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知道张立强先生是在十年以前,那时他不仅风华正茂,事业有成,还是我市"十大杰出青年","新长征突击手"。1998年他调入汇泉王朝,现任青岛汇泉王朝集团董事长、总经理,高级经济师,他还是青岛市第十三届、十四届人大代表,国家级星级饭店评定员。从事二十几年服务业生涯的他看上去宽厚而不失精明,自信却不骄狂。由于他为人行事比较低调,多家媒体曾请他做专访大多被他婉言谢绝。于是,"汇泉王朝"老总张立强愈发显得神秘起来。这次借我市"人代会"胜利闭幕的东风,在他即将动身履行国家星级饭店评定职能的前一天,张立强先生接受了本刊的专访。有人说:"‘五星级’大酒店的老总还不好干吗?客房装修得好点,服务周到细致一点,客人不就多了吗?"通过对张立强先生的访问,记者感受到"五星"老总不简单。  相似文献   


1975年秋天,一个19岁的年轻人来到老沧口四流中路百货店报到。那时候,这个脸上写满青涩的小伙子的最高理想,就是当个进货员,骑着大金鹿自行车满世界找货源,让老沧口的纺织工人用上他精心采购的商品。仿佛电影的蒙太奇,33年后的今天,这个名叫徐恭藻的年轻人已经是利群集团董事局主席、总裁,成就了一个民族商业跌宕起伏、纵横开阖的激情神话。这个艰难而兴奋的化蛹成蝶的历程用了30年时间,正是我国改革开放刻骨铭心、意义深远的30年。  相似文献   

This paper draws on recent developments in the theory of choice under uncertainty to model anomalies in intertemporal choice. Cognitive limitations leading to hyperbolic discounting and magnitude effects in intertemporal choice may be described in terms of bounded awareness, and represented by phenomena familiar from visualization software such as Google Earth. Cognitive limits on visualization impose constraints on both the area being viewed and the level of detail of the view, with a trade-off between the two. Increasing detail at the expense of limiting the area viewed may be described as zooming. Data from a field experiment were used to assess the theory with an incentive-compatible multiple price list approach involving magnitude levels of 5x, 10x and 20x the basic magnitude level with time horizons of one, three, six and 12 months. Without zooming adjustments in base consumption, very strong hyperbolic and magnitude effects were found, and present bias could not explain the hyperbolic effects. The zooming model provides an explanation of what appear to be significant intertemporal anomalies in the data.  相似文献   

It is increasingly common for urban planners and local policymakers to adopt interactive technologies, such as geographical information systems (GISs), to inform their decision making and to enhance performance. This paper aimed to assess the role that interactive technology can play in enhancing urban governance to meet social needs by improving local organisations’ capacities, client access, and service effectiveness and responsiveness, as well as community building. Using the previous research framework on mapping community capacity developed by Brudney et al. (Community Development Journal, 2016, 52, 354) and Çöltekin et al. (Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2009, 36, 5–17), we examined a simulated online interactive map for service provision in Hong Kong and interviewed around 20 local community organisations and 100 local residents about their user experience, their willingness to support its long-term adoption and their challenges. Our findings reveal that local residents find the interactive map helpful, particularly in improving service access, whereas local organisations are more reluctant to adopt such technology due to high maintenance costs. The implications of our study include the need to develop incentives to encourage technology adoption, to improve the capacity of local organisations and to establish better links between community organisations and local residents to identify sustainable financing (through crowdsourcing) for GIS applications to improve urban community governance.  相似文献   

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