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Conflict has long been conceived as a fundamental part of all organizational systems. Yet the literature on conflict is largely divorced from its organizational roots and instead focuses on general processes of conflict management at the individual and small group levels of analysis. To re-establish the organizational basis of conflict, we develop a macro-theory of conflict cultures, or shared norms that specify how conflict should be managed in organizational settings. We propose a typology of conflict cultures that draws upon two dimensions – active versus passive conflict management norms and agreeable versus disagreeable conflict management norms – and discuss the etiology of four distinct conflict cultures: dominating conflict cultures (active and disagreeable), collaborative conflict cultures (active and agreeable), avoidant conflict cultures (passive and agreeable), and passiveaggressive conflict cultures (passive and disagreeable). We discuss top-down processes (e.g., leadership, organizational structure and rewards, industry, community, and societal factors) and bottom-up processes (e.g., personality, demographics, values and social networks) through which these conflict cultures develop. We explore both positive and negative organizational outcomes associated with each conflict culture, as well as moderators of proposed effects. We conclude with theoretical, practical, and empirical implications of a conflict culture perspective.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(5):102016
Research applying a socio-cognitive lens to disruptive digital innovation often fails to account for intra-firm heterogeneity in how an established incumbent frames and responds to disruptive innovation. To explore the heterogeneous framing processes involved within a firm, we conducted an in-depth case study of the response of a multinational insurance group to a digitally-led disruptive innovation: the rise of internet-based general insurance aggregator platforms between 2002 and 2007. We map different response frames across three separate framing dimensions: the Challenge Type, Response Urgency and Firm Heritage, and explore their interplay in shaping responses to disruption. We introduce the idea of multiplexed framing – comprised of multiple, non-binary frames – and propose that these are holographically distributed – such that conflicting frames can be held by members of the same organizational department or group. This allows managers to leverage the ambiguity generated by multiplexed frames to select the same response strategies for different reasons leading to an equifinal resolution of conflict. We show how such framing enables the organization to trial and adaptively iterate between different strategic responses to disruptive innovation, particularly amid high uncertainty and ambiguity.  相似文献   

We develop a new model for the correct accounting of customs duties levied on a product. We examine inward and outward processing – that is, processed components can be either imported or produced in a foreign country – in the strategic planning of a global production network. This complex modeling problem is structured with path variables, and the duty drawbacks can be simultaneously and correctly entered for n production stages in m market regions (with corresponding duty regions) for all products with a maximum n-level bill of materials. We present a case study from the automotive industry to examine whether or not the possibility of future duty rate changes or free trade agreements, such as one between the United States and the European Union, could affect the design of a production network and hence should be considered in strategic planning. We show that correctly accounting for duty drawbacks can lead to changes in the global footprint of production. We also demonstrate that intercontinental trade barriers (in the form of duties) diminish working capital and entail longer delivery routes. Eliminating these political trade barriers could increase the returns to capital while reducing both delivery lead times and environmental costs.  相似文献   

Why do people support strong leaders? We examined the link between social identity continuity – the sense that a nation’s past, present, and future are interconnected – and the wish for a strong national leader. Drawing on a multi-country data set (Study 1: N = 6112) and a sample from Australia (Study 2: N = 621), Studies 1 and 2 showed that identity continuity was related to increased desire for a strong leader. Studies 3a (UK sample; N = 293) and 3b (US sample; N = 294) further showed that desired (not perceived) identity continuity was related to wish for a strong leader, suggesting that the key ingredient is the desire for continuity regardless of the perceived current levels of continuity. These findings suggest that people may want to preserve their national identity as a link to the past to face present and future challenges, even if it means forgoing democratic leadership.  相似文献   

武龙  夏新平 《管理学报》2009,6(8):1083-1089
以申购资金的真实首日收益(考虑中签率)为研究对象,分析其合理性及影响因素,并以1998~2007年现金配售发行的A股IPO公司为样本进行实证检验.研究发现,新股申购投资者并未获得高额的真实首日超额收益,一级市场过度的噪声申购需求导致收益降低,二级市场噪声需求引起的价格偏离导致收益提高;同时,较高的发行市盈率和较大的公司规模可抑制噪声申购需求而提高收益.  相似文献   

Suppose that each player in a game is rational, each player thinks the other players are rational, and so on. Also, suppose that rationality is taken to incorporate an admissibility requirement—that is, the avoidance of weakly dominated strategies. Which strategies can be played? We provide an epistemic framework in which to address this question. Specifically, we formulate conditions of rationality and mth‐order assumption of rationality (RmAR) and rationality and common assumption of rationality (RCAR). We show that (i) RCAR is characterized by a solution concept we call a “self‐admissible set”; (ii) in a “complete” type structure, RmAR is characterized by the set of strategies that survive m+1 rounds of elimination of inadmissible strategies; (iii) under certain conditions, RCAR is impossible in a complete structure.  相似文献   

Moral character can be conceptualized as an individual's disposition to think, feel, and behave in an ethical versus unethical manner, or as the subset of individual differences relevant to morality. This essay provides an organizing framework for understanding moral character and its relationship to ethical and unethical work behaviors. We present a tripartite model for understanding moral character, with the idea that there are motivational, ability, and identity elements. The motivational element is consideration of others – referring to a disposition toward considering the needs and interests of others, and how one's own actions affect other people. The ability element is self-regulation – referring to a disposition toward regulating one's behavior effectively, specifically with reference to behaviors that have positive short-term consequences but negative long-term consequences for oneself or others. The identity element is moral identity—referring to a disposition toward valuing morality and wanting to view oneself as a moral person. After unpacking what moral character is, we turn our attention to what moral character does, with a focus on how it influences unethical behavior, situation selection, and situation creation. Our research indicates that the impact of moral character on work outcomes is significant and consequential, with important implications for research and practice in organizational behavior.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(3):102126
Do female CEOs reduce gender-pay disparities in top management teams (TMTs)? Some scholars draw on social identity theory to argue that, as individuals tend to identify with and support their in-groups, appointing a female corporate leader (i.e., CEO) will mitigate the gender-pay gap among executives. Yet, others draw on the queen-bee syndrome to postulate that some female CEOs may rather strengthen gender-pay disparities in upper echelons – by favoring out-groups (male) more than their in-groups (female). We bring together these opposing theoretical arguments to develop a ‘beyond CEO gender’ perspective, arguing that the effects of CEO gender on TMT gender-pay disparities should be considered in conjunction with the corporate leaders' values – as reflected by their political ideology. Our research demonstrates that conservative-female CEOs compensate female (versus male) executives lower compared to all other CEO gender-ideology categories (i.e., female-liberal CEOs, male-liberal CEOs, and male-conservative CEOs). Overall, our work contributes to theory on the CEO-TMT interface by highlighting the role of the CEO as the ‘architect’ of executive remuneration.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(6):102105
Acquisitions are risky events but not all acquisitions involve the same levels of risk. We suggest that the announced acquisition motive – the ‘why’ of the acquisition – is an important risk signal. We categorize acquisition motives and distinguish between acquisitions with ‘pure explore’ and ‘pure exploit’ motives. Recognizing that most acquisitions have multiple motives, we identify acquisitions with ‘ambidextrous’ motives – that is different combinations of explorative and exploitative motives – too. Then, building on recent contributions to signaling theory, we argue that the ‘why’ will matter more, if the ‘where’ pertains to a high-risk setting. We measure this using target-to-acquirer industry relatedness. We find that the market reacts more positively to pure acquisitions, aimed at exploration or exploitation, compared to ambidextrous acquisitions. We show that the market reacts more positively to ambidextrous acquisitions orientated towards exploitation than ambidextrous acquisitions orientated toward exploration. Finally, we find that relatedness moderates this relationship, in that the market is more willing to tolerate exploration in a related industry. Our core contribution is to the literatures on acquisition motives and ambidexterity. We provide new insights into the incidence of specific motives, the ways in which they are mixed, and the market's reaction to their announcement. In addition, we contribute to the emerging literature that takes on behavioral perspective of market reactions by showing that the ‘why’ and ‘where’ of an acquisition matter.  相似文献   

As data increasingly inform every aspect of our lives, gender discrimination in the collection and application of female-based data has also risen. Because data are primarily sourced from (white) men, the solutions we design to address global problems are also primarily based on men, i.e. male bodies, male preferences and prototypical male life choices. The Gender Data Gap – referring to the circumstance that most data on which organisational decisions are based appear to be biased in favour of (white) men – describes this very absence of information about aspects of women's lives. In this article, we not only demonstrate how the Gender Data Gap (negatively) impacts society and management science, but also highlight how the gap can be overcome in the long run. Further, we showcase several initiatives, particularly European ones, that suggest opportunities to gradually close the Gender Data Gap.  相似文献   

The contemporary move toward privatization has led to the assigning of property rights to many intangible public resources. One shared intangible resource swept up in this marketization is, we argue, the temporal commons – the shared conceptualization of time and temporal values created by a culture-carrying collectivity. As a result, the stewardship, or management, of the temporal commons is judged exclusively by the market-sanctioned metric of efficiency. We suggest that metrics based on the stakeholder approach to organizational effectiveness are more appropriate than the sole reliance on market efficiency criteria for judging the stewardship of a temporal commons, and offer several examples of stewardship evaluated by such metrics from the perspectives of a variety of stakeholders. We close with a call for more cognizant agency and wider participation in temporal commons stewardship.  相似文献   


Despite the centrality of products in many strategic and managerial theoretical frameworks, little is known systematically about how and why specific products come and go from markets. We argue that narrowing this gap will likely enhance management theory, and we propose that research on product demography—the social lives of products—is a promising way to proceed. For organizing various theoretical ideas used in prior studies, we offer a classification framework. It defines four broad theoretical perspectives on product demography: market rationality, firm rationality, organizational bounded rationality, and institutional rationality. We also outline an approach to product demography that studies empirically the rates of product launch, growth, and withdrawal using stochastic models and data on all products ever appearing in bounded industrial domains. Finally, we discuss the challenges presented by such a fragmented approach to research on product demography and propose a generic research program intended to avoid stagnation.  相似文献   

Assortment optimisation is a critical decision that is regularly made by retailers. The decision involves a trade-off between offering a larger assortment of products but smaller inventories of each product and offering a smaller number of varieties with more inventory of each product. We propose a robust, distribution-free formulation of the assortment optimisation problem such that the assortment and inventory levels can be jointly optimised without making specific assumptions on the demand distributions of each product. We take a max-min approach to the problem that provides a guaranteed lower bound to the expected profit when only the mean and variance of the demand distribution are known. We propose and test three heuristic algorithms that provide solutions in O(nlog (n)) time and identify two cases where one of the heuristics is guaranteed to return optimal policies. Through numerical studies, we demonstrate that one of the heuristics performs extremely well, with an average optimality gap of 0.07% when simulated under varying conditions. We perform a sensitivity analysis of product and store demand attributes on the performance of the heuristic. Finally, we extend the problem by including maximum cardinality constraints on the assortment size and perform numerical studies to test the performance of the heuristics.  相似文献   

How can a proponent of change mobilize groups and organizations in support of a common project? Building on an extensive review of social movement theorizing and action, we argue that shared interests, network connections, the availability of resources, and the emergence of political, market and corporate opportunities (the standard topics discussed in extant literature) may be necessary, but are often insufficient for spurring mobilization. Conversely, cultural factors such as frames, identities, or practices are essential. Their presence can facilitate coordinated action even among unlikely allies, and their absence can prevent such action. Inspired by the work of Saul Alinsky (1909–1972), along with contemporary illustrations, we construct a two-step model of the role of culture in mobilizing for change. We bring attention to a change proponent’s cultural competence – skill in appreciating the different cultural meanings and values of those involved in a particular project of change – and cultural brokerage – skill in bridging and negotiating among actors with different cultural repertoires, to reach a temporary truce or covenant. We focus on two types of activities that define cultural brokerage, integration and redefinition, and apply them to the cultural factors of frames, identities, and/or practices. Our paper contributes to contemporary research on social movements, institutional theory, and cultural sociology.  相似文献   

Mechanism design enables a social planner to obtain a desired outcome by leveraging the players' rationality and their beliefs. It is thus a fundamental, but yet unproven, intuition that the higher the level of rationality of the players, the better the set of obtainable outcomes. In this paper, we prove this fundamental intuition for players with possibilistic beliefs, a model long considered in epistemic game theory. Specifically, • We define a sequence of monotonically increasing revenue benchmarks for single‐good auctions, G0G1G2≤⋯, where each Gi is defined over the players' beliefs and G0 is the second‐highest valuation (i.e., the revenue benchmark achieved by the second‐price mechanism). • We (1) construct a single, interim individually rational, auction mechanism that, without any clue about the rationality level of the players, guarantees revenue Gk if all players have rationality levels ≥k+1, and (2) prove that no such mechanism can guarantee revenue even close to Gk when at least two players are at most level‐k rational.  相似文献   

We consider a framework for bi-objective network construction problems where one objective is to be maximized while the other is to be minimized. Given a host graph G=(V,E) with edge weights w e ∈? and edge lengths ? e ∈? for eE we define the density of a pattern subgraph H=(V′,E′)?G as the ratio ?(H)=∑ eE w e /∑ eE ? e . We consider the problem of computing a maximum density pattern H under various additional constraints. In doing so, we compute a single Pareto-optimal solution with the best weight per cost ratio subject to additional constraints further narrowing down feasible solutions for the underlying bi-objective network construction problem. First, we consider the problem of computing a maximum density pattern with weight at least W and length at most L in a host G. We call this problem the biconstrained density maximization problem. This problem can be interpreted in terms of maximizing the return on investment for network construction problems in the presence of a limited budget and a target profit. We consider this problem for different classes of hosts and patterns. We show that it is NP-hard, even if the host has treewidth 2 and the pattern is a path. However, it can be solved in pseudo-polynomial linear time if the host has bounded treewidth and the pattern is a graph from a given minor-closed family of graphs. Finally, we present an FPTAS for a relaxation of the density maximization problem, in which we are allowed to violate the upper bound on the length at the cost of some penalty. Second, we consider the maximum density subgraph problem under structural constraints on the vertex set that is used by the patterns. While a maximum density perfect matching can be computed efficiently in general graphs, the maximum density Steiner-subgraph problem, which requires a subset of the vertices in any feasible solution, is NP-hard and unlikely to admit a constant-factor approximation. When parameterized by the number of vertices of the pattern, this problem is W[1]-hard in general graphs. On the other hand, it is FPT on planar graphs if there is no constraint on the pattern and on general graphs if the pattern is a path.  相似文献   

Dramatic health, environmental, and social-related challenges put pressure on firms to rethink their strategies and growth paths. Is a digital-enabled transformation able to help firms cope with these challenges and drive a competitive renaissance of our economic system? Are extant theories and concepts able to interpret the digital transformation? This management focus section aims to advance a relevant and impactful research agenda in the area of “business strategy and digitalization” through 4 contributions – both conceptual and empirical – that contribute to the understanding of the so-called “digital transformation” and its implications for both scholars and practitioners.  相似文献   

Workplace spirituality has become the focus of several major business organizations and scholars. Research has found spirituality to be most beneficial when fostered at the individual rather than collective level (Herman & Gioia, 1998; Krishnakumar & Neck, 2002). Yet, little is known about how leaders deploy workplace spirituality to the individual level and sustain it over time. To address this question, the case is made that spirituality at work may best be fostered through a dyadic mentorship. Accordingly, a concept of spiritual mentoring is proposed, which takes an authentic self perspective to spirituality while approaching spiritual development as best served through a co-created, dyadic process. Drawing on previous research, spiritual mentoring is organized into three categories – inner life, meaningful work, and context/connectedness – and presented as a temporal process through which leaders may provide these supportive behaviors. Prospective outcomes of spiritual mentoring are described, and potential barriers are considered.  相似文献   

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