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When testing hypotheses in two-sample problem, the Lepage test statistic is often used to jointly test the location and scale parameters, and this test statistic has been discussed by many authors over the years. Since two-sample nonparametric testing plays an important role in biometry, the Cucconi test statistic is generalized to the location, scale, and location–scale parameters in two-sample problem. The limiting distribution of the suggested test statistic is derived under the hypotheses. Deriving the exact critical value of the test statistic is difficult when the sample sizes are increased. A gamma approximation is used to evaluate the upper tail probability for the proposed test statistic given finite sample sizes. The asymptotic efficiencies of the proposed test statistic are determined for various distributions. The consistency of the original Cucconi test statistic is shown on the specific cases. Finally, the original Cucconi statistic is discussed in the theory of ties.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a procedure for testing the location parameter of the exponential distribution for certain alternative hypotheses, which could result in the early rejection of the null hypothesis. This is a consequence of the monotone property of the test statistic which is based on the extremal quotient. The test being scale-free does not require the scale parameter to be known.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present several nonparametric multiple comparison (MC) procedures for unbalanced one-way factorial designs. The nonparametric hypotheses are formulated by using normalized distribution functions and the comparisons are carried out on the basis of the relative treatment effects. The proposed test statistics take the form of linear pseudo rank statistics and the asymptotic joint distribution of the pseudo rank statistics for testing treatments versus control satisfies the multivariate totally positive of order two condition irrespective of the correlations among the rank statistics. Therefore, in the context of MCs of treatments versus control, the nonparametric Simes test is validated for the global testing of the intersection hypothesis. For simultaneous testing of individual hypotheses, the nonparametric Hochberg stepup procedure strongly controls the familywise type I error rate asymptotically. With regard to all pairwise comparisons, we generalize various single-step and stagewise procedures to perform comparisons on the relative treatment effects. To further compare with normal theory counterparts, the asymptotic relative efficiencies of the nonparametric MC procedures with respect to the parametric MC procedures are derived under a sequence of Pitman alternatives in a nonparametric location shift model for unbalanced one-way layouts. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to demonstrate the validity and power of the proposed nonparametric MC procedures.  相似文献   

The generalized secant hyperbolic distribution (GSHD) was recently introduced as a modeling tool in data analysis. The GSHD is a unimodal distribution that is completely specified by location, scale, and shape parameters. It has also been shown elsewhere that the rank procedures of location are regular, robust, and asymptotically fully efficient. In this article, we study certain tail weight measures for the GSHD and introduce a tail-adaptive rank procedure of location based on those tail weight measures. We investigate the properties of the new adaptive rank procedure and compare it to some conventional estimators.  相似文献   

The properties of a distribution-free rank-like test proposed by Moses (1963) for the twosample scale problem is studied and a modification of the test using Savage scores is proposed. It is shown that this rank-like test is superior to commonly used rank tests for scale in that it:(1) does not require the estimation of any location or centrality parameter, (2) does not require equal or known location parameters, (3) is robust for skewed data, (4) is resolving and (5) has some significant power advantages. The test is shown to be asymptotically normal, and asymptotic relative efficiencies are calculated. Power properties, studied via simulation, indicate that the test is especially well suited for testing for equality of scale when the data are sampled from skewed populations with unequal medians. Extensions to the J-sample problem are indicated.  相似文献   

In this paper, the two-sample scale problem is addressed within the rank framework which does not require to specify the underlying continuous distribution. However, since the power of a rank test depends on the underlying distribution, it would be very useful for the researcher to have some information on it in order to use the possibly most suitable test. A two-stage adaptive design is used with adaptive tests where the data from the first stage are used to compute a selector statistic to select the test statistic for stage 2. More precisely, an adaptive scale test due to Hall and Padmanabhan and its components are considered in one-stage and several adaptive and non-adaptive two-stage procedures. A simulation study shows that the two-stage test with the adaptive choice in the second stage and with Liptak combination, when it is not more powerful than the corresponding one-stage test, shows, however, a quite similar power behavior. The test procedures are illustrated using two ecological applications and a clinical trial.  相似文献   

A robust test for the one-way ANOVA model under heteroscedasticity is developed in this paper. The data are assumed to be symmetrically distributed, apart from some outliers, although the assumption of normality may be violated. The test statistic to be used is a weighted sum of squares similar to the Welch [1951. On the comparison of several mean values: an alternative approach. Biometrika 38, 330-336.] test statistic, but any of a variety of robust measures of location and scale for the populations of interest may be used instead of the usual mean and standard deviation. Under the commonly occurring condition that the robust measures of location and scale are asymptotically normal, we derive approximations to the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis and to its distribution under alternative hypotheses. An expression for relative efficiency is derived, thus allowing comparison of the efficiency of the test as a function of the choice of the location and scale estimators used in the test statistic. As an illustration of the theory presented here, we apply it to three commonly used robust location–scale estimator pairs: the trimmed mean with the Winsorized standard deviation; the Huber Proposal 2 estimator pair; and the Hampel robust location estimator with the median absolute deviation.  相似文献   

In this paper, tests for the skewness parameter of the two-piece double exponential distribution are derived when the location parameter is unknown. Classical tests like Neyman structure test and likelihood ratio test (LRT), that are generally used to test hypotheses in the presence of nuisance parameters, are not feasible for this distribution since the exact distributions of the test statistics become very complicated. As an alternative, we identify a set of statistics that are ancillary for the location parameter. When the scale parameter is known, Neyman–Pearson's lemma is used, and when the scale parameter is unknown, the LRT is applied to the joint density function of ancillary statistics, in order to obtain a test for the skewness parameter of the distribution. Test for symmetry of the distribution can be deduced as a special case. It is found that power of the proposed tests for symmetry is only marginally less than the power of corresponding classical optimum tests when the location parameter is known, especially for moderate and large sample sizes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Many statistical models arising in applications contain non‐ and weakly‐identified parameters. Due to identifiability concerns, tests concerning the parameters of interest may not be able to use conventional theories and it may not be clear how to assess statistical significance. This paper extends the literature by developing a testing procedure that can be used to evaluate hypotheses under non‐ and weakly‐identifiable semiparametric models. The test statistic is constructed from a general estimating function of a finite dimensional parameter model representing the population characteristics of interest, but other characteristics which may be described by infinite dimensional parameters, and viewed as nuisance, are left completely unspecified. We derive the limiting distribution of this statistic and propose theoretically justified resampling approaches to approximate its asymptotic distribution. The methodology's practical utility is illustrated in simulations and an analysis of quality‐of‐life outcomes from a longitudinal study on breast cancer.  相似文献   

In mixed linear models, it is frequently of interest to test hypotheses on the variance components. F-test and likelihood ratio test (LRT) are commonly used for such purposes. Current LRTs available in literature are based on limiting distribution theory. With the development of finite sample distribution theory, it becomes possible to derive the exact test for likelihood ratio statistic. In this paper, we consider the problem of testing null hypotheses on the variance component in a one-way balanced random effects model. We use the exact test for the likelihood ratio statistic and compare the performance of F-test and LRT. Simulations provide strong support of the equivalence between these two tests. Furthermore, we prove the equivalence between these two tests mathematically.  相似文献   

Abstract. The modelling process in Bayesian Statistics constitutes the fundamental stage of the analysis, since depending on the chosen probability laws the inferences may vary considerably. This is particularly true when conflicts arise between two or more sources of information. For instance, inference in the presence of an outlier (which conflicts with the information provided by the other observations) can be highly dependent on the assumed sampling distribution. When heavy‐tailed (e.g. t) distributions are used, outliers may be rejected whereas this kind of robust inference is not available when we use light‐tailed (e.g. normal) distributions. A long literature has established sufficient conditions on location‐parameter models to resolve conflict in various ways. In this work, we consider a location–scale parameter structure, which is more complex than the single parameter cases because conflicts can arise between three sources of information, namely the likelihood, the prior distribution for the location parameter and the prior for the scale parameter. We establish sufficient conditions on the distributions in a location–scale model to resolve conflicts in different ways as a single observation tends to infinity. In addition, for each case, we explicitly give the limiting posterior distributions as the conflict becomes more extreme.  相似文献   

In this investigation a test of goodness of fit for exponentiality is proposed. This procedure applies equally whether the scale and/or the location parameters of the distribution are known or not. The limiting null and non-null distributions of the test statistic are normal under minimal conditions. Monte Carlo critical values for small sample sizes are given and the power of the test is calculated for various alternatives showing that it compares favourably relatively to other more complicated published procedures.  相似文献   

For testing separate families of hypotheses, the likelihood ratio test does not have the usual asymptotic properties. This paper considers the asymptotic distribution of the ratio of maximized likelihoods (RML) statistic in the special case of testing separate scale or location-scale families of distributions. We derive saddlepoint approximations to the density and tail probabilities of the log of the RML statistic. These approximations are based on the expansion of the log of the RML statistic up to the second order, which is shown not to depend on the location and scale parameters. The resulting approximations are applied in several cases, including normal versus Laplace, normal versus Cauchy, and Weibull versus log-normal. Our results show that the saddlepoint approximations are satisfactory, even for fairly small sample sizes, and are more accurate than normal approximations and Edgeworth approximations, especially for tail probabilities that are the values of main interest in hypothesis testing problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider nonparametric multiple comparison procedures for unbalanced two-way factorial designs under a pure nonparametric framework. For multiple comparisons of treatments versus a control concerning the main effects or the simple factor effects, the limiting distribution of the associated rank statistics is proven to satisfy the multivariate totally positive of order two condition. Hence, asymptotically the proposed Hochberg procedure strongly controls the familywise type I error rate for the simultaneous testing of the individual hypotheses. In addition, we propose to employ Shaffer's modified version of Holm's stepdown procedure to perform simultaneous tests on all pairwise comparisons regarding the main or simple factor effects and to perform simultaneous tests on all interaction effects. The logical constraints in the corresponding hypothesis families are utilized to sharpen the rejective thresholds and improve the power of the tests.  相似文献   

In this paper, the shape matrix estimators based on spatial sign and rank vectors are considered. The estimators considered here are slight modifications of the estimators introduced in Dümbgen (1998) and Oja and Randles (2004) and further studied for example in Sirkiä et al. (2009). The shape estimators are computed using pairwise differences of the observed data, therefore there is no need to estimate the location center of the data. When the estimator is based on signs, the use of differences also implies that the estimators have the so called independence property if the estimator, that is used as an initial estimator, has it. The influence functions and limiting distributions of the estimators are derived at the multivariate elliptical case. The estimators are shown to be highly efficient in the multinormal case, and for heavy-tailed distributions they outperform the shape estimator based on sample covariance matrix.  相似文献   

In regression analysis, it is assumed that the response (or dependent variable) distribution is Normal, and errors are homoscedastic and uncorrelated. However, in practice, these assumptions are rarely satisfied by a real data set. To stabilize the heteroscedastic response variance, generally, log-transformation is suggested. Consequently, the response variable distribution approaches nearer to the Normal distribution. As a result, the model fit of the data is improved. Practically, a proper (seems to be suitable) transformation may not always stabilize the variance, and the response distribution may not reduce to Normal distribution. The present article assumes that the response distribution is log-normal with compound autocorrelated errors. Under these situations, estimation and testing of hypotheses regarding regression parameters have been derived. From a set of reduced data, we have derived the best linear unbiased estimators of all the regression coefficients, except the intercept which is often unimportant in practice. Unknown correlation parameters have been estimated. In this connection, we have derived a test rule for testing any set of linear hypotheses of the unknown regression coefficients. In addition, we have developed the confidence ellipsoids of a set of estimable functions of regression coefficients. For the fitted regression equation, an index of fit has been proposed. A simulated study illustrates the results derived in this report.  相似文献   

We consider likelihood and Bayesian inferences for seemingly unrelated (linear) regressions for the joint niultivariate terror (e.g. Zellner, 1976) and the independent t-error (e.g. Maronna, 1976) models. For likelihood inference, the scale matrix and the shape parameter for the joint terror model cannot be consistently estimated because of the lack of adequate information to identify the latter. The joint terror model also yields the same MLEs for the regression coefficients and the scale matrix as for the independent normal error model. which are not robust against outliers. Further, linear hypotheses with respect

to the regression coefficients also give rise to the same mill distributions AS for the independent normal error model, though the MLE has a non-normal limiting distribution. In contrast to the striking similarities between the joint t-error and the independent normal error models, the independent f-error model yields AiLEs that are lubust against uuthers. Since the MLE of the shape parameter reflects the tails of the data distributions, this model extends the independent normal error model for modeling data distributions with relatively t hicker tails. These differences are also discussed with respect to the posterior and predictive distributions for Bayesian inference.  相似文献   

Priors are introduced into goodness‐of‐fit tests, both for unknown parameters in the tested distribution and on the alternative density. Neyman–Pearson theory leads to the test with the highest expected power. To make the test practical, we seek priors that make it likely a priori that the power will be larger than the level of the test but not too close to one. As a result, priors are sample size dependent. We explore this procedure in particular for priors that are defined via a Gaussian process approximation for the logarithm of the alternative density. In the case of testing for the uniform distribution, we show that the optimal test is of the U‐statistic type and establish limiting distributions for the optimal test statistic, both under the null hypothesis and averaged over the alternative hypotheses. The optimal test statistic is shown to be of the Cramér–von Mises type for specific choices of the Gaussian process involved. The methodology when parameters in the tested distribution are unknown is discussed and illustrated in the case of testing for the von Mises distribution. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 560–579; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this article we consider a set of t repeated measurements on p variables (or characteristics) on each of the n individuals. Thus, data on each individual is a p ×t matrix. The n individuals themselves may be divided and randomly assigned to g groups. Analysis of these data using a MANOVA model, assuming that the data on an individual has a covariance matrix which is a Kronecker product of two positive definite matrices, is considered. The well-known Satterthwaite type approximation to the distribution of a quadratic form in normal variables is extended to the distribution of a multivariate quadratic form in multivariate normal variables. The multivariate tests using this approximation are developed for testing the usual hypotheses. Results are illustrated on a data set. A method for analysing unbalanced data is also discussed.  相似文献   

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