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Using a co-integrated VAR model, this paper analyzes the dynamic effects of oil price and interest rate shocks on the Russian economy for the period 1995:Q1-2008:Q2. The co-integration analysis leads to the finding that a 1% increase in oil prices contributes to real GDP growth by 0.8%, suggesting an increase four times that reported by Rautava (2002), in the long run. Furthermore, the impulse response analysis suggests that the impacts of the shock on inflation and real GDP are positive over the next eight quarters (short run), whereas the tightening of monetary policy through interest rate channel is immediately associated with a decline in inflation as predicted by theory, but with an increase in real GDP over the preceding quarters.   相似文献   

This article demonstrates the manner in which key Russian officials engaged with and propagated the notion of multipolarity in the wider post-Soviet conjuncture—first in the 1990s and intensively during Vladimir Putin's first two presidencies. I argue that this demonstrates an earlier disarticulation of neoliberalism, globalisation, unipolarity, and hegemony than that offered in the nascent ‘multipolar turn’ in the sub-disciplines of International Political Economy and International Relations. Embedding understandings of multipolarity that cohere to state strategy, key Russian officials invite us to efface the divide between academic and political practice when understanding how world order concepts are propagated and normalised. A multifaceted treatment of multipolarity does not render it analytically dubious; rather, it cements its importance as a common sense and ‘polysemic’ understanding of global political affairs serving an explicit political function.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the newly formed public space that exists for Koreans in the Russian Far East (RFE). It shows that the notion of diaspora is a fluctuating political subjectivity in Russia that is largely defined and regulated by the state. It examines the changes that have taken place in the local politics surrounding the Korean diaspora in the RFE resulting from their experience of the Stalinist purge and their return from Central Asia during the post-socialist transition. Central to this research is a building called Koreiskii Dom and the conflicts surrounding its ownership and use. By examining these conflicts, this paper explores how the focus of community for Russian Koreans has shifted from national rehabilitation to cultural recognition influenced by the increasing prominence of businessmen in local politics, and the substantive demands made on public spaces for practices of cultural reconsolidation.  相似文献   

俄罗斯对中东事态的基本态度是:同情阿拉伯国家反对派、支持国际制裁、反对西方军事干涉、主张政治解决。俄罗斯领导人在决策和表态时,注意维持同世界主要大国,首先是同西方大国和"金砖国家"的平衡,维持同阿拉伯国家和非洲国家的平衡,维持当事国当权派和在野派的平衡。在阿拉伯世界维持适度乱局,既有利于推高油气价格和刺激军火出口,改善俄罗斯国际收支状况;也有利于提升俄罗斯在西方心目中的地位,改善同西方关系。俄罗斯不存在强大的反对派,民众赞同现行发展方针,重稳定甚于重改革,主体民意反西方,不容易受"阿拉伯之春"的影响。  相似文献   

'Besting the West' applies the concept of a 'gender game and strategy' to an analysis of the changing Russian response to NATO expansion from the end of the Cold War through the signing of the NATO-Russia Founding Act in May 1997. The article is divided into three sections. The first explores the concept of a gender game, and analyses the feminized gendering of Russia within the post-Cold War Russian press. The second examines a strategy and tactics of 'besting', traditionally used by persons or groups who occupy a subordinate position in a hierarchy and therefore 'play with a losing hand'. Assumptions about power underlying this 'Machiavella' strategy are contrasted briefly with those of Machiavelli, one of the symbols of a masculine realpolitik. The third section traces the development of Russia's post-Cold War relationship to the West in three stages: Roughly through 1993, Russia was servile to and dependent on the West; in 1994 'she' overcompensated for this weakness by becoming 'tough', which only increased her isolation; finally, after Primakov became Foreign Minister in 1996, Russia began to 'best' the West, that is, to act rather than react in an attempt to change the game so that her interests would be taken into account against the background of NATO enlargement.  相似文献   

Based on econometric methods, we found that Tatar children from families with better material conditions and those who live in bigger cities are more likely to use the Russian language at home. Although Tatar seems to be well protected, thanks to local language policies after perestroika, we found some warning signs for the reformulation of public policies for the maintenance and development of minority languages in Russia.  相似文献   

We present a rural Finnish case of nature conservation called the nature values trade (NVT) as an example of the process of changing ecological and cultural states and preferences of environmental policy. We emphasise the importance of local ecological and cultural circumstances for the formulation of environmental policy. The study shows how regional actors in nature conservation and forestry were able to combine forest ownership and nature conservation through authentic dialogue, and overcome a nature conservation conflict, brought about by conflicting international biodiversity goals and the cultural preferences of landowners. Later, their ideas were included in the National Biodiversity Programme and implemented as a pilot project by regional actors, which in turn affected the ecological and cultural state of nature conservation. The NVT reflected international and large-scale trends in environmental policy, and opened new opportunities for further developing environmental policy.  相似文献   

Qualitative studies of ageing have called for attention to be paid to the diverse experiences of older people and to their agency in negotiating opportunities and constraints. A lack of research into the experiences and subjectivities of rural elders has been noted. Yet, the majority of research concerning elderly people in contemporary Russia continues to treat old age as a category and focus on particular practical and material forms of assistance available to pensioners. This article, aims to contribute to the small but growing body of ethnographic studies which shed light on the lives of elderly people in Russia as subjects in their own right. Based on ethnographic fieldwork from rural Siberia, the article explores the ways in which elderly people experience and interpret day-to-day (in)securities, forms of care and social support. In doing so the article explores three key questions: Firstly, how do lived realities, both past and present, and normative values of rural life intersect in elderly people's experiences of (in)security in post-socialist contexts?; Secondly, what forms of assistance do older people view as legitimate in their everyday lives? In particular, how are emotional exchanges and interpersonal connections interpreted and what securities do they bring?; Thirdly, what is the significance of symbolic support and recognition for elderly people and how do these draw on practices and frameworks from the socialist past?  相似文献   

Basic values, attitudes toward the homeless, and specific beliefs about a proposed facility were examined, along with the NIMBY (Not In My BackYard) phenomenon, to explore if, and to what degree, these factors affect community acceptance or rejection of a facility for the homeless. Previously designed Protestant ethic (PE) and Humanitarian-Egalitarian (HE) scales were used to measure two basic values (Katz & Hass, 1988). Scales to measure attitudes toward the homeless and beliefs about a planned facility were developed. As predicted, values, attitudes, and beliefs correlated with each other and were related to plan acceptance, so that HE, pro-homeless attitudes, and positive beliefs about the plan were positively related to acceptance, and PE, anti-homeless attitudes, and negative beliefs about the plan were positively related to rejection. Also as predicted, four proximity measures were all related to acceptance of the plan.  相似文献   

Basic values, attitudes toward the homeless, and specific beliefs about a proposed facility were examined, along with the NIMBY (Not In My BackYard) phenomenon, to explore if, and to what degree, these factors affect community acceptance or rejection of a facility for the homeless. Previously designed Protestant ethic (PE) and Humanitarian-Egalitarian (HE) scales were used to measure two basic values (Katz & Hass, 1988). Scales to measure attitudes toward the homeless and beliefs about a planned facility were developed. As predicted, values, attitudes, and beliefs correlated with each other and were related to plan acceptance, so that HE, pro-homeless attitudes, and positive beliefs about the plan were positively related to acceptance, and PE, anti-homeless attitudes, and negative beliefs about the plan were positively related to rejection. Also as predicted, four proximity measures were all related to acceptance of the plan.  相似文献   

高校流行语反映了大学生独特的心理特征和思想动态,不仅是校园文化的重要组成部分,而且已经逐步成为校园文化建设的重要载体。地方高校要想形成有特色、有竞争力的学校就必须树立极具影响力的特色文化。从高校流行语入手,可以通过凝练校园精神、加强地方特色历史文化宣讲、建设校园广播品牌栏目、疏导学生论坛、引导学生社团和实践环节等措施来建设具有地方特色的高校校园文化。  相似文献   

This article explores state involvement in the ‘enchanted’ aspects of irrigated rice production in Bali, Indonesia. Modernising states invariably forward what Max Weber called the rationalisation and disenchantment of the world. In irrigation management, the Indonesian colonial and postcolonial states operated staunchly on this model. ‘Enchanted’ elements of Balinese rice production involving temples and rituals were assumed irrelevant and sidelined. Recently, however, bursts of state-funded construction of irrigation temples and shrines suggest a surprising shift. The post-Suharto decentralised state appears to be supporting the enchantment of irrigated agriculture. This article deals with the relationship between legislation under the decentralised state and ritual building activities in Balinese irrigation associations (subak). We examine how contemporary farmers view the new emphasis on ‘ritual technology’. Does it constitute decentralised support of the farmers' world, of local priorities and variance, or a new homogenising project?  相似文献   

加强内地高校大学生对港澳区情教育消弭两地文化壁垒,舒缓心理认知偏见,促进两地高校交流与合作,理应成为我国国情教育的题中之义。截至目前,内地高校尚未系统将港澳区情教育纳入我国国情教育范畴,这不仅反映出我国国情教育的滞后性,并由此带来一系列问题。该文就此问题对高校开展港澳区情教育的价值体认和策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Nikolai Fedorov, the obscure librarian in late tsarist Russia, had created a grand theory. According to it, the humanities should be united under the aegis of the Tsar to engage in the complete mastery over nature, spreading all over the universe and the resurrection of the dead. This totalitarian and messianic aspect of fedorovism could be well incorporated into totalitarian messianism, the belief in the omnipotence of science and exploration of space – all the key elements of Soviet ideology. Consequently, the regime became ‘Fedorovian’ without cognizing it. While Gorbachev’s reforms made it possible for many Soviet intellectuals to be acquainted with Fedorov, the collapse of the regime and the country had led to profound implications for these Soviet intellectuals’ perception of Fedorov’s teachings and related theories. For some, it led to embracing the peculiar cocktail of mysticism and the occult. For others, the end of the USSR implied that Fedorov’s dream – humanity’s mastery over nature – would never be accomplished. It also implied that humanity is not very different from the other species and would disappear in the future.  相似文献   

集体行动(群体事件)是我国转型期较新的社会问题,信息传播在其中扮演着重要的角色。本文从议程设置、大众传播的理论出发分析在这些集体行动(群体事件)中信息传播的环境,对信息环境环境化形成的媒介、意见领袖、受众三方面的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

胡琪 《科学发展》2012,(5):92-99
当前,上海人口新二元分割的特征还很明显,城市外来人口渴望融入和认同的心态非常迫切。随着国家对城乡关系的战略调整,确实需要反思长期以来执行的对外来人口"经济吸纳、社会排斥"的管理政策,积极引导和吸纳外来人口融入城市。在经济社会快速发展和城市化不断深入的社会背景下,如何帮助外来人口从经济、社会、文化多层面融入当地社会,是构建和谐社会的重要议题。  相似文献   

A cultural theme of distressed working mothers depicts working mothers as caught between the demands of work and family in an unforgiving institutional context. Susan Faludi first identified this theme as a conservative backlash against feminists' attempts “to have it all.” But a similar narrative helps support demands for more flexible work–family policies and more significant housework contributions from fathers. We explore the actual trends and prevalence of this distressed working mothers theme by coding 859 newspaper articles sampled from the 1981–2009 New York Times. Articles discussing problems for working mothers increased in the mid‐1990s and have continued increasing into the twenty‐first century. Other themes about problems and benefits for working mothers show quite different trends. There is also an unexpected mid‐1990s shift in attention from problems working mothers are having at home to problems at work. The increase in the distressed working mother theme coincides with the mid‐1990s stall in the gender revolution. The simultaneity of the cultural, economic, political, and attitude trends suggests that the rise of the distressed working mother theme and the stall in the gender revolution may have mutually reinforced each other over the last two decades.  相似文献   

2012年,上海科技产出稳步增加、企业创新能力加快提升、科技产业发展提速、创新资源加速集聚、创新环境持续优化、科技创新综合实力逐步增强,为创新驱动转型发展积蓄了新动力。2013年,上海发展所面临的国际、国内环境都将更趋复杂,形势将更加严峻,上海科技发展必须深入研究新情况、顺应新形势、融入新格局、把握新机遇、迎接新挑战,在积极推动城市转型发展中实现新提升。  相似文献   

俄罗斯自视为“世界大国”,伊朗自视为“中东大国”。俄伊关系对中东政治格局具有重大的影响。俄伊两国在经济金融、核能开发、军工装备和打击恐怖主义等方面,存在着共同利益。但与此同时,俄罗斯和伊朗在叙利亚问题、对美国关系和中东地缘政治等议题上,仍然存在猜忌和矛盾。自视为“世界大国”的俄罗斯与美国保持既合作又竞争的复杂关系,因此在中东事务上,保持着与美国及其盟国的关系;自视为“中东大国”的伊朗反对外部力量干涉,反对美国及其盟国影响中东事务。美国的压力和威胁,促成了俄罗斯和伊朗之间的多领域合作。然而,俄罗斯和伊朗对美国的认知差异,是俄伊两国关系进一步发展的重要障碍。  相似文献   


The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 changed the course of American history. Because of the scope and proportion of the disaster, its impact on witnesses was unprecedented both with regard to the numbers of people who were psychologically affected as well as the intensity of individual reactions. To better understand how different groups of people witnessing the events through the mass media were impacted, we conducted a qualitative study of a sample of Russian immigrants. The data illustrate the emotional and cognitive reactions of the participants and their coping with the traumatic effect of the events. Possible links between the properties of Russian immigrants as a group and their responses to this traumatic effect are discussed.  相似文献   

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