurial alertness. Based on the dynamic capabilities framework, entrepreneurial alertness was envisaged as the mediating element between firms' capabilities and their international performance. Empirical research confirmed the hypothesized model. Firms' capabilities (entrepreneurial orientation, foreign market knowledge, and absorptive capacity) significantly influence the level of entrepreneurial alertness, which impacts on the levels of self-reported satisfaction with the company's international performance. The paper makes four contributions to International Entrepreneurship literature. First, it highlights the key role played by entrepreneurial alertness in explaining INVs' international performance. This is convergent with the dynamic capabilities view on firms' ability to sense and seize specific international business opportunities. Second, this study considers entrepreneurial alertness as a capability that is not limited to the entrepreneur, but it is an organizational capability. Third, it shows that entrepreneurial alertness does not exist in the vacuum, is based on a set of base capabilities, namely entrepreneurial orientation, foreign market knowledge, and absorptive capacity, that simultaneously leverage the INVs to sense possible opportunities and constrain the focus of opportunities to international markets, as a key element to foster INVs' higher performance. Fourth, it underlines the role of technological turbulence as a moderator of the relationship between entrepreneurial alertness and INVs' international performance.  相似文献   

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