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A number of scholars have noted that emotional processes have been undertheorized in criminology. Although criminologists have explored how various emotions facilitate or inhibit crime, few formal theories of crime clearly address the role of emotional processes. Sociological theories of emotions provide a number of insights that criminologists might find useful to help fill the gaps in criminological explanations of offending. We illustrate the utility of sociological theories of emotions to criminology by connecting three prominent criminological theories with complimentary social psychological theories of emotions. Specifically, we discuss how the power–status theory of emotions can clarify emotional responses to strain in general strain theory, how affect control theory can illuminate the emotions involved in identity adoption within labeling theory, and how interaction ritual chains theory can highlight emotional responses to coercion in differential coercion theory. Making connections to more clearly theorize emotions is critical to the advancement of criminological theory.  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of push‐pull and social network theories on migration and criminological theory on human smuggling, this article tries to answer the questions of why and how Angolan asylum‐seekers migrated to the Netherlands since the end of the 1990s. The study shows that the migrants can be described as opportunity seeking migrants, rather than survival migrants. Most migrants made no use of typical human smugglers during their travel. They rather used assistance from their social network and made use of the services of middlemen, called esquemas, on an ad‐hoc basis. In this article it is argued that “archetypal” large smuggling organisations in Angola have not evolved because of the existence of these highly informal networks. Support is found that both push‐pull and social network theories can contribute to explaining irregular, asylum migration.  相似文献   


A critique of unidirectional understandings of power and control in social psychology, conflict theory, critical theory, and social work empowerment theories provides the framework for a new synthetic conceptualization of power and control in human behavior. A criminological theory called control balance is enlarged as an explanation of non-conforming behavior. Both a surplus of autonomy and an excess of repression provide subjective motivation for subversive acts that empower the actor. This dual-tension model is a theoretically useful predictor of human behavior, and in concert with symbolic interactionism, provides a theoretical frame for consideration of secondary socialization as a potential means of Social Work intervention  相似文献   

Academic, legal and practitioner responses to cyber threats have been predominantly reactive, punitive, and deterrence-based, with limited attention given to the motives underlying computer criminals' behaviors. This paper reasons that new and better theoretical perspectives are needed to explain computer criminals' motives. Following a review of the computer crime behavioral literature, a summary review of core philosophies and theories used to explain generalized crime and criminal motives is provided. A framework is proposed suggesting that criminological theories have evolved along two categorical dimensions: determinism-indeterminism, and individualism-collectivism. The paper then reasons that future computer crime research will benefit by considering indeterminist-collectivist (constructivist) theories. Two such theories, social construction of technology, and actor-network theory, are proposed in the discussion section, along with some cybercrime examples. The paper invites a deeper consideration of the origins and motivations of computer-based criminality as a means of building stronger theory and ultimately advancing more proactive and effective solutions.  相似文献   

Sociologists have previously argued that our current knowledge and inquiries stem from our standing on the shoulders of giants. Exactly how this occurs, however, may be less clear. This paper identifies how the works of two of the most valued classical social theorists – Durkheim and Marx – have influenced theories of crime causation. In doing so, I reveal that classical social theory continues to be relevant in the advancement of criminological thought. Identifying this lineage is crucial in developing more informed research and policy on crime and social control, which is especially important given the widespread interest in crime and delinquency among students (and citizens more generally).  相似文献   

Child marriages, often attributed to culture and gender inequality, are prevalent across Africa. Several countries have moved to criminalise the practice. At the core of the criminalisation debate are the fundamental tensions between statutory (state) law on the one hand, and religious and customary law on the other. The growing momentum towards punishment, targeted almost invariably at male offenders, is meant to address the conflict between cultural practices that lead to child marriage and the protection of children's rights. However, some countries have not criminalised child marriage. Thus, the outlawry of child marriages is not universal on the continent. The agitation towards criminalisation—I describe this as ‘popular punitvism’ - as a panacea, is animated by Western penological justifications, principally, deterrence. However, Western criminological and penological theories may not fully account for a phenomenon in other social and geographical spaces. The paper argues for decolonising and decriminalising child marriages in Africa but not legalising it.  相似文献   

Despite the numerous efforts to curb substance use and abuse through legislation and interventions, marijuana consumption continues to be a major social problem, particularly among young adults in the United States. We provide new information on the relationship between cannabis use and antisocial behavior by analyzing a sample of young adults (aged 18–20) from the National Epidemiological Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). We examine a broad set of cannabis use patterns and multiple dimensions of antisocial behaviors and test the empirical importance of two prominent criminological theories—general strain and social bond—in explaining associations between cannabis use and antisocial behavior. We include important socioeconomic, demographic, health and health behaviors, and contextual information in all regressions to control for confounding factors. Our results imply that cannabis use is positively and significantly related to antisocial behavior among young adults, and general strain and social bond theories cannot fully explain our findings. As expected, the estimated association with antisocial behavior is stronger for more frequent cannabis users.  相似文献   


In the present context of “get tough on crime” and “back to criminal justice” campaigns that continue to dominate political agendas throughout Australia, critics point to the inadequacy of “welfarist” or reformist criminological and sociological theories that have informed interventions in the past and reinforce the need for “retributive justice” models of penal policy. The present paper examines historical evidence on the role of the human sciences in juvenile justice administration during the 1940s, a formative time when psychiatric, psychological, and social work expertise came together in the form of the Children's Court Clinic in Victoria. It suggests that contemporary critiques about the failure of the welfare model of juvenile justice inadequately capture the historical functioning of expertise in justice administration and the real extent to which the welfare model as “actual rehabilitative intervention” was ever implemented.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive review of space- and place-based criminology, with a focus on the relationship between crime, the built environment, land use, and/or physical geography, through sociological and critical geography lenses. An historical overview of major criminological and spatial theories and contributors is presented before examining the current state of the field. In honor of critical geography's goal to be “a people's geography,”1 this paper aims to be an accessible overview of space- and place-based criminological research, especially for readers who are unfamiliar with these topics.  相似文献   

We apply criminological theories of social control to explore the relationships among adolescent pregnancy, pregnancy resolution, and juvenile delinquency. While most ever-pregnant girls have especially high rates of delinquent behavior, adolescent mothers exhibit delinquency levels no higher than those of their never-pregnant peers. Unlike adolescent females who end their pregnancies through abortion, those who keep their babies experience a dramatic reduction in both smoking and marijuana use. Our results suggest that among adolescent girls, the birth of a child has a strong trajectory-modifying effect. It serves as a mechanisms of social control and substantially reduces the likelihood of delinquent behavior.  相似文献   

Applying criminological/victimological concepts and theories, the study addresses the social processes involved in Palestinians' suicide terrorism and describes Palestinians' pathways to suicide bombing. The data are derived from in-depth interviews of 7 male and female Palestinians serving prison sentences in Israel for attempted suicide bombing. The social background, context, and experiences of the interviewees, including their recruitment, interactions with the organizations that produce suicide bombing, the tangible and intangible incentives and rewards that motivated them to become suicide bombers, their preparation for the mission, and the strategies employed by the organizations to sustain recruits' resolve to conform to the plan are described and analyzed. The implications of the findings for theory and public policy are drawn and discussed.  相似文献   

Using Sutherland’s conceptualization of white‐collar crime as a significant point of departure, this article explores recent attempts to theorize crime and social harm from a critical criminological perspective. Arguing that the development of this approach is inextricably linked to theoretical and methodological concerns that strike at the very foundation of criminology as a discipline of study, I show how advances in state and corporate crime literature have advanced the field of criminology. Ultimately I argue that contemporary mainstream criminology, which tends to focus solely on the analysis of traditional ‘street’ crime, has failed to bring within its criminological purview those actions which have the greatest potential for causing significant human suffering.  相似文献   

Drug use among Latino youth in the United States is a persistent problem which has been examined from a variety of academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and social work. These share significant overlap with mainstream criminological approaches to explaining delinquency and drug use, which have virtually ignored these issues or investigated them exclusively from an ethnocentric perspective. The naturally multidisciplinary topics of Latino youth, culture, and drug use can be readily situated within two popular frameworks (social control and strain), and these can also be enriched with core aspects of Latino culture. Complimentary cultural values enhance these two perspectives and significantly contribute to our criminological understanding of some of the reasons why Latino youth become involved in drug use. After reviewing our current knowledge on this subject, suggestions are made for ways future criminological research can more deeply explore these rich cultural reasons related to why some Latino youth use drugs. This can ultimately help inform more relevant drug use reduction strategies and also decrease the proportion of Latino youth who come into contact with the criminal justice system for drug‐related offenses.  相似文献   

Research has shown a connection between being a college sports fan and binge drinking; however, no research uses criminological theories when examining this connection. The purpose of the present study is to examine the ability of self-control and differential association theories to determine whether the relationship between college sports fans and binge drinking is individual or group situated. Using self-report data from (n = 693) college students from four southern universities, the results show that the connection between being a college sports fan and binge drinking can be accounted for by both low self-control and differential association. These results are discussed and policy implications are presented.  相似文献   

Few topics in the social sciences have witnessed as dramatic an increase in scholarly attention over the past two decades as the topic of risk. In this essay we examine sociological approaches to risk in criminological research and theory. After briefly describing the concept of risk in classical and neoclassical criminology, we turn our attention to three emerging social science perspectives on risk, those associated with the scholarship on risk society, edgework, and governmentality. We examine the new directions that these emerging ``risk paradigms'' open for criminological theory and research, including new perspectives on the motivation for criminal risk-taking, the organization of policing and criminal justice systems, and public and political responses to crime. We conclude by reviewing critiques of the scholarship associated with the new risk paradigms and by suggesting promising future directions for criminological research seeking to advance these perspectives.  相似文献   


Social workers appreciate that emotions are an important component of the human experience. Advances in sociology offer improvements in measuring, explaining, and predicting emotions. However, empirical appraisals of theories are limited, based on researcher fabricated events, and have yet to compare theories. The purpose of this study was to test and evaluate the predictive abilities of two theories that have potential to inform social work practice and research: Affect Control Theory (ACT) and Social Interactional Theory (SIT). From subject- provided social interactions, findings demonstrate the ability of both theories to predict ordinary emotion. Whereas SIT predictions were generally more precise, this accuracy would have been lost without the precise emotion measurement capabilities of ACT.  相似文献   

In spite of a number of fundamental contrasts between the assumptions and methodologies of symbolic interactionist and psychoanalytic theories of social interaction in general and socialization in particular, the two perspectives embrace several common interpretations of human action. Moreover, many of the divergences can be appreciated as complementing, rather than contradicting, each other. Some of the more important convergences and complementarities, as well as unresolved differences, are noted and briefly treated under four broad rubrics: (1) human nature and human habitat; (2) the nature and stages of socialization; (3) the structure and functions of personality; and (4) the nature of social relationships. The points of synthesis implied by the complementarities between the two perspectives do not necessarily lead to eclecticism. On the other hand, such syntheses can enhance the analytical power of each perspective.  相似文献   



Previous criminological scholarship has posited that network ties among neighborhood residents may impact crime rates, but has done little to consider the specific ways in which network structure may enhance or inhibit criminal activity. A lack of data on social ties has arguably led to this state of affairs. We propose to avoid this limitation by demonstrating a novel approach of extrapolatively simulating network ties and constructing structural network measures to assess their effect on neighborhood crime rates.


We first spatially locate the households of a city into their constituent blocks. Then, we employ spatial interaction functions based on prior empirical work and simulate a network of social ties among these residents. From this simulated network, we compute network statistics that more appropriately capture the notions of cohesion and information diffusion that underlie theories of networks and crime.


We show that these network statistics are robust predictors of the levels of crime in five separate cities (above standard controls) at the very micro geographic level of blocks and block groups.


We conclude by considering extensions of the approach that account for homophily in the formation of network ties.  相似文献   

《Australian Social Work》2013,66(2):199-201
Eclecticism in social work has been criticised because interventions may be based on theories that have incompatible basic assumptions. The author offers a structural analysis of theories informing social work practice, according to each theory's basic assumptions about the nature of human society as either conflict or consensus, and human behaviour as a product of either free will or determinism. Four basic paradigms of practice in social work are created as quadrants within a circle and labelled, respectively, as the functionalist, existentialist, humanist and structuralist paradigms. The structure is then modified to establish a fifth ‘heuristic paradigm’ as an inner circle. The author suggests that heuristic paradigm theories are those that best accommodate the paradoxical coexistence of free will and determinism, and also conflict and consensus. Heuristic practice is therefore not seen simply as intuitive eclecticism, but an active and reflective use of various theories as ‘heuristic tools’ to shape practice interventions and thereby build practice wisdom.  相似文献   

Abstract This study extends the macro‐level criminological research tradition by examining the links between socioeconomic disadvantage, poverty concentration, and homicide in metropolitan and nonmetropolitan U.S. counties. Most research in this tradition has tested structural theories using urban areas as the unit of analysis. This “urban bias” has resulted in a limited understanding of the social forces driving violence in nonmetropolitan areas. To partially address this problem, we link the literature on the spatial and social organization of nonmetropolitan communities with the social isolation perspective from the urban poverty literature. We hypothesize that the spatial concentration of poverty drives up rates of homicide in both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas regardless of levels of socioeconomic disadvantage. Negative binomial regression for 1,746 nonmetropolitan and 778 metropolitan counties suggest that both socioeconomic disadvantage and poverty concentration elevate homicide in metropolitan areas. However, in nonmetropolitan counties only socioeconomic disadvantage has a significant impact. We conclude by discussing the implications of these differential findings for the social isolation perspective.  相似文献   

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