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Multivariate failure time data are commonly encountered in biomedical research since each study subject may experience multiple events or because there exists clustering of subjects such that failure times within the same cluster are correlated. In this article, we use the frailty approach to catch the related survival variables and assume each event is a discrete analog as an interval of clinical examinations periodically. For estimation, an Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm is developed and is applied to the diabetic retinopathy study (DRS).  相似文献   

The issue of modelling the joint distribution of survival time and of prognostic variables measured periodically has recently become of interest in the AIDS literature but is of relevance in other applications. The focus of this paper is on clinical trials where follow-up measurements of potentially prognostic variables are often collected but not routinely used. These measurements can be used to study the biological evolution of the disease of interest; in particular the effect of an active treatment can be examined by comparing the time profiles of patients in the active and placebo group. It is proposed to use multilevel regression analysis to model the individual repeated observations as function of time and, possibly, treatment. To address the problem of informative drop-out—which may arise if deaths (or any other censoring events) are related to the unobserved values of the prognostic variables—we analyse sequentially overlapping portions of the follow-up information. An example arising from a randomized clinical trial for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis is examined in detail.  相似文献   

The semi‐Markov process often provides a better framework than the classical Markov process for the analysis of events with multiple states. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we show that in the presence of right censoring, when the right end‐point of the support of the censoring time is strictly less than the right end‐point of the support of the semi‐Markov kernel, the transition probability of the semi‐Markov process is nonidentifiable, and the estimators proposed in the literature are inconsistent in general. We derive the set of all attainable values for the transition probability based on the censored data, and we propose a nonparametric inference procedure for the transition probability using this set. Second, the conventional approach to constructing confidence bands is not applicable for the semi‐Markov kernel and the sojourn time distribution. We propose new perturbation resampling methods to construct these confidence bands. Different weights and transformations are explored in the construction. We use simulation to examine our proposals and illustrate them with hospitalization data from a recent cancer survivor study. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 41: 237–256; 2013 © 2013 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Recurrent events involve the occurrences of the same type of event repeatedly over time and are commonly encountered in longitudinal studies. Examples include seizures in epileptic studies or occurrence of cancer tumors. In such studies, interest lies in the number of events that occur over a fixed period of time. One considerable challenge in analyzing such data arises when a large proportion of patients discontinues before the end of the study, for example, because of adverse events, leading to partially observed data. In this situation, data are often modeled using a negative binomial distribution with time‐in‐study as offset. Such an analysis assumes that data are missing at random (MAR). As we cannot test the adequacy of MAR, sensitivity analyses that assess the robustness of conclusions across a range of different assumptions need to be performed. Sophisticated sensitivity analyses for continuous data are being frequently performed. However, this is less the case for recurrent event or count data. We will present a flexible approach to perform clinically interpretable sensitivity analyses for recurrent event data. Our approach fits into the framework of reference‐based imputations, where information from reference arms can be borrowed to impute post‐discontinuation data. Different assumptions about the future behavior of dropouts dependent on reasons for dropout and received treatment can be made. The imputation model is based on a flexible model that allows for time‐varying baseline intensities. We assess the performance in a simulation study and provide an illustration with a clinical trial in patients who suffer from bladder cancer. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Clinical trials often assess whether or not subjects have a disease at predetermined follow-up times. When the response of interest is a recurrent event, a subject may respond at multiple follow-up times over the course of the study. Alternatively, when the response of interest is an irreversible event, a subject is typically only observed until the time at which the response is first detected. However, some recent studies have recorded subjects responses at follow-up times after an irreversible event is initially observed. This study compares how existing models perform when failure time data are treated as recurrent events.  相似文献   

Time‐to‐event data are common in clinical trials to evaluate survival benefit of a new drug, biological product, or device. The commonly used parametric models including exponential, Weibull, Gompertz, log‐logistic, log‐normal, are simply not flexible enough to capture complex survival curves observed in clinical and medical research studies. On the other hand, the nonparametric Kaplan Meier (KM) method is very flexible and successful on catching the various shapes in the survival curves but lacks ability in predicting the future events such as the time for certain number of events and the number of events at certain time and predicting the risk of events (eg, death) over time beyond the span of the available data from clinical trials. It is obvious that neither the nonparametric KM method nor the current parametric distributions can fulfill the needs in fitting survival curves with the useful characteristics for predicting. In this paper, a full parametric distribution constructed as a mixture of three components of Weibull distribution is explored and recommended to fit the survival data, which is as flexible as KM for the observed data but have the nice features beyond the trial time, such as predicting future events, survival probability, and hazard function.  相似文献   

The analysis of recurrent event data in clinical trials presents a number of difficulties. The statistician is faced with issues of event dependency, composite endpoints, unbalanced follow‐up times and informative dropout. It is not unusual, therefore, for statisticians charged with responsibility for providing reliable and valid analyses to need to derive new methods specific to the clinical indication under investigation. One method is proposed that appears to have possible advantages over those that are often used in the analysis of recurrent event data in clinical trials. Based on an approach that counts periods of time with events instead of single event counts, the proposed method makes an adjustment for patient time on study and incorporates heterogeneity by estimating an individual per‐patient risk of experiencing a morbid event. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that, with use of a real clinical study data, the proposed method consistently outperforms other measures of morbidity. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the context of clinical trials, there is interest in the treatment effect for subpopulations of patients defined by intercurrent events, namely disease-related events occurring after treatment initiation that affect either the interpretation or the existence of endpoints. With the principal stratum strategy, the ICH E9(R1) guideline introduces a formal framework in drug development for defining treatment effects in such subpopulations. Statistical estimation of the treatment effect can be performed based on the principal ignorability assumption using multiple imputation approaches. Principal ignorability is a conditional independence assumption that cannot be directly verified; therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the robustness of results to deviations from this assumption. As a sensitivity analysis, we propose a joint model that multiply imputes the principal stratum membership and the outcome variable while allowing different levels of violation of the principal ignorability assumption. We illustrate with a simulation study that the joint imputation model-based approaches are superior to naive subpopulation analyses. Motivated by an oncology clinical trial, we implement the sensitivity analysis on a time-to-event outcome to assess the treatment effect in the subpopulation of patients who discontinued due to adverse events using a synthetic dataset. Finally, we explore the potential usage and provide interpretation of such analyses in clinical settings, as well as possible extension of such models in more general cases.  相似文献   

Frequently in clinical and epidemiologic studies, the event of interest is recurrent (i.e., can occur more than once per subject). When the events are not of the same type, an analysis which accounts for the fact that events fall into different categories will often be more informative. Often, however, although event times may always be known, information through which events are categorized may potentially be missing. Complete‐case methods (whose application may require, for example, that events be censored when their category cannot be determined) are valid only when event categories are missing completely at random. This assumption is rather restrictive. The authors propose two multiple imputation methods for analyzing multiple‐category recurrent event data under the proportional means/rates model. The use of a proper or improper imputation technique distinguishes the two approaches. Both methods lead to consistent estimation of regression parameters even when the missingness of event categories depends on covariates. The authors derive the asymptotic properties of the estimators and examine their behaviour in finite samples through simulation. They illustrate their approach using data from an international study on dialysis.  相似文献   

The modeling of the dose–adverse event relationship in clinical studies of drugs that must be titrated is complicated due to confounding dose escalation and exposure time effects. We analyze the dose–adverse events over time of hypotension-related adverse events (dizziness, hypotension, postural hypotension, syncope, vertigo) in placebo-controlled benign prostatic hyperplasia studies of terazosin using two different methods. The first method uses a Cox regression model with time-dependent covariates to evaluate the time-to-first event data. The second method uses a logistic regression model with parameters estimated using generalized estimating equations to analyze multiple events. Doses were assigned to both placebo and terazosin patients according to the titration scheme in each study. Three combined titration-to-efficacy response studies (231 placebo, 230 terazosin patients) had a significant difference in the incidence of hypotension-related adverse events between placebo (7.4%) and terazosin (21.7%); however, they did not exhibit a significant difference between treatments in the rate of adverse events by dose. Applying these methods to a larger, longer duration titration to response study (1031 placebo, 1053 terazosin totals) produced similar results.  相似文献   

This paper discusses regression analysis of panel count data that often arise in longitudinal studies concerning occurrence rates of certain recurrent events. Panel count data mean that each study subject is observed only at discrete time points rather than under continuous observation. Furthermore, both observation and follow-up times can vary from subject to subject and may be correlated with the recurrent events. For inference, we propose some shared frailty models and estimating equations are developed for estimation of regression parameters. The proposed estimates are consistent and have asymptotically a normal distribution. The finite sample properties of the proposed estimates are investigated through simulation and an illustrative example from a cancer study is provided.  相似文献   

In many prospective clinical and biomedical studies, longitudinal biomarkers are repeatedly measured as health indicators to evaluate disease progression when patients are followed up over a period of time. Patient visiting times can be referred to as informative observation times if they are assumed to carry information in addition to that of the longitudinal biomarker measures alone. Irregular visiting times may reflect compliance with physician instruction, disease progression and symptom severity. When the follow-up time may be stopped by competing terminal events, it is possible that patient observation times may correlate with the competing terminal events themselves, thus making the observation times difficult to assess. To explicitly account for the impact of competing terminal events and dependent observation times on the longitudinal data analysis in the context of such complex data, we propose a joint model using latent random effects to describe the association among them. A likelihood-based approach is derived for statistical inference. Extensive simulation studies reveal that the proposed approach performs well for practical situations, and an analysis of patients with chronic kidney disease in a cohort study is presented to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

In clinical trials, missing data commonly arise through nonadherence to the randomized treatment or to study procedure. For trials in which recurrent event endpoints are of interests, conventional analyses using the proportional intensity model or the count model assume that the data are missing at random, which cannot be tested using the observed data alone. Thus, sensitivity analyses are recommended. We implement the control‐based multiple imputation as sensitivity analyses for the recurrent event data. We model the recurrent event using a piecewise exponential proportional intensity model with frailty and sample the parameters from the posterior distribution. We impute the number of events after dropped out and correct the variance estimation using a bootstrap procedure. We apply the method to an application of sitagliptin study.  相似文献   

In this work, the asymptotic unbiasedness and the asymptotic uncorrelatedness of periodograms for the periodically correlated spatial processes are given. This will be done using the time dependent spectral representation of periodically correlated spatial processes and Cholesky factorization of the spectral density. A graphical method is also proposed to detect the period of periodically correlated spatial processes. In order to support the theory, a simulation study and a real data example are performed.  相似文献   

The topic of heterogeneity in the analysis of recurrent event data has received considerable attention recent times. Frailty models are widely employed in such situations as they allow us to model the heterogeneity through common random effect. In this paper, we introduce a shared frailty model for gap time distributions of recurrent events with multiple causes. The parameters of the model are estimated using EM algorithm. An extensive simulation study is used to assess the performance of the method. Finally, we apply the proposed model to a real-life data.  相似文献   

This article considers a discrete-time Markov chain for modeling transition probabilities when multiple successive observations are missing at random between two observed outcomes using three methods: a na\"?ve analog of complete-case analysis using the observed one-step transitions alone, a non data-augmentation method (NL) by solving nonlinear equations, and a data-augmentation method, the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. The explicit form of the conditional log-likelihood given the observed information as required by the E step is provided, and the iterative formula in the M step is expressed in a closed form. An empirical study was performed to examine the accuracy and precision of the estimates obtained in the three methods under ignorable missing mechanisms of missing completely at random and missing at random. A dataset from the mental health arena was used for illustration. It was found that both data-augmentation and nonaugmentation methods provide accurate and precise point estimation, and that the na\"?ve method resulted in estimates of the transition probabilities with similar bias but larger MSE. The NL method and the EM algorithm in general provide similar results whereas the latter provides conditional expected row margins leading to smaller standard errors.  相似文献   

Multivariate failure time data also referred to as correlated or clustered failure time data, often arise in survival studies when each study subject may experience multiple events. Statistical analysis of such data needs to account for intracluster dependence. In this article, we consider a bivariate proportional hazards model using vector hazard rate, in which the covariates under study have different effect on two components of the vector hazard rate function. Estimation of the parameters as well as base line hazard function are discussed. Properties of the estimators are investigated. We illustrated the method using two real life data. A simulation study is reported to assess the performance of the estimator.  相似文献   

In bone marrow transplantation studies, patients are followed over time and a number of events may be observed. These include both ultimate events like death and relapse and transient events like graft versus host disease and graft recovery. Such studies, therefore, lend themselves for using an analytic approach based on multi-state models. We will give a review of such methods with emphasis on regression models for both transition intensities and transition- and state occupation probabilities. Both semi-parametric models, like the Cox regression model, and parametric models based on piecewise constant intensities will be discussed.  相似文献   

A model to accommodate time-to-event ordinal outcomes was proposed by Berridge and Whitehead. Very few studies have adopted this approach, despite its appeal in incorporating several ordered categories of event outcome. More recently, there has been increased interest in utilizing recurrent events to analyze practical endpoints in the study of disease history and to help quantify the changing pattern of disease over time. For example, in studies of heart failure, the analysis of a single fatal event no longer provides sufficient clinical information to manage the disease. Similarly, the grade/frequency/severity of adverse events may be more important than simply prolonged survival in studies of toxic therapies in oncology. We propose an extension of the ordinal time-to-event model to allow for multiple/recurrent events in the case of marginal models (where all subjects are at risk for each recurrence, irrespective of whether they have experienced previous recurrences) and conditional models (subjects are at risk of a recurrence only if they have experienced a previous recurrence). These models rely on marginal and conditional estimates of the instantaneous baseline hazard and provide estimates of the probabilities of an event of each severity for each recurrence over time. We outline how confidence intervals for these probabilities can be constructed and illustrate how to fit these models and provide examples of the methods, together with an interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

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