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Studies on the division of domestic labor find that women take on a greater proportion of domestic responsibilities; this has implications for both women and men who work in demanding jobs. In this study of women and men science faculty at a major research university, the authors find that women tend to relate their experiences of the promotion process to both their domestic and faculty roles, whereas men tend not to consider thant their domestic roles have any bearing on their experiences of the promotion process. Women view the promotion process in terms of the components that make demands on their time, and they suggest ways that the process could (and should) be changed. Men view the process as a challenging game, and they describe the promotion process, as it currently exists, as necessary and acceptable. The authors find that there are compelling reasons to reconsider the structure of the promotion process and to strengthen and expand the programmatic supports that address the needs of women. Ramona Gunter is a Ph.D. student in education policy studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has master's degrees in Education Policy Studies and Cultural Anthropology and a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Physics. She has worked as a researcher studying math and science education since 1996. The focus of much of this work has been on student experiences in undergraduate math and science courses and gender differences. Her current work looks at the experiences of science faculty, academic staff, and graduate students in their work environments. Amy Stambach is associate professor of education policy studies and an affiliate of Department of Anthropology and the Women's Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison  相似文献   

The article points out the cost to women of the feminist decision to support women’s choice to work only in the home. The author argues that women who work only in the home hurt themselves, their children, and other women. The women who actually drop out may end up living in poverty. Dropping out, job-sharing, and working part-time are not solutions as long as these options are taken almost exclusively by women. The solution is to follow strategies that promote equal responsibility between men and women for childcare and housework, rather than encouraging women to work only in the home or to make their double burden work. Such strategies include marriage agreements that recognize the opportunity costs suffered by women who drop out of the workforce, and legislative changes that remove the tax and other benefits that subsidize married men whose wives work only in the home.  相似文献   

Conclusion  Although I find the analysis in this paper superior to earlier papers that simply attempt to measure wage differentials across occupations, the analysis still remains flawed and the underlying assumptions of the authors are not clearly stated and can be questioned. The authors assume that firms erect barriers that prevent women from entering certain occupations and that, therefore, also prevent women from taking advantage of higher relative pay. The idea that there might not be a sufficient number of women who want to work in or are qualified for any given occupation is not considered. The authors also do not give an adequate theoretical explanation for their finding of a positive correlation between profitability and smaller gender wage gaps. Economic theory sometimes suggests the opposite conclusion and therefore it is up to the authors to provide an alternative theoretical explanation. It is also assumed that all productivity factors have been “controlled for” in the analysis and that any wage gap that exists between men and women is due to “bad” discrimination. The conclusion of the paper therefore being that if affirmative action is having an effect on wage differentials between men and women (which their evidence indicates is the case for some industries) that this is a positive effect. However, if the assumptions upon which this conclusion is based are questionable, then the conclusion is questionable as well. Affirmative action legislation that decreases the wage gap between men and women may actually be counter-productive. Deborah Walker received her B.S. and MBA from Arizona State University and her Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University. She worked as an Associate Professor of Economics at Loyola University New Orleans from 1987 to 2000. She has also worked as a policy analyst in Washington, D.C. She is currently a part-time instructor at the University of Colorado at Denver and Metropolitan State College of Denver and has started her own business. She has published several journal articles and public policy analyses and has contributed to several books. Most of her publications have been in the area of the economics of women in labor markets.  相似文献   

Gender role attitudes and college students’ work and family expectations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Work and family issues are becoming increasingly important for both women and men. This study examines college students' plans and attitudes concerning work and family, gender differences in attitudes and expectations, and the effect of gender role attitudes on future expectations. Findings indicate that a majority of men and women expect to marry, have children, and work full-time. While men expect to work more hours at a job, there are no gender differences in ideal work hours. Women who hold more egalitarian gender role attitudes are less definitive in their plans to marry and have children. Egalitarian men expect to work fewer hours and are more willing to stay at home than their traditional counterparts. Her research interests include gender, family, demography, aging, and the life course. She is currently working on a study of fathers' experiences with work-family conflict and adaptive strategies for balancing the two domains, which is being funded by the American Sociological Association.  相似文献   

托尼·莫里森的新作《慈悲》再现了1680年前后北美殖民地初期美洲大陆居民生活的历史画卷。与此同时,作品也向读者揭示了女性如何在蛮荒环境中努力寻找自己的价值与立足点以及女性群体的悲惨遭遇。从某种程度上说,《慈悲》正是一部女性构建自我意识的悲剧史。文章展示了小说中四位女性——丽贝卡、莉娜、"莎罗"、弗洛伦斯构建自我意识的悲剧历程,挖掘了女性在构建自我意识过程中的弱点,探讨了女性找到自我的真正方法。  相似文献   

以往,女性在某种程度和意义上是处在"被男性消费"的地位,最明显的表象就是大众传媒中抛头露面的大都是一些比较吸引人的女性形象,因为在以往的消费观念中,产品宣传被冠以女性形象会获得利益上的双赢。现代的经济变化消除了这种差异。当越来越多的女性走向社会,发挥着越来越重要的作用,同男性一起作为社会的创造者,社会的宽容也会让人们乐于享受家庭生活,尊重女性。欣然接受女性成功而不觉得自己懦弱的"新好男人"也有了自己的发展空间,两性发展的多元化将成为一种趋势,多元化的两性发展,要求多元化的媒介表达,在广告设计中也是如此。唯有充分实践多元化的人文设计,才能给彼此一个更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

The present study explores the close friendship patterns of transgender individuals by considering the role of gender identity (trans men, trans women, non-binary) and LGBT affiliation (affiliated, non-affiliated) on friends’ identities. Participants were 495 transgender individuals who completed a questionnaire reporting their identities as well as the identities of their close friends. Friendship patterns were explored based on the number of friends who identified as transgender/cisgender, sexual minority/heterosexual, and LGBT affiliated/non-affiliated. Overall, participants reported more cisgender (vs. transgender) friends and more sexual minority (vs. heterosexual friends), suggesting that the majority of their friendships are experienced in a cross-gender identity context. However, important friendship patterns were distinguished across LGBT affiliation and gender identity of the participant. Trans participants who were LGBT affiliated (vs. non-affiliated) reported more transgender friends, more sexual minority friends, and more LGBT affiliated friends. With regard to gender identity, trans men reported more sexual minority and more LGBT affiliated friends when compared to trans women. In addition, trans women reported more non-affiliated friends than both trans men and non-binary individuals. Discussion focuses on the implications of the findings regarding the distinct experiences of trans individuals across gender identity and the common assumptions behind research that frames transgender experience within the larger LGBT community.  相似文献   

家庭是人类社会最基本的单位,又是妇女生存和活动的主要空间。在汉儒礼教思想统治之下,家庭权利为男子所独占,“男尊女卑”成为不可避免的现实。魏晋南北朝时期,妇女家庭地位有显著提高,这可以从妇女的社交、夫妻关系及教育子女、管理家庭事务四个方面的分析中得出结论。  相似文献   

《简·爱》中的桑菲尔德阁楼上被囚禁的伯莎·梅森并非是个"疯女人",她在小说中的每一次出现、每一次行动都是智者的所为。她不是简·爱与罗切斯特的爱情线索的陪衬人物,而是独领一条线索,揭示了女性被剥夺话语权与自主权后的艰难困境,全书并以这条暗线与简·爱所引领的公开争取妇女权利的明线相呼应。  相似文献   

This article is an update of the data compiled by Simon and Landis (1991) in The Crimes Women Commit: The Punishments They Receive. I examine current data on female labor, education, arrest and prison statistics to further evaluate the arguments expressed by Simon and Landis in 1991. Based on the demographic data, women have increased their opportunity to commit crimes, and their taking advantage of these opportunities is reflected in the increased female crime rate. Overall, these data show that women are committing crime at a steady rate. When compared to men, women seem to be committing the crimes of embezzlement, fraud, forgery, and larceny at a rate comparable to men. Thus, the arguments expressed by Simon and Landis in 1991 are further supported.  相似文献   

The analysis of labour supply involves two issues: whether individuals participate in the labour market and, if they do, for how many hours. In this article we investigate the differences in labour supply of married women and cohabiting women in the Netherlands; we try to answer the question how these differences can be explained. From this study, it can be concluded that differences between both categories of women in participation and in weekly hours worked can predominantly be explained by differences in characteristics (e.g. age, net wage rate, and age of children), than by differences in behaviour. The empirical results indicate that cohabiting women are more economically independent than married women. However for married women we found evidence that there was increased economic independence during the eighties; i.e. their weekly hours work has become less affected by the income of their partners.  相似文献   

Although claiming to represent the views of military women on the combat exclusion policy, feminist activists actually represent only a minority of Army women. Most women soldiers do support opening the combat arms to women, however only on a volunteer basis and with physical qualifications for those jobs. Most Army women are not interested in serving in the combat arms, and roughly half do not believe they would be capable of doing so. A gap exists, then, between activists who deny differences between men and women and seek to bring women's policy in line with men, and women soldiers who support greater opportunities for women but who do not perceive most women as equally qualified for the combat arms as men. Furthering the gap between these activists and much of their constituency, the feminist framing of the debate has neither been tailored to fit the specific nature of the military as an organization (one which does not value individualist perspectives) nor the particular circumstances of the lives of military women (particularly enlisted and/or minority women). She specializes in gender, rank, and race relations in the military, as well as U.S. participation in peacekeeping operations.  相似文献   

1942年4月1日《解放日报》将“文艺”专刊改为综合性副刊。《解放日报》改版前的作品更多地是呈现知识分子对于自由婚恋的憧憬与理想,探讨婚后女性面临家庭与事业难以兼顾的窘境以及个人私欲与革命信仰进行博弈而产生的离婚危机。改版后,综合副刊上刊登的婚恋作品主人公大多是工农兵出身,呈现出政治进步可以成就美满婚姻、夫妻共同参加生产劳动可以促进家庭和谐、男女努力学习知识就可以收获爱的体验的新型婚恋观。文章通过考察改版前后不同时期《解放日报》上发表的涉及婚恋问题的文学作品,发现了延安时期男女婚恋观念的嬗变轨迹,认为《解放日报》对男女婚恋问题的反映与思考,对建国后“十七年文学”有着深刻的影响与启示。  相似文献   

海伦和珠牡分别是《荷马史诗》和《格萨尔王传》两部英雄史诗中最貌美的女性,由争夺她们而各自引发了长期的残酷的战争。史诗充分说明了在人类早期的男权时代,男子处于主宰地位,女子成为附属于男性的被奴役、被支配、繁衍后代的工具。这种在利益的驱使下发生的婚姻关系最终使女性受到压制,人格受到歧视。女性没有把握自己命运的主动权,只是作为一种美的存在而物化为男性尊严的载体,是男人争夺的附属物,承担了礼物和荣誉载体的角色,同时也承担着战争的痛苦结果。女性作为人的价值只是反映在男人的标准上,按男人的要求活着,用男人的标尺看待自己。海伦和珠牡的遭遇反映出当时妇女的命运和归宿,折射出当时社会架构下对女性的认知。通过对两位貌美女性的命运品性比较,揭示了东西方民族在社会观念、精神信仰和婚姻制度等方面的相似和差异。  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初,一大批东欧犹太女性进入美国。犹太女性移民大都因为生活贫困不得不进入就业市场,又因为传统文化和人际关系网络而主要进入美国工业化城市中的服装厂工作。这些犹太服装女工以年轻未婚女性为主,大都作为廉价劳动力分布在制衣生产线的基础性岗位上,面临职业升迁困难,工资处于低水平,以及遭遇性别歧视等困境。对于这样的工作境遇,她们一方面积极适应美国工厂的生产方式,同时也通过跳槽、参加工会和罢工等方式进行抗争,但大多数女性在婚后回归家庭,结束工厂职业生涯,选择以家庭为中心开展新的经济参与活动。  相似文献   

通过深度访谈两名从事中重度智障儿童语言康复的特教教师,了解特教教师开展智障儿童语言康复的原则、内容、策略、效果与存在的困难.资料的整理、分析显示,特教教师教育与康复结合,以语言为主、认知和精细动作辅助、以语言理解为重点对智障儿童进行语言康复;更多使用与教育相关的策略,有限地使用口部运动治疗法.特教教师从事语言康复面临专业学习不够、缺乏有经验的指导者和现有语言康复策略很难运用于智障儿童等困境.  相似文献   

李佩甫笔下的女性是伴随男性而存在的群体形象,大致可以分为四类:第一类是悲情形象;第二类女子具有叛逆园子;第三类为普通农村女子,能干却颇有瑕疵;第四类是经济上依附于男性生存的女子。作者笔下的女性作为与男性相对应的群体在其总体创作的位置和功能是靠否认自身凸现男性而得以确认的,潜藏在背后的深层原因是作家本人的男权中心意识。  相似文献   

This study contributes to our knowledge on the association between parenthood and psychological well-being by examining whether pre-parenthood lifestyles (leisure and paid work) moderate the transition to parenthood. We expected that people with less active lifestyles would find it easier to adapt to the demands of parenthood. Using eleven waves of the Swiss Household Panel (N = 1332 men and 1272 women; 1999–2008, 2010), fixed effects models are estimated for men and women separately. Results show that—on average—parenthood was not associated with well-being for men, whereas it increased well-being for women. As expected, the well-being premium/cost to parenthood was contingent upon individuals’ lifestyle before the transition to parenthood. For men, parenthood reduced well-being, but only if they frequently participated in leisure before the birth of the child. For women, motherhood had a beneficial effect on well-being but this effect was weaker for women who combined leisure with working long hours before motherhood.  相似文献   

孙惠芳是一位守望乡土的女性作家,在小说创作中,她依据女性切身的生命体验,建构出一个以荡妇为基本特征的乡村女性世界。概括为三类人物系列:一是在越轨的行为中,蕴含着对精神境界的向往与提升;二是在情欲的驱动下,表现出对生活法则与道德规范的大胆蔑视与叛逆;三是采用传统的偷情或调情方式获取生命激情的宣泄和满足。在作者笔下,所有女性都无法逃脱既定的悲剧命运。在当代文坛上,孙惠芳所表现出的女性体验、生命视角与人性关爱具有积极的探索意义。  相似文献   

Studies in the last decades show that perception of role conflict has changed in advanced societies so that (1) multiple roles may be beneficial rather than conflictual and (2) men, too, are subject to incompatible role demands. This study examines whether the same shift may be observed in a less developed society (Israel), and how perceptions of role combination and work satisfaction influence the work concessions made by women and men who work in occupations that are typical or atypical for their gender. The main assumption is that multiple roles lead to role conflict only if individuals fail to make concessions that allow them to regulate time and energy in both spheres. The findings show that women still make more concessions than men; work satisfactions strengthens the perception that combining family and work is possible; and only for women, the perception that combining family and work is possible reduces the number of concessions they make.
Dahlia MooreEmail:

Dahlia Moore   is a Social Psychology Professor. Her research focuses on two main issues: gender (sex segregation, role conflict, the wage gap), and perceptions of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. She is the Head of Graduate Studies and served as the Head of the Undergraduate Honors Program at the College of Management, Israel. In addition, Dahlia Moore is an elected member of the Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities (The Ministry of Industry and Commerce), and the representative of the Middle East in RC42 (Social Psychology) of the International Sociological Association.  相似文献   

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