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复杂性科学与组织管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
组织管理正从传统的简单性向知识经济时代的复杂性转变。复杂性科学成果为这种转变的实现,为复杂性管理原则和模式的建立提供有力的科学基础和原型。组织管理具有复杂系统所共有的特征。复杂性与管理相结合形成了复杂性管理的新模式,展示出新管理模式所具有的无限生命力,并指出了复杂性管理模式的建立必须从还原论思维方式转向复杂性思维方式。  相似文献   

国外复杂性科学的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
复杂性科学是研究复杂系统行为与性质的科学。其发展历史大致可划分为三个阶段 :研究存在 ;研究演化 ;综合研究。  相似文献   

传统的理性主义视野下,人们往往认为知识具有普遍必然的确定性。然而,现代科学知识的发展使我们意识到,我们所处的世界是一个极其复杂的系统,复杂性科学作为"2l世纪的新科学"日渐备受关注。然而,在哲学层面,对复杂性研究的更大意义在于复杂性的挑战要求我们认知方式的变革。本文以复杂性理论为基础,探讨了复杂性视野下知识不确定性的原因,揭示了复杂性视野下知识具有的不确定性的特征。  相似文献   

将社会经济系统视为一个复杂的、交互作用和适应性的巨大系统,从不同视角揭示其非线性的本质,其行为是动态、不稳定、不连续、不可逆的,其稳定平衡只是暂时现象。社会经济系统复杂性理论在金融、管理等领域研究中具有应用性。  相似文献   

应星 《社会》2018,38(1):30-53
田野工作具有实证性格与人文气质的双重特性,所谓“田野工作的想象力”介于科学的探究与艺术的想象之间,将真实的观察和想象的再现紧密结合在一起。本文以《大河移民上访的故事》为例展示了“田野工作的想象力”的一种可能性。从田野与理论的关系来看,田野研究的基本问题既不是从经验现实中直接生发出来,也不是从中层理论中推演出来,“田野工作的想象力”的空间是由经典理论的问题域给定的,但在实际进入田野后,理论的力量需要完全融化在对经验现实的敏感中。从微观与宏观的关系来看,复杂性成为田野工作由微观通向宏观的关键所在。这种复杂性表现在诸多方面:对“家乡社会学”的自然正当性的反省;对功能主义分析范式的突破;把行动者分析而非结构分析作为田野工作的焦点;将历史视野带入田野中。“田野工作的想象力”具有手工技艺的特点,其养成需要特别的耐心。  相似文献   

周学政 《创新》2015,(5):32-35
体育产业在国民经济中具有重要的地位,体育产业的归属和分类存在复杂性,这种复杂性决定了体育产业发展的复杂性。只有将体育产业放在国民经济和社会发展的大背景下,通过系统科学的视角,充分吸收和借鉴相关产业的发展经验,制定合适的政策,才能够为体育产业的发展开拓更广阔的空间。  相似文献   

复杂性不仅是世界的本质,也是人类历史的本质。由于缺乏对于历史复杂性的理论自觉,以往的历史哲学不同程度地陷入了困境。历史哲学的可能的出路似乎在于,将思想取向集中锁定于历史复杂性,在本体论、认识论和方法论三个层面展开自觉的反思。  相似文献   

一、复杂系统科学哲学研究的现状与困惑有关系统科学与复杂性的研究,近几十年来一直是我国科学和哲学研究的热点之一,对其中的得失进行总结和概括,对于今后相关的学术发展有重要意义.为此,有学者回顾了中国系统科学与复杂性研究30年来的基本状况[1],也有学者考察了复杂性研究过程中三大学派的不同特点、成就及其缺陷和不足等[2].从总体上看,人们在许多相关问题的理解和处理上取得了一些有目共睹的成就,但也有很多不足.  相似文献   

基于混沌理论的耗散结构组织研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业发展中呈复杂性和多样性的特点,信息技术的作用日益突出,虚拟企业的出现,对传统的生产率范式提出挑战,组织在传统生产率范式指导下表现适应慢、反馈迟缓,组织混乱等弊病。混沌理论在组织再造中的应用,将有助于解决这些问题。  相似文献   

复杂巨系统:互联网-社会研究的一个新视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何明升 《学术交流》2005,291(7):118-124
互联网与社会(I-S)已成为一个一体化的复杂巨系统.它的生成,是由互联网嵌入社会并与其相互耦合而实现的,这是一个由复杂性事件所引发的复杂性过程.I-S的复杂性特征主要有,可嵌合的系统、不可表达的整体效应、混序现象、虚实共生、人机交互、多主体等.I-S系统的复杂性特征,各有其内在的根源和动力机制.从复杂性视角来审视互联网--社会这一学术领域,首先要面临的就是研究范式的转型,即由经典研究转向复杂性研究.以此为基点,互联网--社会既可以看作是复杂性科学的对象,又可以看作是多学科的共同论域.  相似文献   

Different public agencies are seeking to draft “better regulation”. Complex or poorly drafted norms are more difficult for economic agents to implement, tending to erode economic efficiency. The literature has so far concentrated on the analysis of regulatory complexity as a phenomenon related to the “quantity” of norms. This article guides the process of adopting new regulations, taking into account that norms can also be complex due to new “qualitative” reasons such as linguistic ambiguity or relational structure (references between legal documents). To perform the analysis, we develop new indicators for legibility and regulatory interconnectedness. Specifically, we construct a new database (RECOS – REgulation COmplexity in Spain) by extracting information from 8171 norms (61 million words) which comprise the regulations of all the Spanish Autonomous regions. Our analysis reveals the relationship between measures of “qualitative” complexity and relevant economic (productivity) and institutional (judicial efficacy) variables. This research shows that the new dimensions of regulatory complexity matter, yield significant results and should be taken into account in governments’ “better regulation” policies.  相似文献   

I will argue that from a CR perspective, social reality is complex. It just is not complex in the ways CT suggests. Even emergence, according to CR, is more complex and stronger than CT suggests. First wave CR is enough to advance the issue considerably, but I will also examine dialectical CR as a further attempt within CR to take account of complexity.  相似文献   

Public communication is secure if a hostile third-party cannot decode the messages exchanged by the communicating parties. In Nash equilibrium, communication by computationally unbounded players cannot be secure. We assume complexity averse players, and show that a simple, secure, and costless communication protocol becomes available as the marginal complexity cost tends to zero.   相似文献   

This article explores the way aspects of our approach to social policy in the UK have changed over the last 40 years – one academic lifetime and also, coincidentally, the lifetime of this journal – and the significance of six particular changes. More social problems have come to be seen as having a supra-national dimension: the scale and ramifications of problems are much better appreciated; the accepted territory of social policy has greatly widened; the state has lost people's confidence; we have come to see organizational and management issues as much more important; and the health of the economy has come to be regarded as a greater priority than the development of systems of social welfare.  相似文献   

In consonance with current postmodern ideas, this article assumes that the meaning content involved in psychotherapy is created anew rather than uncovered in an examination of a repressed unconscious. Content in therapy is seen as formulated through a client/therapist dialogue in which the goal is increased identity complexity. Within these assumptions, the question of constraints on the meaning constructed is addressed and suggested guidelines for potentially therapeutic content are presented. These ideas are illustrated through a case example.  相似文献   

The connection between autonomous art and complexity has been extensively and deeply studied in literary theories in the 20th century. The rise of aesthetic autonomy implies the complexity of literary work as the concept of a sealed container arises from the relationship between the parts that make it up. In this model, the interpretation subject works to directly face literary texts. Instead of pursuing the author’s intention, it aims to reproduce the richness and subtlety of the aesthetic state, and consider the richness and subtlety revealed in the maximum amount of text details in literary works, even if procedurally deviating from the way of mainstream understanding. There is increasing skepticism about the consequences of the autonomous aesthetics, which has been coerced by the development of contemporary capitalism, and it is necessary to develop new forms of aesthetics to reflect the changing social situation.  相似文献   


Current relational theory is very consonant with traditional social work perspectives, particularly the importance of relationships and of the environment. Further, it is now possible theoretically to describe the manner in which human interactions and the environment are fundamental to identity using the concept of identity complexity. This article examines these ideas, showing the roots of the current developments in cognitive and constructionist theory as well as in psychoanalytic ideas.  相似文献   


The introduction and application of social network analysis, a method seen as superior to experimental or single-system research design for showing group change, examined group dynamics and change over time using a hypothetical example of an Internet group for gays and lesbians. Rather than utilizing traditional definitions of independent and dependent variables, the analysis utilized hypothetical data with nodes or individuals, ties, and the relationships they formed. The recently developed computer program NodeXL provided diagrams and statistics that demonstrated node and tie variation and individual and group development over time. Discussion demonstrated the utility of such diagrams for research and practice.  相似文献   

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