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蛰居是日本较为严重的青少年问题之一,已成为一些青少年消极避世的生活方式。1990年,青少年蛰居问题首次见诸日本报端。2000年前后,由蛰居者实施的犯罪案件接连发生,青少年蛰居问题逐渐引起社会的关注。日本青少年蛰居原因复杂,既有社会性因素,也有家庭和学校教育方面的原因。针对青少年蛰居问题愈发严重的现状,日本政府和民间组织积极采取了一些措施。但由于蛰居问题的隐蔽性和敏感性,收效甚微。  相似文献   

日本是青少年蛰居问题的发源地,目前蛰居者已高达数十万人。日本对该问题的研究视角以精神分析为主,实证研究为辅,少量的社会学研究成果多侧重于案例分析、援助对策的考察,从而忽略了对蛰居问题根源的探讨。中国学界对该问题的研究多为现象描述、原因概述及对策简介,缺少宏观架构、理论支撑及深入的原因解析。因此,有必要从日本社会变迁中探寻蛰居问题的演变过程及其产生的社会机理。这对于中国青少年蛰居问题的研究和预防具有重要的警鉴意义。  相似文献   

近年来,日本青少年犯罪问题凸现,逐渐成为日本的主要社会问题之一.本文一方面分析了日本青少年犯罪严重的原因,另一方面也提出借鉴日本在青少年犯罪的预防和矫正领域的经验,警示与借鉴并重,完善我国的相关制度.  相似文献   

日本是世界上性文化比较开放的国家之一。20世纪70年代以来,随着社会富裕和西方性自由观念的传入,日本的色情业空前发展,报纸、电视、广播等大众传播媒介对性话题也开始无所顾忌地大肆报道。这种开放的性文化给青少年带来的影响是潜移默化的。他们的性行为变得开放、大胆,出现了低龄化、日常化等特征。少女妊娠、堕胎、感染性病的比率不断攀升,援助交际为首的青少年性越轨问题也随之愈演愈烈.引起了社会各界的关注。  相似文献   

日本的青少年工作开展得比较好,青少年活动比较活跃,这除了日本政府比较重视青少年问题以外,一个极其重要的原因是,在日本广泛存在各种青少年组织。这些青少年组织把广大青少年吸引在自己的周围,开展各种有益于青少年健康成长和促使他们为社会服务的活动。本文着重介绍的是日本主要的青少年组织的名称、宗旨及其成员数。一、日本全国男童子军协会宗旨:促进日本的男童子军活动,培养个性以及发展国际间的兄弟般关系。现有成员227,149人。二、日本女童子军宗旨:培养个性和社会服务精神,使女少年成为今后受人尊敬的公  相似文献   

青少年问题的实质是社会问题.究其产生的根本原因之一是社会公共政策的失衡。应该采用综合多元的社会公共治理新思路,完善和创新构建文明公共的传媒、促进青少年知识结构平衡的社会管理与社会救助、增加未成年人服务设施的城市规划等政策与措施。  相似文献   

5月16日、25日,上海市阳光社区青少年事务中心8名社工分两批跟随“上海抗震救灾青年志愿者医疗服务队”和“12355灾区青少年社会工作及心理康复援助专家志愿团上海分团”赶赴四川地震灾区德阳,为受灾群众提供社会工作专业服务。下面是阳光社工沈润芝的前线救灾日记。  相似文献   

21世纪中国青少年法律保护的走向   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
21世纪中国青少年法律保护的走向徐建,肖建国激烈的社会变革势必会带来一些社会问题,例如青少年合法权益的问题,青少年违法犯罪的问题,青少年自我发展和提高的问题等等,值得我们重视与关注,作为现代社会管理基本的、重要的手段之一的法律,理应顺应社会发展,保护...  相似文献   

本文从生态学的视角探寻青少年研究的路径,以回应青少年研究中出现的困惑。通过对青少年生态系统的构成、特性及其平衡机制分析,提出在现有系统中增加专门援助系统.以修补原系统破损的结构和残缺的功能。最后探索了问题性、成长性与发展性以及前瞻性等三类青少年研究的生态学路径。  相似文献   

以社会变迁中的青少年为主题的“第2次中日青少年问题学术讨论会”将于今年9月和11月分别在中国和日本召开。上海会场举行日期为9月27至28日,日方提交的学术报告是:森田洋司“日本青少年越轨行为与对策”、谷富夫“青年的城市流向与社会适应的机制分析”、金(?)晓嗣“后现代化中的青少年价值观”、富田健治“大阪青少年活动”。会议由上海社科院青少年研究所和日中  相似文献   

Abstract: Sociologists in Japan recognize that the circumstances under which social survey research is conducted have been deteriorating and have become critical since 2000. Social survey research is understood as a large-scale survey that mainly draws samples by a random sampling method, using a questionnaire as a measurement tool. The crises of social survey research are summarized as following: (1) the increasing difficulty of conducting accurate sampling and (2) the decline in response rates to drawn samples (planned samples). This paper focuses on the decline in response rates to social survyes by examining recent trends in relation to social surveys conducted by the Japanese government and local government (prefectures). In summary, there has been a landslidedecline of the response rate between 2005 and 2006 in surveys conducted by Japanese government. This decline was thought to mainly come from the declining of response rates among the elderly and women, groups that had previously had high response rates. This seems to be the result of the growing level of the crime involving the abuse of the personal information. However, there did not appear to be a serious decline in the response rate for surveys conducted by local governments. Given that it is not easy to restore response rates, it is important to develop research methods and techniques to cope with the decline. Further, informing respondents of the purpose of the research and its benefit to may help raise response rates.  相似文献   

For more than a hundred years, voice hearing has been treated as a symptom of serious mental illnesses with biological origins. Pharmaceutical companies have expanded the range of products targeted at treating these illnesses and the diagnosis of schizophrenia now underpins a multi-billion dollar, world-wide business. Throughout the western world, nation states have vested an authority in psychiatry to compulsorily treat people who meet a set of diagnostic criteria that is widely discredited. There is considerable evidence that more effective ways of responding to people experiencing psychosis can be provided without coercion. These approaches differ in essence to traditional Kraepelinian psychiatry in that they acknowledge the role of people's life experiences in creating the problems they face, and the professionals work in partnership with the service users. The approaches recognise that people have histories which often include considerable trauma and social workers are in an ideal position to work with voice hearers to help them understand their experiences and to develop ways of coping. The authority vested in psychiatry is not static and within Europe mental health professionals can contribute to changing what is meant by ‘unsound mind’ and extending the right of liberty to voice hearers. In doing this, social workers can ensure that they do not compound the trauma by devaluing and discrediting people's experience.  相似文献   

The well-being and safety of children and young people are important aspects in all contexts of everyday life. In particular, a feeling of insecurity might be a problem when being alone. Bullying is also common among school-age children and teenagers. Hence, there is a great need for personalized support systems to resolve these problems. This article describes a new area of research in sensor and social web development to help indicate children’s insecurity in their daily environment. Deeper integration of sensors and the social web would allow us to foresee drastic changes in communities and new social–ethical scenarios will emerge.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate to what degree teenagers agree with bullying explanation statements that could be categorised as the odd victim explanation, bully's social positioning explanation, or the distressed bully explanation. A second aim was to investigate how these types of bullying explanations might be associated with gender and self‐reported prior bullying roles. Three hundred and fifty teenagers, attending three upper secondary schools in a medium‐sized Swedish town, completed a questionnaire. Although the teenagers were prone to agree with all three types of bullying explanations, they were more inclined to think that bullying occurs because the bully wants power or status. Girls were more inclined than boys to think that bullying takes place because the bullies have their own problems. The more the teenagers thought that bullying occurs because the victims are odd, different or deviant, the more they have been involved in bullying situations as bullies or reinforcers. The more the teenagers thought that bullying occurs because the bully has psychosocial problems, the more they have been involved as defenders and the less as bullies or reinforcers in bullying situations.  相似文献   

一系列"官二代"、"富二代""红二代"和"星二代"犯罪案件的频发,引起了社会的高度关注。"X二代"犯罪暴露了目前对青少年公民教育的缺失。预防青少年犯罪应当从加强公民教育做起,增强青少年的公民意识,树立正确的权利意识,培养基本的法治意识,提升青少年的道德素养,增强青少年的责任意识,提升青少年的整体素质。公民教育是一项系统工程,需要依靠和发动全社会的力量,通过家庭、学校和社会的共同努力,推进公民教育,实现预防青少年犯罪的目的。  相似文献   

Most of the European countries struggle with a lack of public resources for the care of elderly people. Several comparative studies have shown that the ‘social democratic’ welfare regime of Scandinavia offers more public services to older people than any other regime. This is true both for institutional care and home care. The national averages, however, hide some serious problems. The responsibility for the care of elderly people has been transferred to the municipalities. This is threatening one of the cornerstones of the Scandinavian welfare state, equality. Access to care is increasingly becoming a question of which municipality you happen to grow old in. While inequality seems to be the problem when comparing elderly living in different municipalities, too egalitarian a policy seems to be a problem within the municipalities. In a situation where every old person is entitled to get help, the number of old people is growing and the economic resources are restricted, the cheapest form of care, ‘thinly spread’, often seems to be the only solution. It is argued that this leads to unnecessary institutionalisation. Whether there are other solutions, and what consequences they have, is also discussed. Empirical findings from a study of the care of older people in five municipalities in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden from 1991 to 1995, will be used as examples.  相似文献   

Recently social work in the Netherlands underwent two major changes. Specialized agencies were replaced by one-stop shops (district teams) and the welfare state was replaced by a ‘participation society’, in which vulnerable groups have to rely on their social network rather than resort to professional care. The first change is termed ‘de-specialization’; the second ‘basic de-professionalization’. The research question in this article is: how do Dutch social workers experience and evaluate these two developments? Qualitative interviews with 29 experienced social workers show that most of them endorse de-specialization, as this type of aid is deemed better for clients with complex problems. Moreover, many social workers like to take on new tasks. Basic de-professionalization is met with more reserve. Social workers observe that many clients do not have a suitable network and need professional help. In addition, they feel that their profession is being degraded as lay people and volunteers take over (part of) their work. However, they feel unable to resist this development, because resistance might get them sacked. Some social workers even enhance basic de-professionalization because of their willingness to continue working as (retired) volunteers. Social workers and theorists need to address and counter the move towards basic de-professionalization.  相似文献   

The recruitment of young people into volunteering activities is the primary focus of this article. We examine which teenagers volunteer, the ways that teenagers become involved in volunteer activities, and why teenagers do not volunteer. Teenagers who volunteer tend to have dominant status, that is, access to social power, high personal competency, and socialization into volunteer experiences through family, church, and school. Personal contact with family, friends, and teachers who are involved with service, prior participation in school‐ and church‐based service, and personal initiative lead teenagers to learn about and engage in volunteering activities. Teenagers who do not volunteer often do not have sufficient time or interest. Differences exist among teenagers as to which factors prompt volunteering. For example, teenagers who are white, have parents who volunteer, and attend religious services are more likely than others to learn about volunteer activities through organizations, and teenagers with higher personal competency (grade point averages) are more likely than others to learn about volunteering activities at school. The article includes suggestions for recruitment policy and management of teenage volunteers.  相似文献   

Hikikomori is a Japanese term referring to the condition of being “shut‐in” or someone with that condition. Japanese national surveys indicated that the total number of hikikomori is over one million. This paper seeks to elucidate the “hikikomori” problem faced by families and connect those microscopic experiences to a macroscopic common problem related to some social backgrounds of Japanese society. For the study, I examined statistical data from national and KHJ (a nationwide organization of hikikomori families) surveys, and case studies of fathers of hikikomori sons. One of the main findings was that the common problem of families with hikikomori people is not the shut‐in condition of them, but the “dependency” of these adult‐aged children. Fathers' attempts to reduce the dependency included encouraging their sons to secure stable employment or connect them to adequate social security, such as public assistance. However, these efforts are often ineffectual because of social structural backgrounds: transformation of the labor market, inadequate social security, and the infinite duty of family to sustain children. This paper also focused on the policies of the “Japanese model of welfare society” as a political factor that reinforced the family dependency by developing a combination of workfare regime and familialism. The Japanese model of welfare society assumes that the employment of men as breadwinners would be stable. Instability of the employment of men makes the model dysfunctional. The expansion of the hikikomori problem as a family dependency problem is evidence of the dysfunction of the model.  相似文献   

This study examines whether financial literacy can help to reduce anxiety about life in old age. We hypothesized that financially literate people are more able to earn income and accumulate assets, leading them to have a less anxious life in old age. On the other hand, less financially literate people rely more on social security to secure themselves in the old age as they are not able to accumulate sufficient assets. By using US survey data, we provide evidence that assets significantly reduce anxiety about life in old age only for people who are more financially literate. For less financially literate people, social security plays an important role in reducing anxiety about life in old age. Besides these, having a child and doing regular exercise also reduced anxiety for all respondents but marital status reduced anxiety in respondents over 40 years of age. The results of our study are robust to measurement of financial literacy and endogeneity problems.  相似文献   

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