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随着我国改革开放的不断深入,越来越多的农民进入城市务工。由此滋生的农民工社会保障薄弱成为当前社会亟待解决的一大问题。国家可以从完善相关法律制度、户籍制度改革和建立灵活的社会保障制度等方面入手,完善农民工的社会保障体系。  相似文献   

本文对专家学者们对有关社会保障制度与和谐社会的关系及对构建和谐社会中的社会保障制度中存在的问题与解决措施的分析进行了总结。  相似文献   

关系变革与实现人的发展是中国共产党为人民谋利益、谋幸福的底层逻辑。在百余年的实践历程中,社会保障制度作为中国共产党改造中国社会的制度手段之一,不仅呈现出某种与西方社会保障制度一样的发展规律,更具有马克思主义的本质特征与发展规律,即不断变革束缚人的社会关系,逐步实现人的发展。关系变革、制度演进与人的发展成为解读中国共产党百年社会保障制度实践的三大关键词。为阐释清楚这一问题,在梳理马克思关系分析理论的基础上,构建基本分析逻辑与话语分析工具,结合中国共产党百年社会保障制度实践历程,揭示社会保障制度实践的关系本质。在此基础上,不难发现社会保障制度从作为关系变革结果、维护关系的制度手段,演变为其内部蕴含复杂社会关系,具有关系变革意涵,对实现人的发展越发具有重要意义的制度安排。在实现共同富裕的道路上,同时在新的生产力发展的基础上,未来社会保障制度将继续进行以实现人的全面发展为目标的深刻的关系变革。  相似文献   

秦迪 《现代交际》2010,(11):8-8
命案产生了被害人死亡的严重后果,其社会危害的特殊性及其所引发的社会矛盾的尖锐性决定了这类案件的直接被害人及作为间接被害人的近亲属(以下统称命案被害人)的救助问题不仅是一个司法问题,更是一个深刻而复杂的社会问题。于是,对命案被害人的救济便成为所有类型刑事案件被害人救济的重中之重和急中之急。  相似文献   

在城市化进程中,农村集体土地大量被征用,因此亟待为失地农民建立安全有效的社会保障制度。本文结合我市实情,对我市被征地农民社会保障制度进行探讨,全文分为三部分:一是农村社会保障的现状分析;二是建立被征地农民社会保障制度的必要性;三是我市被征地农民社会保障制度构建的探讨。  相似文献   

我国现行社会保障制度的一个突出问题是社会保障覆盖面小,所谓覆盖面小指的是我国社会保障的主要对象是国有企业职工、国家机关事业单位职工和参照国有企业办法实行的城市集体企业的职工,而农村地区居民和带有农民身份的工人始终处于我国社会保障体系的边  相似文献   

要建构我国的社会保障制度离不开价值层面的思考。现代社会保障制度是以社会公正、平等、效率、人道等人类社会治理的基本价值准则为价值追求的,这也是我国当代社会保障制度体系所追求的价值目标。  相似文献   

世界金融危机使得中国社会各界人士认识到,民生和社会保障问题不仅仅是政府对于社会底层民众的救济,更是保持一个国家发展的原动力。社会保障和救助体系的建立与完善已经成为一个不容回避的焦点问题,必须引起高度重视。本文从对低收入人群的界定,继而分析了低收入人群面临的困境及保障制度存在的问题,最后提出了中小城市低收入人群社会保障制度的完善对策。  相似文献   

和世界上大多数国家一样,约旦也面临着越来越严重的人口老龄化问题。为此,约旦政府在社会保障领域实施了三项重要的改革措施。一是参数式改革,即不改变现有制度的性质,只是调整具体的参数;二是整合碎片化制度改革,把公务员和军事人员纳入全国统一的社保制度中来;三是未雨绸缪,积极开展公共预筹积累制改革,融资模式由现收现付制逐步过渡到部分积累制,不断完善投资管理体制。这三项改革不仅符合世界银行提倡的改革模式,而且这三项改革措施之间的相互配合与协调,有力地推动了约旦社保制度的改革和发展,具有极强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

和世界上大多数国家一样,约旦也面临着越来越严重的人口老龄化问题。为此,约旦政府在社会保障领域实施了三项重要的改革措施。一是参数式改革,即不改变现有制度的性质,只是调整具体的参数;二是整合碎片化制度改革,把公务员和军事人员纳入全国统一的社保制度中来;三是未雨绸缪,积极开展公共预筹积累制改革,融资模式由现收现付制逐步过渡到部分积累制,不断完善投资管理体制。这三项改革不仅符合世界银行提倡的改革模式,而且这三项改革措施之间的相互配合与协调,有力地推动了约旦社保制度的改革和发展,具有极强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


Despite recent economic gains for women, a substantial gender gap in financial security during old age remains, making women more dependent than men upon Social Security. Social Security plays an important role in providing for women's economic security. The implications for women of several proposed changes in Social Security policy, including the call for the partial privatization of Social Security via the introduction of individual accounts, are analyzed. Many of the proposals would have the effect of asking women, particularly low-income women, to shoulder a disproportionate share of the risks and burdens associated with the changes.  相似文献   

《Social Work Education》2012,31(2):235-240
Social work student practice placements in disabled people's organisations offer several advantages for individual students, their peers and tutors, and DPOs themselves, who can offer placements for students in supporting service users to give their views as well as delivering social care services. In this context professional skills and anti-discriminatory practice are fostered through learning directly from disabled people as experts without the constraints of local authority policies.

This paper draws on my experiences of such student placements at Wiltshire and Swindon Users' Network over a 15-year period, 1993–2008, in collaboration with different universities. The social work student on placement here experiences an alternative organisational culture which recognises service users' expertise over professionals. The student learns to value collective peer support and working with activists who view their experience through the framework of the social model of disability. This facilitates a two-way exchange as the student learns about user-led practice and the disabled activists appreciate the skills the student brings.

The advent of policies of personalisation, the Big Society and the decreased role of local authorities is challenging the traditional model of adult care social work within local authorities. The placement of social workers in local centres for independent living, in order to provide intensive one-to-one support in support planning for those in complex situations, is only likely to increase in future. This can be seen as a positive alternative which enables professionals to rediscover their professional values and practice and extends the opportunity for placements beyond DPOs concerned with user involvement only.  相似文献   

回顾美国儿童保护制度的历史轨迹,不难发现,它最早可以追溯到17世纪初的殖民时期,至今已有四百多年的历史。美国的儿童保护制度大致经历了萌芽时期、形成时期、过渡时期和现代化时期四个历史阶段。从最初零星的保护到民间组织发挥主导作用,从儿童保护的低潮到政府发挥主导作用,美国儿童保护制度历史演进中蕴含着丰富的社会、经济和文化内涵。  相似文献   

"优势视角"从专业化层面上讲是社会工作实践的新模式。基于"优势视角"的高校残疾人社会工作实践模式可尝试从四个方面构建:"稳固三角形"专业关系的建立、"政府购买服务"的实施、高校残疾人社会工作专业方法、高校残疾人社会工作基本内容等。  相似文献   


To examine the potential consequences of raising the Social Security retirement age on future cohorts of low-income elders, this study, based on data from the Health and Retirement Study, 1992–1994, identifies factors that may hinder or facilitate continuous employment among older workers born between 1931 and 1941. Specifically, following the analysis of labor-force participation rates and self-reported reasons for non-work, multivariate logistic regression models tested the relationship between individual strengths and constraints, social-structural opportunities and constraints, and economic need variables and the likelihood of work. The findings show that for both men and women, having disabilities was the most significant predictor of non-work. Racial differences, especially in men's labor-force participation rates, appeared to be due in large part to significant racial differences in disability rates. A higher proportion of blacks and Hispanics than whites also reported that they were unemployed. Based on the findings, raising the Social Security eligibility age is likely to result in increased numbers of Disability Insurance (DI) claimants, and the fiscal impact of such an increase needs to be examined. The need to assist unemployed older persons is also discussed.  相似文献   

By the mid-1990s, 163 countries had statutory general disability programmes. Most have adopted social insurance as their primary policy instrument, which restricts coverage to those in paid formal employment, makes benefit eligibility dependent upon the satisfying of specific minimum contribution period requirements and provides earnings-related pensions. Many countries also provide supplementary and special need benefits. Programme funding comes overwhelmingly from employer and employee contributions, with a majority of countries providing government subsidies. Using a methodology that assesses national statutory social security intentions, a ranking of these disability programmes reveals that Australia has the best designed one.  相似文献   

Social work educators across the world are engaged in developing a curriculum that prepares students to be effective practitioners in a range of settings that involve working with children. This paper reflects on collaborative strategies and research that have influenced the child wellbeing content of social work courses in Australia. It presents a critical analysis of the tensions and challenges that can occur in (this) collaborative work. It then discusses an outcome of this advocacy to influence the child wellbeing content of social work education, an undergraduate module aimed at increasing students' knowledge and skills in communicating with children. This paper argues that Indigenous children (such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children) are over-represented in child protection systems and out-of-home care services, and that this needs to be acknowledged and given increased attention in the education of social work students internationally.  相似文献   

The relationship between social insurance, which provides families protection against certain risks, and child economic security is understudied. Using the 2004 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) matched to Social Security Administration benefit records, this article investigates the economic welfare effects of the child component of the US Social Security program. We examine how the poverty rate of child beneficiaries would change, absent Social Security income, and how heavily the family incomes of these children rely on it, by family characteristics. Our findings reveal that Social Security plays an important role in mitigating economic insecurity among children deprived of a wage-earning parent through disability, death, or retirement. Family structure, earnings, and employment status are identified as key factors moderating the effect of Social Security on child recipients’ financial circumstance.  相似文献   

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