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The Policy of Reform and Opening-up and Philosophy and Social Sciences Zi Ye, Jin Bei, Sun Xin  相似文献   

As a whole, the innovation system building of philosophy and social sciences is still at a groping stage, and still exist several issues in the practice. This paper analyzes the basic frame of innovation sys- tem of philosophy and social sciences, and puts forward the policy proposal for path planning of it in the new times. The author thinks that we should build macro coordination mechanism of the innovation sys- tem, integrate functional orientation of innovative subject and perfect institutional environment of the in- novation system, and so on.  相似文献   

Several Development Relationships on Promoting Subjects Construction
Dong Zhiying
The development of subjects is open and dynamic. So we should deal with several development relationships. It mainly includes the harmony development between macro - management, middle management and microscopic management, and basic subjects and applied subjects are going together, the interaction development between traditional science and new interdisciplinary science,  相似文献   

Inheriting Good Traditions and Creating New Glory: the Outstanding Achievements and Inspiration of Philosophy and Social Sciences since Sixty Years in New China  相似文献   

Hu Qiaomu's Research Management Thought Liu Pu Hu Qiaomu was a proletariat revolutionary, a great Marxist and political commentator. During that time when he was the president of CASS,  相似文献   

l Carrying on Achievements, Summing--up Experiences and Making New Contributions to the Prosperous Development of Philosophy and Social Sciences Li Shenming
This article sums up the splendid achievements and historical experience of philosophy and social science in order to provide historical enlightenment since the establishment of new China.  相似文献   

Analysis of Karl Marx's Notion of Punishment
Liu Chang  相似文献   

On the Constitute of Philosophy and Social Sciences Innovation Ability Xiong Jin Philosophy and social sciences innovation ability means promotion and development for existing theo- ry and system, which done by the subject of innovation in philosophy and social sciences, to be adapt to the needs of social era and the self - development of the theory. Philosophy and social sciences innovation can be characterized as proposal of new theories development of new methods, finding of new materials etc. Subject of innovation in philosophy and social sciences constitute singer researcher and institution (enterprise and scientific research institutes) and state (government). So philosophy and social sci- ences innovation ability constitute knowledge transforming ability, personality and moral quality, ideolog- ical concept and consciousness as well as constitution of social system and mechanism.  相似文献   

Rank- order Tournament and its Development: a Literature Review Song Yan Rank - order tournament is an important theory of incentive mechanism in the principal agent rela- tionship which is based on the comparison of individual relative performance. Through the ranking meth- od from the highest individual output to the lowest, it can achieve the greatest degree information utiliza- tion of the observable variable and reduce the impact of the uncertainty, solving the principal or agent's moral hazard as well as improving outputs. In order to accelerate the development process of rank - order tournament, the paper then summarizes the research status on rank - order tournament scheme for more than thirty years in two aspects: theoretical research and practical exploration, and puts forward the pos- sible future development direction.  相似文献   

On the Acceptance and Dissolution of State Discourse ——"Classes" and "Class Struggle" within the Field of Vision of People's CommunesZhang Letian, Professor, Department of Sociology. Fudan University Shehuixue yanjiu, 2002, no. 5Although the discourse of revolution came from the state, from outside, it soon became  相似文献   

20 0 5年3月2—3日,中国社会科学院科研局和日本研究所在北京共同举办了“中国社会科学院第九届国际问题论坛”。中国社科院院直机关及日本所有关负责同志和来自上海、长春等地的专家学者约30余人出席了会议。会上,专家学者们围绕着“当前中日关系的问题及对策”这一议题,从内政、外交、经济、社会舆论及思潮等角度进行了热烈的讨论和认真的分析。值得指出的是,不仅那些在国际问题上有较高造诣的资深学者披露了颇有学术价值的新见解,许多年轻学者也发表了富有新意的观点。为了将围绕这一议题的讨论进一步引向深入,本刊特从与会者提交的会议论文中选出四篇摘要刊出,欢迎相关学者对此发表高见  相似文献   

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