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1.D efin ition of D esertificationCalled“a major threat to humanity”by the UnitedNations,desertification is one of the world’s most a-larm ing processes of environmental degradation.De-fined by the United Nations Convention to Combat De-sertification(U…  相似文献   

韩金锦 《经营管理者》2013,(3):96+74-96
Mr.Winterbourne in Henry James ’ novel Daisy Miller and Mr.Darcy in Jane Austen ’ s novel Pride and Prejudice are two heroes with great acknowledgements.Mr.Winterbourne is in admiration of Miss Daisy , while Mr.Darcy is in pursuit of Miss Elizabeth.One story ends up with sorrows and regrets while the other ends with joys and satisfaction.I would like to provide evidences to analyze how the male characters ’ action and thoughts affect the consequences.  相似文献   

阮丽 《管理与财富》2009,(12):106-107
With China' s accession to the WTO and the success of 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China' s tourism industry has entered a new stage of development. This thesis introduces the cultural features of tourist diet, and attempts to employ Susan Bassnett' s cultural translation theory in analyzing the C-E translation of tourist diet with the purposes of surveying cultural information that is heavily loaded in tourist diet. The author attempts to propose some practical techniques for their translation, and it is also suggested that the translator should flexibly choose to apply these techniques according to the cultural connotation of dish names.  相似文献   

The Seventh International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007) was held in Beijing, China, May 27-30, 2007. The theme of ICCS 2007 was "Advancing Science and Society through Computation." It aimed to bring together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering the advanced application of computational methods to sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, arts and humanitarian fields, along with software developers and vendors, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research, as well as to help industrial users apply various advanced computational techniques.  相似文献   

基于MCMC稳态模拟的贝叶斯经验费率厘定信用模型   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
B黨lmann-Straub model is one of the most famous applications of the Bayesian method for the experience rate making.However,by the traditional B黨lmann-Straub model one cannot get the unbiased posterior estimation of the parameters when there is not sufficient prior information for the structural parameters;What's more,the difficult of computing high dimension numeration limits the application of Bayesian method.This paper introduces the Markov chain Monte Carlo simulaton method based on the Gibbs sampling after analyzing the structure of the B黨lmann-Straub model and sets up the Bayesian credibility model for estimating the predictive risk premium.Also by using the results of the numeration analysis,this paper proves that from this model one can get the posterior distributions of the parameters dynamically and the posterior estimation of the censoring parameters in the situation that exists unknown parameters,as well as improve the precision of the numeration,which can be helpful to find the heterogeneity of the premium.  相似文献   

It is also widely acknowledged that Long Day's Journey into Night,O'Neill's biographical play,not only expose the tangled relationship with love and hatred in the Tyrone's family,but also reflects family situation in the turning point of the 20th century,which can offer viewers plenty of inspirations to think.Owe to the value of the drama,a great many critics tend to study Long Day's Journey into Night from various perspectives of different theories.This work has never been analyzed from the perspective of Michel Foucault's theory.Thus,it is valuable to take a view at the whole drama in a unique angle-morality and madness,the theme of Michel Foucault's theory,which can reveal the original cause of the tangled relationship among family members.Morality and madness create a conflict of what it should be and what it actually is.The paper also provides a fresh view for a deeper analysis of the value on Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night.  相似文献   

COMPANIES NEVER seem to avoid two potholes on the road to growth. One is the daunting datum that three out of four mergers fail to deliver the results their advocates expected. There's a reason "tombstones" is the name for those business-section advertisements placed by investment bankers after a deal-a reason demonstrated by the recent dismissal of Hewlett-Packard's CEO Carly Fiorina, architect of that company's acquisition of Compaq. Second, time and again established firms stumble when  相似文献   

1972年,美国麻省理工学院的丹尼斯·米都斯发表了题为《增长的极限(The Limit to Growth:A Report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind)》的研究报告。该报告以人口增长、粮食生产、工业发展、资源消耗和环境污染这5大基本因素构成世界系统仿真模型,阐述了产业革命以来经济发展造成的环境恶化的后果,以及这种后果将对经济增长的制约。该报告提出,如果世界的消费模式不节约资源,经济增长继续以破坏环境为代价,  相似文献   

<正>The social gap in almost every country is increasing.Not even since the financial crisis in 2008 , there is the question of how to counteract this development.In times of facing the woes of the European sovereign debt  相似文献   

组合评价方法的相对有效性分析及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although it is an etfctive method for combination evaluation to solve the inconsistency from dif ferent evaluation conlcusions,different results will still be caused汕en adopting different combination evaluation methods,and this is a new inconsistency.On the basis of introducing the definition of validity and four assumptions,the paper shows an idea comparing different combination evaluation methods.validity through an example,and provides a way to solve the new inconsistency mentioned above.  相似文献   

补货能力影响部分短缺量拖后率的边补货边需求EOQ模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the hypothesis of time-dependent partial backlogging,the effect of the waiting time between the next replenishment and the satisfaction of the backlogging demand on the rate of partial backlog-grog was investigated in this paper. Then the backlogging rate influenced by the replenishment capacity and the total of backlogging demand was proposed. Based on this new standpoint,an EOQ model of replenishment with the replenishment capacity affecting the partial backlogging was built up.At last,an emulator was performed and the results showed:improving the replenishment capacity could reduce the replenishment times to a lower constant level;this effect may increase the waiting time before the next replenishment,but it could decrease the waiting time after the start of reple山shment;so the trend of the lostsales varying with the replenishment capacity was not very distinct at the medium level of the replenishment capacity;However,the more adequate replenishment capacity could reduce the number of lostsales and improve the rate of partial backlogging during shortage period than the less one.  相似文献   

Management FrontierAn Empirical Study of the Impact of International Experi-ence on Foreign Market Selection for Chinese FirmsGame Theory Analysis of Relationship between Markupand RebateThe Research of The Disruptive Innovation Strategy on TheAngle of Customer LoyaltyManagement ExplorerResearch into C2C-oriented Online Consumers’DecisionBehavior Based on Different PatternsBoundary of Virtual OrganizationEnterprisesSurvey Study on the Impact of Entrepreneurial Social Cap-it…  相似文献   

Based on the production organization processes of steel-iron factories,this paper proposes a hybrid MTO-MTS order planning management method,and establishes integer programming models for the order planning problems based on MTO management idea and MTO-MTS management idea respectively. The models take into account earliness/tardiness penalty,inventory cost,production cost,inventory matching cost and order cancellation penalty,and consider inventory matching and production planning simultaneously. In order to solve the models,a PSO algorithm with heuristic repaired strategy for infeasible solutions is designed. In the experiments,parameters are analyzed and three sets of data with different order quantities are tested. Numerical results show that the MTO-MTS management mode can avoid the risk of demand forecasting inaccuracy, coordinate the contradiction of fast delivery and low inventory,and adapt to the development trend of the diversification and individualization of market demand.  相似文献   

刘颖 《经营管理者》2013,(3):374-374
Middle school PE teaching is an opening system , and also a ecosystem with life energy , in this system , the various elements achieve the understanding of the curriculum meaning through dialogue and reflection , achieve the generation process of middle school PE curriculum.  相似文献   

2012年7月11日,德国阿登纳基金会和上海对外贸易学院金融学院举行了主题为"Regional Challenges for Economic Governance from a Chinese Perspective"的学术会议。德国基民盟党团副主席、议员Michael Fuchs先生、以及来自德国基尔大学、杜塞尔多夫大学、卡尔斯鲁厄大学的教授及研究生、上海社科院、上海国际问题研究院的国内外专家学者、高校学生等近40人参加了会议。会上,徐永林教授、傅连康副教授以及冯小兵教授分别作了题为"Problems Associated with the Debt of Local Governments in China""Challenges for the Transformation of the Chinese Economy"以及"China’S Role for Stabilizing the Global Banking"的交流发言,并回答了德方参会人员的提问。  相似文献   

美国最近有一本新书《黯然失色:生活在中国经济统治的阴影下》(E-clipse:Livinginthe Shadow of China’s Economic Dominance)引起不小反响和争论。这本书以二十国集团峰会上奥巴马低头与胡锦涛握手的照片作为封面,用意明显。  相似文献   

This is a small paper on the foreign language teaching. Paper is divided into two parts. The first part is about some of my teaching experience;And the other part concern the academic in my opinion.  相似文献   

The inner mechanisms accounting for the efficiency droop in III-Nitride based LEDs have been investigated extensively. Here we give a brief discussion of the possible mechanisms: defect &dislocations r...  相似文献   

A normal and healthy rural financial system for the rural economy sustained and rapid development has an important role in safeguarding . Despite years of reform of rural finance system has made signif...  相似文献   

在统计分析中,多元多水平数据越来越多的被应用到现代科学的各个领域,对于这类数据分析方法的需求也随之上升。目前,对于二元数据在完全随机分组实验里的研究是最基本也是最普遍的一种分析,然而这种二元数据的分析并非简单易行。通常的方法是GLMM分析方法,因为这能够保证检验拥有很好的精度和适当的第一类错误水平。然而GLMM分析方法在计算上较为复杂且时常出现非收敛性。反观Cochran’s Q检验不但拥有GLMM分析的优势,同时简易的计算方法和结果的收敛性使得这种方法更加有效。以前的研究我可GLMM分析方法已经被更广泛的归纳,但Cochran’s Q检验仅仅应用于两元多水平的实验数据分析中。因此本文利用实例来阐述并解释Cochran’s Q检验在多元多水平数据中的应用。  相似文献   

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