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在企业经营管理实践中,如何提高员工的工作满意度是企业激励员工、进行有效的人力资源管理、保证企业长远发展的关键问题。针对这一问题,本文在回顾和分析现有关于工作满意度理论和实践的基础上,利用和谐管理理论提供的复杂管理问题的解决之道,即主题导向下的双规则互动耦合思路对于解决该问题的有益启示和帮助,结合某设计院提高员工工作满意度的实践,从优化完善相关制度与机制、营造能充分发挥员工能动性的工作氛围,以及围绕提高工作满意度这一主题的整合三个方面形成有机系统,从而构建了基于和谐管理理论的提高工作满意度的管理体系,为这一问题的解决提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

企业知识内部转移:模式、影响因素与机制分析   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
知识是企业的核心资源,它只有在企业内部不断转移才能产生更大的价值。本文分析了企业知识转移的三种理论模式,以及影响企业知识内部转移的因素,并探讨了如何建立企业知识内部转移的机制。  相似文献   

This paper aimed to explore, from the perspective of cognitive psychology, the natural limitations of human cognition that determine our capabilities to deal with information overflow. These limitations are related mainly to the working memory system. This system is conceived to be composed of the storage components, which are responsible for active maintenance, and executive control that supervises the storage units. People differ in their working memory capacities, and because virtually every complex cognitive activity requires the temporal availability of a certain amount of cognitive representations, these differences are predictive of many outcomes. In the area of ‘cold’ cognition, these outcomes include intelligence and verbal reasoning, multitasking, language comprehension and verbal fluency, whereas in the area of ‘hot’ cognition, they include mentalising, stereotyping and self-control. Natural limitations in working memory capacity may be overcome (to some extent) through the training of working memory skills or the application of processing strategies (e.g. task simplification, using external environment as in situated or distributed cognition, changing a code of mental representation).  相似文献   

Knowledge sharing within and between teams is of vital importance for organizations. The influence of interpersonal trust in general and trust in management in particular on knowledge sharing is evident. However, it is not clear how the relationship between interpersonal trust and knowledge sharing works. This study provides a better understanding of that relationship by demonstrating that fear of losing one's unique value and knowledge documentation have a mediating effect on the relationship between trust in management and knowledge sharing. Specifically, trust in management increases knowledge sharing through reducing fear of losing one's unique value and improving willingness to document knowledge. These findings have important implications at both a managerial and theoretical level. For managers, this paper emphasizes the individual's central role in the knowledge sharing process in terms of knowledge documentation and fear of losing one's unique value. On the theoretical level, this study provides empirical evidence for two mechanisms that help explain the effect of trust in management on knowledge sharing. In future research, this study could be extended to include other psychosocial phenomena that enable knowledge sharing in organizations.  相似文献   

战略理论认为,资源与能力是引致企业竞争优势和绩效差异的重要因素,但鲜有实证研究探讨异质性资源与何种企业能力组合可提升企业绩效的问题。本文通过定量研究分析了资源异质性与资源管理能力不同维度组合对企业绩效影响的效果。数据分析结果表明,资源获取、整合与释放能力维度对资源异质性正向影响企业绩效的作用关系有调节作用,但对不同的资源特质—绩效关系影响程度不同。本研究揭示了资源异质性—企业绩效关系成立的边界条件和影响因素,对企业管理实践有重要意义。  相似文献   

组织的环境适应性及生存战略--基于知识供应链的分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
在经济生态系统中,由于组织学习能力的不同,企业具有对环境的不同适应性.本文构建了从个体知识到组织知识的组织知识供应链模型,根据知识供应过程,本文区分了组织的静态适应性、动态适应性以及临界适应性三种不同适应性,在此基础上,我们总结了企业的三种生存战略,它们是产品中心战略、能力中心战略以及组织学习战略.  相似文献   

日本管理模式的最基本特征都体现在其独特的人力资源管理上。日本人力资源管理模式曾经对人力资源管理理论和实践的发展作出过十分重要的贡献。但是由于日本新一代劳动者的许多变化,传统模式的适用基础已经动摇,日本人力资源管理模式面临严峻挑战。在新的世纪,日本模式的改革步伐并不大,它在维持东方传统和适应新环境方面艰难地探索,这一模式的希望寄托在新一代劳动者身上。  相似文献   


This paper reviews the literature available on the psychosocial aspects of the offshore oil and fishing industries. Both work sectors present unique problems for their employees and these are discussed with reference to risk and safety, accidents and injuries, occupational stressors, marriage and family life, noise, alcohol and drug abuse and personality. The paper concludes that although both occupations are intrinsically different, some psychosocial similarities can be observed.  相似文献   

This paper examines effects of tacit and codified knowledge on performance improvement as organizations gain experience with a new technology. We draw from knowledge management and learning curve research to predict improvement rate heterogeneity across organizations. We first note that the same technology can present opportunities for improvement along more than one dimension, such as efficiency and breadth of use. We compare improvement for two dimensions: one in which the acquisition of codified knowledge leads to improvement and another in which improvement requires tacit knowledge. We hypothesize that improvement rates across organizations will be more heterogeneous for dimensions of performance that rely on tacit knowledge than for those that rely on codified knowledge (H1), and that group membership stability predicts improvement rates for dimensions relying on tacit knowledge (H2). We further hypothesize that when performance relies on codified knowledge, later adopters should improve more quickly than earlier adopters (H3). All three hypotheses are supported in a study of 15 hospitals learning to use a new surgical technology. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a 3D fuzzy logic methodology to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge management systems (KMSs) adopted by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and identifies a classification bringing together the behaviour of SMEs when adopting KMSs. The proposed methodology was previously tested on an individual SME and then implemented on a sample of SMEs. The results highlight that there is an ample variety of behaviours related to the nature of knowledge and the KMSs used. Specifically, four typologies of behaviour are identified: the efficient and effective SME, the effective but inefficient SME, the efficient but ineffective SME, and the inefficient and ineffective SME. The results show that only 18% of surveyed SMEs are efficient and effective for both KM-Tools and KM-Practices, the remaining 82% are inefficient or ineffective for KM-Tools and/or KM-Practices. Lastly, the paper shows how this methodology may be used by an SME as a managerial tool to suggest appropriate changes to improve the efficient and effective adoption of KMSs supporting SMEs in the knowledge management processes.  相似文献   

后企业时代的职业生涯开发研究和实践:挑战和变革   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
进入21世纪,职业生涯开发的理论和实践都面临着重大挑战,为了回应这种挑战,职业生涯开发已经进入了一个从理论和实践上重新定义自己的重要时期,新的探索发展使职业生涯开发进入了一个全新的时代,可以被称为"后企业时代的职业生涯开发".本文从理论和实践两个方面分别讨论了职业生涯开发面临的挑战和近年来西方世界对这些挑战做出的回应,并对中国研究者和实践者应该采取的行动做了初步分析.  相似文献   

As firms face increasing pressures associated with new forms of knowledge-based competition, researchers have begun to focus on knowledge acquisition strategies to the point of ignoring knowledge creation strategies. This paper investigates the impact of research centers in the pharmaceutical industry upon this neglected form of knowledge creation–innovation productivity. We find that firms with separate research facilities are more innovative than firms without such facilities. The results diverge when locational distance of the laboratory is considered for patent versus drug innovations, and vary across diversification types. These findings suggest that managers and researchers need to consider the relationship between the research center and corporate headquarters — and the role of the corporate headquarters — when developing knowledge generation strategies.  相似文献   

企业国际化中人力资源实践如何影响绩效,既是一个国际企业管理问题,更是人力资源管理领域的中心问题;因为任何一种国际化战略的成功都离不开恰当的人力资源管理方式,而成功的跨国公司对人力资源管理的导向选择也主要取决于它能否更好地支撑其国际化战略的实施.本文以100家在华跨国企业为研究样本,在战略国际人力资源管理(SIHRM)的框架下,将人力资源管理系统和国际化程度对企业绩效的影响作为主要研究问题,构建层级回归模型,通过实证检验考察人力资源管理与企业绩效的关系.研究结果表明,企业绩效不仅同人力资源管理与企业战略的整合程度有关,而且同人力资源管理系统与国际化程度之间存在积极的联系.该研究结论为中国企业在国际化过程中如何实施有效的战略国际人力资源管理以提升组织绩效并获取持续竞争优势提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

This article focuses on public organizations to contribute to research on knowledge management processes, a field that until recently has focused primarily on private entities. Specifically, we analyse the mediating role of knowledge transfer and knowledge absorption in the relationship between the internal networking created in university research groups and innovation ambidexterity. Based on six hypotheses, the conceptual model is tested through a structural equations model with mediation effects. The data analysed come from 249 directors of Spanish public university research groups. The results show that the internal networking formed in university research groups has a positive and significant relationship to knowledge transfer and knowledge absorption, but we obtain different results for the relationship between knowledge transfer and knowledge absorption in the presence of innovation ambidexterity. Only knowledge absorption has a positive and significant influence on innovation ambidexterity. The most interesting results involve the mediating role of knowledge absorption in the relationship between internal networking and innovation ambidexterity. These results support the conclusion that directors of university research groups should promote development of knowledge absorption processes in order to stimulate innovation ambidexterity and thus to achieve ambidextrous innovative performance.  相似文献   

Drawing on social learning and self-determination theories, this study investigates the mediating effects of controlled motivation for knowledge sharing and moral identity in the relationship between ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing. We conducted a field study with 337 full-time employees to test our hypotheses. Results supported the mediating effects of both controlled motivation and moral identity in accounting for the relationship between ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing. Our study is among the first to examine whether and why ethical leadership predicts employee knowledge sharing. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

To enhance our understanding of knowledge management, this paper focuses on a specific question: How do knowledge management processes influence perceived knowledge management effectiveness? Prior literature is used to develop the research model, including hypotheses about the effects of four knowledge management processes (internalization, externalization, socialization, and combination) on perceived individual‐level, group‐level, and organizational‐level knowledge management effectiveness. The study was conducted at the John F. Kennedy Space Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration using a survey of 159 individuals and two rounds of personal interviews. Structural equation modeling was performed to test measurement and structural models using the survey data. The emergent model suggests that internalization and externalization impact perceived effectiveness of individual‐level knowledge management. Socialization and combination influence perceived effectiveness of knowledge management at group and organizational levels, respectively. The results also support the expected upward impact in perceived effectiveness of knowledge management, from individual to group level, as well as from group level to organizational level. The study's limitations and implications for practice and future research are described.  相似文献   

工作压力与工作效率理论研究述评   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
工作压力与工作效率关系一直是管理学探讨的主题之一,而工作压力与工作效率理论正是对工作压力研究的发展与深化,国外对二者关系的研究进行了近一个世纪。本文对国外关于工作压力与工作效率关系研究不同理论派别的主要成果给予介绍和综述,并对研究中存在的问题进行了简要的评价。  相似文献   

This paper researches productivity in relation to domain complexity and the present knowledge capacity in an organisational context. The study is based on five very different case studies. Three studies are conducted in Denmark, Germany, Mexico and China and are related to knowledge transfer in the relocation of manufacturing facilities. Two studies investigate operation and automation of oil and gas production in the North Sea. The case study method involves semi-structured interviews, surveys, an analysis of historical production data and observations. Based on the findings from the field studies, the paper develops a conceptual framework that management can use for discussions of productivity, development of knowledge and design of learning programmes when considering changes in the complexity of a domain or a change in knowledge.  相似文献   

A typical firm is operated by multiple functional managers who may collaborate as well as compete to achieve firm performance. In the digital age, firm performance is essentially customer‐dependent and technology‐dependent, with both marketing and information technology (IT) playing key roles. Unfortunately the two functions often have very different worldviews. We show how these differences can damage firm performance, and suggest ways to mitigate this damage. We build a worldview difference model, synthesized from multiple disciplines. The model is tested using both matched and nonmatched observations from marketing and IT managers, and is analyzed with hierarchical linear models using both perceptual and objective firm performance data over a 4‐year period. We find that differences between the beliefs and perceptions of marketing managers and IT managers generate a negative impact on firm performance, and suggest appropriate technology‐culture associations to effectively align their worldviews for firm performance. To improve firm performance, a cross‐functional appreciation for market and technology drivers can be achieved by making marketing managers more learning‐oriented and by providing IT managers a culture that is congruent with technology.  相似文献   

We develop a model of the micro-process of knowledge acquisition, dissemination, and application in the networks of alliances that have become important sources of external knowledge for multinational firms. Based on the concept of communities of practice as sources of highly tacit know-how, this model addresses the use of alliances with local partners to acquire tacit knowledge on a sub-unit level and to then share this knowledge throughout the firm via an internal network of community-level alliances. We suggest that the supposed advantage of multinational firms in accessing and reconstituting knowledge from widely spread sources is composed of multiple micro-processes at sub-unit levels, and therefore much more complex than usually presented.  相似文献   

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