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(一)学校教育情境学校教育承担社会秩序与社会关系再制的功能。无论在汉族社会情境中还是藏族社会情境中,族群认同感可以在不同的情境中建构。1.国家政府政策情境学校的功能之一是使国家政府和中华民族文化合法化。这种合法性一方面通过国家的宪法以及其他各种法律的规定得以实现,另一方面在学校实施意识形态和政治教育来加以保证。在这种意义上来说,学校把国家的意识形态合法化。通过这种合法性,国家政府控制学校并强制学校实施意识形态教育,尤其是对少数民族的学校与学生。通过对各种法律、规章、文件的分析,内地西藏班致力于包括“爱国主…  相似文献   

吕钊进 《民族学刊》2021,12(9):17-27, 115
“文化多元”和“政治一体”之间的逻辑张力被认为是构建中华民族共同体认同的主要挑战。多元化和社会团结之间的矛盾贯穿着民族国家建构的普遍过程。作为对国族认同危机的回应,文化-政治二元论在很长时间内主导了西方民族认同研究,构建了一套现代性的话语体系。在该话语体系中,民族是现代化过程中出现的一定地理范围内具有政治意涵的共同体,而族群是由血缘和历史传承下来的文化界定的人群。民族认同和国家认同重合,具有内部的同质性和稳定性;族群却被认为可能给民族认同的稳定性带来挑战。发端于“文化转向”的边界建构范式和以行动者为中心的认同情境论在一定程度上超越了现代性话语。在边界建构范式中,民族和族群认同同属一个分析范畴,本质上都是自我和他者间边界塑造的社会过程,是通过意义赋予实现的。身份认同建构既是个人主观能动性的体现,又受到文化和社会结构的限制。认同情境论的主张是,身份认同的构建受到不同情境的制约。边界建构范式和认同情境论有助于我们跳出现代性话语框架下的政治/民族-文化/族群的二元论,对我们探究中华民族共同体认同的特征有启发意义。  相似文献   

关丙胜 《民族学刊》2011,2(5):8-17,91
族群进行的"划界"行动是在特定社会历史条件下族群精英因应某种利好利用学术精英的研究成果及族群文化实践而在族群内外展开的族群建构行动。20世纪七十年代末以来中国图瓦人的"图瓦人"族群建构肇始于学术精英对其族源的研究以及外界的持续关注,并在族群精英、地方政府以及文化精英等的助推下延伸到了普通大众。为期一年的参与观察及问卷调查证明:中国图瓦人的族群建构有着明显的区域、性别、年龄等维度上的层次差异,并因族群建构中去蒙古化乃至试图通过国家层面吁求"图瓦族"民族身份的确认而引发了族群内外的多维矛盾。  相似文献   

民族的跨国分布是当今世界多民族国家形成的历史过程、现代国家建构与实践的结果。面对日益多元的动因促使下的跨国民族迁移与流动,跨国民族的研究必须直面民族的感性生活和现实问题,从本质论转向实践论、过程论的角度来分析跨国民族的内涵及其生成过程。文章通过对泰缅边境Nor Lae(诺雷)村Dara-ang(达拉昂)人(1)的跨国流动及其族别身份的获得过程的研究,试图提出族群裂变与人口治理是促成跨国民族形成的内生与外在动力,而民族跨国迁移的社会过程、现代民族国家整合与治理的需求以及国家的治理差异、族群的身份认同意识的差别则是跨国民族形成的动力机制的社会情境。  相似文献   

在青海省黄河南部有一部分特殊的蒙古族群体,在与周围藏族长达700多年的互动往来中,因逐渐丧失本民族的文化特质,而常常被外界误识为"藏民"。80年代以来,在国家民族政策的影响下,这一族群尝试通过复振蒙古民族的文化传统,重塑民族特色和形象。本文以其中较为典型的文化复振活动--那达慕为例,通过对河南蒙古族恢复那达慕的过程的叙述,旨在探讨该族群如何借助这一仪式活动,来建构和强化身份认同意识,并进一步揭示了该仪式中地方社会与国家的互动关系。  相似文献   

赵岚  刘家肇 《民族学刊》2021,12(7):68-74, 109
文化身份问题是中国少数民族文化研究的重要内容。全球化与现代化的快速发展使得文化身份的固定语义不断地经历嬗变与转化。在此语境下,当代中国少数民族文化身份的建构不可避免地面临两难境地,即内在身份建构场域与外在身份建构情境的割裂与对立。本文从媒介关系转型拓展的角度,探究再媒介化在当代中国少数民族文化身份建构中的关键作用。再媒介化既广泛存在网络游戏、VR影视等视听文本,为界定族群文化身份提供考察视角;又深耕于影像文本,借助文化还原、情境建构等动态化视觉体验,为建构族群文化身份提供影像凭证。在再媒介化与族群文化身份的互动中,族群得以深度阐释其文化身份建构与传播的过程,并期待再媒介化理性发挥媒介的建构优势与传播使命,促进当代中国少数民族文化身份的合理建构。  相似文献   

关凯 《民族研究》2012,(5):1-11,108
资源竞争理论认为,族群符号是社会竞争的工具之一,在一定的社会条件下,人们会以族群为单位组织起来在社会系统内争夺各种资源,从而建构起族群之间的社会边界。因此,社会竞争的需要及个体与群体的应对策略,是族群建构的根本动力。本文从理论层面回顾了西方族群资源竞争理论的起源、演进线索与一些经典研究案例,并与之进行对话,尝试分析其理论的局限性。同时,也尝试将国家作为一个变量带入到这个理论对话中来,从而为资源竞争理论以社会为中心的取向,补充一个国家视角,分析国家作为竞争协调者的重要角色与作用及其对族群建构的影响。  相似文献   

民族·族群·社群·社区·社会共同体的关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族、族群和社群在某个特定空间范围按照不同的方式组合成了不同的社会共同体.但是,不同社会共同体的活动空间范围需要位于该空间(或社区)中的人们的集体建构与有效维护.社会共同体的存续、发展抑或散失、瓦解,很大程度上取决于构成该共同体的民族、族群或社群的意识消长、竞争力大小以及国家的政策支持.民族与社群在不同的情境下会形成不同的共同体,并有可能朝着"民族主义"和"社群主义"的方向发展.族群的认同虽然也会随着情境变化而产生不同的认同,但它基本上是"文化"层面的,而且往往是运用这种"文化"上的认同去谋求利益或效益,亦即它更多地表现为"工具性"的生存策略.但是,在民族认同与族群认同重合和民族社区、族群社区与社群社区趋于一致的情况下,族群的"文化"认同亦有可能转化为政治认同.  相似文献   

王军  徐静 《世界民族》2022,(5):16-28
人口普查族群分类是现代国家建设中兼具技术性与政治性的治理行为,它既可促进族群平等,保障族群利益,推动国家整合,也可导致族群压迫,诱发族际政治冲突,阻碍国家发展。本文以印度、卢旺达、美国为研究对象,主要对三国人口普查族群分类的历程、政治逻辑和政治影响进行剖析。从人口普查族群分类历程看,它具有事实性与主观性、发展性与稳定性相结合的特点。人口普查族群分类逻辑可概括为意识形态逻辑、治理逻辑和法律逻辑三部分。概而观之,人口普查族群分类存在包容性与排外性的对立统一关系,兼具解构和建构多民族国家的双重作用,值得多民族国家反思和警醒。  相似文献   

民族认同感与国家认同感是民族学校教育的重要组成部分.正确的民族认同,可以促进学生正确地认识本民族,促进各民族平等友好交往.本文在阐明相关概念基础上,阐释民族认同感的重要性,并试图通过学校、社会、家庭教育来培养蒙古族中小生民族认同感.学校教育中显性课程与隐性课程在培养民族认同过程中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

本文通过对我院2008级藏族学生和其他民族学生的身体形态、素质、机能等指标进行抽样调查,结果显示,藏族学生除身体机能指标肺活量和身体素质指标的中长跑优于其他民族学生外,其他均低于或近似其他民族学生.因此,在教学过程中应针对藏族学生的特点,科学合理安排训练.  相似文献   

万果  王巳龙 《民族学刊》2023,14(4):29-34, 137
以川、青区域涉藏州县的藏传佛教场所为重点关注对象,探讨涉藏州县宗教神圣场域中共同体意识的建构渊源、演进历程、现时表达及未来期望。在具有藏传佛教传统的涉藏州县区域,以寺院为核心的神圣场域建构,是藏传佛教历史传承和发展的主要路径。在川青涉藏州县的多民族复合文化语境下,藏传佛教的神圣场域建构不断发展完善。在这一漫长历程中,藏传佛教一方面不断调适以适应本土化的历史现实语境,另一方面则通过教派之间竞争博弈与交往交流,形成与社会主义社会相适应的藏传佛教文化形态。在这个历史过程中,中华民族共同体意识有其在场的内在基础,并与藏传佛教话语体系形成相互促进、相互成就的正反馈路径,不仅形成了具有中华民族认同心理的地缘文化与宗教神圣场域叙事,而且还以人物交流、宗教传播及文化扩散的方式对周边乃至更远区域的中华民族文化构建产生了积极的辐射影响。同时,文化的交往、交流和交融构成了中华民族共同体意识在川青涉藏州县多元文化语境的终极表达。  相似文献   

本文通过对义务教育阶段语文课本内容的分析,揭示了国家在形塑汉族青少年民族意识时的主要方式:表达中华民族意识的方式主要是通过比较中国与外国来展示的;表达族群意识的方式主要是通过突出少数族群与汉族群的"同"而淡化"异"来展示。总的来说,在义务教育阶段,语文课文中关于民族意识形塑集中在强调中华民族(中国)的一体性,重在激发爱国的感情。  相似文献   

王德强  史冰清 《民族研究》2012,(2):13-22,108
本文以问卷调查采集的数据为依据,运用实证分析的方法对云南藏区民族区域自治政策落实情况与民族关系作了相关考察。认为民族区域自治制度的实现程度与民族关系的和谐呈显著正相关;民族认同与国家认同并不相悖,国家认同高于民族认同,民族认同寓于国家认同中;民族区域自治制度巩固了平等、团结、互助、和谐的民族关系;当代中国各民族的国家认同植根于中国特色社会主义伟大实践中,并将得到进一步巩固和升华。  相似文献   

Research has documented important connections between ethnic identity and academic success. In the multiethnic context of the US, ethnic self-identification is a dynamic process that develops through social interaction within institutions. Understanding the emergence of a Latino self-identity within schools can provide insight into the meanings adolescents confer to a “Latino” identity and the relationship between a Latino self-identity and academic success. This study uses data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to examine (1) the association between a Latino self-identification in-school but not at home and academic well-being, (2) the association between a Latino self-identification in-school but not at home and school processes, and (3) whether school processes help to mediate the relationship between Latino self-identification in-school but not at home and academic well-being. Results suggest that while adolescents who identify as Latino at school but not at home come from families and neighborhoods with higher levels of economic and human capital, by the end of high school they have accumulated less educational capital then either consistently identifying Latinos or non-Latino whites. Much of this association can be explained by prior academic experiences, yet other factors associated with resistance to institutional norms and attending low performing schools may also be important. Results suggest that non-minority, underachieving adolescents may choose to self-identify as Latino in schools as a way to save face and avert identity crises and that perhaps youth in schools have come to associate a Latino identity with poor school performance.  相似文献   

肖坤冰 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):55-60,111-112
Modernization and globalization have already become the central themes of contem-porary China. As the carriers of traditional ethnic culture, ethnic minority villages and families have inevitably been involved in this development trend. After school-aged children in ethnic minority fami-lies enter schools, they are separated from their o-riginal cultural environment; meanwhile, the school curriculum is entirely based on the modern western education system. As a result, traditional culture inheritance among contemporary China’s younger generations has been facing unprecedented challenges and crises. The project of ‘Ethnic Culture Entering School Activities’ , which has been implemented in some ethnic minority regions in recent years, can be considered as a beneficial effort to realize the live transmission of ethnic intangible culture by means of school education. ‘Ethnic Culture Ente-ring School Activities ’ , was first initiated in Guizhou province, and later was gradually expand-ed to Yunnan, Guangxi, Hunan, and other prov-inces that have a number of ethnic minorities. Al-though Sichuan province is home to many Tibetan, Qiang , and Yi peoples, this project was implemen-ted in Sichuan very late, thus there is little rele-vant research. Based on the investigations on the status of ‘Qiang Culture entering School Activi-ties’ at three schools in Sichuan’s Wenchuan coun-ty, this article summarizes the characteristics and existing problems in different schools for the trans-mission of ethnic culture so as to provide a reliable reference for related projects in the future. With a survey analysis, the author discovers that ‘Qiang Culture entering School Activities’ at these three schools show differences in terms of the richness of course design, the awareness of its im-portance, and implementation effect; meanwhile, those exiting problems not only reveal the perva-siveness of this project throughout southwest Chi-na, but also show the individual particularities caused by geographical location, school level, and main tasks. Moreover, when investigating these is-sues more deeply, four ‘hidden’ features can be summarized as follows:First, there are structural differences between ordinary elementary and middle schools and voca-tional schools. Vocational schools emphasize more on the transmission of ethnic cultures. Second, the traditional culture of local ethnic minorities has been inherited more naturally in the marginal regions than those more urbanized re-gions. Third, although they are all recognized as in-tangible heritage, different types of traditional cul-ture have an unequal development. The performing type such as singing and dancing shows the most superior transmission ability in ethnic culture; the second superior type is traditional handicraft while ethnic language is obviously the most difficult one in terms of the transmission of ethnic culture. Fourth, the ‘Ethnic Culture Entering School Activities ’ project in different ethnic minority groups has the unbalanced development even in the same region. In the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Auton-omous Prefecture, the Qiang elites generally com-plain that their minority groups have received far less favorable national preferential policies and are viewed with less importance than Tibetan people. The compiling of Tibetan textbooks, Tibetan lan-guage curriculum, and bilingual examination sys-tem are more conducive to the transmission of Ti-betan culture. Concerning the above mentioned problems, this article puts forward the following suggestions:first, the relevant administration should further in-crease the capital investment, and promote the training of teaching staff and school-based text-books;second, local education departments should set up an efficient assessment and incentive mecha-nism, and promote the formation of a social envi-ronment wherein ethnic cultural study has useful applications;finally, schools in ethnic minority re-gions should strengthen cooperation and exchanges among themselves, and build connections with rel-evant education administrations and research insti-tutions. The fundamental difficulty in implementing the ‘Ethnic Culture Entering School Activities ’ project lies in the fact that traditional culture has not been included in the examination content of the modern education system. Therefore, in the ele-mentary and middle school education, the primary goal is to increase the enrollment rate of students, while the transmission of traditional culture is noth-ing more than a slogan. In order to achieve the goal of integrating traditional ethnic culture into the modern education system, we must rely on the co-operation among education administrations, schools, families, and society as a whole, and constantly improve corresponding assessment and incentive mechanisms, thus jointly creating a so-cial environment that ethnic culture has useful ap-plications. Meanwhile, intangible cultural carri-ers, intellectuals who desire to disseminate their ethnic culture, and the parents of the students should all be encouraged to participate; by doing so, we can accelerate the spread of ethnic culture into local schools step by step.  相似文献   

School participation rates in Hong Kong are acknowledged to be high but not always for the city’s ethnic minority students. Case study was used to portray the ‘out of school’ phenomenon for ethnic minority students at a secondary school in Hong Kong through the experiences of one such ethnic minority student. Morshed, a Pakistani student, participated with the researchers in an unstructured in-depth interview. In addition, interviews were also conducted with the principal, two teachers, and one support staff from the school. The study showed the complex interaction of school contexts and personal life issues that influenced Morshed’s dropping out of school. Implications are drawn for providing better school support that can facilitate more positive schooling experiences for Hong Kong’s ethnic minority students.  相似文献   

卓仓藏族文化在有鉴别地吸纳以汉民族为主体的其他民族文化的同时,又顽强地保留了其本身悠久的文化传统,这在婚俗中表现得颇为突出。因此本文就以卓仓藏族婚俗为视角,通过对其仪式象征的表层结构如实物、行为、言语等象征的阐述,继而分析了其象征的深层结构,即人生观、伦理道德观、宗教观和族群认同观。  相似文献   

少数民族的身份认同意识具有多元性特征.大众媒体对于少数民族身份认同的塑造具有重要作用,通过传播主流社会价值观、发挥语言文化的教育功能、传播社会经济信息技术,促进了少数民族接纳吸收主流社会文化,有利于塑造少数民族的民族认同意识、国家认同意识.在当前边疆地区特殊的社会形势下,有必要加强和调整针对少数民族的传播手段和内容,确立少数民族的身份认同意识.  相似文献   

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