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In Europe, countries following the traditional Mediterranean Diet (MeDi), particularly Southern European countries, have lower prostate cancer (PCa) incidence and mortality compared to other European regions. In the present study, we investigated the association between the MeDi and the relative risk of PCa and tumor aggressiveness in a Spanish population. Among individual score components, it has been found that subjects with PCa were less likely to consume olive oil as the main culinary fat, vegetables, fruits and fish than those without. However, these differences were not statistically significative. A high intake of fruit, vegetables and cooked tomato sauce Mediterranean style (sofrito) was related to less PCa aggressiveness. Results showed that there are no differences in the score of adherence to the Mediterranean dietary patterns between cases and controls, with mean values of 8.37?±?1.80 and 8.25?±?2.48, respectively. However, MeDi was associated with lower PCa agressiveness according to Gleason score. Hence, relations between Mediterranean dietary patterns and PCa are still inconclusive and merit further investigations. Further large-scale studies are required to clarify the effect of MeDi on prostate health, in order to establish the role of this diet in the prevention of PCa.  相似文献   

Objective: In this study we aimed to investigate the association between dietary phytoestrogen consumption and prostate cancer in a sample of southern Italian individuals.

Methods: A population-based case-control study on the association between prostate cancer and dietary factors was conducted from January 2015 to December 2016 in a single institution of the municipality of Catania, southern Italy (Registration number: 41/2015). A total of 118 histopathological-verified prostate cancer (PCa) cases and a total of 222 controls were collected. Dietary data was collected by using two food frequency questionnaires.

Results: Patients with PCa consumed significantly higher levels of phytoestrogens. Multivariate logistic regression showed that lignans (Q[quartile]4 vs. Q1, OR [odds ratio]?=?4.72; p?p?p?p?p?p?p?Conclusion: We found of an inverse association between dietary isoflavone intake and PCa, while a positive association was found with lignans intake.  相似文献   


With prostate cancer not observed in eunuchs and total androgen suppression by castration an effective first-line treatment for advanced prostate cancer, the dramatic regression seen in tumour symptoms after castration, lead to the theory that high levels of circulating androgens were a risk factor for prostate cancer. This theory however, ignored the effects testosterone variations within a physiologic range could have on early tumour events and since the early 2000s, clinical evidence discounting testosterone as a linear mechanistic cause of prostate cancer growth mounted, with alternative mechanistic hypotheses such as the saturation model being proposed. Together with a growing understanding of the negative health effects and decreased quality of life in men with testosterone deficiency or hypogonadism, a paradigm shift away from testosterone as a prostate cancer inducer occurred allowing clinicians to use testosterone therapy as potential treatment for men with difficult and symptomatic hypogonadism that had been previously treated for prostate cancer. In this review we contextualise the idea of testosterone as a risk factor for prostate cancer inducement and compile the most current literature with regards to the influence of testosterone and testosterone therapy in prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer can be diagnosed as an incidental finding during the pathological examination of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) specimens by Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP). BPH and comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia often coexist in elderly people. We identified which comorbidities can be used to predict the presence of incidental prostate cancer, particularly high-risk cancer, in men who had undergone HoLEP. On the basis of pathological findings of HoLEP specimens, patients with incidental cancer were categorized as low-risk (Gleason ≤6 and T1a) or high-risk (all others). Of the 654 patients who underwent HoLEP, 41 patients (6.3%) were identified as having incidental cancer (25 low-risk and 16 high-risk). There were no significant factors for overall prostate cancers. However, a significantly higher frequency of diabetes was observed in patients with high-risk cancer compared to those with BPH (31% vs. 13%; p?=?.033). Logistic regression analysis using prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostate volume (PV), and smoking showed that diabetes was an independent predictor of high-risk cancer (odds ratio, 3.15; 95% confidence interval, 1.06–9.43). Diabetes may be an important predictor of the presence of high-risk prostate cancer in men with BPH who have undergone HoLEP.  相似文献   

There is an increasing evidence for a link between nutrition, lifestyle and prostate cancer (PCa) development and/or progression of disease. The objective of this study was to examine the association between dietary factors and PCa incidence and aggressiveness in a case-control study. After the analysis of the anatomic pathology, subjects were classified in patients with PCa (n?=?157) and controls (n?=?158). Clinical data including Gleason score, PSA values and biopsy results, were compiled. Frequencies of food consumption and sociodemographic data were also obtained. The results showed that physical activity was significantly higher in control (p?p?=?.041) and fish (p?=?.041) intakes. Moreover, there was a significant reduction in risk (p?=?.029) in cases with a higher fruits and vegetables intakes. A decreased risk of aggressive PCa was associated with fruits, vegetables, legumes and fish intakes. However, these relationships were not statistically significant when data were adjusted for covariates. In conclusion, this study found an inverse association between PCa risk and the intake of fruits and vegetables, fish and nuts. The results suggested that a diet with higher intakes of these foods as Mediterranean diet may lower the risk of PCa in the studied population. As dietary factors are modifiable, identifying food groups or dietary patterns that modulate the risk of PCa and its aggressiveness can offer effective and practical strategies for its primary prevention.  相似文献   

Objective.?To evaluate body composition changes, specifically skeletal muscle mass, in men receiving androgen deprivation with luteinizing-hormone releasing hormone-agonist (LHRH-A) for prostate cancer (PCa) in comparison with healthy controls.

Design.?Retrospective analysis of body composition changes in men with prostate cancer receiving LHRH-A therapy from 2 clinical trials compared to men without prostate cancer serving as a placebo-control in another clinical trial.

Setting.?Clinical Research Center in Connecticut.

Participants.?Thirty men (> 60 years) receiving 6 months of LHRH-A therapy for PCa were compared to a healthy group of 25 men without PCa.

Measurements.?Appendicular skeletal muscle/height2 (ASM/ht2), lean and fat mass were assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Total testosterone levels were assessed by enzyme immunoassay.

Results.?At baseline, 12/30 (40%) of the treatment group and 7/25 (28%) of the control group (p = 0.11) met criteria for sarcopenia. There were no differences between control groups in ASM/ht2 or lean mass. The LHRH-A group had a higher percent body fat than the control group, 29.8 ± 6.3 versus 26.3 ± 4.6 (p = 0.02). ASM/ht2 and lean mass decreased in the LHRH-A group from 7.5 ± 0.9 kg to 7.3 ± 0.9 kg (?2.3% ± 0.03; p ? 0.001) and 53.5 ± 5.4 kg to 52.3 ± 5.3 kg (?2.1% ± 0.03; p ? 0.001), respectively. There was no muscle loss in the control group. At 6 months, the LHRH-A group had increased percent body fat from 29.8 ± 6.4 to 32.2 ± 5.8 (9.5% ± 0.13; p ? 0.001), whereas the control group had decreased in percent body fat from 26.6 ± 4.6 to 25.3 ± 5.0 (?3.8% ± 0.08; p = 0.02).

Conclusions.?Men undergoing LHRH-A treatment for PCa decreased appendicular skeletal muscle and lean tissue and increased body fat within 6 months of initiation of therapy. Lifestyle changes or medical interventions to minimize the effects of androgen deprivation therapy for PCa deserve investigation.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT/mTOR pathways and Bcl-2 family play a central role in prostate cancer (PC). The aim was to determine influence in the biochemical progression in PC. To evaluate the association between clinic pathological and immunohistochemical variables, Spearman’s test was performed. Log-rank test and Kaplan–Meier curves were used for survival comparisons. To explore the correlation of the studied immunohistochemical parameters and the established prognostic variables with biochemical progression, univariate and multivariate Cox proportional Hazard regression analyses were performed. Spearman analysis showed correlation between stroma expression and tumor expression of PI3K with biochemical progression (p?=?.009, p?=?.004), respectively, and tumor immunohistochemical score with biochemical progression (p?=?.051). In the multivariate Cox regression model, only PI3K was retained as independent predictors of biochemical progression. In stroma expression, PI3K is (HR 0.172, 95% CI 0.065–0.452, p?=?.000); tumor expression, PI3K is (HR 0.087, 95% CI 0.026–0.293, p?=?.000), and tumor immunohistochemical score (HR 0.382, 95% CI 0.209–0.697 p?=?.002). Our results suggest a role for prostatic expression of PI3K was prognostic markers for PC. PI3K/AKT/mTOR and Bcl-2 family are becoming an important therapeutic target and predictive biomarkers of onset and progression of PC.  相似文献   

Objective. Haemoglobin levels often decline into the anaemic range with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). We conducted a chart review of patients receiving ADT for metastatic prostate cancer to assess anaemia-related symptoms.

Methods. 135 stage IV prostate cancer cases were reviewed for treatment type; haemoglobin values before and after treatment; and symptoms of anaemia. Mean haemoglobin levels before and after for all treatment forms, for leuprolide alone, and for combination leuprolide/bicalutamide were calculated and evaluated for significant differences. The numbers of patients developing symptoms were recorded and the effects of specific therapies evaluated.

Results. For all ADT treated patients, mean haemoglobin declined by ?1.11 g/dL (p < .0001). Leuprolide-alone treated patients had a mean decline of ?1.66 g/dL (p < 0.0001). Leuprolide and bicalutamide combination treatment caused a mean decline of ?0.78 g/dL (p = 0.0426). 16 of 43 patients had anemia symptoms. Contingency analysis with Fisher's exact test shows patients receiving leuprolide therapy alone versus other forms of ADT were significantly less likely to have symptoms (χ2 = 0.0190).

Conclusions. The present study confirms that ADT results in a significant drop in haemoglobin levels into the anaemic range. A number of patients become symptomatic from this change. Practitioners should monitor haemoglobin levels, and treat symptomatic patients.  相似文献   

The management of prostate cancer in the elderly is a major public health concern in most countries. Currently, most prostate cancers are diagnosed in elderly males. The elderly population is very heterogeneous. Thus, the current challenge is to identify better those individuals for whom specific screening tools and a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) would be beneficial. On the basis of the recommendations of the Prostate Cancer Working Group in the International Society of Geriatric Oncology, older patients with prostate cancer should be managed according to their individual health status and not by their age. CGA is the best tool for determining the health status of an older patient. In this article, we sought to assemble all available evidence on the models of CGA and the prevalence of geriatric conditions in older patients with prostate cancer. We also discuss the feasibility of the most used screening tools in elderly patients, that is, the Vulnerable Elders Survey-13 (VES-13) and G-8 as screening tools in this group of patients.  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate the effect of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on prostate histology and apoptosis in men with late-onset hypogonadism (LOH).

Methods: The study included 25 men, having LOH with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level of 4?ng/ml or less. All patients underwent transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy at baseline, and received testosterone undecanoate treatment for 1 year. Prostate biopsy was repeated at the end of 1 year of testosterone therapy. In addition to clinical and biochemical parameters, prostate histology and apoptotic index (AI) were compared before and after the TRT.

Results: The mean serum total testosterone significantly increased from 178.04?±?51.92 to 496.28?±?103.73?ng/dl (p?=?0.001). No significant differences were observed in serum total and free PSA level, prostate volume and maximal urinary flow rate. There were also no significant differences in AI, stroma/epithelial cells ratio, Ki-67 positive cells and atrophy score of prostate tissue before and after the TRT.

Conclusions: This study demonstrated that TRT did not affect serum PSA level, prostate volume and maximal urinary flow rate. This study also suggests that TRT does not cause the risk for prostate cancer development, because of no significant differences in prostate histology after TRT.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between sexual activity and sexual function using questionnaires distributed to middle-aged Japanese patients with localized prostate cancer.

Methods: A total of 145 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy were enrolled in the survey reported on herein. Sexual activity and sexual function were investigated via the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC) and an original self-reported questionnaire.

Results: Of participants, 24.1% and 20.7% had sexual activity within a month period as investigated via the EPIC and original questionnaire, respectively. However, 29.7% of all those who reported sexual activity rate reported “about once every 2?months to a year,” as shown in the original questionnaire. Regarding sexual function as addressed through EPIC, no results within that questionnaire’s measure of sexual function showed significant differences among patients with a rate of actual sexual activity.

Conclusions: The present survey showed that more than quarter of preoperative middle-aged Japanese prostate cancer patients surveyed had actual sexual activity, though not within the preceding 4?weeks. To precisely evaluate sexual function of middle-aged Japanese patients, it is necessary to consider actual sexual activity.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the predictive factor of erectile dysfunction (ED) in prostate cancer (PCa) patients who underwent low-dose permanent I125 seed implant brachytherapy and to investigate if ED could represent a patient’s reported outcome measures (PROMs) of efficacy of BT and indirectly associated with biochemical recurrence free survival (BRFS). From 2000 to 2012, 176 consecutive patients with low-risk PCa underwent BT. ED was evaluated with the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5). Cox regression analysis was performed to assess significant predictors of mild-to-severe ED and BRFS after BT, including covariates. The 10-year actuarial rate of ED was 66%. Subjects with severe ED had higher values of D90 (183.0 versus 177.0; p?p?p?p?=?0.20), while D90?≤?180?Gy independently predicted BCR (HR: 4.65; [95%CI: 1.25–17.34]; p?125 implant, but it is not associated with better BRFS.  相似文献   

Introduction: The aim of this study is to evaluate prostate-specific antigen decline pattern including prostate-specific antigen kinetics following androgen deprivation therapy on prostate-specific antigen progression in the patients with advanced prostate cancer.

Materials and methods: Ninety-seven advanced prostate cancer patients receiving maximum androgen deprivation therapy were enrolled in case–control study. Baseline prostate-specific antigen, Gleason Score, bone metastase, nadir prostate-specific antigen, time to nadir prostate-specific antigen, declining slope to nadir prostate-specific antigen, estimated baseline prostate-specific antigen half-time, current prostate-specific antigen, post-nadir prostate-specific antigen time, estimated prostate-specific antigen, estimated decline of baseline prostate-specific antigen as quantitative, and ratio were recorded and calculated.

Results: The ratio of prostate-specific antigen progression was significantly lower at the patients who had slower declining slope to prostate-specific antigen, longer time to nadir prostate-specific antigen, and lower estimated decline ratio of baseline prostate-specific antigen (p: .016, p: .020, and p: .026, respectively).

Conclusions: The shorter time to nadir prostate-specific antigen following androgen deprivation therapy, faster declining slope to nadir prostate-specific antigen and higher estimated decline ratio of baseline prostate-specific antigen are associated with higher risk of disease progression in patients with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer.  相似文献   

In this study, the antioxidant enzyme activities such as (SOD, GSH, and CAT) and malondialdehyde (MDA) level which is the end product of lipid peroxidation, were determined from the serum samples taken from patients diagnosed with prostate cancer Van Yuzuncu Y?l University Medical Faculty of Educational Research and Training Hospital and ?stanbul Bagcilar Education Research Hospital. The SOD, GSH, and CAT activity of patient groups was found significantly lower than the healthy control group in patients with prostate cancer (p?相似文献   

With more than 28 active members, the Mediterranean Engineering Schools Network (RMEI) is the most active network on gender equality in the Mediterranean area. Supported by the HORIZON2020 TARGET project ‘Taking a Reflexive Approach to Gender Equality for Institutional Transformation’, in conceptualizing gender equality learning and system change, the network took a context-specific approach based on a theory of change and other STEM organizational frameworks, to design a self-assessment framework and indicators, considering the systemic view of SDG5 horizontally connected to all SDGs, national context complexity, and transdisciplinary requirements. 95 simple, practical, user-friendly indicators were designed, fitting in the specificities of the Mediterranean-Engineering context. The analysis showed that the network realized its vision, made the ‘passage’ from theory to praxis on gender equality change, effectively developed meaningful processes/structures, formulated a policy statement, built a community of practice and inspired members. It also achieved trustful relationships and inspired outputs, effective communication, sharing of information and resources, and top management commitment. Critical aspects are a) the analysis in depth of issues linked to the existence of gender-based stereotypes and bias in engineering schools of the Mediterranean that entails tackling gender ideologies considering the whole national social system and existing structures; b) sustainability of gender equality structures created at the member institutions with the support of TARGET project which is depending on the willingness of institution’s leaders to continue/advance with gender-sensitive strategies in their institution.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of metabolic status on associations of serum vitamin D with hypogonadism and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)/benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Patients and methods: A total of 612 men underwent physical examination, biochemical/hormonal blood testing, and transrectal prostate ultrasound. Moreover, the subjects filled out standard questionnaires for identification and grading of LUTS and hypogonadism symptoms. Parameters were statistically compared with independent t-tests and correlation analyses.

Results: Vitamin D levels positively correlated with total testosterone (TT) but not with prostate volume or International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). Patients with metabolic syndrome had significantly lower vitamin D levels, which were not correlated with TT, prostate volume, or IPSS. However, vitamin D was positively correlated with TT, and negatively correlated with prostate volume and quality-of-life IPSS in subjects without metabolic syndrome.

Conclusion: The clinical usefulness of vitamin D for treatment of hypogonadism or LUTS/BPH varies according to metabolic status.  相似文献   


Advances in the treatment of metastatic cancers such as melanoma enable patients to live for many years. However, melanoma patients are under constant threat of a recurrence or a new growth, are under intensive follow-up, and must avoid exposure to the sun. These factors engender anxiety, a constant fear of recurrence, and a reduction in routine activity, thus requiring patients to develop mechanisms for coping simultaneously with the illness and the threat of death. This study uses content analysis of the documentation of a support group for metastatic melanoma patients to examine how they cope with both. The findings suggest that they are able to cope with both simultaneously. However, perhaps because they recognise their total lack of control over the illness, they exercise control in how they cope with death. The findings suggest that support groups like the one documented in this article could serve as sheltered and effective therapeutic spaces for coping with the threat of death.  相似文献   

Following an innovative breast cancer awareness campaign in the United Arab Emirates, a dual language survey of 500 women and in-depth interviews were conducted. The study found television advertising to be the most optimal awareness communication method, particularly among Emirati and other Arab women respondents. The research also found strong support for a year-long awareness campaign.  相似文献   

Social change endeavors are increasingly shaped by corporate interests and, in some instances, large corporations take over ideas and practices initiated by social change advocates. We label this process ‘corporatization’ and argue that, while it is clearly a variant of co-optation, it has specific qualities that warrant a separate analytical framework. Using existing research to examine the cases of breast cancer activism, organic food, and recycling in the United States – all extreme examples of corporatization – we conceptualize corporatization as a subset of co-optation in which: (1) corporations come to dominate fields initiated by activists; (2) corporatized versions become widespread; and (3) alternative, ‘response,’ movements emerge to oppose corporatized versions. We posit that, in each case, ‘corporate takeover devices’ allowed corporate entities to ‘join the game’ and eventually come to dominate fields initiated by social movements.  相似文献   

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